Welcome To Hell

The Runway of My Heart
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You wake up hearing shuffling noises outside of the room. I fell asleep? Your eyes flutter open and someone's voice scares you. That familiar voice.

“Do you realized you're on my bed?”

You turn your head to look up and you see Kris looking down at you with his arms folded. You immediately jump up and climb on his long body.

“I miss you I miss you I miss you.” You hug his neck and pull him down on your level, kissing his face. He pushes your head away and whines.

“Eww, your breath stinks. You still haven't brush your goddam teeth haven't you?” Kris says in disgust, taking off his bandana from his head to wipe his face.

“Your roommate was nice enough to fall asleep after speaking to me for 5 minutes. I don't know where anything is.” You let go of his neck and pout.

“That's Chanyeol for your record. Learn our names if you gonna be our stylist.” He eyes you and throws the dirty bandana behind him. His old habit of throwing clothes everywhere still haven't changed.

“Speaking of style. What the hell are you wearing Kris?” You eye him up and down, he was dressing all black and had 5000 bandanas wrapped around his arms. “How many bandanas do you need for it to be too much again?”

“Our old stylist had some serious mental issue man. Why you think you're here? ” Kris says with his hands on his hips. “Everyone I talked to today said I look like a bandana hanger.”

“Well then you should start being good to me. You know, to avoid any unfortunate decisions I decide to make.” You say with smug face and crossed arms.

“My . Everyone's waiting for you. Hurry up and get out there.” He says, walking fast and leaving you behind.

“Wait for me jerk!” You quickly run after him.

When you catch up to him, you are already in the living room. You stop at the sight in front of you. There are boys everywhere. Boys on the floor, boys on the couch, boys watching TV. The room are saturated with boys and you feel intimidated being the only representative of the female population.

“Don't be so obvious Min. They'll know you still a .” Kris whispers in your ears and you turn a dark shade of red. Luckily he says it in English so no one caught it. You saw Chanyeol stretching with another tall guy on the right side of the living room. He saw you watching him so you quickly look away. “Sit down, or suit yourself and stand there while they stare at you weirdly.” He laughs and walk away towards the hallway ahead. He opens the door and go into a room. You just stand there, being awkward.

“Hello.” The guy who was stretching with Chanyeol stops and walks over to you. Chanyeol rolls his eyes that he just been ditched. “Noona, we heard a lot about you.” He says with a smile. Without waiting for your reply, he takes your hand and leads you to the couch.

He forces you to sit down next to a guy with rainbow hair. Wow, their old stylist must hate them so much. His hair looks like someone just spilled a bag of skittles all over it. All the gay colors of the rainbow are present. Realizing that you were staring, you quickly look away before anyone can see how much of a creeper you are.

“So what is your name Min?” Tao asks, sitting really close to you. Your body are sandwiched between the rainbow hair goddess and the immature panda. The way your skin touch theirs, you don't enjoy it at all.

“Are you stupid?” Suho says and the rest laugh with him. Except for rainbow Sehun and Chanyeol. “Don't mind him Min-ssi. We know everything about you.”

“Way to make someone feel uncomfortable, stalker.” Tao take his revenge and Xiumin high-five him. By Tao raising his arm, you are attack with a dark bush of hair underneath his sinfully muscular arm. Must not be obvious. You try calming yourself.

“Settle down guys.” Kris finally walks out behind another guy. You figure he must be the manager.”Glad to finally meet you Min-ssi.” He smiles and you stand up from your seat, bowing and hold out your hand.

“Nice to meet you-” You say and Kris looks at you.

“Call me Jaehyung.” He says and accepts your hand.

“Yes, nice to meet you Jaehyung-ssi.” You shake his hand. Kris is now looking at you more intensely. She knows Korean?

“Oppa. Jaehyung oppa. I'm not that older than the oldest member of EXO.” He smiles.

Are they flirting in front of us? Chanyeol thinks to himself and purses his lips in disgust.

“So let me introduce you to the members first so they can go change out of these hideous clothes.” Jaehyung says and you internally agree. Not to be rude or cocky, their old stylist . “When I call your name, stand up and greet Min ok?” The members nod, well some of them. The rainbow princess and that guy called Chanyeol weren't, of course.

“Suho.” He calls and the guy with dark brown hair stands up from his sitting position on the floor and smiles.

“Hello Min, my name is Suho. I'm the leader of EXO and I'm in charge of vocal. If you have any questions or concerns, you can talk to me.” He says with a beautiful smile and you feel warm. At least you know not all of them is going to be rude dirt bag like that Chanyeol guy.

“Hello Suho-ssi.” You bow and the Jaehyung calls another name.

“D.O.” He says and you see the cutest guy you've ever seen in your life stand up from the couch. However though, due to his outfit that resembles a bad 80s prom dress, he looks really timid and embarrassed. When he starts talking, he proves that.

“Hello, I'm D.O, you can call me Kyungsoo. I'm also in charge of vocal.” He says quickly and sits right back down.

“That's it?” Jaehyung furrows his eyebrows. “Come on dude, make it interesting.”

“Is this a talent show?” Chanyeol mumbles and you feel uncomfortable.

“I-it's ok Jaehyung-ssi.” Jaehyung gives you a look. “I mean oppa, it's ok. Nice to meet you Kyungsoo-ssi.” You smile and bow again.

D.O notices your forced smile and he feels guilty he made the atmosphere awkward with his shyness. With a little bit of hesitation, He stands up again.

“I'll sing something short.” He clears his throat. “Listen.” He says in English and his deep voice makes you want to go and forever hide in the dark so no one would notice your flushed face. He begins to sing and your heart feel fuzzy at his perfect vocal.

“Lying beside you, here in the dark,
Feeling your heart beat with mine.
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our love be so blind?”

He finishes singing and sits back down, hiding his red face behind the guy he was sitting next to. Everyone clap and you are the loudest. The expression on his face while he sings, the way he accidentally glanced at you, his perfect pronunciation. Everything about that short performance makes you melt into a puddle of feels.

“That was really good Kyungsoo-ssi! I hope I can hear you sing more.” You say with a shy smile and Chanyeol once again interrupts.

“Of course you will, that's how we all make a living.” He says sarcastically.

“T-thanks Min-ssi. I'll personally sing more for you next time.” D.O says, understanding what you mean and Chanyeol scoffs. Despite Chanyeol being a , D.O words make you nod in happiness and anticipation.

Guess staying here won't be bad at all.

“Very well, next!” Jaehyung eyes everyone. “Kai!”

The guy that D.O was hiding his face behind stands up. He is wearing an orange button up shirt with orange and red prints that make your head dizzy. On top of that, he have on some sort of see through cardigan t

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Rainbowlovelydovey #1
Chapter 7: Update soon please author nim
Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE~!
xielai #3
Chapter 7: Aw..
Why everyone kinda being jerk toward min..
But I like to have that boys around me..
They are so childis yet so adorable at the same time..
Love this story so much..
Hope you update more often..
Squolly #5
Chapter 6: I really like this story author-nim;it reminds me of the relationship I have with my older brother, and the funny thing is he is in Korea right now too. Update soon. ^^
rynxoxo #6
Update sooonnn~
Chapter 6: I like this chapter omg!1!1!!1
And omo, Tamaki Suoh as in Tamaki senpai?!
Kyaaa sensing Ouran here ~~~~
Chapter 6: HAHAHAH!!! THIS IS GR8 :D