Chapter 7

My Memories Are With You

"Kai why arent you answering my texts..."

"hey where are you >:("

"you're usually rlly annoying"


Your phone lights up. Why are you feeling so desperate to get some sort of reply from him?

Kai: shut up im sick ok

You sigh in relief, but only because it wasn't your fault that he isn't talking to you. You still remember what happened two days ago when he came over. It's 11:59 AM right now. You have nothing to do today. Your mom went out to go shopping, and she's meeting up with an old friend from college. She told you that your lunch is in the fridge and that she'll be back to make you dinner. But you tell her not too since you can at least feed yourself for one meal. "Go have fun." You smiled, and she had left with a happy sigh.

"Oh...sorry. how bad is it?"


Kai: Um I cant get up. Too dizzy.

Ohmygod... you think to yourself.

"do you want me to come over?"

You wait a few seconds. Then a minute. He's taking his time to reply to this one, you notice. Finally, *beep*.


You grin when you see this. He can be a jerk and sometimes just plain irritating, but he depends on you too. "i'll be over in, like, fifteen." You text him, and then you close your phone and shove it into your pocket. After packing a few things into a small bag (your phone, a set of keys, a bottle of water, your iPod) you head out the door.


In exactly 16 minutes, you make it to his house. His family is rich, and his apartment shows it off too. Lucky for you (and, at the moment, him) his mom thinks like yours and so you pull out the spare key from your bag, open the door, and walk in, unlocking the door behind you.

Lush furniture, expensive paintings on the wall, bright flowers in crystal vases; you take a moment to look around even though you've seen it all countless times. Someone coughs loudly in a room down the hall to your right. Before you rush over to his side to take care of him, you grab a hand towel from the bathroom, then soak it in cold water. 

Kai's pitifully lying on the bed when you open the door to his bedroom. He coughs again and you can tell his throat must feel awful. You place the folded towel on his forehead.

"You're late..." He mutters with his eyes still closed. His voice sounds pretty bad and a little raspy. His eyebrows are knit together; he looks like he's in pain.

"As if." You say softly, just in case he has a headache, which you assume, he does. "How would you know?"

He pulls out his left hand from beneath the mound of blankets to point at the clock on his nightstand.

"Mm." Is all you say. "How are you feeling?"

He groans. "Crazy dizzy. Head kills. Stomach aches. Didn't eat breakfast. Pain."

Your eyes widen. "You didn't eat?!"

He groans again. "No! Stomach ache..."

You sigh as he rolls over, now facing the wall on the opposite side. You walk away quietly after adjusting the towel on his forehead (feeling a bit motherly today) and close the door behind you gently.

Great. Now I have to cook for him too. The kitchen apron is where it always is, hanging on the doorknob of the pantry. You pull open the refrigerator and check what ingredients they might have to use. Spaghetti wouldn't hurt, right? You think to yourself, trying to come up with something good and easy to make. Then you get started. 

Half an hour later, you're carrying the hot bowl and chopsticks to his room, only to find him asleep. Feeling already bothered by his attitude from earlier, you lightly shake him awake.

"Ow..." You hear him say. You shake him again. "Ow ow OW! Headache!" He rubs his eyes and clutches his head. The towel had fallen off at some point onto his pillow when he had turned to face you.

"Sorry..." After doing it, you feel a little guilty about waking him up and try to make it up to him a bit. You smile and change your tone. "I made lunch, okay?" You drop the smile, feeling a little too motherly and instead help him sit up against his pillow. "Try to eat something, you shouldn't go hungry all day." He really does seem even dizzier than he implied. 

"Thanks..." His voice cracks and it sounds weak.

He eats and you head to the kitchen again to get some napkins. You hand them to him when you return and you pull over the chair from his desk to sit next to his bed. 

"You didn't have to come you know..." He mutters in the middle of his eating.

You scoff. "Of course I did. You're my best friend." You put your elbows on your knees and rest your head in your hands.

He doesn't say anything but it looks as if his cheeks are a little flushed. But maybe that's just because he's sick, or maybe the food is hot. You like to think it might be one of the latter options.

Once he's done with the food, you take the bowl away and wash it. Even though that took about ten minutes, tops, he's asleep again when you enter the room. You close the door behind you as you leave him to his dreams.

Your phone rings and you scramble to pick it up so your loud ringtone won't wake him up. "Hello?"

"It's me."

"Luhan!" You say as loudly as you can in a whisper.

You hear him do a breathy laugh. "Bad time?"

"No...just...someone's sleeping." You move to the guest room next door to Kai's, hoping the wall will stop him from hearing your phone call, and sit down on the bed.

He starts whispering. "Then I'll be really quiet...." You chuckle. "Sing for me again?"

"Why?" You ask before you start. "Why do you ask me to do this every day?"

"I'll explain later." 

You're just about to start singing the same song you have for the past few days when suddenly, someone knocks on the door frame. You look over, surprised, and there's Kai, casually leaning against the wall. 

"What are you doing?" His arms are crossed and his eyes are staring you down. His voice sounds a lot more threatening than it did when he was coughing before. 

" a call...?" He walks over to the bed, looking at you with one eyebrow raised (is he suspicious of your reply?) and sits right down next to you. You hear someone call your name and you realize it's from your phone.

"I don't have a lot of time. Are you there?"  Luhan. Right. Forgot about him for a second there.

"Sorry Luhan, call later okay? Bye." 

"Uh- OK- Bye!" You hang up, shoving the phone into your back pocket, and face Kai, trying to look angry.

"Why are you up?" You stand up and walk over to him. "Aren't you dizzy? Or sleepy or something?"

"Why'd he call...?" In fact, he does sound sleepy. And dizzy.

You're not sure how to answer since you yourself don't exactly know either. "I'll tell you one day. Now, please go to bed? You need to get better soon?" You push him back to his room. He gets back under his mound of blankets and you glance at the clock. "I have to get home." He gives you a mocking puppy-eyes look. "Don't give me that look....If you still feel bad tomorrow, then text me and I'll come, okay?" He nods. At last, feeling relieved, you depart the house.

And on your way home, already, there's a ringing coming from your back pocket.

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Sherylfluffy #1
Chapter 11: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Chapter 11: The ending is so beautiful!!! Keep the good work author-nim=)
Asfnksndjmddsnns beautiful!! *---* I'm fangirling live crazy for the final kiss! That was awesome!! Really!!
Chapter 11: OH. MY. GOD. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.
Chapter 11: Is this it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love and want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Ok.Wait.Where do they kiss????
Chapter 2: I'm about o scream and crry!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awww that was so beautiful *^*
Chapter 11: Is this the end? God what an amazing story you wrote author-nim! ^^ I agree with the-totoro, i thought there would be heartbreak, Luhan and Kai fighting for the girl etc... But the ending is just so...... sweet <3 Love it :3