Hate At First Sight

The Runway of My Heart
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“I don't care what you say. I'm going to Korea and you can't stop me.” Kris spits angrily at his parents. He feels guilty that he have to go against them. But what can he do? He wants to be able to live his life his way. Even a little girl like you are working hard to achieve your own dream. Why can't he? Is it because he's the oldest son? If that's the case, it's not fair.

“We can put a travel ban on you if we have to Kris.” His dad says. Kris feels his eyes water. His hands fist up and he just want to punch the wall to vent out his anger. You hide behind the kitchen wall as you feel bad for Kris. You can see the veins on his neck. He is trying so hard not to break down and cry. You knew your parents would react this way if they find out their children's dreams. Kris wanted to be singer, while you wanted to be in the fashion business. That's why you didn't tell your parents about your plan of living true to your guts. Knowing that it might come to a stop.

Stupid Kris. Why can't you just leave quietly without getting caught like an idiot. You bite down on your lips, hoping Kris won't explode and do anything stupid. But of course, it's Kris, the king of Stupidville.

“You want me to become a doctor? A lawyer? What good would that do if I won't be happy? What good would that do if I would drag myself to work everyday without looking forward to it?! You're selfish, you and you! All you think about is your reputation! Do you even just for a second consider my feelings?!” Kris screams at his parents' face. He can't take it anymore. He is so tired of being force into doing the things he doesn't want to do. He's not a bird in the cage nor an animal at the circus. He's a human being and he want to be free like how he should be. Kris takes a deep breath and looks down on his feet, biting down on his lips. “Disown me.”

You gasp. No he didn't. Your grip on the edge of the wall become tighter and you surely do not anticipate what is going to happen next.

“What?” His parents say at the same time. They look at him in disbelief.

“I said disown me you greedy people! If that's what it takes for me to be able to live true to myself, then do it!” Kris screams and you face palm yourself. He really is an idiot.

A hard swing across his face make Kris' tears finally drop. The corner of his lips bust out blood and he wipes away the thick fluid with a scoff. His father laid his hands on him for the first time today.

“You're a disgrace.” The middle aged man says and storms off. His mother follows after giving him a shake of her head.

“You're really leaving?” You ask, helping him carry one of his bag, it's even bigger than you. Your parents didn't come to see him off. They're so cold.

“Aren't you happy?” Kris smiles, you purse your lips at him, swinging his bag back and forth.

“Of course, I can have the room all to myself. I don't have to deal with you keep drinking my soda, eating my food, taking my stuf-”

“I'm proud of you Min.” He suddenly says, cutting you off. The sudden change of topic makes you stun and don't know what to say. “You're younger than me yet you're doing the things even I can't do.”

“What are you talking about?” You stop swinging the bag and look up at him. It feels strange to see Kris like this. Warm, loving, smiling.

“I've been wanting to become a singer for a really long time Min, not just recently.” He sighs. “However, I was scared. I was scared to hear what dad have to say or the things he would do once he found out. So I didn't chase it. But you, you work so hard everyday just to get into that school. I'm really envious.” He ruffles your hair with a smile.

“Who ask you to praise me.” You purse your lips, looking away. He chuckles. You haven't seen this side of him in a while. Usually, you and him bicker and pull each other hair all day.

“Anyways Min, this is the last of us for a really long time.” He says with a deep breath yet a content smile on his face. He really want this. You can see the thirst in his eyes. “Unless you'll become my stylist once I debut, then we'll be able to see each other every day.” He jokes. “But forget I say that. Seeing you everyday and working together will be the last thing on my list of things to do in life.”

“I didn't say I want to see you everyday either cocky bastard!” You argue. Yet in your heart you are hurt. Thinking of the days ahead without Kris. You'll have no one to fight with, no one to make you angry. I'll sure be lonely. You sighed as Kris pulled you into a long, lingering hug.


5 years later...

You take a deep breath as you look around Incheon airport. You have on a pair of mint jeans and white loose top. Backpack and accessories to match with high top sneakers on your feet, finishing with a mint beanie to make you appear a little bit carefree yet stylish at the same time. After all, you only have one thing you're good at. If you can't do this one thing right, you don't want to live as a humiliation anymore.

With your luggage tight in your grip, you walk out of the entrance expecting to look all cool but the heat hit you suddenly and you break down.

“I'm going to die.” You cry and quickly wave for a taxi to come and rescue you. You also pull down the beanie on your head and put it betwe

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Rainbowlovelydovey #1
Chapter 7: Update soon please author nim
Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE~!
xielai #3
Chapter 7: Aw..
Why everyone kinda being jerk toward min..
But I like to have that boys around me..
They are so childis yet so adorable at the same time..
Love this story so much..
Hope you update more often..
Squolly #5
Chapter 6: I really like this story author-nim;it reminds me of the relationship I have with my older brother, and the funny thing is he is in Korea right now too. Update soon. ^^
rynxoxo #6
Update sooonnn~
Chapter 6: I like this chapter omg!1!1!!1
And omo, Tamaki Suoh as in Tamaki senpai?!
Kyaaa sensing Ouran here ~~~~
Chapter 6: HAHAHAH!!! THIS IS GR8 :D