Chapter 4

Flight of Love

Heejin POV
Today was no other day but friday, the day I am  going to be Suho’s social partner. To be honest I am so not used to this change, during my highschool years I have never bother attending to those social events, even if I did I never had to find any partner, but ever since my aviation course I have met Kris, and he was my first partner and since then he has always been my partner. Suho is  a nice guy but I just find it weird, because being my partner is something that’s  very personal and special to me, I just don’t want to be with someone I don’t love.

Finally... back at  the familiar grounds of my apartment, after my short hour flight from Jeju back to Seoul and taking the taxi back to apgujeong to my apartment. I ransack through my bag to search for my keys, I quickly ran inside of my house to drop off my luggages and get dressed for tonight. As I was about to open the door to grab my dress, I spotted Kris’s post it note,
Babe have fun being Suho’s partner, I already head off to the social event.  I guess you will see me there. :)
I must say this is really sweet of Kris, I wonder where he learn all of his tricks from, everyday there is something new or different. Kris always just fascinates me. Found another post it note in front of the cupboard doors, seems like Kris have lots to say to me.
I picked out a dress for you, hope you like it. Love Kris ;)
I am certained that Kris knows my style very well, the dress was really glamourous, it was an elbow sleeved- chiffon pleated dress. I thought this dress was relatively suitable for me, it managed to highlight my curves,  while not being too revealing, just like the way how Kris loves me to be! I absolutely love it. I swiftly  prepared myself and packed all my necessity in my vintage handbag, Suho arrived just at the right time when I just finished preparing myself.

Suho POV
She was stunning, as vague as it sounds I am mesmerised by her beauty. I know what you guys are planning to say, never judge a book by its cover right? Don’t worry I won’t make any more stupid steps like this one, I want to be friends with her before I get into a relationship with her, I personally think this is a safer way of having stable relationship, plus my views on her might possibly change once I get to know her better, right? But gosh...I just can’t stop staring at her, her dress is just so outrageously beautiful, it just totally brings out her elegance and her curves. Unexpected that I, Suho would say something like this right, sorry but this is me and my truest feeling for her.
“Hi, I came to pick you up.” I beamed at her.
“I am ready. Let’s go...” she replied
While we were going down to the elevator, I tried to break our awkward tension by talking about work and how beautiful her dress was, this actually manage to ease our tension. Well it looks like she was slightly more comfortable now. I offered to help her as we are heading over to my car.
“Heejin ssi, do you want some help to go down these stair.”
“Thank you, that would be nice, my heels is a bit to high.” Heejin smiled.
I gladly gave her my hands and guided her down to stairs, it was a pleasant feeling, touching her soft hands, it sent sparks down my spine, I just couldn’t contained my feelings for her. I want to tell her how much I love her, that my love to her was love at first sight, but I know this is not the right time to do this. I opened the car doors for her, making sure she was comfortably sitting on the seats before I close the car doors.

Heejin POV
Suho is really good at easing up tension, during the elevator I slowly got used to his presence, to be honest he is not as bad as he seems, I found out we actually have quite some similarity, he really enjoyed ballad music, we are both really fond of the band 4men. Not only that but he also loves the OST from ‘Love Actually’, I mean this is just so unexpected, like one coincident was already surprising but now there is two. And I also thought he was a very caring person, knowing that I am wearing 3 inches heels he offered me his hand, and supported me while walking down those stairs, he is even more caring than Kris. But don’t get me wrong, I still love Kris, I would never bring myself to betray Kris.

As I was in the car, Suho started playing some music from his phone.
“What do you think of this song?” he asked me, still concentrating on his driving.
“What song is it, it sounds really beautiful, emotional and wonderful.”
I think Suho can tell I was stunned by how amazing this song is, this song can literally be put on my favourite list right now.
“Is called Angel sang by Baekhyun, you know Baekhyun right? he asked.
“Baekhyun... really?!?! I mean I have always heard Chanyeol talking about his nice voice that he has when he sings, but never expected this! This is beautiful.”
“The song is describing how I feel towards you right now.” Suho muttered to himself.

I always want to protect you
So that even the small things won’t tire you out, I’m eternally in love

I, who has fallen in love with no other place to
Go back, my wings have been talen away (oh no)
Even though I lost my everlasting life, the reason to my happiness
You are my eternity Eternally Love

“What did you say?” I asked
“Oh nothing, I just said we will be arriving shortly.” Suho smiled.
“Is that the venue site over there” I pointed at one of the hotels.
“Yep, let me just park the car then we can head in.”

The moment I entered the hall, I was glancing around to see if I can spot Kris, his tall figure wasn’t that hard to spot, he was way too easy for me to spot. I think I just saw one of the sight that I don’t want to see, Kris being surrounded by girl, but it was quite entertaining looking at each of the girl getting turned down by Kris. To be honest the best advice I could give them is never act cute in front of Kris because he seriously dislike those kind of girls, I guess that is why he chose me over the prettiest girl on this earth.  I was brought back to reality by Suho’s question.
“Do you want any drink?”
“I will just take a glass of champagne?”
As expected while he was grabbing a glass of champagne he was also surrounded by girls, I don’t even know why he asked me when he had so many options to pick from. Suho handed me a glass of champagne.

Suho POV
“Seems like there is a lot of girls who like you, why bother asking me when you have so many options?” Heejin jokingly asked.
The answer to this question is as simple as “because I love you”. But of course I didn’t say that I just made up a random excuse, “ It is because you are Chanyeol’s friend, you seem like a much safer option than those flirty girls.”

I saw a guy from distance who was walking over to our direction, he looks rather familiar, who is he, I just can’t remember his name on the top of my head. He just back hugged Heejin and he pecked Heejin lips. Did I just see all that happening and I didn’t defend her, what am I doing?
“Joonmyeon is that you? I am Kris from high school.” the guy said.
“OMG is you Kris, I haven’t seen you in ages, how have you been?” I was astounded I never expected that I will meet Kris in such situation again.
“Great. I am enjoying my job as a pilot and...” Heejin interrupted our conversation.
“Forgot to formally introduce you to each other, this is my boyfriend Kris.” Heejin stated.
“He is your boyfriend, no wonder you guys were kissing and hugging.” I fakely chuckled.
“Did Yeol not tell you about the YiJin couple? Well we have been dating for six years now.” Kris said.
The moment I heard this my heart just shattered into pieces. Ever since that day I first met you

I felt like I already knew you, you and I melded into each other so smoothly, never did I expected that you already have a boyfriend and that boyfriend of yours was my best friend Kris. In the background I heard someone say, “Who is that girl with Kris, why do she always get the hot guys.” Even though I found her remark very intimidating but I know I am not the one to protect her, there is no point for me to stay in this party, partnering with my best friend’s girlfriend. I just want to leave and have some alone time by myself, to process all this unexpected situation.
“Well I guess is time for me to return your girlfriend to you, while I go and hit on some other girls.” I scoffed.
“Let’s catch up sometime.” Kris yelled, as I was walking away from them, I no longer want to stay, I thought this would be my most wonderful nights, with the girl of my dreams, but this just ends up being a disaster. Not only is she taken, but she is taken by my best friend, there is nothing I can do right now. I just want to be alone, and remove her from my mind, or at least remove the pain from my heart. Why didn’t Chanyeol tell me this earlier? If he did none of this will happen, I wouldn’t be in such state right now. But I guess he is
not the one to blame
Sorry for the late updates, I am very busy with school at the moment.
And I have been really stress out recently.
I finally a tiny free time slot so I quickly wrote a 2 new chapters.
Sorry if they aren't that great! and also sorry for the grammatical errors T^T
I will try to do better in the future when I have more time.
Please do subscibe and comment below :D

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sorry guys i m having a writer's block at the moment, but i will update very soon


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fiecePrince #1
Chapter 5: Author u finally updated ~
School has started i wish u updated earlier :(
but great effort in your new chapters... though i feek sorry for suho
Heyy other author
Good job on the story~ wow already subscribers whoo can't wait for more... of course I can get sneak peeks right?
Nice story
Chapter 2: Hey new reader here! Nice story! Heejin and Kris are sooo sweet :"> I love Kris' affectionate side here :">
Can't wait till Suho come into the picture :O
ExoShineeSuju #5
Chapter 2: i like this story! keep writing ^^b
ExoShineeSuju #6
Chapter 1: Wow.. this fanfic very nice! continue to finish! We are waiting for you
Chapter 2: Nice story, I've never read anything like it before. Kris and Hee-Jin seem like a nice couple, can't wait to see more of them!
Chapter 2: Awwww Heejin and Kris are so cute ^.^
I've never read a story dealing with planes and etc etc, so this is really great
I like it hahaha :3

Keep up the good work ;) <3
Chapter 2: I'm a BIG EXO fan and this is such an interesting concept!! Please update soon ^_^ Looking forward to it~ FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM!