Chapter 7: The Stairs

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas

My jaw dropped. All boys. 

Okay. Scratch that. All gorgeous, angelic, smoking hot gods.

Oh my god. Did I just think that? I sound totally stupid... Angelic and smoky hot? Do they even go together?

"Hey, lady, who are you? And are you gonna stand there forever? I think I just saw something black fly into your mouth." On instinct, I glared at the guy who made the comment and gave him a haughty look. "And I think you need to have your lips super glued." A few of the other boys snickered but the boy just glared back.

"HAHAHHA! Sehun-ah, be nice," shouted Luhan. Then to me, "Come here, Jin Ae," and patted the seat beside him. I gave one final glare before going to Luhan. "He's mean," I whispered to Luhan with a pout as I felt all the anger being replaced with embarrassment. 

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "It's okay. Ignore him. He's the maknae; he'll get in trouble for being so rude." Luhan winked and flashed me a reassuring smile. "Hyung!" shouted the maknae, looking at Luhan with a hurt filled expression. But when Luhan didn't even glance at him, he swung his head towards the other boys. But they, like Luhan, paid him no attention, playing with their phones or talking with one another.

"Now," Luhan clapped his hands, " it's time for breakfast." A stream of maids and butlers waltzed in, placing down plate after plate onto the table. After taking the lids off the dishes, the maids and butlers made a bee line for the door, all bowing before closing the door shut

My mouth watered, and some drool probably dripped into my food, at the sight and smell of the food before me. The food may look foreign, but it sure beat the porridge and rice I always ate at home.

It was round and looked like a giant sized cookie with the aroma of butter surrounding it. I gave a questioning glance toward Luhan and he bent down, whispering softly into my ear, not wanting to embarrass me for the lack of knowledge in foreign food. "They're called pancakes." I nodded my head and dug in.

Having not eaten last night, I felt as if no matter how much food they had, it would never be able to fill me up. "You do know that there is plenty of food, right?" said a boy, with sharp looking eyes, eyeing the way I kept wolfing down pancake after pancake and occasionally stealing some from Luhan.

I turned to Luhan and he glanced at the boy. "Ignore him too." And he went back to his food. 

I shrugged my shoulders and decided to do as Luhan said.

Suddenly, the dinning room door swung open. A few more boys walked in, all looking as if they just stepped out of the front cover of High CutSeriously, is this place really just a house? It's starting to feel like I'm in a photo shoot. 

I heard the door swing open again but I was too busy eating to pay attention to whoever it was that walked in. Pancakes...why are you so good..

"Pig." I heard a voice grumble.

I stopped eating. One insult was bad enough, now another person wants to make fun of me? I don't know why, but since I was a child, I've always hated being insulted. Some people could tolerant it but me? HO HO HO. I would kill you. Maybe not physically but mentally. 

I angrily stood up, too fast, with my palms flat on the table, causing the chair to topple over. "I. Am. Not. A. Pig!" I could picture myself pulling one limb after another.

Looking up, I gasped. Eyes widened and everything. (a/n; HAHHAHAHA I don't know. it doesn't really make sense. but oh wells)

But then I started laughing, completely making a fool. Wait what? I quickly covered my with a panicked look on my face. The other boys watching tried stifling their laughs by coughing and pounding each other on the back. Baekhyun's lips slightly twitched upward but before anyone elsr could see it, he quickly covered it up by scowling. 

Maybe I laughed because I could already picture myself pulling his limbs off while laughing, my head filling with joy, without feeling any guilt or remorse. I'm evil aren't I? But I guess that's just happens when you spent your life with not many friends and getting insulted from so people at school.

Baekhyun took a seat. Thankfully not so close to me. Just the seat next to me. He sat in the seat that was between a really tall guy and a really nice looking person with a dimple that showed every time he smiled. Tall guy sat next to me. I scanned the rest of the table; feeling out of place. I wonder if there are any girls here. One boy was sitting near the head of the table was talking to another super tall guy across from him. Both with quite serious faces on. 

Next to the tall one sat a polite looking boy with big eyes and across from him was the boy with the dimple. After him was Baekhyun then the tall person that seemed to really love smiling. Then it was me, Luhan, then a boy with puffy cheeks. The one across Luhan was wearing a cap backwards and tanned skin. I felt jealous that he had dark skin. Being so white turns me into a bright strawberry whenever I go out in the summer. Which really makes feel crestfallen because I do love the sun.

Across me was a boy who somehow looked really sweet. Hmm...Then it was the one who asked why I ate so fast and lastly, the one who insulted me. Then I notice that everyone had a name tag and were all wearing uniform. "Luhan." I spoke out, "Are you guys going to school or something?" 

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. But yeah, we are. And guess what? You'll be transferring schools!" he said with a bright smile. "But don't worry," he continued, "you don't have to go today. You'll start tomorrow."

"Oh." I said and returned his smile.

Yay. School.  



Later that night, I roamed around the house, trying to remember ever inch of the house. A maid informed me that the boys had returned home and decided to asked Luhan some questions about school after I was done exploring.

I ended up in the library. It looked like those libraries you'd find in the rich Victorian homes in Europe. Rows and rows of books, way more then any library I've ever been in. I walked toward the middle and saw that there was another level. A round balcony holding up the second floor. 

I spotted a spiral staircase on the other end of the library and practically ran there like a child run towards her dream castle. I was half way up the stairs when the lights started flickering. I turned my head towards the lights, feeling my heart beating like crazy. A bewildered looked flashed across my face. What's wrong with the lights? The light flicked for a few more seconds before they returned to normal. I let out a sigh of relief and continued going. When I reached the top, I took a step on the carpeted floor and froze. 

The lights had flicked again, once, and turned off completely, leaving me blinded from everything. I reached toward the balcony edge, gripping it tightly. There weren't any windows here, ruling out any chance of seeing by moonlight.

I use the edge to guide me, hoping that I would bump into a lamp or a armchair to sit on. 




I then heard a shuffling around me, but I couldn't pin-point exactly where. The sound came from everywhere, surrounding me as if it were a big blanket. Am I going crazy? Am I suddenly blind and hearing things? Maybe the lights didn't actually turn off and I just suddenly turned blind. I waited, too scared to cry out for help --although I doubt anyone can hear me in this place. 

The shuffling started to get closer and closer and I started backing up, closer to the stairs. 

Then, the thing stopped. It was quiet - no, too quiet. So quiet that I was afraid to even breath. While thinking of what to do next, I heard a whizzing sound and then something hit my arm. Hard. It pierced my skin and sent enough force to push me toward the stairs. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to come. But it never did. Something grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 

"It's not your time yet." said a low voice and let go of me as quickly as it appeared.

The lights flashed back on.


-PAXP-deijE.gifHello readers!!! I know I know I'm a bad author. I didn't keep my word. Hehe..

I said maybe tomorrow but today is a month from the time I said "tomorrow" hehehe

But then I think I wrote a long enough chap to make up for it.. 

No? okay....  :'(


How about some EXO? 












P.S. I semi edited so...

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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.