Chapter 13 - Singing Angel

Broken Promise

The day of his private audition for TOP Media has finally arrived. It was the chilly season of winter, Chunji’s favorite season. As you exited your gate, it was snowing. Your hands touched the cold metal of the handle, and you smiled. The day was quite the cold one, but nothing could match the beauty of the white cotton balls that fell from the sky. You knocked on Chunji’s door and his mother answered.
“Hello? Ah, Chunji! It’s Madeline!” she yells behind her after opening the door.

You take a step inside and push open his door. He sits on his bed, fiddling with his thumbs. Outside his window, a cloud of white gathers on the sill, and you walk slowly to take a seat next to him.
“I’m going to sing ‘So Sick’ by Neyo.” he told you. He gulps down his bottle of water. He always drinks water to clear his throat before he ever performs. What a habit.
“I’ll sing with you, we can both practice together before you audition.” you tell him. You absolutely despised singing, but you would do it for him. He looked at you, doubtful that you would ever sing for him. He shrugged his shoulders and began singing first.

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cause right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cause you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walking round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you

His parents were right for giving him the nickname, ‘Chunji’. Chunji truly does have a voice that covers the heavens and the earth. His voice was in a gentle tone, as if it could melt the winter away and make it spring. His voice painted a picture of heaven in your mind. You sung the next verse which was, to your advantage, much shorter.

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Suddenly, Chunji stopped singing. To Chunji, your voice was just as angelic as his—it sounded irresistibly beautiful, perfectly harmonized with the music. Now that you remember, this was the first time you have ever sung in front of Chunji. An awkward silence fills the room, and you stare at Chunji utterly confused, while he stares at you utterly amazed.

“Chun-chun, hwaiting!” you clench your fist, raising it in the air, to clear the confusing silence. He abruptly grabs your wrist and holds it to his chest. Your small hands can sense his heart beating underneath his warm chest. Your hands were once cold and stiff, now cosy and warm because of Chunji’s body. He pulls you closer to him, so close that you can feel his warm breath rushing against your cheeks.

His lips touch your neck, and for one moment it feels comfortable, but quickly become uncomfortable. Your mind wavers, and you feel something deep in your heart, something you have never felt before. It makes you feel restless. Your heart beats fast, faster than anything you have ever felt.
“C-chunji, what are you...?” you ask.
His lips slowly move to the corner of your mouth. This is the first time you have ever felt so nervous with Chunji. Then you realize, you have never ever kissed someone before. For the first time in your life, you have kissed someone.

This ‘someone’ became Chunji. Chunji stole your first kiss. His lips were as soft as a rose’s petal, and Chunji even tilted his head slightly to the side. His hands reached for your waist and gripped it, and somehow, you found your hands wrapping around his neck.

You soon found strange pleasure in kissing Chunji, and you didn’t want to stop. It was like a drug, addicting as hell. The more you got, the more you wanted. You scooted closer to his body, and he started to kiss you more strongly, gripping more tightly around your waist.

He suddenly let go. Why?
“It’s time to go.” he says casually, averting eye contact but gripping tightly onto your wrist.

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Chapter 3: Only by reading, I got scared ady hahaha!
christinesong0104 #2
Chapter 14: I am only on chapter fourteen, but i really have to compliment you. There are REALLY few fanfics that I actually ENJOY and like. Most that I subscribe to are only because authors make you, but in the end I don't always enjoy their story. However, I really liked yours and it made me want to read a lot more.
Chapter 20: This story was amazing! I really loved it!
Chapter 22: *laughs evilly*
I may or may not have posted the link to the sequel...
Chapter 20: i just finsihed reading this now, i just couldn't read on i just couldn't

What the acutal fudge. can i just kill myself right now. my hormones are makingm y shed a tear whilst listening to missing you and reading the fic. i can't contain my feels omfg. ITS INDESCRIBABLE CAN I JUST KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW WTF BRO. I AN'T EVENTYPE PORPERLY Fighting auther-nim for your sequel. i can't ty for writing this fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf brooo i still can't i can't BRO I can't.

again, the song is so fraeken depressing while reading that !!!!!!soz i can't. hwaintg BRO HWAITING
asianllama #6
Chapter 21: waahhhhh!!!! yes!!!! omo this was so unexpected saranghae author-nim!!!! *hugs*
Chapter 21: Yay *hugs author-nim*
Chapter 20: Whyyyyyy I loves this fic....