On the house.

Deceptive Empathy -DISCONTINUED-

WARNING: I had a sudden fangirl feel while I was sriting this in class. I didnt want to get rid of that part though... sorry...


‘I’m alright! Really!’ Both seemed stubborn to let me go. ‘Noona! It’s fine. Let us.’ Ah. This kid… he’s so cute. Naturally cute. I gave a defeated sigh and they quickly caught on. Our situation was; Taekwoon helping me walk. My arm around his shoulder with his hand grasping my hand as well and Jaehwan happily skipping beside us, carrying my bag. Discomfort. Discomfort. Discomfort. Taekwoon’s too close! His white flawless skin’s on mine, slightly rubbing against each other. I sound like a creep… even without the lovely description.  I mentally shook my head. Why am I thinking like this? Totally creepy. ‘Hyung! Cake shop!’ Jaehwan pointed out and ran off to go in. ‘Sorry.’ I gaped at Taekwoon, who as acting like an actual hyung in front of me. He guided me in the shop and we joined Jaehwan near the counter. ‘Tiramisu for me, New York cheese cake for Hyung and for you Noona?’ he turned to me and there was a couple of seconds wasted for it to sink in then I shook my head ‘No, no. It’s fine.’ He nodded and smiled at me. I casually limped to a seat, not wanting to rely on them too much and slouched down on the chair to ease the pain. The two plopped in front of me with their cakes. Taekwoon was giving Jaehwan small greasies but unfortunately for him Jaehwan didn’t even notice. I stared at their smooth blocks of heavenly food, saddened that my particular cake wasn’t sold there. While the two were half way on their cakes, two slices of mango cream cake appeared before me. My prayers were answered! ‘Mango cream slice!’ I squealed and was suddenly distracted from them when a familiar voice appeared. ‘It’s on the house.’ 

I recognized the voice and got a little teary eyed. ‘Woo Jiho.’ I looked up at the guy smiling down on me. ‘How…’ tears rolled down my cheeks and he became flustered. He came closer and matched my level before wiping my tears away. ‘Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?’ he held my face with both his hand and smiling brightly he let out a row of chuckles while wiping the rest of my tears. ‘Stop crying! Stupid.’ With that I just broke into shy giggles myself. The chuckles and giggles then turned into laughter filled with happiness and relief. His face came close to mine, which I didn’t mind at all since it’s just Jiho and he whispered in a dark voice ‘Who are these two?’ My eyes widen and I slapped his shoulder as hard as I could. ‘Ow! Woman! You hit like a tranny!’ ‘Not sure if that’s a compliment. But, anyway, do not let your loose hole drip unnecessary things.’ I glared at him. Whatever he wanted to call them wouldn’t be nice at all, so I’m just doing this for everyone’s sake. And plus, Jaehwan and Takewoon don’t deserve those kinds of things at all. I turned to the frozen two and beamed at them. ‘Guys, this is Jiho. Some people call him Zico but I prefer Jiho. He’s a friend of mine from my old school and yea! Somehow he manage to find me here!’ I took a deep breath and tried to put on my most serious looking face, aimed at Jiho. ‘Jiho, these are Taekwoon and Jaehwan. They’re from my current school, Taekwoon’s my classmate and Jaehwan’s his friend who’s a hoobae. Oh! And I almost forgot, they helped me out from school til here cause I hurt myself. They willingly helped me. Aren’t they nice?’ Jiho seemed to get my if-you-say--about-them-you-die look since it looked like he became a little nervous. ‘Ehm. I’m Zico, aka Zi-a-co. I’m Hwangbin’s friend from Mapo and I hope to get along with you guys when we see each other around school.’


hey guys~ I put Zico for now... I kinda wanna add this someone...

I have a small growing fast as fuq addiction for this guy...

some of you might already know.. lol

oh! and I'm really thankful to all subs and comments.

I'm procastinating. Exams are next week but I dont think i'll be studying..

Imma wing my exams lol. and fail methods... sigh.

Oh! and Free just started their second season I think!! I'm excited to watch it!

and Gazette's drop and VIXX's pre-release on friday i think~

so much stuff happening~

I love you all and i shall update asap. :D

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I shall not be lazy and an anymore


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Chapter 19: I'll be sure to read your next fic~
Good luck!
Chapter 18: "The excitement spread like ebola" hahahhahaha idek why I laughed at this
Chapter 16: What does tsundere means?
Chapter 13: Sooooooo sweet~ :3 Leo ^3^
Chapter 11: It's Haruma Miura~! Love him ^^ <3
Chapter 3: Reading this chapter while listening to Infinite's Still I Miss You is giving it this right feel ^^ PS you know, I've been to Milky Way encore in Germany... I still can't get myself together ^^"
Animde159 #7
Chapter 12: Love it so far :3 Even though it was confusing at first (don't ask why)
And OMG I love the Hobbit too. I didn't like Legolas as well, nor Tauriel [that (I'm in love with Kili ♡, don't blame me)]
And yeah, keep going with this story, it's great (Y)
Chapter 8: Lol, I want them to get a triple crown too!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh my God!!!! Really VIXX's pre-release!!!!! XD