"Ready,Go!" Daehyun grabbed the food, drinks, and pillows. I ran upstair sand grabbed the blankets, clothes, and hygeine materials. We ran outside to the car. we decided to hide in there. "I forgot the keys!"I said, checking my bag. We went inside together. I thought it was zelo staning infront of me. we ran into the kitchen. I realized it wasn't him. I grabbed a skillet. Daehyun gave me a weird look. I snook up behind the man and the lights. The man turned around and it was Jaejoong. He had other guys with him. They approached Daehyun and me. I knocked Jaejoong out and a couple other guys with the skillet. "SWEET MAMA, I NEED TO GET ANOTHER ONE OF THESE!" I said. Daehyun Knocked everybody out with a few punches. Jaejoong stood back up, and I knocked him out with a punch. "OOOuuuucchh!" I whispered, squeezing my fist. Daehyun carried them out and I grabbed the keys. 

We got into the car and went into the Coffee Shop. "Can I get 2 caramel frappuccinos please?" Daehyun asked the waiter. "How did you know that was my favorite?" I said. "I didn't it was a guess." He said smiling at me. We took our coffee and went to the house. We quietly snook into the house and went upstairs to hide in my closet. Surpisingly, my closet was HUGE. We unpacked our bags and drank our coffee. We talked, laughed, and played games throughout the night. I the flashlight, and took something out of my bag. It was a small cheesecake for two. I put a candle in it and lit it. Daehyun was distracted until he saw the lit candle. 

"What's this?" He asked staring at the cheescake between us. "Well, this is the birthday I have been waiting for." I said smiling at him. 

"Make a wish." He said smiling. "Don't I get a song from you?" I said playfully.

He sang me happy birthday. I made a wish, and blew out the candle. I took the flashlight and hung the strap from it on a hanger, So we didn't have to hold it. I sat back down and kissed him. "I don't think I can finish this cake by myself Daehyun." I said playfully. Daehyun smile at me and I fed him some cheesecake. We finished our cheesecake and we played our card games. We finished our coffee and ate some food that Daehyun made earlier. I t was sooooo good. We got tired from eating but the caffeine kept us awake. We laughed and talked all night. Once we were really tired, We lied down and went to sleep. 


We woke up and got more coffee. We went back to the closet and hung out there. We bought breakfast from the coffee shop. We ate and laughed together. We finished eating and went back to sleep. I Rested my head on his chest and Daehyun touches my sweet spot. I arch my back, and let out a deep breath. I smirked and moved closer to Daehyun. He started laughing. 

"Daehyun-ah stop it!" I said laughing. Daehyun hugged me tighter. I rested my head deeper into his chest. Hours later, We woke up hearing everybody else looking for us. We both sat up and stared at each other. I got up,brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my hair. Daehyun did the same. We went back into the closet and started talking. "I forgot to give you something this morning"I said moving closer to him. "What is it?"He asked innocently. I Cupped is face on my hands and in a split second, Our lips met. Without parting, Daehyun make a quick move and scooped me up and placed me on his lap. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck, lightly tugging on his hair. He slipped his tongue in and we continued. He held me tighter with his tongue exploring my mouth. As we were kissing, he decided to tuch my 'sweet spot' it drove me crazy every time he did it. But it only works with Daehyun. "Soomin noona! Daehyun hyung where are yo!?!?!" We ignored it until we heard them come upstairs. We parted and fixed our clothes. We decided to sneak out of the closet and go downstairs. We turned the tv. I lied down on the couch with my legs on Daehyun's lap. I was treating my left foot with care, since Jaejoong kicked it hard that night. Daehyun stared at my foot and picked up my left leg and let it go. I slammed back down on Daehyun's lap. In a split second, I grabbed my foor and held it. Out of pain, I said in a faint voice, "Motherer!" 

"Why didn't you tell me he kicked that hard? I could have treated you earlier."Daehyun said in a scolding voice.                                                      This time I had an excuse to yell at him. I was on my PERIOD!! I wasn't angry with him until now. I glared at Daehyun and Bom came in. She saw my face and everybody else came in. "D-Daehyun, it's best if all the guys, including you, to leave for a little bit..ok? For safety reasons."

"OOOOH, she's on it today huh?" Minji asked like a child.

"Why?what is it?"All the guys said. 

"We'll tell you later. Now it is time to GO." CL said as she helped Dara and Bom pushed them out the door. A couple of hours have past. At first I was sad because Daehyun left and I was crying my heart out. Next thing you know, I am pissed off. The guys called to see if I was ok. They Put me on the speaker setting, So everybody could hear me. 

"Baby, are you ok? Is it because of what happened?" Daehyun said, worriedly. 

"Shut the fu-" I was cut off by Bom saying. "It's COMPLETELY safe to come by now."

"What do you mean by safe noona?" Zelo said innocenlty. 

"Well, little dude, Mother nature likes to come by, and visit a lady, at least once a month. It could a woman moody, or have pain. You understand?" 

"OOOHH, I get now. That's Why you sent out?" 

"I don't get!" Jongup said in the backround.

"I'M ON MY DAMN PERIOD YOU SON OF A !!" I  shouted through the phone.

"Jongup!! You See!! You made her mad again!" Yongguk said smacking the back of his haed. I laughed in the backround coz I could hear it. 

"We will be right over." Daehyun said. 

"OK baby, Love you!" I said through the phne.

For some reason I was excited to see Daehyun.

I saw the guys get out of the car. Daehyun was walking up to the door and I swung it open. I ran up to Daehyun and gave him a big kiss. I forgot about everybody else and I notice Daehyun looking at everybody walking past us sand staring at us. "EEWW noona!!" Zelo said. Without parting, I used my hand and shooed him away. I felt Daehyun's hand snake up towards my sweet stop. Before he could touch it and drive me crazy, I caught his hand and I parted from him. "Later" I said kissing his cheek. 

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Chapter 25: saranghae!!!! to you too!!!!! ha
Chapter 18: yay sequel!!!!!!!!!! xD
ricebunny0330 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating everyday~!!!! It gives me something to look forward to~ ^^ Fighting!!! <3
ricebunny0330 #4
Chapter 11: Hi Author~nim!! Thanks so much for writing this story and actually updating it pretty frequently!!! Sometimes people start a story and dont end and leaves us readers hanging =_=....Anyhoooo Just wanted to say Thank You!!!!! <3 :D