New Members?


So~ sorry about the super long hiatus :/ I had my examinations and I also had to move to a new house and there wasn't any internet also. I also had a slight writer's block so yeah.. SORRY! And to expressed my sorrow, I will do 2 updates in a day~:) anticipate the next chapter kay ;)


Beads of sweat were evident against Sulli's pale forehead. Ever since the air-condition in the IT lab shut down, it's been the least favourite area in their base among most of the members but Sulli needed a quiet enviroment to crack open the thumbdrive she stole from Minho so she let herself suffer in the heat. As she typed vigorously against the keyboard, the PA system started echoing in the room.

"All members please gather at the meeting hall immediately. I'll repeat, all members please gather at the meeting hall immediately," the voice of Mr. E howled across the entire base. Sulli glared at the speakers. She was minutes away from finally hacking into the thumbdrive, which she wasted two days trying, and now she was being ordered to stop. Reluctantly, she slammed her laptop close and drag herself towards the meeting hall.

The infirmary was currently packed when Krystal entered. She came beside Kai's bed and begins to wash and rebandage Kai's wounds. There was a faint tint of red on both cheeks that can't go unseen. Most members were busily whispering about them and one even winked at them as he walked past. Kai stared at her long, slender fingers as they swiftly applied medicine and bandaged his wounds. Krystal smiled in satisfaction once she plastered the last bandage on. Kai hands cupped Krystal's face and eye contact was made. Drifting into their own world, they managed to missed the important annoucement blaring. Slowly, the patients that was once occupying the Infirmary began limping out of the room leaving the 2 lovebirds in their own private world.

In the midst of looking for her best friend, Sulli bumped into someone. Heechul almost fell back from shock when he felt someone colliding into him. Sulli looked up to see a blonde man smiling at her and she continued to stare him down. She doesn't believe she should apologise so she just continued to stare until he decides to look away however, the man doesn't seem to be affected. He just kept on smiling and standing there. Sulli began feeling awkward so she just glared at him and walked away. The man stares at the retreating figure and thought, "Already found a . I'm not liking this place." 

Heechul was faced with a smiling and bubbly girl who began bowing an apology profusedly. He stared at her in confusion. As the son of the owner here, he knew every single member but this girl wasn't one of them. Instictively, he grabbed her into a headlock and began demanding who she was. Most members had already evacuated the hallways so Heechul and this mysterious intruder were alone. She started yelling and begging him to let her go.

"Let me go you ! I'm one of the newly recruited members, Park Sunyoung. Yahh! It hurts," She whimpered in pain when Heechul still wouldn't let go. He stare at her with suspicion before letting her go. Sunyoung began rubbing her neck to soothe the pain but only to be stopped abruptly by a hand. 

"Yahh! Park Sunyoung, are you okay? What happened? And, who are you?" Lee Jinki glared at Heechul as he began massaging Sunyoung's neck. Heechul stared at Jinki's hands rubbing against Sunyoung's neck. Friends, siblings or maybe, a couple? Unaware of Jinki's impatience, Heechul continued to stare, lost in thoughts. Jinki clearly wasn't in a great mood so he cleared his throat, initiating Heechul to answer his previous question. Annoyed, Heechul finally answered him.

"Kim Heechul, the only son of Mr. E. I can see that you are another new member, are you not? If you are then wouldn't it be best for you to head over to the hall before my father decides to terminate you?" Heechul asked smoothly with his master face plastered on. A face that no one could dare talk back to. He spared one last glance at them before walking off towards hall. Jinki and Sunyoung stared at the cold back walking away before Jinki continued to fuss over Sunyoung now bruising neck.

Heechul carefully placed his hands over the tense Sulli's eyes. Sulli was about to defend herself when she noticed the silver engraved ring against her attacker's pointer finger that was apparently covering her left eye. She turned around and hit Heechul's chest softly. She was thankful to finally find someone she's comfortable around with since Krystal and Kai were still no where to be found. Heechul just slightly chuckled before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the front where his father was standing with that same pattern-less mask covering his face. No one have seen his face, including Heechul but he barely sees his father either so it doesn't make much of a difference. Mr. E tapped on the mic causing a static noise to belt out of the speakers surrounding the room. This caused a drastic decrease of volume in the room and everyone payed attention to he stage. Mr. E's eyes scanned the entire room, as if to be counting every breathing creature present. He leaned forward and spoke through the mic, "I can see that most members are present so I shall begin the unexpected announcements. Today we will be celebrating the welcome of five new members."

As if on queue, two girls and three boys steped onto stage. Mr. E walked over to each person and began introducing them, "First person, Hwang Stephanie. Currently 11 years-old and birthday on August 1. Given the code name, Tiffany. Second person, unnamed so he will be given a new name, Sehun along with his twin brother, Luhan. Both are 7 and birthday on April 8. Fourth person, Park Sunyoung. Currently 17 years of age and birth date August 12. Given the code name, Luna. Lastly, Lee Jinki. Currently 20 and birthday on December 14. Given the code name, Onew. Please give them all a warm welcome."

Sulli stared at all the new members with an unamused expression. She was wasting time and she needed to hack into the thumbdrive soon. Heechul noticed how Sulli was beginning to get restless as his father continue to bore them with the endless announcements. When finally his father said his goodbyes, he was dragged towards the IT lab. He just let himself get dragged by the undeniably strong Sulli.

Being placed in front of the laptop, Heechul just looked at Sulli unimmpressed. Sure, Sulli had told him all he need to do but Heechul was never the type to do anything without expecting something in return. Sulli sighed and cried out in exasperation, "Oppa, just help me with this. I need to find out what those Heartbreaking Devils are up to. I don't want them to hurt you and your father."

Heechul was well aware that Sulli was using aeygo but it doesn't mean he wasn't enjoying it. He laughs and began typing. Sulli had her cheeks puffed out in anticipation as Heechul pressed the last button but the files that were shown, were even more shocking than expectations.

Luna and Onew were walking around the huge base when suddenly, a girl and boy ran out of a room which almost caused them to collide together. The boy was limping slightly but he wore a huge smile and girl was supporting him as he walked. Suddenly, Luna began squealing, "Oh my god! Soojungie! Remember me? I missed you!"

Krystal almost let go of Kai when she heard that familiar voice. She looked away from Kai's questioning looks and saw the smile of her childhood friend. Onew gazed at the skinny girl in front of him. He quickly help to hold onto the limping boy as Luna attacked Soojung. Kai was just as confused as the other man as both their girls attack each other with hugs and some occasional hits on the head. 

"Oh mother of chocolates! Sunyoungiee!! You look so pretty! Oh my god!" "I know!! You look so skinny! Yahh! How can you leave me like that without a goodbye!" "I'm not that skinny! Mr. E adopted me while you were out with the caretaker. Why must you go and buy books that day! I missed you so much!" "Pabo! Made me cry for a week! I needed to study chinese. God. Missed you too!" "I'm not a pabo! I made you cry? Sorry!"

Before both man could blink, both the girls were on the floor crying on each others shoulders. Kai awkwardly coughed, trying to gain at least one of their attention but to no avail. Onew nudged Kai slightly and awkwardly held out a hand.

"Hi, I'm Onew. Since your girlfriend, I'm assuming, knows my girl, lets be friends?" Kai stared at the hand for while before finally shaking it. He coughed slightly before introducing himself. While they were awkwardly excahnging greetings, Krystal and Luna had stopped sobbing and Krystal proposed an idea of meeting her best friend, Sulli which they both agreed, forgetting about the two man.

"Yah! Park Sunyoung!" "Yah! Jung Soojung!"

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It's 4.30 in the morning so enjoy the update:D


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Chapter 10: new reader....^^
like ur story...update soon authornim...kamsahamnida....^^
Chapter 10: *Was well written. Hehe. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIDS UPDATE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. /sobs and mental breakdown.
Chapter 10: 0114, hehe jongin's bday~ sorry cant help it. SO MUCH FLUFF OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE I CANNOT ANYMORE. First of all, cutie jonginnie searching for his dear soojung, annnnnnnnd then LuNew cuddling and the flashback of their first encounter, AND LASTLY OUR BBJUNG MISSING HER BBSSUL. MY JUNGLI HEART </3 this chapter is actually really well written. I love this mannn.
Bubbletea10 #4
Far out, this fanfic is so good! :O keep it up! And the kaistal moments <3 just amazing
Chapter 9: Ahh so that is what you meant... well hello haera. Omg brings back memories:') ayy minho took good care of ssul~
Chapter 8: Thanks Authornim
I love this chapter
Update Soon
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update. Its getting more interesting. We'll be looking forward for your next update.
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim
Its was a nice update
and yes you can make one chapter of Lunew and Kaistal but please make the next one of Minsul I can not wait for one of Minsul.
Chapter 7: Aww Ssul:'( I hope she will be safe... I like Heechul and Sulli's relationship. So sweeeeet T.T hehe. Ay Kim Haera. Rmb that name? The first kaistal story you wrote for me. Hehe. Are you gonna write lunew or kaistal, or, both? O.o