First Word

Deceptive Empathy -DISCONTINUED-

Paranoid. So paranoid. Remembering that day when I first met that glare. Not even sure if it was a glare or a stare. That day… it must have looked like a normal awkward-eye-to-eye-with-random-stranger to the people who saw it. Well, that is, if someone did see. The thing was… I looked away and he didn’t. I felt goosebumps crawling up on my back and arms. I can feel his stare. Paranoid, that’s me. He sits diagonally behind me in almost every class. I know he never looks. No missing pen-scratching-on-paper noises can be detected. Why am I like this? Once. Only once, did our eyes meet and yet, he succeeds to pull out this kind of reaction from me. It’s hard to keep focused. The pencil in my hand slowly slipping off because of the moist pouring out from my palms. I feel cold sweat building up on my forehead. Why?

Clapping from the teacher startled me, leaving me panting and eyes wide open. My head snapped straight up to Ssem. ‘I’ll let the boys pick their partners. So, all girls! Up front please!’ I walked towards the board uninterestedly and ended up next to that face that I want to punch so bad whenever I see it. ‘So who do you think is going to pick you?’ I heard Ryumi asking. What is she trying to do, mock me? ‘I’m so curious~ I wonder who’s going to be our partners!’ she nudged me with her elbow, which irritated me a little but manage to brush off with a small smile I plastered on my face myself. ‘Oh! And that mute boy~ who…’ she let her thoughts wonder off…fortunately. I laughed inwardly at her act as the girl who pitied the once outcast, Kwon Hwangbin and befriended her. Me and the two-faced female dog was so busy with our thoughts that we didn’t notice the figure that was silently approaching us. My highly amusing thoughts were cut off when I saw a familiar tall, broad built right in front of us. I didn’t dare look up. I knew that this time it wasn’t just paranoia. He was standing right in front of us. So close. Too close for…my disliking? My breath hitched as I started to feel suffocated by his presence. Being in the same room with him is already too much for me to handle. Therefore, this three-meters-personal-space invasion was over the top. I could see Ryumi smiling nervously, trying to look at him straight in the eyes. Those eyes that can make your spine shiver; cold, intimidating, empty yet, charismatic, alluring, beautiful, soft and somehow full of untold things.

I can feel myself getting smaller and smaller by the second. I want to see them again. Meet then again. Curiosity eating me out. I looked up, startled by the fact that he was actually staring at me. I was getting in that gaze when Ryumi slightly pushed me aside. I stumbled to my right, tripping in on air. My eyes widened and I stared at the floor that was getting closer to my face.

Then for the nth time today, I was caught by surprise. There was a sudden grip on my arm, keeping me from face planting onto the classroom floor. ‘Oh! Sorry! I didn’t think it was that strong~’ So she finally shows her original personality before that nice alter ego came in. I sighed quietly at her comment and straightened up. I looked at the hand that seems to refuse to let go. ‘You… want to be my partner?’ and again with her squeaky voice. I turned my attention to him, who was still staring and holding onto me. He was completely ignoring Ryumi and Ryumi being the try hard ever since, she pushed his shoulder for him to look at her, but unfortunately she didn’t budge. His hold slipped down to my hand and I was dragged away to his seat. I was busy looking at Ryumi and waiting for a reaction, when I crashed into him. ‘Sit.’ the first word from him. ‘Why? This isn’t my seat.’ I looked at him puzzled but he just stared back. I figured that I wouldn’t get any response from his so I just followed and he stood behind me, resting his hands on the back of the chair. Huh? What’s happening?



hay guys~ sorry if this is considered late~ I tried to put it up as soon as I could....

but this was 'as soon as i could' *sigh*

anyway please comment on what you think so far. 

is it too short? is it written weirdly? subscribe please :D thank you~ will update whenever I can...

and whenever I have a chapter written down. thanks again!

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I shall not be lazy and an anymore


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Chapter 19: I'll be sure to read your next fic~
Good luck!
Chapter 18: "The excitement spread like ebola" hahahhahaha idek why I laughed at this
Chapter 16: What does tsundere means?
Chapter 13: Sooooooo sweet~ :3 Leo ^3^
Chapter 11: It's Haruma Miura~! Love him ^^ <3
Chapter 3: Reading this chapter while listening to Infinite's Still I Miss You is giving it this right feel ^^ PS you know, I've been to Milky Way encore in Germany... I still can't get myself together ^^"
Animde159 #7
Chapter 12: Love it so far :3 Even though it was confusing at first (don't ask why)
And OMG I love the Hobbit too. I didn't like Legolas as well, nor Tauriel [that (I'm in love with Kili ♡, don't blame me)]
And yeah, keep going with this story, it's great (Y)
Chapter 8: Lol, I want them to get a triple crown too!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh my God!!!! Really VIXX's pre-release!!!!! XD