Chapter 3

My Memories Are With You

It's plain ridiculous to be worrying like this, you tell yourself. Especially when you have only another hour until you have to go. But no, here you are, standing in front of the small mirror you have in your room, fretting about what to wear.

It's warm outside, so you ignore the section of your wardrobe with sweaters. You don't want to wear jeans either, it's just too hot for that. You pick a pair of denim shorts, that aren't too short, and a t-shirt with a cool design on the front. After a sigh, you settle with it. Then you head to the bathroom next to your room, hoping that no one will see you.

In the bathroom, you look over yourself in the much larger mirror there. You first attempt to fix your hair into a loose bun and then wash your face. You're trying not to look too special. After all, it's just an outing with Luhan, your childhood friend. 

Except it's not. He himself had called it a date, and he was the one that had 'asked you out'. But part of you still refuses to believe it. 

So you try your best to look casual. Try -- key word. Here in the bathroom, you break that attempt and take out an eyeliner pencil. 

You don't usually wear makeup. Part of you wanted to, but all your friends would notice, you knew. Kai would tease you about it. Your classmates would ask why you're wearing makeup, and then how would you answer? You didn't know. Another part of you also didn't like it when girls wore too much makeup. It seemed a little silly, because when a boy called them pretty, they really didn't see all the little flaws on the girl's face, covered by a small layer of paint. There wasn't anything wrong with makeup, you told yourself. And plus, it's a special occasion.  You think to yourself. Then you put your face close to the mirror, and make a tiny cat-eye effect with the eyeliner. 

It's perfect.

You put on a thin layer of lipgloss and stop there. You don't usually wear makeup, so you don't want to suddenly change just because Luhan is here now. You look over yourself and your outfit one more time, and finally decide that there's nothing else you can do at this point. You glance at your watch, which you're wearing just for this day. It's just about time. 

Stepping out of the bathroom, you see Luhan down the hall, walking out of the kitchen. You look him over too. He's wearing a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. He looks casual too, so you mentally pat yourself on the back in congratulations for not going for something too fancy. He sees you walking towards him and he turns to your mom and says, "We're going to head out for a while! Don't worry about lunch and dinner!" He flashes his brilliant smile.

You can almost hear the smile in your mother's voice as she replies with, "You two have fun!" Just like last night. He turns to you now and gives you that adorable smile.

"Let's go!" You nod happily and you two head out the door.

It's about 12 PM now, so the first thing Luhan suggests is to grab lunch. You reply with "sure, where to?" and he asks you where you like to go. You shrug. You didn't eat lunch out that often. 

You're walking down the street with him when he stops and points at a small restaurant. "Wanna eat there?" He looks at you with this sparkle in his eyes. You agree and then he takes your hand and runs to the restaurant with you running behind him. You look at your hand in his, the second time it's happened since he's gotten back yesterday, and you smile secretly to yourself.

There's a middle-aged lady behind the cash register, counting something mentally while looking at several sheets of paper. She looks up and smiles as you two walk in. There's only one other group of people here, a family of three with the mother, father, and little son. She says to you, "Two?" and you and Luhan both nod at the same time. She leads you two to a table in the back, near a corner. The lighting is dim and there's soft music playing throughout the small restaurant. Overall, it's a nice place. You wonder why you've never been here before.

She hands you two a menu before leaving and you skim through the options. There's a few things you like and settle on some baozi, mostly because you had breakfast a while ago and therefore, aren't that hungry.

After the food arrives about fifteen minutes later (you're surprised at the fast service since, when the dish is put on the table, you see that it's steaming and was just recently cooked), you see that he's ordered much more than you have. He questions your choice, asking why you aren't eating more.

"You used to eat a lot." He says with a grin, before giving up and laughing.

"Shut up! I was a little kid. I was growing." You can't help but grin too.

"And you still are!" He starts to put some of his noodles onto your plate.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?"

"Making sure you eat more!" He uses his chopsticks to pick up the noodles once more, blows on it to cool it off, and puts the chopsticks in front of your mouth. "Go 'ahhhh'!"

You pout, then open your mouth and eat it. As you're chewing, you ask him, "How can you eat so much and still be skinny? You ."

He laughs. "I don't know, boy-genetics? Maybe I'm just like that."


After you both finish your food (which was really delicious, by the way), Luhan offers to pay. You argue with him a little, but in the end, he wins, and pulls out his wallet. You both walk out of the restaurant after saying goodbye to the lady, who's back at the cash register, calculating. She gives you a warm smile and then you're off.

 Luhan wants to walk around for a while. "I feel so full~!" You look at him with a smile; he's pouting straight ahead and rubbing his stomach. He suddenly slows down and goes behind you. He puts his hands on your shoulders, and then his chin on his left hand, still pouting and still walking. Your cheeks feel a little warm, your heart pounding a little too fast. You laugh and pat his head. But even to yourself, you sound nervous.

"OK OK, c'mon, let's walk around!" He lifts his head up from your shoulder...and your heart rate slows down.

He puts his arm around your shoulder and you two walk around the streets in the afternoon warmth. After some time, the heat gets to you both and you two sit down at a park bench. 

"Ah!" Luhan suddenly says in surprise.

"What? What is it?"

He looks at you with the most childish, adorable expression. "Let's get ice cream!"

You're speechless at first. You had thought that he'd just made an epiphany with the way he'd said that. Then you laugh. "Haha OK!" 

He pulls you up from the bench with a cute smile on his face. With your hand in his, he half-runs to the convenience store and starts scouring through the freezer.

You pick up an ice cream bar, a kind you used to get when you were little. It's chocolate and vanilla and shaped like a face with a top hat. He grins and picks up another one of those. "Let's get them! I'll pay."

"Yeah... no. I don't think so. You paid for lunch! I'll pay for these."

"OK! Thank you~" You pull out some money and pay for the ice cream. You take off the wrapper of the ice cream slowly and throw it away. You turn around to start eating it, but before you do, Luhan your ice cream.

"Hey! What was that for? You have your own." You stick your tongue out at him and he laughs. Then he takes off the wrapper of his ice cream and takes a big bite out of that one. 

"You're right! I do have my own." He winks and starts walking away with his arm around your shoulder once more. Hesitantly, you eat your ice cream, trying not to blush.

It's only mid-afternoon now, and you two had planned to stay out for dinner as well. There's still hours of time left for you two to waste.

You never want this day to end.


"Oh! I like this one!" He pics up one that's shaped like a cute frog. Then he looks at you with that puppy-eye smile, "Let's get it!"

How could you say no?

"Haha, alright, sounds good." You take the matching keychains and walk to the counter. Luhan grins at you and then starts looking for something in his pocket. He pulls out a few bills and hands it to you.

"For the ice cream...and half the price of the keychains." 

You give him a disapproving look. "Hm...I'll accept it this one time. But next time, I'm not taking your money." You take the money from him and put it in your bag. 

It had been Luhan's idea to buy some kind of souvenir for the "sake of friendship". "I haven't seen you in years! We have to get something!" He had said. Then he looked around for a second and saw this store. "C'mon!" He had taken your hand and dragged you inside, and proceeded to find the keychains. After some arguing, you're now getting the frog keychains, one green and one blue. 

"Thank you!" He calls out as you two walk out of the store. "Let's stop at that cafe for a second." It's a little coffee place. You nod and he goes inside, with you following behind. 

After getting in line, he turns to you. "Do you want anything?" You look over the menu. 

"Um...iced coffee?"

He smiles. "Ne! I'll pay this time." You grin, and he grins too. 

After getting the coffee, you two take a seat down across from each other at a two person table. He puts his hand out, palm-side up, expectantly.

"What?" You ask him. Then you take out the keychains. "This?"

He nods. Why is he so damn cute? You can't help but think. You hand him the keychains. Then he puts his hand out again. You sigh, and hand him your phone.

Carefully, he puts the blue one on your phone, and the green one on his. "Done!" He calls out, and hands you your phone. You smile at him.

On the inside, you're exploding with happiness. Matching keychains with Luhan, the most perfect, adorable boy you know and love. Could this day get any better?

It's fairly late at night now, the sun is almost completely down, and stars are starting to shine. You two are walking together hand in hand. You blush a little, hoping that he wouldn't notice. But he does. All he does is smirk and say "Well, we're on a date, so..." You blush.

After walking around a while, which seems to be something he enjoys doing often. He turns a corner and you gasp.

It's a street market. A short street lined with two rows of stalls selling trinkets and food. "Oh my god!" You haven't been to one of these since a long time ago. You feel so excited, and give Luhan a look that says Please! He laughs and nods. 

"I'm hungry anyway." You two walk slowly, taking in every stall.

There's jewelry, different food stands, toys, traditional masks, even clothes. It's amazing and you absolutely love it. Luhan drags you towards a food stall first. 

He hands you a kebab and you take a bite. It's amazing. You two smile at each other. 

After eating and finally absorbing the mood of the street market, you two start to have fun. There's a lot of other people around too, and you weave your way through the crowd. You two take pictures, trying on silly outfits, weird hats, different masks, expensive jewelry (well, expensive with your budget), and eat magnificent delicacies. 

And finally two hours have passed by. It's late now, and yet the market's still alive. There are lights everywhere now. The place is full of couples that stay till very late, to keep enjoying the festive atmosphere. You two have gone around the market at least twice now, and Luhan suggests that you two should head back. "It'll take a while to walk back, you know." He gives you an apologetic smile.

You laugh. "It's okay! I had a lot of fun."

"Me too." He grins. 

You two start to head back. Slowly at first, but then you two fall into pace with each other. You look at the ground, thinking the day over and smiling to yourself. You feel him take hold of your hand again, and you look up a  little surprised. 

And that's all he does. For the rest of the walk home, he holds your hand tightly, not letting go once. Your heart is beating quickly the whole time, your face slightly flushed. You can barely think straight. 

Right before you two reach your house, he stops walking. Your house isn't in view yet, but you know it's right around the corner. He turns around slowly, to face you, and he looks you right in the eyes. 

You notice his eyes just then, how they seem to sparkle, how beautiful and adorable they are. His pink lips, his small face, his perfect skin. 

Then he leans down and kisses you.

He whispers to you as your lips are still touching. "I really, really missed you."

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Sherylfluffy #1
Chapter 11: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Chapter 11: The ending is so beautiful!!! Keep the good work author-nim=)
Asfnksndjmddsnns beautiful!! *---* I'm fangirling live crazy for the final kiss! That was awesome!! Really!!
Chapter 11: OH. MY. GOD. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.
Chapter 11: Is this it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love and want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Ok.Wait.Where do they kiss????
Chapter 2: I'm about o scream and crry!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awww that was so beautiful *^*
Chapter 11: Is this the end? God what an amazing story you wrote author-nim! ^^ I agree with the-totoro, i thought there would be heartbreak, Luhan and Kai fighting for the girl etc... But the ending is just so...... sweet <3 Love it :3