Chapter 4: Arrogant Regrets

Sunshine and Rain


Youngmin leaned casually against a cement pillar that added to the elegance of their over budgeted high school. Nothing irritated him more than having to spend an entire spare at school sweating in his new designer hoodie under the autumn sunlight that beat down on him.  Originally he planned to go get drinks with Minwoo who also had a spare last period with him today but he had to cancel. Impatiently, he pulled out his cell phone and glared at the time. Thirty more minutes until Jangmi’s class ended. Afraid of a tan, he walked over to the bench out front shielded by a protective shadow cast down from the large pillars.

            “Ugh, what do I do…” Youngmin muttered, messing up his hair as he reflected on how he treated Jangmi earlier in the day. Jangmi was his first love and he knew very well that he was hers, but things were different when they were nine years old. Hyunseong had told him before class change that Jangmi was chatting with Hyewon in Japanese class. He wanted nothing more to do with Hyewon, so in order to avoid her he thought ignoring Jangmi would also do the trick, but something just didn’t feel right. He was used to his cold persona, not caring for the fragile emotions of any girl in their school and he didn’t think that Jangmi could be much of an exception. Youngmin could proudly admit that he’s rejected girls far prettier in appearance than Jangmi without a second thought, but this was the first and only time he’d ever regret his mindless behavior. What was so unique about a first love? In actuality they had never truly been together and at nine could it even be possible to determine what was or was not love?

            His complicated thoughts made the thirty minutes pass quickly and soon enough, the bell sounded. He stood up immediately to search for Jangmi among the crowd and finally spotted her beside the easy-to-spot red-head. He never bothered to memorize the names of many students; he just remembered seeing her around a lot. Her bright red hair was extremely hard to miss.

            “You want to go for a drink?” Eungyo suggested, hoisting her backpack on one shoulder as she asked Jangmi with a welcoming smile. Another girl with blonde hair and long, black roots walked up beside them to join in the conversation. Again, Youngmin never cared to learn her name either.

            “Yeah Jangmi, you should come along. We’re regulars at a popular café just around the corner.” The blonde one added, grabbing onto Eungyo’s arm possessively but playfully. Eungyo shrugged her off and rubbed her arm, nodding in agreement.

            “Could I?” Jangmi beamed, lighting up to their invitation, “That would be so—“

            “Sorry, she can’t chill with you ladies today. She has to come with me.” Youngmin interrupted her, making his grand appearance from out of what seemed like nowhere. He grabbed onto her wrist, giving the two girls with Jangmi his typical cold stare. Jangmi turned and looked up at his face, recognizing Youngmin immediately. Even though Kwangmin and Youngmin were identical twins, there was something about their aura that made them distinct from each other.

            “Y-youngmin Oppa,” The blonde girl gasped, covering with both hands as she looked back and forth between Jangmi and Youngmin. Eungyo rolled her eyes again, not falling for Youngmin’s solitary charms and gave her friend a painful wakeup call with a smack on the head.

            “Chanmi, stop calling him that; Do you want him to embarrass you in front of the entire school again?” Eungyo reminded her in a hushed voice out of worry rather than threat. Chanmi had confessed to Youngmin near their last week of junior year and received a loud rejection in the cafeteria, a similar fate to Hyewon’s. Jangmi overheard, looking back up at Youngmin’s unchanging glare. How many girls did he hurt, really? All her life she never imagined Youngmin would become like this. Slightly annoyed, she tried to break his grasp but he held strong, tightening his grip on her the more she struggled.

            “Shall we go now, Jangmi?” Youngmin asked, turning to Jangmi with a softer gaze. Chanmi looked as if she would burst into tears while Eungyo looked so ticked off that she could beat him to a pulp on demand. Eungyo’s fists were rolled tight into a ball and though was closed shut, you could tell her teeth were gritting against each other. Without waiting for a response, Youngmin began to pull Jangmi along without looking back. Jangmi gave them both an apologetic wave and they waved back confusedly, exchanging strange glances. When they were out of school grounds and on their way back to their street; Youngmin let go of Jangmi’s wrist which turned white due to loss of circulation. She rubbed it gently with her other hand, giving Youngmin an annoyed stare. He sped up his pace, walking casually in front of her with his hands in his jean pockets.

            “Tell me something.” Jangmi said boldly, matching her pace with his. Though she was shorter by at least half a head, her out-of-character attitude right now was almost intimidating. Youngmin didn’t seem as high and mighty without his group of obnoxious jerks.

            “What do you want to know?” Youngmin asked uninterestingly. He never spared her eye contact, making the situation look even more embarrassing for her.

            “Why did you become so inconsiderate to girls who are courageous enough to confess to you?” She asked out of annoyance and anger. He stopped, turning to face her as his height towered down.

            “It’s not courage; it’s arrogance. They’re all oversensitive teenage girls running around with their uncontrolled hormones doing whatever they feel like, saying whatever they want, and out of them it’s the ugly ones that annoy me the most.” He said in almost a hiss. It seemed as if he was directing the last bit at her, but she never took it too seriously considering she never confessed to him—yet. After seeing how much of a jerk he was on the first day, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to anymore.

            “I never thought I’d say this but I’m really disappointed with you, Youngmin-sshi.” Jangmi retorted, talking formally to emphasize their distance, “Of all the guys that I’ve ever met, I never thought that you would become the king of superficiality and ignorance.” She stopped walking, staring him right dead in the eyes with her own eerie glare. Youngmin stepped closer towards her, lowering his head to meet her eye to eye.

            “Do you hate me, then?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. Jangmi;s heart was beating rapidly in her chest and she couldn’t move. The only response she could give was a nervous gulp which caused him to break out in a smirk.

            “Even though I’m the king of superficiality and ignorance, you still can’t hate me. So what is it?” Youngmin asked tauntingly, his head still in close proximity with hers. She still could not say a thing. Sweat began dripping down her forehead, and the blaring sun only made it harder for her to think.

            “Do you mean to tell me that the cute little affection you had towards me when you were younger still lingers in your heart? What? You want to confess too?” Youngmin interrogated conceitedly. Though he felt bad earlier for treating her coldly, hearing her insult him so boldly made a scar on his pride that he couldn’t afford. Impulsively, he used his own arrogance to get back at her, not realizing just how far he crossed the line. Jangmi’s face grew red with anger as she bit her bottom lip. Without thinking, she turned in the opposite direction and continued back to the school. She felt so ridiculed that she didn’t want to be within seeing distance of Youngmin.

            “Yah, where are you going?” Youngmin asked annoyingly. If he couldn’t bring her back his mom would surely give him heck.

            “Anywhere away from you,” Jangmi snarled, tears welling up in her eyes as she stormed off.

            “Tch, suit yourself then. Just remember to get back before 5 or I’m not letting you off easy.” He threatened, also angry by her impulsiveness. In the end they both were just driving each other off the edge unreasonably. Jangmi stomped all the way back to the school, her sweat mixing in with her tears. She felt disgusting, not only physically but with her own emotions. After being so beaten down by Youngmin, she was certain ever hint of emotion she had left for him evaporated, but she couldn’t be sure. Remembering his genuine smile at lunch time pulled her back to square one and only added to her frustration. She took a seat at the bench in front of the school, looking out towards the soccer field where a group of jocks tossed a football around. Admiring the fresh air, she took this as an opportunity to quiet down and calm her thoughts. Her eyes slowly closed, but the dark did little to relieve her annoyance. The sound of ruffling papers and plastic dropping onto the hard cement forced her eyes open and she turned to see Kwangmin awkwardly trying to pick up his water bottle while fitting a bunch of papers into a folder. Jangmi grabbed the water bottle and then opened the folder for him, but he avoided eye contact the entire time.

            “Gomapseumnida,” He bowed, receiving the folder and then began walking down the same sidewalk Jangmi just came from.

            “Kwangmin-ah,” Jangmi called, causing him to turn and finally see her face to face. He was confused to see her still at the school, especially since the sky was now overruled by gray clouds.

            “Youngmin never took you home? This annoying kid is going to get it…” Kwangmin threatened, his voice fading as his sentence ended. Jangmi shook her head and explained,

            “We got in sort of a fight along the way.” Kwangmin looked up and noticed her tear-stained cheeks, her red puffy eyes and softened his gaze. He couldn’t have expected less from his hardheaded twin. Glancing at his watch and back up at Jangmi he remembered the dinner party and urged,

            “Tell me along the way, we have to get going now before your dad gets impatient.” Kwangmin remembered Jangmi’s dad’s attitude clearly; especially his impatience. Punctuality was more than a virtue in Jangmi’s house and they were already running a little late. Kwangmin ran awkwardly beside Jangmi, hugging his folder as droplets of rain began falling. With each passing second, the droplets grew into a violent rainfall and on instinct; Kwangmin raised the folder over top of Jangmi’s head so that she wouldn’t get soaked.

            “Kwangmin, your notes are getting drenched!” Jangmi gasped, snatching the folder away and quickly shoving it into his overloaded backpack. The two of them were getting showered by the fox rain, but thankfully their houses were in sight. Kwangmin first walked Jangmi home, ensuring she entered safely before heading back to his own house. They would meet again in one hour at a fancier restaurant chosen by Jangmi’s father. Upon entering his own house, Kwangmin dumped his heavy backpack onto the floor beside the shoe rack and dashed up the stairs to Youngmin’s room where he found Youngmin playing Starcraft on his new computer.

            “At least dry up before coming in; you’re getting my carpet soaked!” Youngmin whined, diverting his eyes from the screen to see a rain-soaked twin brother standing in the middle of his room tapping his feet impatiently.

            “When are you going to stop with this obnoxious attitude of yours? At first I thought it was just a phase but now you’re really going too far. If what you’re doing is going to make Jangmi insecure enough to run away then you obviously need a reality check. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Youngmin.” Kwangmin scolded, giving him the deadliest glare ever. Youngmin was thrown back by Kwangmin’s sudden accusation, but this time he wasn’t angered. It took a lot of piss of Kwangmin, and now that he did it, he regretted it. This was how he knows he crossed the line.

            “What did you say to her?” Kwangmin asked in a more calm tone but his serious eyes stayed locked on Youngmin’s face. The dinner party was in less than an hour and if another fight were to happen then even the adults would get in, and that was a mess Kwangmin didn’t want to even imagine.

A/N: Okay I realize Chanmi is probably older than Youngmin in real life but for the sake of this story let's pretend she's younger ^^! This chapter had much more conflict. I hope you all liked reading it. (: Sorry for making Youngmin the arrogant antagonist ): I love both twins ^_^

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Chapter 15: Sorry! I HAD to read your story in one go, so I couldn't stop for comments.
But, because I liked it - a lot - I will upvote your story. It's well deserved. :)
So, we have a veeery young love triangle? But does Youngmin like her? I wonder...
ashmk113 #3
Chapter 9: I completely adore Minwoo & Eungyo together!
Aww, this story is so beautiful written TT^TT (dont worry, they're happy tears ^^) aha, i actually did nearly cry at the end, although I hoped you continued it cuz I wanted to read more >_< but still, thank you for a writing a wonderful story ^^
iamout #5
can I just I also love Han Hyo Joo
So um, yeah, big thanks to the graphic designer! Haha ouob
iamout #6
Chapter 15: OKAY. I am so glad it ended this way. Whew! It's hard to find a good slice-of-life that doesn't revolve around romance. The drama was inevitable, and gosh, Jangmi's persona...I can't.
But at least things ended up pretty great.

I decided to give this a shot due to your spotlight and the Jo twins :D Hard to find good stories of my Boyfriend bias, so I settle for what's laid out. :c
Donghyun and Hyunseong were okay I guess, and Minwoo was a late ol' wise goody-two-shoes.
First time reading 5dolls tho I've heard of them! I'll check them out :>

Gah, I'm talking too much again xD Anw, thanks for the great story!
@Alicia-A - Thank you so much!!! ^___^
Chapter 15: It's so interesting! You have good writing skills!
@SujuWriter - Much thanks!!! :D I'm glad it wasn't too awkward with the weather thing haha
SujuWriter #10
Wow this was a really creative story! I love the use of the weather to add to the story. Good job! :)