True Feelings

I'm sorry...but...

"Sehun ah!" I called out after him as he ran faster and faster. "Catch me if you can!" He chuckled. This boy was so cute. Although we were chingus, he seemed so much younger than I was. He stopped running after he got tired and we sat down on the picnic mat. Oh Sehun, maknae of Exo, my best friend. I could tell him anything in the world. Even if it concerned my boyfriend, Tao.


"HyunRee ah," he called. "Neh?" I answered. His tone made it seem like he was going to talk about something serious. "Why dont you want to disclose your relationship with hyung?" He turned to look at me. I didnt know how to answer. More like I didnt want to answer. If Tao knew, he would tell the whole world about us, and his fans would... "Sehun ah, didnt I tell you guys before? I dont want to lose my male fans. If they knew Im attached they wouldnt like me anymore." I used the excuse I always did when I was asked this question. "Dont try to lie to me. I knew you the longest time and I know you wouldnt ever be so selfish." He exposed me. I tried making an excuse, " People change right?" "Yes. People do. But not you. Your kind heart is something you cant ever change. Nothing can. Not fame, or money." He had me. He knew everything about me.

I gave in and told him, "Sehun ah, you must promise not to tell this to anyone. Especially your hyung," He nodded. " You know that female fans always get jealous easily right? Well, after that, when they reach the peak of jealousy, they will not like the idol anymore. This is what causes fanwars. The fangirl may even hate the idol. That is why a lot of idols suddenly become very unpopular when he reveals he has a girlfriend. Only when the fans like the girl, they wont leave the fandom. You see? I dont want it to happen to Tao." I let my feelings of uncertainty all out. "HyunRee ah, thats so...noble. I knew you would never had been so selfish as to only care about losing your fans." He said. "Sure sure. You know me the best." I giggled.

"But have you ever thought of a scenario like this? Maybe one day, the fans make a couple pairing of Tao hyung and another girl, and they really want them to end up together. And to add to that, the other girl actually falls for him. What would you do?" He asked. I was shocked. I never thought of this before. It was possible though. "I...I dont...know.." I stammered. Seeing me like that, he quickly said, "Aish. But thats okay right? I know Tao hyung would never leave you. Lets go back." I nodded and we started packing up.

The park  we were in was only a few minutes walk from my bungalow. It was very quiet. The place Sehun and I could always talk about our True Feelings without any worries. We were here today because we both had no schedules and he had wanted to come out for a while. It was evening already, the others should have been back. we headed home and I felt more relieved. Because someone had finally known how I truly felt. Before this, I was so afraid that everyone would think I was a selfish . Now, thanks to Sehun, I felt much better.

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OriannaGoldelle #1
Chapter 5: omgomg update soon ! >.<
seems really gud and interesting!!!
Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD