Warmth and Beating Hearts.


Kai was worried. It was pretty obvious by the way he stood in front of Krystal’s door, gnawing onto his bottom lip and unconsciously begins to talk himself. It was midnight and not once had Krystal left her room the entire day. It has only been 2 days since Sulli left and Kai could only imagine the pain Krystal is going through without her best-friend by her side any longer. Kai hesitantly knocked onto Krystal’s door but no one answered. His worries took over his rational and proper thinking state that he quickly punched in Krystal’s door code- 0114. The door opened but only revealing an empty room. Kai’s worries doubled when he was unable to find his girl. He did the only thing a boyfriend would do; he went to her best-friend for help.

Luna was sitting on Onew’s lap, leaning onto his chest. An empty bowl, which was once filled with popcorn, left on the table next to the bed with the sounds of a long forgotten movie playing in the background. Onew had his arms wrapped around Luna’s small waist, causing Luna to cuddle into his warm chest even more. How they missed moments like this, where they could relax and feel each other’s radiating warmth. Luna looked up into Onew’s eyes and watched as they slowly disappeared, leaving tiny beautiful crescents, when he gave her a smile. She giggled and slightly pecked the area next to his lips, narrowly missing them. Onew’s lips fell from its smile, forming a pout. Luna giggled again and kissed his pouting lips. Onew smiled in content and hugged her tighter, resting his head onto her shoulder.

“Oppa, remember how we first met?” Luna’s voice broke the comforting silence. Her fingers began playing with Onew’s huge hands on her waist. He chuckled slightly and nodded onto her shoulder before pecking it. Onew softly whispered, “Of course I would. The day we literally fell for each other, how could I forget that?”

Practicing hard just to enter a dangerous world, those were the exact words that Jinki thought when he entered the training center. Training just to kill and fight, reality works in painful ways, doesn’t it? Onew took a glance at the battle arena, where 2 girls were busily attacking each other with knifes and swords. The girl with her jet black heir tied in a bun twirled slightly before gracefully slicing her sword onto the other girl’s armoured chest. The other girl stumbled and fell back. The girl with the jet black hair pointed the tip of her sword against the other girl’s neck. Onew stared at her, anticipating her next move. To his dismay, both girls broke out into laughter before the girl withdrew her sword and helped the other up.

“Wow. Remind me never to mess with you, Sunyoung,” Sooyeon jokingly said as Sunyoung pulled her up. Sunyoung just smiled brightly and stuck her tongue out at her. Sooyeon shook her head slightly before dismissing herself. Sunyoung was left alone to train, feeling slightly bored without a partner. Jinki entered the arena before calling for her, “Hey, Sunyoung right? Want to battle?”

Sunyoung turned around and saw a man, strapping armour onto himself before grabbing a sword. He swung the sword playfully, waiting for Sunyoung to attack first. She smirked a little before swinging her own sword. Suddenly Sunyoung pounced but Jinki managed to dodge swiftly before he counter attacked. Jinki tried to hit her back with the hilt of his sword but only to be stunned when Sunyoung turned a little too fast. Her elbow accidentally slammed onto his chest, causing him to fall backwards and Sunyoung to lose balance. She landed on top of him and smacking her forehead against his own. He grimaced in pain before inspecting the girl above him, making sure she wasn’t injured anywhere. He saw how she cutely rubbed her forehead, trying to ease the pain. He also noticed the stands of hair surrounding her face and how her lips would pout and her eyes squeezing tightly when she was rubbing her forehead. He smiled at the sight before helping her massage the pain away. Sunyoung opened her eyes in shock when she felt another hand on her forehead. She was about to question his actions when she was silenced by a calming relief from her throbbing head.

“Thanks. That helped a lot. What’s your name?” Sunyoung timidly asked. Jinki smiled before pushing strands of hair away from her face. His voice finally spoke up as he answered her, “Jinki.”

In the middle of reminiscing the beautiful past they had, Onew was struck back into reality when a loud banging echoed across the room. Luna glanced at the door before looking to Onew’s eyes. He nudged her slightly and she carefully crawled off the bed and walked towards the door.

“Luna! Have you seen Krystal? She wasn’t in her room and I’m scared that she ran away or was killed and stabbed by some ninjas! Help me find her!” Kai grabbed her shoulders and shook her into oblivion. He was panicking; afraid that Krystal had gotten lost or worse, kidnapped. Onew appeared next to Luna, trying to pry his hands off Luna. Kai was hyperventilating by the time Onew managed to get his Luna away from him. Luna slapped him hard against his head, trying to smack some sense into his head but, it was a little too hard, causing poor Kai to pass out at the door frame. Onew shook his head in annoyance. He carried him into the room and placed him on the bed while Luna grabbed a wet towel. There goes peace and quiet.

Krystal was lying on Sulli’s bed, looking up at the ceiling. On the ceiling were pictures of everything, from them smiling and posing weirdly to sceneries from parks or missions. She remembered when Sulli first proposed the idea and stood on 3 chairs stacked together, sticking pictures on the ceiling. They were only 11 then, so they were quite short. The first picture they took was when Mr. E had allowed them to go out and they went to buy ice cream. People stared at them on the streets; most were wondering why 10 year olds were walking around alone. She remembered when an old lady asked them if they were lost and if they needed to contact their parents. Sulli instantly froze and was about to attack that poor woman but Krystal managed to politely answer the lady no and dragged Sulli away. When Krystal bought the grumbling Sulli chocolate flavoured ice cream, she instantly brightened and ate it happily. With ice cream all over both faces, Krystal had to take a picture and there it is, in the middle of the photo collage. Krystal would have laughed at the memory but instead she grabbed the nearest pillow and hugged it tightly, letting tears spill from her eyes.

Kai woke up an hour later with a worried Onew and curious Luna peeking at him. He quickly sat up, causing a painful migraine, and looked around for Krystal. He looked at Luna with pleading eyes until she finally spoke, “Sorry if I hit you too hard but you were bound to faint either way. Anyways, you should have just asked nicely for Krystal’s whereabouts and I wouldn’t have to hit you and for your information, she’s in Sulli’s room.”

Kai’s eyes widened as he smack himself in the head, just worsening the pounding migraine. Obviously she would be there. You’re such an idiot, Kim Jongin. He carefully got off the bed and bowed an apology at the couple before taking his leave. Sure he still felt dizzy when he stood up but he had to make sure his princess was alright. He wobbled his way to Sulli’s room, ignoring the protests from Onew and Luna. Unable to stop the tanned boy, Onew grabbed Luna’s waist again and resumed their cuddling session from before.

On the way towards Sulli’s room, he had to use the walls for support. Once reaching his destination, Kai knocked. His head was pounding and he could barely see anything. The dizziness was too overwhelming that he suddenly fell. He expected to fall onto the hard cold floor but instead into a pair of arms. As his vision slowly blurred, he saw his princess’s shimmering eyes. He smiled and whispered, “You’re okay. You’re really okay.”

Krystal stared in disbelief at the boy in her arms. She barely caught him when he was losing consciousness and she saw how relieved he looked when he saw her. Krystal half-dragged and half-carried him onto Sulli’s bed and quickly grabbed some wet towels and placed it on his forehead. She picked up a blanket and covered Kai with it. Grabbing a pillow, she placed it on the floor and sat on it, staring at his rising and falling chest. Just thinking that a boy like him would risk his own health just to make sure she was alright made her heart bloom from happiness. Tangling her fingers with his, she fell asleep with her head on the bed and a smile on her face.

Onew lied on the bed with Luna next to him, curled into a ball with her head on his chest. She listened to his beating heart which slowly lulled her to sleep. Onew had both arms wrapped around the sleeping figure and listening to her soft breathing, he too fell asleep.

That night, both couples fell asleep, feeling more content and carefree than ever.


Like the update? I added Lunew's first encounter~ Hehe. But I think there was a little too much fainting? Do you guys agree? Haha~ Hope you enjoyed it:)


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It's 4.30 in the morning so enjoy the update:D


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Chapter 10: authornim....im new reader....^^
like ur story...update soon authornim...kamsahamnida....^^
Chapter 10: *Was well written. Hehe. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIDS UPDATE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. /sobs and mental breakdown.
Chapter 10: 0114, hehe jongin's bday~ sorry cant help it. SO MUCH FLUFF OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE I CANNOT ANYMORE. First of all, cutie jonginnie searching for his dear soojung, annnnnnnnd then LuNew cuddling and the flashback of their first encounter, AND LASTLY OUR BBJUNG MISSING HER BBSSUL. MY JUNGLI HEART </3 this chapter is actually really well written. I love this mannn.
Bubbletea10 #4
Far out, this fanfic is so good! :O keep it up! And the kaistal moments <3 just amazing
Chapter 9: Ahh so that is what you meant... well hello haera. Omg brings back memories:') ayy minho took good care of ssul~
Chapter 8: Thanks Authornim
I love this chapter
Update Soon
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update. Its getting more interesting. We'll be looking forward for your next update.
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim
Its was a nice update
and yes you can make one chapter of Lunew and Kaistal but please make the next one of Minsul I can not wait for one of Minsul.
Chapter 7: Aww Ssul:'( I hope she will be safe... I like Heechul and Sulli's relationship. So sweeeeet T.T hehe. Ay Kim Haera. Rmb that name? The first kaistal story you wrote for me. Hehe. Are you gonna write lunew or kaistal, or, both? O.o