Chapter 3: Harabeoji

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas


"The only heir? Don't you have any sons or daughter?"

"My only daughter died eighteen years ago."

His only daughter...? If he is my harabeoji, then that means... My eyes turned to saucers. "My mom?" He nodded. "My mom is dead?" 

"Yes. Since your mother and her husband is dead, you are the only one left from my bloodline. Therefore you are the only heir left."

"If I'm the only heir left then why have you taken me now? After eighteen years?" I exploded. 

"Your mother wanted you to be raised by her best friend. She made promise me that you would be raised by Mrs. Nam and not to be raised by me. And I kept the promise. You are eighteen, you are an adult now. Therefore you don't need to be raised anymore. I can take you back." he said calmly.

I thought for a moment.

"Then if I am an adult now, aren't I free to live anywhere I want?"

"You are. But would you really leave me heir less?"

"I don't even know you. Why would I care?"

"Because if you leave me heir less, once I die, all my fortune will be taken my the enemy company. They will steal everything that was rightfully yours. That includes this house."

I thought about it for a second. "So you're saying that all this is going to be mine?" I said while waving my hands around. 


Did I really want all this stuff? Harabeoji said that the enemy company would take it all if I don't inherit it.

"Who is the enemy company?" I asked him.

"That, I cannot tell you. It is for your own safety."

"Fine. I'll find out one day you know."

"I know you will."

"All right then. The thing concerning weather or not I will take my heritage, I am not sure yet. I need time to think."

"I knew you would say that. In the mean time, you will be living here. There are twelve other young men that are also living here. One group is called Exo-M and the other is called Exo-K. Each group lives in separate wings of the house. You will be staying in the left wing, with Exo-K." He paused then spoke again. "Mr. Hwang, please Miss to her room." And with that, grandfather turned in his armchair, facing the window behind him.

Mr. Hwang stepped in and bowed for me to exit. Then once I did, he bowed to my grandfather and quickly ran to me to my new room.

He led me down one floor and toward left wing. Then he opened the door and said, "When you are ready, go look for Mr. Byun Baekhyun. He will show you around." and bowed before walking away.

I walked in and nearing tripped myself. My suitcase was right in the doorway. But it was empty. 

"Where are my clothes?"

I found a set of white double doors and quickly walked over to pull them open. Inside, I found clothes everywhere. One side of the room had my own clothes while the other side had clothes I've never seen before. There were party dresses, shoes, accessories, and casual jeans and t-shirts.

I looked behind me and saw the prettiest thing ever. A four poster bed sat there. White curtains surrounded it. I ran over, eager to see it, and pushed the curtains away. The Navy Blue and White colored bed sheets matched the rst of the room. Two of the walls were Navy blue while the other two were a lighter blue.

I bounced on the bed, giggling to myself, then decided to look around some more. I found a desk with a laptop and Mp3 player. Everything was blue. "How does harabeoji know that blue is my favorite color?" I made a mental note to ask him the next time I saw him.

I suddenly stopped and remembered that Mr. Hwang told me to look for Mr. Byun Baekhyun. "I wonder if it's another one of those old maid and butlers." 




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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.