Chapter 1. How it all began.


*Pitter patter pitter patter* Bitter sounds of the rain pounded through the thin practice room's ceiling. The door opened and entering was the beautiful yet deadly Choi Sulli. As she slowly stalked through passed the weapons area, Sulli started wrapping her fingers with intentions to train her hand-to-hand combat skills. Reaching infront of the punching bag, she raised her fist getting ready for the first blow. Right as her fist was milimetres away from hitting the target, memories of her totally wasted childhood started playing in her head.

*"Jinri-ah, umma needs to go to appa's workplace so I'm dropping you off at a friend's place, okay?" 9year-old Jinri couldn't understand why she need to be babysitted whe she has been left alone at home loads of times since both her parents have to work but respecting her umma's judgements, she nodded hesitantly. Missing the slight hint of guilt and self-hatred reflecting from her mother's eyes, she continued with her self-taught vocal lessons.*


Punch after punch but yet the anger never subsided. Hurt and pain flashed in Sulli's eyes, not due to the punching but more towards the feeling of being unwanted or unloved when she was younger.


*Jinri's curiousity grew immensely when her mother's car emerged towards an expensive looking mansion. "Since when did umma have rich friends?" thought Jinri. Upon reaching the gate, a man in a black suit with a briefcase stood outside. Jinri's mother grabbed Jinri by the arm and dragged her out. Tossing her to the man, she said aggressively, "There, all yours. Now, the money you promised?"


The man looked at Jinri up and down before nodding his head and passing the briefcase to her mother. Jinri was still in shock that her mother would actually try and sell her off. She tried to grab her mother's sleeve but all she got in return was a shove. "Umma, what are you doing?!?" Jinri yelled at her mother trying get her back to her senses.*

Tears started spilling down her face and as much as Sulli tried to stop, she couldn't. She wanted all the memories of her past gone, unable to bear this thought any longer. She just kept punching harder, hoping it could at least stop the playback but the harder she punch, the clearer her flashbacks became.

*The glare her mother held was unseenable because it held her true feelings toward her "sweet dear daughter". All it held was the hatred and disgust she felt for Jinri. She grabbed the briefcase and walked off, ignoring the pleas and cries Jinri made. Upon reaching her car, she said with disgust clear in her voice, "You were always a disgrace to our family Jinri. Never failed to dissapoint us in your studies or any other things. Life would be so much more better without you around, wasting and using our money. Remember this Jinri, you will forever be useless, worthless and always will be a dissapointment."

She swiftly turned and unlocked the car door as Jinri stood there, no yells, pleas, screams or anything. She just stood there, emotionlessly, with the man's grip still holding her wrist. Just as her mother was entering the car, the man took out a gun from his back pocket and aimed. Everything happened so quickly that the next thing Jinri saw was her "mother", lying on the floor with blood slowly pooling around her but Jinri felt nothing. She didn't feel the need to cry or mourn over her mom's death or even the need to feel angry towards the man. She just felt cold and empty after letting her "mother's" words sink in. After a minute or so, Jinri smirked at her mother's lifeless body that was sprawled across the road. Quickly, she and the man left, creating a new pathway towards a new life.*

Suddenly, she punched with full force, almost causing the punching bag to swing off its hook due to the immense impact. Sulli dropped down to her knees, panting heavily. Slowly, she allowed herself to calm down. The tears have stopped flowing but the anger burning deep in her chest never subsided. Ever since she was sold to Mr.E, she trained and trained and trained in everything such as knife throwing, martial arts, shooting and even aeygo, which is needed to fool/lure their enemies, just to prove she was nothing like what her mother claimed she was. Soon, all those traing and hard work paid off. She is now known to be the second best assassin in the entire gang. First being Heechul due to the fact that he is the son of Mr.E himself which means that Heechul has undergo training ever since he could walk but even though he's No. 1, he can never be as coldhearted as Sulli. He could still care and love a specific person who he never intended to fall for but, Sulli could never returned back those feelings. She only cares for him as a brother, whom she never had, which was enough for Heechul. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Taking a peek, Krystal noticed Sulli's head bent downwards, kneeling while her chest was heaving in and out. Krystal was the only girl she could ever trust ever since she joined the Cackling Dragons. She was the same age as Sulli and was also the first and only girl who had ever tried to interact with Sulli and succeeded. They were both soul siblings and they knew it. Krystal walked in with a bottle of water in each hand. She knew Sulli would tire herself out as usual so she brought another bottle in case. Sulli could tell by her footsteps, the squeak of her worn out sneakers and the tingles of a bell attached on her friendship bracelet, that it was Krystal so she didn't bother getting into her defence mode. 

"You should really stop wearing yourself out Sulli. What if one day I find you here dead due to exaustion? Risking your health is almost as bad as you killing President Obama or something equally as bad. Here," Krystal sticked both her arms out waiting for Sulli to pick a bottle. As expected, Sulli reached out for the bottle in her right hand and unscrew the cap before gulping everything down in one shot. Krystal giggled as she drank from her own bottle too as Sulli looked up and smiled. Not noticing the mischievous glint in her eyes, Krystal carried on drinking her water.Sulli cleared before innocently asking, "So how's Kai? I know you were with him just now."

Suddenly finding swallowing hard, Krystal started gagging and choking on the water. As Sulli started to laugh hysterically while rolling on the floor and clutching her sides due to Krystal's gagging face, Krystal managed to swallow the water down with less choking and gagging. She was just about to tell Sulli off when suddenly sirens were heard and door slammed opened.

"CODE RED!!" was all we heard.

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It's 4.30 in the morning so enjoy the update:D


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Chapter 10: new reader....^^
like ur story...update soon authornim...kamsahamnida....^^
Chapter 10: *Was well written. Hehe. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIDS UPDATE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. /sobs and mental breakdown.
Chapter 10: 0114, hehe jongin's bday~ sorry cant help it. SO MUCH FLUFF OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE I CANNOT ANYMORE. First of all, cutie jonginnie searching for his dear soojung, annnnnnnnd then LuNew cuddling and the flashback of their first encounter, AND LASTLY OUR BBJUNG MISSING HER BBSSUL. MY JUNGLI HEART </3 this chapter is actually really well written. I love this mannn.
Bubbletea10 #4
Far out, this fanfic is so good! :O keep it up! And the kaistal moments <3 just amazing
Chapter 9: Ahh so that is what you meant... well hello haera. Omg brings back memories:') ayy minho took good care of ssul~
Chapter 8: Thanks Authornim
I love this chapter
Update Soon
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update. Its getting more interesting. We'll be looking forward for your next update.
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim
Its was a nice update
and yes you can make one chapter of Lunew and Kaistal but please make the next one of Minsul I can not wait for one of Minsul.
Chapter 7: Aww Ssul:'( I hope she will be safe... I like Heechul and Sulli's relationship. So sweeeeet T.T hehe. Ay Kim Haera. Rmb that name? The first kaistal story you wrote for me. Hehe. Are you gonna write lunew or kaistal, or, both? O.o