Chapter 4

My Memories Are With You

Waking up the next morning is probably the hardest part. Because waking up meant that it was over. And nothing hurt more than knowing that that night was over.

But unfortunately you do wake up the next morning, to bright sunlight streaming through the windows no less. You glance at your clock. 9 AM. Not bad. 

Slowly sitting up, you yawn loudly and stretch. You straighten your pajamas as you stand up and walk to the window, then throw back the curtains dramatically, a childish habit you enjoy greatly. Just then, there's a knock on your door. You walk over and open the door. "Yeah?"

It's Luhan. He's fully dressed and wide awake. You look down at your pajamas, a worn t-shirt and shorts. "Good morning!" He says cheerily. His cheeks are slightly pink and his smile is small and cute. You give him your happiest smile.

"Morning! What's up?"

He runs his fingers through his short hair. "Do you want to get lunch later?"

You didn't know it was possible, but your smile gets even wider and happier. "I'd love to. Now, if you'll excuse me." He laughs and walks away. You close the door behind you, still smiling.

You change out of your pajamas into a comfortable tank top and shorts. You notice that it's getting warmer by the minute, and the air conditioning is doing little to help. Stepping outside today, you'd have to be prepared for the heat. 

"Good morning honey!" Your mother greets you radiantly. She's in a very good mood, it seems.

"Morning mom." You try your best to look extremely suspicious. "Why are you in such a good mood today, exactly?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. Why don't you head to the kitchen? Breakfast's on the table."

You shrug and walk to the kitchen. Breakfast goes by normal enough (pancakes and bacon that tasted just fine) and you still can't figure out why your mother is so giddy. However, it's soon about 11:30 AM and you have time to kill.

You usually like to go online, but you've been a little busy lately at school. Having finished your homework already, you turn on your laptop and settle into the couch in the living room. Luhan also seems to be trying to make time pass faster, he's in his room, which is locked, and doing something. Of course, you're not sure what. But your respect him enough to give him the privacy he deserves.

KPOP is something that you love and naturally accept as part of your life. There are some bands that you particularly love, LEDapple, SHINee, B.A.P. There are others too, of course, but you mostly listen to the music. Sometimes you checked some sites and forums and saw just how funny and cute these idols are, but you never had the chance to get hooked on one band. 

Today, you decide to check some official websites. Some big KPOP companies, and what news they had. Even though you don't "stalk" these groups, you like to keep updated. After checking several sites and reading the short updates they had, you reach the last site, one for a really famous company that you happen to favor. 


New solo artist? 

You read the article. It doesn't give very much information, in fact it doesn't even disclose whether the artist is male or female, but it kind of excites you. A new artist, new music, a new style. You made a mental note and pushed the thought away. Who knows when this singer will be released? This company is full of empty promises (but you love them anyway) so you let your mind wander elsewhere. You listen to some music, and then check the clock. 

But just before you can, you hear footsteps and someone plops down next to you on the couch, causing the cushion to bounce for a second. You look next to you. There he is, looking you in the eye with that smile that you just can't get enough of.

"Hey, wanna go now?" He rubs his stomach cutely. "I'm kinda hungry." You laugh. You weren't hungry yet, but it's almost 1 PM now, so you agree with him. 

"Wait a second, okay? Let me just get my stuff." He nods at your request and you head to your room to get your phone, camera, and bag. While you're there, you hear Luhan tell your mom where you two are headed and then you half-skip back into the hallway, where Luhan is already getting his shoes on. He smiles again when he sees you, and you instantly think, You're lucky I love your smile so much, because I see it so often...

With one last wave to your mother, the two of you are out the door and headed down the street. As you're walking, he takes your hand.

"Talk." He says, urging you.

"About what?"

"Anything and everything." He answers, vaguely. You've always wanted to hear someone say that. He continues, "About the last...few...years. What I missed. How you were. Your life. What happened with you, without me."

"That's a lot." You say.

He smiles mischievously. "Then you better get started."

Both of you simultaneously head to the same restaurant as yesterday, and the same lady is behind the cash register. She looks at you both and notices your hand in his, then puts on a little secretive smile, welcomes the both of you with more obvious, warm smiles and leads you to the exact same table as yesterday, handing you menus before she walks away. 

"Let's order lots today, okay!" He says to you with cheerful enthusiasm. You chuckle and nod. You're almost used to his childish ideas by now.

"OK, OK." After a few minutes, you both order, and after a few more minutes, you are once again surprised by the fast service this restaurant seems to offer. 

Once the food is presented and on the table, Luhan looks at you expectantly with his elbows on the table, and his chin on his hands. There's a glint in his eyes that makes you wonder if this is some sort of cue for something.

"Yes?" You finally ask.

"I wanna hear everything now!" He's too cute. 

"Um..just...about me?"

"Yeah yeah!" He gives you a smile and waits, and you know that it's time to start talking.

"Hm...OK, then I guess I'll start from after you left..." You pause for a bit and look to him to see if it's OK. He gives you an encouraging nod and you continue. "You were my best friend you know and---"

" 'Was'?!" He feigns shock.

You grin. "Still are. After you left, my mom tried to find me new friends. She invited her friends over and told them that they should bring their kids so I could play with them. But I was kinda really shy, so I didn't talk to anyone. This one girl named Ming walked up to me and said that she thought my hair was really ugly. And now she's one of my best friends."

He laughs, causing you to laugh too. It was a nice story to think about. "Go on!"

"Remember how we used to hang out every summer vacation? Go on trips together?" He nods with enthusiasm. "The next summer, I was really lonely. But Ming, she hated when I sulked, so she asked her parents to take us to a water park. We went there every week and never got bored of it."

He smiles. "Seems like she really cares about you."

You smile too. "Yeah...and she always wants to fix my hair..." He laughs. "The next year, and the year after that, I got bullied a lot at school." His smile disappears and turns into one of shock. But before he can continue, you stop him. "It's okay, listen." You give him a smile. "Ming's really headstrong, you know? So one day, she went up to my bully, who was this really mean girl, during lunch. She picked up the girl's lunchbox, and dumped it down her shirt."

You start to grin, then you see Luhan holding back his laugh and you two crack up. "What happened later?" You can tell that he's really enjoying this, and you don't know why. But you keep talking. You know very well what's next.

"Well, the next year, Ming was freaking out about some new kid...And then he walked over, and introduced himself, and then---"

"Hey!" Someone shouts, and calls out your name. Speak of the devil.

You turn around. "Hey Kai, I was just talking about you."

He points at Luhan. "Who's this?"

"My friend. He's visiting. He's the one that I haven't seen in a long time."

"OHHHH, you mean the guy you lo---" But he never finishes his sentence as you stand up and cover his mouth with your hand. Luhan, who's been sitting their silently this whole time, has his eyes wide open, and an amused half-grin on his face. He stands up slowly and you take your hand off of Kai's mouth after glaring at him. 

Luhan puts his hand out and Kai shakes it. "Hi, I'm Luhan, a childhood friend of her's. And you are...?"

"Kai. Kim Jong In is my Korean name, but call me Kai."

"Ah! So she was just about to say that you two became friends, right?" He looks at you and you nod. 

Kai nods once and turns to you. He's surprisingly shy around people he barely knows. "Um, so, why are you two here?"

You're about to answer when Luhan takes your hand, and with a cute smile, says, "We're on a date~"

Kai's eyes widen a little bit, as if he's unsure of what to say. Then he smirks and chuckles. "Alright, I get it, I get it!" He waves at you. "I'll see you later, okay? You two...have fun." He turns to go, giving you one last look, and grinning. You stick your tongue out at him as he takes his pick-up order from the kind lady and leaves after paying. 

You and Luhan turn to face each other at the same time. Your cheeks are slightly red, because he himself had declared it. We're on a date~ It made your heart beat faster just to think about it. Suddenly, he does a slight grin, and kisses you on the cheek. You get even redder. 

"So that's your best friend now?" He says, sitting down again.

"How'd you know?" You sit down too. 

"Well Ming's in Korea..I mean, I met her coincidentally."

"Oh yeah." You pick at some food on the dishes and pick up a piece of meat to eat. There's a silence...and then yours and Luhan's eyes meet and you two burst out laughing.

"Yeah!" You say between fits of laughter. "He's...weird."

Luhan picks up some food with his chopsticks, and puts it in front of your face. He grins. "Ahhhh~"

You eat the food given to you. And you smile, you can't help it. It's the beginning of a beautiful day.


You two end up at the park, sitting on the bench. You're leaning slightly on his shoulder and the two of you are just talking and laughing. The sun is going down slowly and Luhan suggests that you two take a walk before going back home. You laugh and nod. 

As you two walk, Luhan takes your hand again. Then, under the shade of a large tree that shades you two from the rest of the park, he puts his forehead on yours and smiles. Then he kisses you. You smile as he pulls away, and you see that he's smiling too.

"Thank you for waiting for me. I'm...really glad that you did."

You put your forehead on his again. "I'm glad I did too." You two stay that way for a minute or two. And then you sigh. "Are you going to leave again?"

He pauses. Both you and him know that he can't stay forever. "I'll try my best not too."

You look him in the eye. Then you kiss him. "That's...good enough for me."

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Sherylfluffy #1
Chapter 11: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Chapter 11: The ending is so beautiful!!! Keep the good work author-nim=)
Asfnksndjmddsnns beautiful!! *---* I'm fangirling live crazy for the final kiss! That was awesome!! Really!!
Chapter 11: OH. MY. GOD. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.
Chapter 11: Is this it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love and want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Ok.Wait.Where do they kiss????
Chapter 2: I'm about o scream and crry!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awww that was so beautiful *^*
Chapter 11: Is this the end? God what an amazing story you wrote author-nim! ^^ I agree with the-totoro, i thought there would be heartbreak, Luhan and Kai fighting for the girl etc... But the ending is just so...... sweet <3 Love it :3