G-Dragon-Being tough!

Big Bang One Shots

You where walking with Jiyong on the bank of the river. it was cold but as you told him before you guys left "I don't need a coat! I'm tough!," oh how much of a lie that was. But you still wanted to show him that you weren't weak and that you didn't need help ALL the time.

"Your cold. I can tell." Jiyong said while looking straight forward than looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"YAH! I am not! and anyways how would you know!? your not some kinda psyhic! your a rapper. Stick to that!," You said while smirking, satisfied with what you said. Good choice of words ____! lets see what he has to say to THAT! You thought to yourself while holding up a fist. You where totally unaware of what you where doing, Jiyong on the other hand was trying to hush his giggling, to bad you already heard.

"Yah! whats so funny!?," You asked as you stopped in your place to glare at him.

"Well, you are. your adorable when you try to be tough and even cuter when you talk to yourself," He smiled at you. You frowned and stomped your foot down.

"I am TOTALLY NOT weak!! pabo! I'm strong and-ACHOO!," You where cut off by your own sneeze. you shivered, but tried to hide it. Jiyong looked at you and sighed.

"Your hopeless, just say your cold and I can make you feel better?," He said more in the form of a question. You glared at him.

"No," You stated.

"Yes," He replied back. But you where not gonna let him win!






"HA now come here," He said and began to pull off his jacket. Your jaw dropped in shock. He just-What just-HUH!? You thought to yourself. You quickly shut your jaw to glare at himas he wrapped his jacket around you. He had the most heart melting, cutest smile on his face as he pinched your nose.

"Cute as a button! I love you~," He said leaning in for a kiss. You smiled and put your index finger on his lips to stop him.

"Yeah whatever," You said as you turned and began to walk away.

"Wha-YAH! _____!! wait up!," He said running to catch up with you.




Decided to make a cute GD tonight! subscribe maybe? LOL despreate here xD (jk)

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silversky515 #1
Chapter 15: OMG I love markiplier! Nice instagram tag
topwife #2
Chapter 8: PEW DIE PIE! he's freakin hilarious! but i do like him!