Chapter 10 - Mission Accomplished

Broken Promise

“So... aegyo? Is that really the solution?” you ask, doubting him.
“Just act cute and do whatever!” he yells frustrated as you both walk to school. After hours and hours of lessons about femininity and how to act cute, this was what you had to do. Get Zelo to confess to you instead. Chunji even went to the extent of wearing a wig to teach you how to act cute in front of Zelo.
“It’s so obvious you both are interested in each other, you’re both just wussies!” he teases, sticking his tongue at you while winking. "You do know the entire school is talking about you both. Some even made bets of whether you're finally getting together! I personally made a bet."
You punch his shoulder which causes him to yelp, and he massages his sore arm as you skip energetically beside him.
“Anyway, I don’t think aegyo is the solution. Plus, it’s super embarrassing!” you squeal, cupping your flushed face with your hands.
“Trust me, you’re very cute when you do aegyo,” compliments Chunji. “You were just doing it.”
“Eh.” you reply.

So, instead of studying and procrastinating on the internet like any normal teenager would, I spend my entire day with my best friend who was wearing a wig and acting like a girl. Definitely normal, you think to yourself sarcastically.

In the school gates is where you see him, cute as ever, with a beaming smile on his face. Zelo walks over to you cooly, and fixes a strand of hair that was covering your face. You do an aegyo to him, one that you have practiced with Chunji for countless hours. Chunji, this better work, or I'm skinning you alive.

“Zeloo~” you say as cute as possible. “Is it okay if I eat lunch with you and B.A.P?”
“I was just going to invite you!” he replies cheerfully, who doesn’t seem to notice your aegyo. You pout, unsatisfied. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get ready to skin Chunji soon.

You eat lunch and continue your feeble attempts in attracting Zelo, but none seem to be affective at all. Chunji, it’s not working at all. Your lessons ! Oh well, your death, not mine. You sigh. Instead, you spend the rest of the day laughing with B.A.P and smile warmly because of how Zelo can brighten your day, no matter what. He is perfect, you think to yourself. His laugh leaves you with a tingly sensation, as if there were butterflies fluttering inside your stomach. He is so gentle to you, treating you ask if you were a rose, and he makes you feel special. You fell hard for him.

Soon, the end of the day nears, and you find yourself in the last period of school, with you and Zelo both alone in the classroom. He packs his things and he gestures that he’ll walk you home. He looks at you, and raises an eyebrow, surprised by your unmoving silence.

“Zelo...” you start. “Did you notice... anything different today?”
“Ani. (No.) Not really.” he replies, with a confused expression.
“Ah, okay.”
“Waeyo? (Why?)” he asks.
“To be completely honest, I tried to do aegyo.” you admitted, embarrassed.
“Oh, is that what you wanted me to realize?” he asks. You nod your head, staring at the ground. I’m an idiot, aren’t I? He walks to you, and pats your head as if you were a dog. He lifts your chin with his finger, forcing you to have eye contact with him.
“Madeline Kim, don’t be mistaken. Every day you are cute, and do adorable aegyos without you realizing. When I treated you to meat, you ate until your cheeks puffed up and it looked like you were about to choke.” he says, laughing.
You blush and red immediately floods your face.
“Whenever we do sports, you trip over clumsily and when I help you up, you have a cute pouty expression.” he admits. “You do so much aegyo without realizing!”

“E-eh, a-ani! (n-no!)” you say, waving your hands in the air in protest. I’m not cute at all. Stop Zelo, you're making me go crazy.
“I’ve wanted to say this for a long time.” he says more slowly and in a much more serious tone that his usual voice. “I like you Kim Madeline.”
No way. I’m dreaming. No way. This is not real, right? No way.

Wow, Chunji you genius! I take back what I said, thank you for the lessons! You jump excitedly in the inside and try your hardest not to show it.
“Zelo, I want to admit that...” you say quietly, mustering all of your bravery. “That I like you too...”

Your eyes immediately face the ground again because you are too embarrassed to look up. Out of nowhere his arms wrap around you, and your head is resting on his chest. You wrap your arms around his body, returning the hug. You close your eyes. His body is warm, like a cozy blanket in the winter, and his smile is like the sun melting cold ice. He smells sweet, like the blooming cherry blossoms in the spring, and you feel like you never ever want to let go.

“I shall walk you home now, Madeline.” he says as his finger intertwines around yours. Mission accomplished.

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Chapter 3: Only by reading, I got scared ady hahaha!
christinesong0104 #2
Chapter 14: I am only on chapter fourteen, but i really have to compliment you. There are REALLY few fanfics that I actually ENJOY and like. Most that I subscribe to are only because authors make you, but in the end I don't always enjoy their story. However, I really liked yours and it made me want to read a lot more.
Chapter 20: This story was amazing! I really loved it!
Chapter 22: *laughs evilly*
I may or may not have posted the link to the sequel...
Chapter 20: i just finsihed reading this now, i just couldn't read on i just couldn't

What the acutal fudge. can i just kill myself right now. my hormones are makingm y shed a tear whilst listening to missing you and reading the fic. i can't contain my feels omfg. ITS INDESCRIBABLE CAN I JUST KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW WTF BRO. I AN'T EVENTYPE PORPERLY Fighting auther-nim for your sequel. i can't ty for writing this fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf brooo i still can't i can't BRO I can't.

again, the song is so fraeken depressing while reading that !!!!!!soz i can't. hwaintg BRO HWAITING
asianllama #6
Chapter 21: waahhhhh!!!! yes!!!! omo this was so unexpected saranghae author-nim!!!! *hugs*
Chapter 21: Yay *hugs author-nim*
Chapter 20: Whyyyyyy I loves this fic....