
My Memories Are With You

12 years ago...

"Luhan-ge~!" A five-year-old you runs up to a nine-year-old boy. He had black hair that almost blocked his big, childlike eyes, and you give him a cheery smile as he lifts you up and spins you around. He gives you a heavenly smile and laughs. Even his laugh is like bells, a sweet sound that only you, especially, get to hear.

"What is it?" He looks at you and lets you climb onto his back. 



"Can I be your girlfriend?" You give him a cute smile.

His eyes widen just a little as he reacts to your sudden request. Then he laughs again. "Haha sure~! Aw, you're so cute. Wait a few years, okay?"

Little you giggles happily. "Mm! Okay! Now ge-ge, put me down!" You put your little hands on his chubby cheeks.

"OK, OK!" He puts you calmly back on the ground and sits down.  Then he slowly lowers himself down on his back. He's lying down and looking up at the sky, the puffy white clouds that fly up over head. The park is small and clean and empty except for you two.

You sit down on his stomach and giggle as you hear him make an "oomph!" sound. He grins and puts his hands around your waist. You look at him. "Ge!"


"Luhan-ge! I'll wait forever!"

He smiles. "OK, then I'll be waiting too."

7 years ago...

"So..." your best friend, Ming, begins, "what do you think about the new kid?" 

"New kid?" A ten-year-old you asks, looking up from your lunch. You haven't heard about a new kid in a while. 

"Yeah!" Ming seems excited. "The Korean one. His Chinese is a little...shaky. But he's sooo good looking." She says, dreamily.

"Yah! Ming! We're only ten!" You lightly punch her on the arm. "Too young to think about boys..."

"You're not my mom." She grumbles, punching you back. Ming looks up suddenly at you, tapping your arm with hyper energy. "Oh, oh, oh my god, here he comes!"

You turn around. A boy is walking straight towards you. He's fairly tall and skinny and he looks you straight in the eye with confidence. He has full, pink lips, messy black hair that somehow works for him, and shining eyes, which are still locked with yours. Reaching out a tanned hand, lean fingers stretching out to you, he speaks. "Hi." His voice sounds nice too. "My name is Kai."

You shake his hand and try to say his name. "K..Kai?"

"Ne. Kim Jong In, actually." The way he speaks Korean sounds especially nice too, the way the syllables seem to slip out of him. "But everyone calls me Kai. Or at least, everyone back at home." Ming was right, he does have an accent. His Chinese isn't terrible, though. "What about you?" He asks innocently.

You say your name quietly. He smiles at you again. "Nice to meet you." You smile back at him.

"Yes." You say. "You too."

4 years ago...

It's strange, you think, for thirteen-year-olds to start dating. You feel as if maybe studies should be more vital at this time of your life. But here you are, on the school rooftop in right before class is about to start. And you know what's coming.

"I..." The boy stutters. He is vaguely familiar. He's in my math class, you realise. He's okay looking enough, but his nose is too sharp, lips too thin, and eyes definitely too small in comparison to--

"Ireallylikeyoupleasegooutwithme!" He suddenly blurts out. You wonder why he seems to be so nervous like this, weren't girls usually like that?

You have the sudden urge to reject him very coldly. But instead, you smile sweetly. "Sorry." You say. "I'm in love with someone else." You bow and walk away, leaving him stunned. 

You open the rooftop door to go back to class. As you walk down the stairs, your best friend, Kai, catches up to you. He grins. "Didn't like him, huh?"

You casually punch him on his arm.

"So," he starts, "who's this mystery person you love?"

Why does this sound familiar? Hm. You can't help but wonder. "Why? Jealous?" 

He laughs. "Of what?" You punch him again. 

There's a silence.

"You don't know him." You answer simply.

Kai looks down at his feet and the stairs. You two keep walking down and now you reach the empty hallway. "Where is he?" He asks. 

You stop walking and he almost crashes into you. You turn around and look him in the eye. "I don't know." He looks at you back. His expression is unreadable, deadly serious, but also searching for any answers in your eyes. 

You turn around again and keep walking. "Kai."


"What do you want to do when you grow up?" He looks at you skeptically.

"Doctor." He finally answers. "Doctor Kim Kai." He grins and chuckles to himself. "Why do you ask?"

"He wanted to pursue his dreams. So he left." You answer.

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"I don't know yet."

"Yet? Seems like there's a lot you don't know."

"He liked to sing."

" 'Liked'? Still seems as if you don't know that much."

You pause to think about it. Kai's right, there's no guarantee--there never was--that he would stay the same. You don't know if he'd succeeded in his goals or not, and you long to know. You don't even know where he is now. He hasn't contacted you in 3 years. You wonder if he's still the same as he was before.


He casually puts his arm around your shoulders. You try to shrug it off, but he doesn't budge. "Forget him. Where's he when I'm here?"

"Tch." You scowl, then put your arm around his shoulders too. "You'll see." And you two strut into class.

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Sherylfluffy #1
Chapter 11: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Chapter 11: The ending is so beautiful!!! Keep the good work author-nim=)
Asfnksndjmddsnns beautiful!! *---* I'm fangirling live crazy for the final kiss! That was awesome!! Really!!
Chapter 11: OH. MY. GOD. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.
Chapter 11: Is this it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love and want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Ok.Wait.Where do they kiss????
Chapter 2: I'm about o scream and crry!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awww that was so beautiful *^*
Chapter 11: Is this the end? God what an amazing story you wrote author-nim! ^^ I agree with the-totoro, i thought there would be heartbreak, Luhan and Kai fighting for the girl etc... But the ending is just so...... sweet <3 Love it :3