The Process Of A Plan.


"How could they download this so fast? We were lucky enough to have a quick thinker like you or else we would have been exposed! Can you believe it? This close to being caught! All our secrets and weaknesses would have been discovered and we would never stand a chance to beat those dogs of a Devil! We need a new plan to stop them from discovering or else we'd be screwed," Heechul rambled with hand gestures to get Sulli to see his point but she was too busy scrolling down the list of all the members profile in Cackling Dragons. Apparently, it was listed in newest to oldest form so Sulli's name was somewhere below. She was hesitant to click on her name but eventually, she did and the picture of her younger smiling self popped up. Those days were when she could smile without any worries. The days when she was still innocent. She held back a bitter laugh and carried on looking through her profile. Reading every bit and pieces about herself, her life, weaknesses, skills, secrets, everything written in that small text. To think Minho was so close to discovering all this, Sulli was truly frightened. She was halfway through rereading it when a breathless Krystal barged through the doors with a familiar exhausted figure being dragged along.

"Sulli! Meet my bestfriend from Sunny Loving Orphanage before Mr. E adopted me! Her code name's Luna and she, wait. What are you reading?" Krystal's face fell when she caught a glimpse of screen before Sulli slammed the laptop close. Luna flinched at the loud sound echoing around the room due to the slam but soon forgot it all when she saw the unamused Heechul leaning against the wall. He seems to be caught in the train of thoughts when suddenly Luna's swearing interrupted his thoughts, "You f**ktard! You were the one who hurt my neck. Look at these bruises! Because of you, they hurt like a b**ch! Just trying to greet a senior with respect to find myself being choked. You got problems."

Krystal stared wide-eyed and jawdropped. No one dared to talk to Heechul in such a manner before, since he was the heir of this Mafia. She noticed Heechul's eye twitching in anger once Luna ended her so called speech and gulped. Luna shouldn't have done that. 

Heechul stood up and dust his shoulders. He began to take careful steps towards Luna as he took his turn to talk back, "I didn't know that being cautious was a problem. I mean, wouldn't anyone take precaution if a stranger, as in someone that was never seen in this base before, was lurking around. It's only common sense to take action incase of any risk happening like, being attacked again since we are in a very vunerable state due to the recent invasion. It left many of my men injured so I wouldn't want it to worsen. Bruising you a little was better than having my entire family broken and maimed before they could even heal. If a little bruise is bothering you, then I suggest you to leave this organization because if you stay, you'll experienced worse. Imagined being gagged and stabbed multiple times with drugs, you've never heard of, running through your veins.

"You have gone through years of training in pain before my father was sure to let you in but now you are whining about a little bruise? Want to see the scars we bare from all those fights we faced. The scar on Krystal's hip for example. She was stabbed there, barely missing her kidney, when she was being held captive at one of our enemies base. She went a week without food and was barely given enough water but in the end, she survived by beating every single bastard that touched her and managed to use up all her strength to walk a whole 9km home. Are you able to face such thing? If not, I could always ask my father to leave you somewhere along the street because if you can't handle a few bruises, how could you handle the life as a member, am I right Sulli?" 

Sulli sat there smirking when she noticed Luna trembling with her back against the wall. She witnessed how Heechul tauntingly took a step forward following with Luna's trembling feet stepping backwards until she was stopped due to a wall. She noticed how Heechul talked as Luna began quivering in fear. Sulli hummed an answer before picking the poor crying girl from the floor and dragged her towards her room. Krystal just smacked Heechul's head, trying to bring some justice, before following along. Heechul chuckled and noticed the blinking light from the laptop. He grabbed it and made a dash to his father's office, hoping he would have a better plan.

*Something for you all*

Minho stared at his computer screen and banged his fists against the keyboard. He can't believe he accidentally dropped the thumbdrive on the way out. He grabbed the coffee mug at the side of the desk and drank down the scalping hot coffee. He has been putting all-nighters to figure out another plan to attack those brats but a girl kept interrupting his thoughts. The same frightened, crying girl from before. What could the Cackling Dragons be doing with her? He thought multiple times. He promised to save her so he has to go back but the only probem was how? When? Could she even be alive by then? Could they have starved her to death or murdered her? He was scared that he would not be able to save her in time. As his mind ponder over plans to save this girl, the door to his room peeked open. Entering was a girl with her jet black hair tied up into a bun. Kwon Yuri or soon to be Choi Yuri.

Minho never approved of this engagement but his father needed her father's amazing drug making skills so he was engaged and soon to be married without being able to object or anything and what's worse, being grown in a bad enviroment, Yuri was unmannered and very, exposed. She never liked wearing clothes that covered her legs or stomach. So, basically, she was a b**th. Lucky Minho.

"Yeobo, what are you doing? You need to rest. Working so hard and all," Yuri placed herself on Minho's lap and swung her hands around his neck. Being the kind of uncaring person he is labeled as, he pushed her off him and dust off his lap. Yuri landed with a thud and Minho just walked over her. The echos of a door being closed proves that he had officially left the room. Yuri glared at the back of the door and smacked her fists on the ground, throwing a tantrum. Having Minho ignoring her was annoying and she was beginning to wonder when he'll crack. She ruffled her hair frustration and puffed out her cheeks. She will crack him soon enough.

Sulli was inside her now crowded dorm room with Luna and Krystal. She was sitting on her bed and was busily writing nonsense on her notebook while the other two girls were talking about anything and everything. She tried going back to the IT lab but Heechul had left with her laptop so she can't do anything now. In boredom, she began to watch how Krystal was informing Luna about everyone in Cackling Dragons, the PA system began to crackle again.

"Sulli from room L-19 please report to Mr. E office now." Sulli groaned in annoyance and got up before tying her hair. She whistled to the two gossiping girls before leaving. She looked down her sneakers to avoid the stares she was recieving. Once she reached the door of room A-01, Mr. E's office, she was being dragged inside by a hand. She stumbled before ragaining her posture but only to find a widely smiling idiot. She smack Heechul's chest and stuck her tongue out at him. They both giggled before Heechul escorted her to the desk which seated the faceless Mr. E as usual. She bowed in respect before taking a seat at the front of the desk. Heechul took the seat next to her as they both waiting for Mr. E to talk.

"You know me well enough to know that I don't like beating around the bush so I'll just ask. I saw the footage of the fight a few days earlier and I saw something very cunning. You were crying in front of the man and hugging him. If I didn't know better, I would have thought you liked it but thats not why you are here. I would like to ask you, what did you both spoke about?" Sulli knew well enough not to look weak in front of Mr. E so she just answered the question as casually as she could. She explain everything from the role she was acting as to the promise he made to take her away. Amused, it took a full 5 minutes ever since Sulli last spoke before Mr. E proposed something.

"How would you like to go undercover?"

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It's 4.30 in the morning so enjoy the update:D


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Chapter 10: new reader....^^
like ur story...update soon authornim...kamsahamnida....^^
Chapter 10: *Was well written. Hehe. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIDS UPDATE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. /sobs and mental breakdown.
Chapter 10: 0114, hehe jongin's bday~ sorry cant help it. SO MUCH FLUFF OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE I CANNOT ANYMORE. First of all, cutie jonginnie searching for his dear soojung, annnnnnnnd then LuNew cuddling and the flashback of their first encounter, AND LASTLY OUR BBJUNG MISSING HER BBSSUL. MY JUNGLI HEART </3 this chapter is actually really well written. I love this mannn.
Bubbletea10 #4
Far out, this fanfic is so good! :O keep it up! And the kaistal moments <3 just amazing
Chapter 9: Ahh so that is what you meant... well hello haera. Omg brings back memories:') ayy minho took good care of ssul~
Chapter 8: Thanks Authornim
I love this chapter
Update Soon
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update. Its getting more interesting. We'll be looking forward for your next update.
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim
Its was a nice update
and yes you can make one chapter of Lunew and Kaistal but please make the next one of Minsul I can not wait for one of Minsul.
Chapter 7: Aww Ssul:'( I hope she will be safe... I like Heechul and Sulli's relationship. So sweeeeet T.T hehe. Ay Kim Haera. Rmb that name? The first kaistal story you wrote for me. Hehe. Are you gonna write lunew or kaistal, or, both? O.o