The Peck on the Cheek

Forgive me...for Everything.



im gnna finish thiisssss~~~







Taejin sat in front of her Apple laptop and stared at the computer screen.


There, on the screen, were pictures of her and Jae.


She smiled sadly at the pictures and then clicked to look at the next one.


She stared at the screen, her smile frozen on her face and her eyes becoming glassy.






Jae turned around to see Taejin.


She smiled.




She and Taejin hugged each other.


They broke apart and began to walk towards their high school.


“Oh my God, I can’t believe that we’re graduating in a months time!”


Taejin said and Jae laughed.


“I know right! Time passes so quickly!”


Taejin nods along with her and they don’t say anything for a few minutes.


“Remember the first time we met each other?” Jae suddenly spoke.


Taejin smiled and looked at Jae with a side ways glance.


“Of course! That was one meeting that I will never forget!”




“E-excuse me…” Taejin turned around to see Jae standing there, nervous.


Taejin was nervous herself.


“Is there something wrong?” She asked Jae.


“Ne…I was just wondering if you could tell me where the gym is? This is my first time in an American school so I don’t know…”


Taejin smiled.


She was Australian.


Taejin pointed to down the corridor but saw the mixed and confused expression of Jae and said to her,


“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take you there seeing as I’m new to the school as well.”


Jae smiled at Taejin and nodded slowly.


They both began to walk down the corridor towards the Gym where freshman’s where supposed to meet.


The walked next to each other in silence and Taejin could tell that Jae was really nervous.


Taejin spoke.


“So…what kind of music do you listen to?”


Taejin looked at Jae and Jae looked back at her.


“You might not know them…” Taejin heard Jae’s voice say softly.


But Taejin could also tell that it was full of admiration and love.


“Try me.” Taejin dared.


Jae looked up at Taejin and smiled.




They both stopped walking and looked at each other.


“Their a-“


“Kpop band.” Taejin finished off her sentence staring wide eyed at Jae.


“Does that mean you love kpop?” Taejin asked.


It was really unsual for someone in America to share her kpop love.


Jae smiled and nodded.


“Who’s your favourite member?” Taejin asked again.






“It felt like a century ago when that happened…” Jae said with a sigh.


They were nearly at their school that they had been attending for the past three, nearly four years.


When they were just about to reach the school gates they turned to each other.


Suddenly, Taejin took out a camera and said to Tae,


“Let’s take a photo with our school behind us!”


Jae smiled.


Taejin had a thing for photos.


“Sure. Why not? Send it to me okay?”


Jae and Taejin stood next to each other and they took about 10 photos and then went off to school.


The one photo that they both loved the most was when Taejin had kissed Jae on the cheek and Jae looked really surprised.


It was their favourite picuture together.




A tear slid down Taejin’s face and then she heard the door open.


Taejin wiped the tears away from her eyes and stood up and turned to the door, closing down her laptop’s lid.


She stood there, waiting for the door to open, waiting for her first love to come inside.


For the last time.


The door opened.


Taejin saw Onew walk into their home.


She smiled at Onew and ran to hug him.




Taejin hugged Onew and knew that he wasn’t going to hug her back.


She let go of him and stood there looking at his eyes.


“Tae, what do you want? Why did you call me back from work?”


Onew said and Taejin smiled.


Taejin took Onew’s hand and led him towards the couch where the table in the middle was covered in neat piles of papers.


Taejin sat down and patted to the spot next to her.


“Sit down oppa.”


Onew looked at Taejin oddly so putting down his bag, he carefully sat down next to her.


Taejin put a pen in Onew’s hand and took a piece of paper in front of her and put it on Onew’s lap.


Pointing to a place, she said,




She kept on doing and saying the same thing until all the papers were signed and was in one pile in front of her.


She stood up and smiled at Onew.


And then, she took out her mobile from her pocket and dialed a number.


“Yes, he’s signed them all. Are you going to come collect it today?”




“Oh. Wait, so, after he’s signed them and it will still come to affect right even if you don’t come to collect them yes?”




“Ne…araso. Gomawo.”


Taejin hung up and turned to face the confused Onew.


“What was that about?”


Onew asked, standing up to face Taejin.


Taejin smiled and walked slowly towards Onew, her heart beating really fast.


When Taejin was close enough to Onew se whispered,


“I love you.”


And she kissed him.


It was short.


It was sweet.


And it was the End.




Taejin said to Onew.


“You’re free.”


Onew looked at Taejin.


“I’m so…”


Taejin put a finger on Onew’s mouth.


“No. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have stopped you with Jae…It was my fault. I’m so sorry. Tell her that I’m sorry.”


Taejin said and then, she took an envelope from her desk.


A thick one at that.


“Will you, give this to her for me?”


Taejin held the envelope out to Onew and he looked down at it.


He took it from her.


Onew looked back at Taejin.




Taejin smiled.


“It was my fault.”

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
This was sweet! <3
oh my.. i was so sweeeet!!!<br />
i almost cried when i read the letter TT^TT
marshielisa12 #4
hehe it's really good.<br />
ah onew so cute.<br />
aww i loved the ending it was funny and sweet :)
xFlyHigh #6
Random Henry Kwok at the end xD?<br />
'Onew and Henry was the first to break apart.' <- Sounds like they were the ones kissing .___.<br />
I'm glad Taejin changed ^^<br />
It's such a sweet story ^^ Thanks for writing the sequel :DDD<br />
Yeonsu #7
though its completed.. i still subscribed! love your story :).
Yeonsu #8
awwwwwwwwww love your ending ^^.
sookiyaki #9
thanks 4 the sequel..i've just read it both..<br />'s happy ending..<br />
I was so emotional when Onew acted so weak,but the last time he admitted it, feels like suddenly i can breath well.. Lol..<br />
Btw,who's henry kwok? Is it henry from super junior?
icemochi18 #10
awwie happy ending <3 <br />
im happy for all of them! taejin is one best friend i would want to have.. besides the getting married to my onew part T^T but she made up for it <3