Chapter 19 - Spread Your Wings

Broken Promise

"I can't give up just yet." you say to your blank ceiling as you lie on your stiff bed.
The cicadas echo in the morning haze, and the sunlight is warm against the covers of your blanket. Immediately, you rise from your bed and hastily throw your clothes into a small suitcase. Your mind was set on a crazy idea. I'm going to find Chunji and bring him back. I can't let him go like that. I can't let him break our promise.

In the corner of your room sits your pink piggy bank, and you stare at it for a while. You throw the bank against the wall, and it shatters in pieces, like glitter, and falls as dangerous shards of glass on the floor. You pick up enough money to bring you to Seoul and back. I'm going crazy, you think to yourself. Maybe you were, considering you were just a teenage girl that wanted to travel across South Korea to see her best friend in an unreachable entertainment company with some left over Christmas pocket money.

You were pretty smart though, and you convinced yourself that you really could make it, and that Chunji would go back with you. That you would go back to how it always was, with him next to you.


Under the pitter patter of the raindrops, you stand in front of that huge glass building. This was the moment you have been anticipating. Chun-chun's dorm is right here, you think, even if you're soaking wet from head to toe. As you walk inside, your footsteps leave mud prints on the ground and everyone stares at you with shocked expression and gaped mouths. You sneeze and sniffle a bit as you drag your numb feet inside the luxurious glass elevator, which drags you speedily to the floor where Chunji should be on, according to some internet research.

Ding ding! alerts the elevator. The door slides open to reveal a guy, who seems about your height. He has chocolate brown poodle hair and thick lips, and his jaw drops from shock and somewhat panic.
"Yah, I need to see Lee Chanhee," you tell him, grabbing the back of his shirt, despite the fact that he's yelling for help.
"Chunji?" asks someone who appears behind the guy, with a deep voice. His body is well built with a very muscular face.

"Who are you, how did you get here and what do you need with him?" asks a smaller guy, and skinnier too. Like a chicken almost.
"You know Lee Chanhee's nickname? Could it be that you are Teen Top?" you ask in return, not answering any of their questions.
"Chunji! Some—" yells the boy with thick lips, just before you cover his mouth.

"Shhh!" you silence him. "I changed my mind. I will leave now."
They all stare at you, totally confused.
Maybe they even thought you were crazy. You walk back to the lift and wave goodbye to their confused faces. So that's Teen Top, the ones who stole Chunji. I hate them already. The doors of the lift slam shut, but your plan wasn't really to leave TOP Media.

You wanted to watch Chunji for a while. Not to be creepy or anything, just to watch what he was doing. How he was going before you would propose to go back to your hometown together. You click on the second floor, hoping not to be caught by anyone, and you find yourself to be in a room with wooden oak flooring. One side of the wall is made entirely out of a mirror, and on the other wall is labelled, 'TOP Media'. Maybe this is their dance practice room?

"Hyung, wasn't that girl really weird?" asks a childish voice from a distance.
You can hear a group of mixed voices approaching, and you conceal yourself in the curtains of the room, near the door. With your small amount of vision, you see six vague figures enter the room, and some loud pop music begins to play that you have never heard before. Out of all the figures, you can only identify one. Chunji.

As you watch for longer and longer, you can hear his laughter, mixed with his heavy breathing and his desperate pants for air. Whenever he spoke it was with a smile, and his dancing was so full of energy and excitement. His eyes were filled with so much joy, so much passion, so much happiness. In your entire lifetime, you have never seen this side of Chunji. Maybe it was meant to be. Chunji can only show this side of him through his passion; performing. Sure, it was his fear, but it became his love. I envy his passion, because he certainly loves it more than he loves me, you joke to yourself.

It was unbearable to leave the building, but it would certainly be more unbearable to take Chunji with you. How can I keep him next to me, if I have to rip a part of him to do so? It would be just like stealing a candy from a baby. Simple and easy, but you feel the guilt from a crying baby afterwards. As you walk in the rain, a hand abruptly grabs onto your cold wrist. You don't even turn around to see who it is.

"Whoever you are," begins an unfamilar voice. "Chunji wanted me to tell you that he's grateful that he can spread his wings. He's thankful that you let him go."
The hand of the unfamiliar person gently lets you go, and you walk away. It's good because under the rain, no one can tell when you're crying.

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Chapter 3: Only by reading, I got scared ady hahaha!
christinesong0104 #2
Chapter 14: I am only on chapter fourteen, but i really have to compliment you. There are REALLY few fanfics that I actually ENJOY and like. Most that I subscribe to are only because authors make you, but in the end I don't always enjoy their story. However, I really liked yours and it made me want to read a lot more.
Chapter 20: This story was amazing! I really loved it!
Chapter 22: *laughs evilly*
I may or may not have posted the link to the sequel...
Chapter 20: i just finsihed reading this now, i just couldn't read on i just couldn't

What the acutal fudge. can i just kill myself right now. my hormones are makingm y shed a tear whilst listening to missing you and reading the fic. i can't contain my feels omfg. ITS INDESCRIBABLE CAN I JUST KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW WTF BRO. I AN'T EVENTYPE PORPERLY Fighting auther-nim for your sequel. i can't ty for writing this fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf brooo i still can't i can't BRO I can't.

again, the song is so fraeken depressing while reading that !!!!!!soz i can't. hwaintg BRO HWAITING
asianllama #6
Chapter 21: waahhhhh!!!! yes!!!! omo this was so unexpected saranghae author-nim!!!! *hugs*
Chapter 21: Yay *hugs author-nim*
Chapter 20: Whyyyyyy I loves this fic....