Chapter 10: Academy

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas

"Jin Ae-ah. Chanyeol here will be your tour guide for school today. He knows the place better than anyone." Said grandfather, his eyes glittered with amusement. Is he laughing at me? What could be so funny?


I found out what was so funny. Chanyeol, it turns out, is a terrible guide. We got lost about four times since we'd arrived at the school. So far, we had only managed to find only three of my classes. I was beginning to think that I would have done a lot better if I were by myself.

My sense of direction, according to Mom, was like that of a dog. When I was just two, we had visited her parents in they're apartment, those types of apartment that had stairs leading to another apartment, she had tried to trick me by telling me that her parents lived at the second level. They lived on the fifth floor. I told her that it wasn't and pulled her to the next level. She tried again two more times to trick me but it didn't work. When we finally got to the fifth level, she tried to pull me up to the sixth level, but I wouldn't budge. She was completely baffled. How could've a two year know exactly which floor her parents lived on when the two year old had only been there once. Every single floor looked exactly the same. 

"Hey! Look! It's the guys! Come on Jin Ae. They're really nice and you'll like them." Before I could reply, he dragged me over to them. 

As I got closer, I saw that the purple haired bastard was amongst the group. Great. Chanyeol manages to find his friends but not my classrooms. 

When Chanyeol stopped walking, I bumped into his large back and felt me nose being crushed in the process. What is this guy? He's so goofy and bubbly like a kid but his body is like bulwark.

"Chanyeol," I heard a guy say, " what are you doing with the girl? I thought you went for the other team?" Other team? Wait. He's gay? I have a gay cousin? 

"Ha ha. Very funny. And this isn't just any girl. It's Jin Ae." He stepped aside so that the others could see me. Once he stepped away, I felt nine pairs of eyes on me. The heat immediately rushed to my face. They were the guys from home. Gosh, this is so embarrassing. 

I felt a nudge on my arm and the pain that shot through it. This guy. He gets us lost and tries to re-open my stitches. The first time it opened was when Chanyeol yanked my arm, trying to get me to the car.

My head snapped up to him and I glared at him, hoping that he would get the message and stop messing with my arm.

He didn't.

He was too busy laughing.

"Jin Ae-ah, we haven't really introduce ourselves yet. I'm Suho." 

"Kai," said the tan one.

"D.O," said the one with the beautiful big eyes. 






Suho elbowed the mean one and whispered something into the latter's ears. 

"Sehun." He muttered, looking like he'd rather eat dog poop than talk to me. 

"Very good, Sehun." Suho then turned to me. "And we all know that you know Baekhyun. Quite well, it seems. Well enough to sleep in the same room." His voice was serious but I could see that his eyes were laughing. He was teasing me.

If he was trying to make me blush, he was doing a pretty darn good job because my face suddenly felt like it was hotter than fire.


By the time I got to my first class, I had learned their ages, their likes and their dislikes. They sure had a lot to say but Sehun and Baekhyun didn't participate in the conversations. They were too busy ignoring my existence. 

"Class? Class?" yelled the teacher. 

"Yes? Yes?" the students all responded. 

"Today we have a new student. Her name is Jung Jin Ae, granddaughter of Jung Yong Hwa. Please show her some respect and help her around." The teacher was calm but the students, after hearing 'Jung Yong Hwa', all gasped in surprise. What's with them?

The students began speaking amongst themselves but stopped when the teacher slammed his ruler on the table and yelled, "Quiet!" Then to me, " Jin Ae, please take that seat in the back of the room by the window there."

 Reluctantly, almost too scared to, I trudged slowly to the window seat. I felt their eyes on me, like a lion eyeing its prey. But when I looked at the person who sat beside me, I saw her look at me and rolled her eyes in disgust before turning back to look at the teacher. Did I offend her in some way? Why is she-

I jumped. The teacher had smacked the ruler against the table again. Turning quickly, I saw the teacher glaring at me. "Miss. Jung, your grandfather may be a rich fellow, but that does not give you an excuse to not pay attention in my classroom. Now pay attention." Turning away, "Now, back to history. The ancient Vikings...." 


All day long, I went from class to class, receiving the same reaction from the students when I was introduced as Jung Yong Hwa's granddaughter. By the time lunch rolled along, my feet felt like they hiked a mountain. The school was more like a university than a high school. It took forever to get from one department to the other. 

"Jin Ae!" I whipped my head around, trying to detect where the voice came from. The rest of the cafeteria also looked around with me. almost as if hypnotized, we all found the source of the voice, our heads snapping toward the same direction.

Chanyeol and Chen were waving their hands around like monkeys, trying to get my attention. They made a come-here hand motion. I pointed at myself. Me? The students flipped their heads in my direction, trying to see my reaction. Seeing it, they switched their heads over toward their direction.  Franticly, Chanyeol and Chen nodded their heads. 

Furrowing my eyebrows, I walked toward them. The cafeteria was enveloped in silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Completely, and utterly confused. 

"Wrong? There's nothing wrong. We were just trying to get your attention." Chanyeol answered.

That's how they get a girl's attention....?

Even though I felt like laughing at their ridicule, I couldn't help but feel the whole room staring at me with predatory eyes. 

Hello hello again. It's been a while....

So so so sorry, but I have been very busy, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. And I was also trying to updating my other stories.

This chapter, I started like in February but didn't finish it and didn't even touch it until today. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway. School's almost ending and I hope that you guys all have a great summer break!!

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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.