Chapter 9

My Memories Are With You

The doorbell rings. Both your parents are at home, Kai is busy studying (you know; he texted you complaining about it). It could really only be one person.

You throw the door open. "Hi." You smile. Luhan smiles back. "I'm glad you're back."

"I'm glad to be back too." He looks you in the eye shyly before pulling you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around his waist, feeling the muscles in his back expand and contract as he breathes in your scent. His fingertips tickle your waist and you two stand like that for how long, you don't know. All you know is that you like how he's here again, you like how you can feel his breathes on the back of your neck, you like how he fits you and you fit him and in this moment that's all that matters.

He pulls back just a little, with his hands still on your waist. Your mom and dad are still busy with their own schedules in the house, so it's just you two by the doorway. He sighs the tiniest sigh. "So...I have confirmation."

Your eyes pop. "Really!?" 

He nods. "They said that...they can take him in as well. And we can be somewhat of an oddball group of three, if that's okay two. They just need a video clip or a performance from him, and then they want to test vocals. Because they're getting all this info from just me and my mouth, they don't know what to trust. Even though I've set up some pretty good relations with the other staff...well, you know what I mean, right? He just needs to get up there and do it."

You nod excitedly, a wide grin glued to your face. "Let's go see him now."

He gives you this look that says to you, why the hell do you need to see him now? But instead he says, "You know where he lives?"

"Yup." You reply cautiously. You feel the need to be wary in mentioning Kai around Luhan. "And he's not busy. So let's go!" You take his hand and he lets out a breath; like a sigh but with a smile too. 

"Alright." And he puts lets go of your hand so that you can put yours shoes on. You yell to your parents that Luhan is back and you two are heading out.

"Do you have your phone?" Your mom yells back at you. You pat your pockets.

"Yeah!" The two of you depart out the door and take in the cold air. Autumn is peaking its way into the weather and you can feel it. It's a little chilly, but you think you'll do alright what with your long sleeve shirt and jeans. But then Luhan drapes a jacket around your shoulders and you look up in surprise.

He gives you a smile that warms you up faster than any jacket ever could. "Don't want you to get cold."

You take his hand in yours and continue walking, pulling the jacket tighter around you. "I love you..." You whisper. Your voice doesn't seem to be working.

"Hm? Say that again? I couldn't hear you." You look up at him, eyebrow raised. He's grinning. You punch him lightly on the arm and he chuckles.

"I love you." You say again, louder this time. He lets your hand go only to put an arm around your shoulder and lean in quickly to kiss you on your cheek. 

"I love you too." You smile to yourself, buried by Luhan's jacket, and hoping he can't see your ever-blushing face. You put your arm around his waist. 


You're almost reluctant to walk in when the two of you arrive at his house. It would've been nice if the walk was longer, you think. You pull out the spare key in your pocket and unlock the door. He gives you that look again.

"You even have a spare key?" He asks, bewildered.

You nod without even looking his way. "Don't get me wrong, his mom gave it to me."

"Oh." He pouts and nods back. You can't help it. You reach up and squish his cheek.

"How cute." You say with a laugh. "Don't pout." You walk in and hold the door open for him. 

"Who's there?" You hear Kai shout from his room. 

"Me!" You shout back whilst taking off your shoes.

"What do you want?" He shouts. You can tell he didn't even budge from his seat. With Luhan's hand in yours, you walk over to the doorway of his room and lean against the wall. He looks over and scans the both of you with his eyes, narrowing them just the tiniest bit when he sees your linking hands. "Yeah?" He's hunched over his desk, a pencil in hand and a pile of papers on the tabletop. 

You smile, trying to look mischievous, and say to him, "I have a proposal for you."

It doesn't take long to explain the whole deal what with Luhan helping you by occasionally butting in with side comments and little details that you forget to mention. As you continue, Kai's eyes grow wider and wider until you finally finish and he blurts out a "Are you ting me?"

Kai doesn't swear. He always says it's "uncool" and even though it's a stupid reason, he still never swears. He's established that. He says "hell" and "damn" and "crap" but never anything worse than that (even though you have, in his presence, countless times). So you give him a wide-eyed look when he says that and he shrugs. "It's a special case." He says simply to your expression.

Luhan looks back and forth between you two but doesn't say anything. You finally open your mouth to break the seemingly-long silence. "So what do you say?"

He looks at you. Then at Luhan. And for a second, his excited look falters when his eyes meet Luhan's and you remember a few days ago. You suddenly want to tell him, I can't love you back but I need you by my side. But what good would that do? That'd only make him feel worse.

"Yes. Yes yes yes. Why would I turn down an offer like that?" He throws a grin in your direction and the three of you all smile at each other. No one talks, just grins and laughs at how thrilling this all seems. 

"So...what now?" You and Kai turn to Luhan. 

He smiles. "Now...we pack for Korea."


You and Luhan watch nervously in the audience; or at least, you were dead on nervous. But his performance was utterly perfect, the best he's ever done in the time you've known him and even the judges clap. One of them -- Luhan's manager, you think -- turns around and smiles at you two. "He's in." He says and you shriek in utter ecstasy and start clapping. Kai grins at you two from the mini stage and he runs off. You hug him and Luhan does too, giving him sturdy pats on the back. You turn back to Luhan's manager, now also yours and Kai's manager. 

Your manager shrugs (you feel a little firework in your heart when you think to yourself your manager) and he smiles. "That's all there was to it."

You all bow politely and say your thanks. When he leaves, Luhan leans down and gives you a kiss. You hear Kai groan. 

"Get a room, you two." You two laugh. 

"Well," Luhan starts, attempting to say something in the midst of all the energy buzzing between the three of you. "This is it."

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Sherylfluffy #1
Chapter 11: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Chapter 11: The ending is so beautiful!!! Keep the good work author-nim=)
Asfnksndjmddsnns beautiful!! *---* I'm fangirling live crazy for the final kiss! That was awesome!! Really!!
Chapter 11: OH. MY. GOD. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.
Chapter 11: Is this it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love and want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Ok.Wait.Where do they kiss????
Chapter 2: I'm about o scream and crry!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awww that was so beautiful *^*
Chapter 11: Is this the end? God what an amazing story you wrote author-nim! ^^ I agree with the-totoro, i thought there would be heartbreak, Luhan and Kai fighting for the girl etc... But the ending is just so...... sweet <3 Love it :3