An Obstacle?


Minho carefully laid the unconscious girl onto his bed before calling his doctor. She was burning up and perspiring, even after Minho had switched on the air-conditioner at full blast. He sat down next to her and gently pushed off the strands of hair away from her face. He noticed the tiniest details like how her lips are cracked or how her lashes fluttered slightly against her cheeks. It’s sad that a beautiful girl like her was treated in such a manner. Hmm. I don’t know her name yet.

“Knock. Knock.” Someone knocked against Minho’s door, snapping him out of his stupor, before the door clicked open. Entering was the doctor and Minho immediately stood up to let him examine the girl in peace. Once the door closed behind him, he proceeded to the kitchen and got a basin before filling it with water. The maids and butler looked at him weirdly, wondering why he didn’t ask for them to get it instead. Opening a drawer, he took out a small white towel and carried the heavy basin up to his room, passing by the gaping staff. When he was at the third level, 2 levels away from his room, a body appeared in front of him causing him to abruptly stop.

The food was served and everybody sat, filling every seat on the table except one. Yuri glanced around, hoping to find the familiar tall man but he was nowhere to be found. The empty seat next to her was looked at by many and she began feeling small. Once she was sure enough that she was ditched, she excused herself and left. Noticing the car was missing, her anger boiled and she banged her fists against a nearby wall. Since she no longer has a mode of transport, she had no choice but to take the cab, making her look like a downright fool. As she was on her way to her room, she saw Minho climbing up the stairs with a basin of water. She angrily stomped her way towards him, halting him.

“What the f***!? You could have told me you were leaving first you bastard! Imagine how I felt when everyone was staring at me, asking me, your fiancé, where the hell you were which, I was incapable of answering. You crazy bastard, why did you leave first?! Answer me!” Yuri yelled, demanding an answer. Minho looked over the huge basin, trying to get a look at the fuming Yuri. He replied her with an emotionless tone, “Sorry I couldn’t think of you when I was busy trying to calm down a painful migraine. Now excuse me, I’ll be in my room. Don’t you dare come in or else I will ask father to break off this stupid engagement.”

Minho swiftly walked around her and continued climbing the spiral staircase. Yuri stood there, dumbfounded, for over 5 minutes before yelling incoherent words at the, now, empty stairs.

The doctor stood inside Minho’s room, waiting for his return. When he heard the door opened, he quickly went to help but the stubborn Minho wouldn’t accept any of it. He placed the basin on the dresser next to the bed with the towels before questioning the doctor if she was alright.

“She just lacks daily nutrients, that’s all. I don’t think she has been eating well lately that’s why she fainted. Once she wakes up, give her something containing carbohydrates like rice or bread and some water. Here are some pills for her high fever and make sure she’s comfortable. She looks so fragile,” The doctor instructed before bowing slightly and leaving. Minho took a towel and dips it into the water. He wrings out most of the water, leaving with a moist towel, before placing it onto her forehead. Exactly what mother used to do. He brushed off that thought and tucked her in under a blanket before leaving his bedroom and into his study room. He locked the doors into his bedroom; afraid someone might come in and find a sleeping girl in there. He can already imagine the rumors spreading. The horror.

And this was his daily routine for the past 5 days. Replacing the towel on her head every hour or so, not forgetting to lock the doors before leaving. He still has to attend meetings and stuff but he always made time to change the towel. The doctor had also inserted an IV into her arm, giving her the amount of daily nutrients she will be missing since she was unconscious.

On the sixth day, Minho had a free day so he took care of her that day. The doctor said that there was a possibility that she will be waking up today so he was there by her side waiting. He has his laptop on his lap as he sat next to her sleeping figure. Suddenly, he felt the sheets move slightly and a soft whimper, barely audible enough, reached his ears.

Sulli’s head began clearing as she tried to open her eyes. Her eye lids weighed super heavy when she tried opening her eyes at firstand her body was aching and stiff all over. She tried opening her eyes again and this time, a bright light greeted her. Her surroundings was a little blur at first but soon enough, her vision sharpened and she noticed that she wasn’t in her bed. She tried sitting up but her head quickly began to pound again so she lay back down. She can hear someone talking but her mind can’t seem to interpret the words properly. She turned her head slightly to notice a wide-eyed, worried Minho. She was taken aback at first but then, her memories and thoughts began process again and she bit her lips. I’m on a mission. Of course.

“I’m sorry but can you tell me what happened and also what you just said,” Her voice was hoarse, since she hasn’t drunk water for a long time. Minho bit back his tongue and tried imagining how it must have felt not to drink water for a really long time. He got up after informing Sulli that he would be right back with water and food. Sulli just nodded, still slightly blur about the entire situation. Once she heard the door clicked shut, she tried to stand up but a sudden sharp pain from her arm made her yelp in pain slightly and fall back onto the bed. She noticed the IV, hanging from the bed post, stuck on her arm and she immediately face-palmed herself. Since she can’t move around and explore the room, she just settled with sitting upright and taking in every aspect in the room. From the television molded onto the wall to the decorative bed stand. The couch in front of the bed had a couple of pillows and a blanket messily placed on it. So this is his room. Hmm, has he been sleeping on the couch? He shouldn’t have. He must be experiencing back pain now. Sulli her cracked lips nervously, trying to moisten them, as she waited patiently for Minho to come back.

The chefs, maids, servants and basically, the entire Heartbreaking Devil’s staff, stared at the working Minho in shock and disbelief. Minho was in the kitchen, busily cooking some side dishes and soup to feed the girl. He still doesn’t know her name which reminds him to ask her later. He got out a tray and placed all the dishes on it, which includes egg roll, chicken soup, stir-fried vegetables and a bowl of rice. He had also cut some apples, mango and kiwi for her. The doctor had advice him not to feed her too spicy and oily food when she wakes up because she’ll need healthy food that would help replenish her energy. He placed a jug of water and two cups on the tray before carrying it to his room, walking past the gaping staff. When he reached the 5th Level, also known as his room, he opened the door with a little trouble but still succeeding. When Minho finally managed to turn the door knob into his room, he walked towards the bed and placed the tray onto the edge of the bed.

“Here you go. The doctor said you need to eat since you fainted due to starvation. Doesn’t those Laughing Lizards give you food to eat? That reminds me, what’s your name?” He asked as he poured a glass of water before handing it to the delicate looking girl. She accepted the glass with a slight smile before drinking from it. When she felt was much moister, she began to talk.

“They did but it’s barely enough. I only get 2 pieces of bread one every 3 days. Sometimes, if Mr. Kim is in a good mood, he’ll even give some chicken. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kim Haera. You?” Kim Haera. Pretty.

“What?! Only 2 pieces of bread after 3 days of starvation? That’s prosperous!  Here eat this. I’m Minho by the way,” Minho said as he brought a spoonful of rice and egg towards . He figured that she was most probably too weak to eat on her own so for now, he would be her hands and legs.

Sulli, will now be known as Haera, opened slightly, allowing Minho to stuff the rice into . She chewed a little before speaking again, “It was better there than before I was kidnapped. It would be a miracle if I found something edible twice a week last time. At least at Mr. Kim’s house, I’m guaranteed some food.”

“Yahh! Don’t talk with your mouth full. Really? Don’t you have any parents?” Minho stared at Haera, eyes burning with curiosity. It’s a little unbelievable that an angelic girl like her would be an orphan. She knew she couldn’t avoid the question, with Minho gazing at her with anticipation, so she chewed slightly longer than needed, just to prolong the silence. Once she swallowed, she let her gaze fall to her lap as she played with the tips of her hair.

“My father died in a car crash and,” ‘Haera’ bit back her tongue. She almost forgot that she was on a mission and not talking to a friend and even more, why would she have almost told him her most heart-aching secret, which she took 2 years to tell Krystal, during their 2nd meeting? Stupid. She coughed slightly and continued her sentence, “My mom just gave birth to me then. When she heard that her husband had died, she committed suicide at the hospital rooftop. At least, that’s what those people at the orphanage told me. I stayed at an orphanage until I was 10, when a newly married couple came and adopted me. It went well for the first few weeks until they started hitting me. I ran away from there when I was 14 and lived in the streets for 3 years before some guys kidnapped me. They treated me well, giving me food, water and shelter, for 2 weeks until it was time for the auction. That when Mr. Kim bought me and ever since then, I lived at their mansion.”

Minho sat there, listening to everything adding a little Ehmms and Ahhhs just to let her know that he was listening. It’s sad that she had to live a life like that. And with that, a comforting silence followed with Haera’s constant chewing and Minho’s quiet chuckles.

"Bang!" The door slammed against the wall with tremendous strength when someone pushed a little too hard. Taemin ran in giggling while screaming for his hyung. He held a bag behind his back while looking for his beloved hyung. He entered the study room, not finding him at the desk as per usual. He cocked his head to the side before turning and walking towards the bedroom door. His hand landed on the door knob before twisting his wrist, entering.

When Minho heard the door slammed open, his hand stopped midway from Haera’s waiting mouth. Suddenly, the door opened.

“Hyung, Amber and I got you a snow globe from the amus-,” Sounds of glass shattering against the floor pierced the once comforting silence.


Btw, remember that from now onwards, Sulli would be called Haera unless its in the Cackling Dragons P.O.V :D

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It's 4.30 in the morning so enjoy the update:D


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Chapter 10: new reader....^^
like ur story...update soon authornim...kamsahamnida....^^
Chapter 10: *Was well written. Hehe. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIDS UPDATE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. /sobs and mental breakdown.
Chapter 10: 0114, hehe jongin's bday~ sorry cant help it. SO MUCH FLUFF OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE I CANNOT ANYMORE. First of all, cutie jonginnie searching for his dear soojung, annnnnnnnd then LuNew cuddling and the flashback of their first encounter, AND LASTLY OUR BBJUNG MISSING HER BBSSUL. MY JUNGLI HEART </3 this chapter is actually really well written. I love this mannn.
Bubbletea10 #4
Far out, this fanfic is so good! :O keep it up! And the kaistal moments <3 just amazing
Chapter 9: Ahh so that is what you meant... well hello haera. Omg brings back memories:') ayy minho took good care of ssul~
Chapter 8: Thanks Authornim
I love this chapter
Update Soon
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update. Its getting more interesting. We'll be looking forward for your next update.
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim
Its was a nice update
and yes you can make one chapter of Lunew and Kaistal but please make the next one of Minsul I can not wait for one of Minsul.
Chapter 7: Aww Ssul:'( I hope she will be safe... I like Heechul and Sulli's relationship. So sweeeeet T.T hehe. Ay Kim Haera. Rmb that name? The first kaistal story you wrote for me. Hehe. Are you gonna write lunew or kaistal, or, both? O.o