It's friday. I looked at the time. It was 9:30pm. I didn't tell anybody the deadline. I got ready, and put my my jeans, tanktop, and my leather jacket. I didn't bring my bag with me. I sat at the bottom stair.I din't notice everybody in the living room watching me. I tied my boots and wrote Daehyun a note, "My dear baby, I will always love you no matter what. I don't know what will happen tonight. But, whatever happens, I will never let go of what I had with you. Baby, I love you.<3"  I finished the note and I was still sitting down. I took the wrap out of my pocket and silent wrapped my fists. I left the note and the roll of my hand wrap on the bottom of the stairs.  I took the keys and stood infrnt of the door. I looked next to me and everybody was staring at me. I sighed and walked out. I arrived at the streets in time. But, they weren't there. Instead, two guys appeared and came to me. One of them said, "Well, If it isn't Soomin? The well-known streetfighting legend." It was true. But they were mocking me. They told me they had taken my little sister Heyne away from me. If I was able to kill the team, I would get her back. One of the men, was involved in capturing my little sister. I only knew because word doesn't get out on the street that fast. 

One of the men Threw me a kick to the head. but I caught it. In streetfighting, once your kick is caught, it is over for you. While holding his leg, I threw punches to his face until my wraps were covered in blood. I let him go. He fell to the ground and froze out of fear. The other man involved in taking my sister, Swung a few punches to my face. I ducked the last one and gave him a one-two punch to his face, and swinging out a kick to both of his knees making him weak. I stood behind him, Putting my left hand across his forehead, and my right hand across his chin. I held it tighlty. I said to him. "This will be your warning." In a second, I snapped his neck. I let the dead body fall in the cold hard ground. and let the other one, go away to spread the news. I went inside my car and started driving. I looked at my fists and they drenched in blood. I came back home at 12:00pm. They were still waiting for me in the living room. I looked at Daehyun and he was holding the note. He was staring at my fists. I glanced at them and the blood from the wraps were leaking onto my hands. I walked into the kitchen. I heard everybody follow me. I went to the sink and unwrapped my fists. I washed my hands and rung out the wraps and threw the leaky wraps away. 

I wrapped my fists in a new pair of wraps. I was going downstairs to practice. We all heard a knock on the door. Minji answered the door. It was silence. In fear, she said, "S-Soomin!" I looked over to see a group of guys. They were in the group of people who took my mother and kidnapped my sister. They walked inside. Minji hid behind me. The person leading the group said, "What a lovely place who have. Ah, THE Soomin. How is your mother?I heard we kidnapped your little sister. What was her name,?That's right, Heyne, Lee Heyne.I heard knews that you killed one of our men earlier. How was that? Well ,He seemed to be my bes freind. Do you know what happens when you kill somebody's freind?" He said. with is  group moving closer to me. "so, is that a challenge?" The leader said. I looked back at Minji and everybody else. I let go of her and walked outside. We went in the middle of my drive-through, infront of the house. Everybody else followed annd sat on the porch to watch me. I put my fists up, and the four guys ran up to me to attack. I blocked their punches with fast footwork, and threw punches back. I kicked them in the heads and make counter attacks.  One of them thought it was smart to attack from behind me. He kicked me to the ground. I had a busted lip. I got back up and continued fighing. My wraps were getting bloodier. Once I knocked everybody out, (Except for the leader) The leader came up to me from behind. I caught his arm and swung him infront of me. I twisted his arm so he wouldn't escape. With full force, I kicked his servical spine, Giving him in instatn death. One guy woke up and tried to attack me. I kicked his knees making him fall. I picked him back up by pulling his hair. I kneeled down behind him. He was facing the girls, B.A.P, and Daehyun. They were all just staring at him.  I said, "This is your warning. Tell me were he is." I said with my hands ready to snap his neck. "I wil never tell you. He will find you and kill you." He said with faint laughs. I said to him, "Three,Two, One." I was staring back at everybody else and snapped the guys neck. I said to myself, "3 Down, 5 more to go." I woke everbody else up and wraned them. I made them carry the dead bodies and go home. They did as I ordered and rushed home. I walked up to the front door, and I saw everybody staring at me on the porch. I walked inside and took a shower. I overheard Zelo saying, "Hyung,I'm scared of noona." "Why?" Himchan said. "Well ,she came home with bloody fists, Killed a guy earlier, and killed TWO MORE right infront of us." Zelo said in fright.

I had a long day. I took a shower and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning. "Daehyun?"

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Chapter 25: saranghae!!!! to you too!!!!! ha
Chapter 18: yay sequel!!!!!!!!!! xD
ricebunny0330 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating everyday~!!!! It gives me something to look forward to~ ^^ Fighting!!! <3
ricebunny0330 #4
Chapter 11: Hi Author~nim!! Thanks so much for writing this story and actually updating it pretty frequently!!! Sometimes people start a story and dont end and leaves us readers hanging =_=....Anyhoooo Just wanted to say Thank You!!!!! <3 :D