Present Memories

Forgive me...for Everything.


Taejin and Jae sat out in the open together, their lunch in their hands, music in their ears.


Jae took out an exercise book and began to rewrite all the Korean she had learnt in the past month onto it before Taejin asked her a question.


“Hey Jae…” Taejin began, fiddling with her sandwich.


Mmm…” Jae replied absentmindedly without peering up.


“Say you end up meeting Jin- I mean Onew,” Taejin quickly corrected herself while Jae had stopped writing and was looking at her best friend.


“An you fall in love with him and you guys go out and stuff…” Taejin saw the ends of Jae’s mouth life up and she knew that Jae was visualising her and SHINee’s leader, Onew, being together.


“If a person you know and really life, like say a very good friend, she comes out and said that she was Jin-Onew’s fiancés, what…would you do?” Taejin picked up her courage and asked.


“Jae’s happy and excited smile was now replaced by a sad and unwilling smile and then she answered, her voice cheerful but her eyes sad and empty.



“If I consider her as a very important friend like you then I would walk away from him no questions asked, no words spoken.” Jae smiled at Taejin and taking her hand Jae patted it and continued.


“If the girl is you Tae, then I would be so happy for you and congratulate you, from the bottom of my heart.”


Jae smiled at Taejin and began to resume her activity before she was interrupted.


“Even…” Taejin started quietly, looking down at her fingers.


“…if it’s Onew?” Taejin looked up to find Jae looked back at her.


“Even if it’s Onew.”




Jae’s eyes slowly opened, her eyes b with tears.


It’s been two years now, and every single night, it would be the same dream over and over again, haunting Jae.


Jae got up from her queen size bed, not making a noise, her large apartment as silent as the night.


Jae walked into the kitchen and began to boil out some hot water to drink before seeing if she could return back to sleep.


When the water had finished boiling and Jae had poured herself a warm and steamy cup of water she began to walk down the hallway and towards her bedroom when she stopped in front of a room that was padlocked and literally, was never opened since she had moved in.


Jae took out the key from her wallet and unlocked it.




Jae slowly pushed open the door and was hesitant to open the lights but before she could talk herself out of it she walked into the room and the lights.


For a second, the bright lights blinded her eye but in a few seconds, they quickly adjusted to the sudden change.


Looking around her, her painful and happy memories of her relationship began to fill back into her mind.


Jae closed the door and stood there, holding her cup of now cool water and her back against the door, like support.


Jae looked around her.


All the presents that Jae had received in her relationship with Onew was brought back to her to Los Angeles where she now lives.


Pictures, books, toys.


Everything was there.


And then, something white caught her eye and she slowly walked towards it.


The corner of an envelope was sticking out from under a large white bear that had the words “I Love You” embedded on it that Jae got from Onew during their first year anniversary.


Putting the cup of cool water down, Jae gently lifted up the bear and picked up the envelope.


Before she opened it, she already knew what it was; the wedding invitation.




We, that is, Onew and I, Park Taejin, invite you to our wedding that will be held on the 9th of April at Hotel Seoul.


I hope that you will attend and give us your blessing.


Thank you.



Those words seemed to burn Jae from within.


She gently ran her finger over the words and a flashback of the happiness of her ex-boyfriend Onew came into mind.




As the priest said those words in a wedding, I opened my clutch and quietly took out a plane ticket and suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes bore into me and I looked up to see Ki’s gaze on mine, asking me what is this.


I gave her a faint smile and began to get out of the wedding ceremony.


As I hit the door of the ceremony, the voice of the priest came into my ear. 


“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”


I turned around and saw Onew lean down to kiss and angelic Taejin.


I smiled at them, a tear escaping my eyes.


“Annyeong Onew oppa…”




A tear began to slide down Jae’s face and it gently dropped onto the letter and gracefully slid off the envelope as Tae slumped there, her head buried in her knees.




Jae had stayed in that position all night and it was like that she feel asleep.


She was woken up by her phone ringing in her bedroom, the room next to the room with all her memories.


Jae woke up with a start and looked around, her eyes stinging from all the crying and her vision blurry with not wearing any contacts, or even glasses.


Jae got up and stumbled into her bedroom, put on her Gucci glasses and picking up her Blackberry, she talked.




“Jae! Where the hell are you!” Her secretary screamed in her ear.


“What do you mean? It’s Saturday…where else would I be besides at home?” Jae asked, pulling her hair to make it untangled as she walked grudgingly into her bathroom.


Jae’s secretary screams




Jae froze.


“…” Jae swore under her breath and hung up.


She began to run into her closet and picked out a pair of casual clothing, black skinny jeans, a white blouse and a pair of white heel’s.


As she put on her clothing, she ran into the bathroom and began to comb her hair and brush her teeth at the same time.


When she was done, she ran to her handbag and began to stuff the things that she had taken out the night before.


“Wallet…wallet…wallet…” She muttered to herself.


Then, she found it, lying on the floor of her memories.


Jae had no time to think, she grabbed her wallet, the keys to the room and slammed the door shut, forgetting to lock it up.


She locked up her apartment and raced down the apartment emergency exit to the parking lot where her convertible was.


She hopped in and began to race off towards her work place.


In the mean time, she called her secretary again.


“Jess, I want a bottle of coke, a piece of banana bread and some eye drops. Now. I want it all on my desk before I get there.”


“Jae…you have 10 minutes. Relax. Their already there, on your desk. I already got them for you.”


“Even the eye drops?” Jae asked doubting.


“Whenever your late you always request eye drops so…I keep spares in my drawer now.” Jess replied, her voice amused.


Jae said nothing but continued to drive.


“Well…I’ll see you in a few then. Hey wait, do you know who the band representative is?”


“Yeah…I think they said it was a band called…SHINee…?”


Jae pulled the brakes on her car.




“I know…funny name for a band right? But apparently SM wants their popularity to go up even further so their sending them over. But I'm pretty sure their quite popular already...whatever. I don't know.”


“I-I see…so…when are they coming?” Jae nearly whispered against the wind after a moment of silence.


“In…one minute…oh! Wait! Their here! Oh, my God, there’s this guy with such a cute smile on the side! I think his name is…”


“YAH! ONEW HYUNG!” Jae heard a voice shout in the background and instantly knew it was Key.




I hope you guys liked this chapter ><

please comment...

personally...i think it suxx...= = 

but thts coz im riting it ><

feel free to comment~ ^^



“Right…his name is Onew.”

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
This was sweet! <3
oh my.. i was so sweeeet!!!<br />
i almost cried when i read the letter TT^TT
marshielisa12 #4
hehe it's really good.<br />
ah onew so cute.<br />
aww i loved the ending it was funny and sweet :)
xFlyHigh #6
Random Henry Kwok at the end xD?<br />
'Onew and Henry was the first to break apart.' <- Sounds like they were the ones kissing .___.<br />
I'm glad Taejin changed ^^<br />
It's such a sweet story ^^ Thanks for writing the sequel :DDD<br />
Yeonsu #7
though its completed.. i still subscribed! love your story :).
Yeonsu #8
awwwwwwwwww love your ending ^^.
sookiyaki #9
thanks 4 the sequel..i've just read it both..<br />'s happy ending..<br />
I was so emotional when Onew acted so weak,but the last time he admitted it, feels like suddenly i can breath well.. Lol..<br />
Btw,who's henry kwok? Is it henry from super junior?
icemochi18 #10
awwie happy ending <3 <br />
im happy for all of them! taejin is one best friend i would want to have.. besides the getting married to my onew part T^T but she made up for it <3