Second Word

Deceptive Empathy -DISCONTINUED-

Unknowingly tears fell like an open faucet. I felt my stomach churn in disgust. 'Hwangbin. You need to wake up. This isn't the time to daydream! That won't take you anywhere.' my mother's words played like a broken record. I checked the time and closed my eyes to ready myself for the rest of the day. I quickly changed to a simple oversized sweater and some pants. Grabbing everything I needed for the project, trying to keep myself from my mother's 'encouraging' words, I pushed myself to focus on remembering what else I would need and where I am meant to meet that sharp-eyed boy. My mother's words were haunting me and they grew louder. I held my head, crouching down as if having a headache. My eyes darted around the room feeling dizzy with all of the thoughts. I rushed down the stairs, shoving my feet into whatever pair of shoes I saw and slipped my headphones on, turing my music up. Peaceful.

I reached the study cafe just on tim and feeling slightly better. I remembered yesterday, when I got the note. I dropped my books on the floor to lock my locker and when I was about to pick my books up I saw a green postit on my notes. '2pm. study cafe along ※※※ Road.' I looked around to find the person who stuck it on, slightly hoping it's someone who likes me (willing to be company), but instead I saw Jung Taekwoon walking away with some postits and a pen in hand. I smiled at the memory. Using postits is somewhat cute... Imagining that ice porcelain fumbling with the sticky notes. Just as I was enjoying myself with the overflowing images of him, I shuddered feeling a presence behind me. I turned to face him and he just gave me a glance before entering the cafe.

Once we sat down, a plastic pocket was slid towards me. I predicted that he would just stare if I gave him a questioning look so I let myself invade the papers' privacy inside the grey plastic pocket. Such rushed writing and notes and questions everywhere on the page. 'Wow! You it.' I let out an unprocessed thought and looked up in shock at what just came out of me. He looked at me with a slightly questioning and judging look. Well... Way to go on your first impression! I continued to read the sheets and wrote some notes and questions for him in return. While reading I noticed that all the requirements and questions from the instruction sheet were covered. 'You did it. Finished?' And again with the blank look. I sighed and slid the papers back to him. 'There's some things I added in, things I'm not sure about and answers for your questions there.' I stared at him, irritated by his response... well, he didn't have one really. He's making me feel uncomfortable, paranoid and irritated by... doing nothing. I was already ranting and planning in what to do next. I was imagining the scenes if I run away from him or just wait for him to leave. Then it came.





sorry I haven't been updating... I've been busy? please comment, subscribe and.... please bear with me and my short chapters~ oh and I posted this using my phone so it the paragraphs may be a little... uh.. hehehe

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I shall not be lazy and an anymore


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Chapter 19: I'll be sure to read your next fic~
Good luck!
Chapter 18: "The excitement spread like ebola" hahahhahaha idek why I laughed at this
Chapter 16: What does tsundere means?
Chapter 13: Sooooooo sweet~ :3 Leo ^3^
Chapter 11: It's Haruma Miura~! Love him ^^ <3
Chapter 3: Reading this chapter while listening to Infinite's Still I Miss You is giving it this right feel ^^ PS you know, I've been to Milky Way encore in Germany... I still can't get myself together ^^"
Animde159 #7
Chapter 12: Love it so far :3 Even though it was confusing at first (don't ask why)
And OMG I love the Hobbit too. I didn't like Legolas as well, nor Tauriel [that (I'm in love with Kili ♡, don't blame me)]
And yeah, keep going with this story, it's great (Y)
Chapter 8: Lol, I want them to get a triple crown too!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh my God!!!! Really VIXX's pre-release!!!!! XD