I got out of the car and ran inside. I had an Idea in the car. A SLEEPOVER!! I was so excited! I deiced to call Hyori. I told her to ask her to spend the night. I told her to bring some snacks to. I popped some popcorn, and made some snacks, and brought out some soda. I changed into my pajamas and rushed the girls to change. I layed out some blankets and pillows, and some games. I picked som movies and dramas to watch. I took  them downstairs and we waited for Hyori. I didn't tell Heyne because I wanted to surprise her. Hyori and I are like sisters. Well, I mean, including Heyne. I heard a knock on the door, I ran to the door and opened it. Hyori and I squealed in excitement. We were jumping up and down. Heyne came over and saw Hyori. She joined in. We sat down and I introduced her, 

"So, this is Hyori. She is like my best friend, As if she was my sister. And Hyori, this is Dara, Minji, CL, and Bom." I said excitedly. Then it hit me. "Hyori, give me your phone!" I said smiling. She gave me my phone and looked at my ring. She got up and squeled. "You're getting married!!!" I dialed Daehyun's number. I used her ohine so he wouldn't notice who it was. We were gonna prank call him. He answered the phone and put it on speaker. we all closed in. "Hello?" He answered. "Nice voice." Hyori whispered. "SShh!" I said. With a deep voice I said, "Hello, is this Jung Daehyun?" Then He said, "Yes, why?" Dara snatched the phone and said in a high squeaky voice, "Well, Your pizza is here! We are waiting at the door." Hyori and I had to back away from the group. We were silently laughing our heads off in the backround. "Uhm, I don't think I ordered pizza." He said all confused. My face was turning red from laughter. I thought I couldn't breath. CL took the phone and said, In a husky man voice, "Are you sure? You said your name was Daehyun." I couldn't take it anymore. I was laughing quietly. It sounded like a whisper. "Soomin-ah! I can hear your laughter!!" He said through the phone. I covered my mouth and I took the phine and said masking my voice, "Can you verify who this 'Soomin' is for us please?" I started laughing quietly and tears were coming down. I wiped them away and it was quiet. I stopped laughing and we all looked at each other. "Soomin-ah!! I know your laugh!! You can't fool me!!" He said through the phone we heard Yongguk in the backround saying, "Dude! No talking to bride-to-be!" Then we heard Zelo say, "Yeah hyung! it's bad luck!" "Hyung, get off the phone!" Jongup said. We also heard himchan say, "!" I took take it anymore. I busted out laughing. 

"See, I told you!" Daehyun said. "We sure fooled you though." I said laughing. "Yah! You're gonna get it tomorrow! I swear!!" He said to me. "I want to know what he looks like!" Hyori whispered to me. "Hey babe, Send me a picture of you. Then send a picture of you and the guys. Smile!" I said. "Arraseo. But only if you do the same! Smile!" He said to me. "OK. bye bye." "But why two pictures?" He said curiously.

"One for me. and one for the girls." I said to them. "OK! Love you!" He said. "Love you to." I said. I hung up the phone and put my phone camera on. We piled in and Heyne said, "Do I look good?" "Heyne, You will look fine for Zelo." I said teasing her. We smiled and I took the picture. I ran upstairs and went into my room and locked the door. I took off my shirt and flopped on the bed. I smiled at the camera. I made sure my s were in the picture. I texted him saying


Make yours shirtless for me!! :p 


If you do the same! XD


you haven't seen my picture yet!


Did you send the picture???


I forgot!! HAHA :p

I texted him and sent him my picture. Not long after, he sent me his. 


Woah! y!!!


With two y people, we can make some fine looking babies!!

I put my shirt back on and went downstairs. I sat down on the blankets and we were just talking about random stuff. But the room was full of laughter.


Haha! We are so gonna win against you tommorow!


Yeah right!! You know I can dance!


Damn! The way you dance be turnin me on!!!


Hey gtg before they catch me talking to you. love you baby. see yous tomorrow!! XD


Love you too! rest well! Saranghae!! 


Rest well too. 

I showed the girls a picture of the guys. "Uhm, who is that???" Hyori said. I look at the picture and it's the wrong one. It was the picture Daehyun sent me. "Oops, hol' up." I stwitched the picture and she aked, "ok, Well who is Daehyun?" I zoomed in on teh picture and put it on Daehyun's face. "It's to blurry." She said squinting. I showed her a different picture and she said, "Dayum!!! How did you get that??"She said checking out the picture. "Was that the shirtless guy in the other picture???"She asked again.

I nodded yes since I was drinking some soda. I put a movie in and we put out some snacks and popcorn infront of us. We watched the movie but we were wide awake. We decided to play a game of tag. Dara was it. We ran around the house laughing and screaming. Finally, CL was it. We all flopped on the blanktes and pillows. We were panting, and huffing and puffing. CL lightly tapped my arm. Out of breath she said, "You're It." I looked at Heyne and did the same to her. She did it to Bom, who did it to minji, who did it to Heyne, who did it right back to Dara again. We all brushed our teeth and washed our face, It was 9:30. I had to get up early tomorrow. We all said goodnight and we snuggled inside our blankets. I woke up the next morning. It was quiet. Very quiet.....Something's up.

( Sorry for uploading late. I needed some new ideas and there was no wifi....I am thinking about making a sequel guys!!! XD)


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Chapter 25: saranghae!!!! to you too!!!!! ha
Chapter 18: yay sequel!!!!!!!!!! xD
ricebunny0330 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating everyday~!!!! It gives me something to look forward to~ ^^ Fighting!!! <3
ricebunny0330 #4
Chapter 11: Hi Author~nim!! Thanks so much for writing this story and actually updating it pretty frequently!!! Sometimes people start a story and dont end and leaves us readers hanging =_=....Anyhoooo Just wanted to say Thank You!!!!! <3 :D