Christmas with.

Deceptive Empathy -DISCONTINUED-

If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together. Watch the flames climb high into the night.’ I sang as I waited in an empty playground on a hilltop. Having some alone time was always so soothing and perhaps too comfortable for my own sake. I swung myself slowly while looking up into the pastel blue sky. Music filled my ears and I relaxed to the dizziness that the swinging caused. ‘Hopefully I don’t become nauseous after looking up for a long time.’ I thought. Closing my eyes, I slowly leaned my head on the chains on my side and continued to sing. I was alerted by the swing next to me being suddenly occupied. It was Wonshik. I smiled to him and dropped my gaze to the ground in embarrassment. ‘He heard me singing?’ and as if he read my thoughts he smoothly assured ‘It’s fine. You have a really charming voice. It hasn’t changed.’ I quickly turned to him, thinking that the compliment was too good to be true. But before a thank you could leave my lips, I noticed a small detail in what he said; ‘It hasn’t changed?’ I ran my fingers softly between my collar bones. He nodded and just smiled. He might have heard me sing at school when I secretly occupy an empty classroom. He jumped up from the swing and stood in front of me, holding out a hand. ‘Let’s go! The others are probably there already.’

When close to Wonshik’s house, we could already hear squealing and shouting. We stopped at about 10 metres from the front lawn cause of the four tall young men that were playing a vicious game with the snow. Jaehwan saw us standing awkwardly away from them and dropped all his snow then yelled ‘STOP!’, only to be bombed with a whole heap of white moulds by the other three. My hand flew to my mouth that let out an audible gasp. Jaehwan looked like a gingerbread man spread with icing; you couldn’t even see his face properly! He wiggled the snow off, ehm, which came out cutely as ever even if he didn’t intend to be cute, and attempted to wipe the snow off his face with his snow filled mittens. He gave the others a what-is-this look and wriggled in annoyance before pointing towards me and Wonshik. (Jaehwan’s face Hyuk then threw one snowball at Wonshik. I gasped again and turned to the three who slapped Jaehwan with the snow just a while ago and saw them getting ready to attack again. ‘Hurry! Get inside! I’ll take care of them!’ Wonshik acted over dramatically with his hero gestures. I ran to the door and once again they started their snow fight. When closing the door I heard Hakyeon saying out loud ‘As if we’d shoot her anyway! We’ve been waiting Ravi!’, then Wonshik’s squeals seeped through the house, slowly fading because of the amount of snow preventing him from saying anything else.

I awkwardly looked around the house after taking my coat off and hanging it near the door. I heard that Wonshik’s from Jamsil and came to start attending school here in this part of Seoul, same goes for Hakyeon, Sanghyuk, and Taekwoon. Thinking about hometowns makes me miss mine, Mapo. Sure, it’s just a bus ride away but I wouldn’t have anyone else there anymore since Zico, Mino and Hae are here. I felt pretty much out of place entering Wonshik’s house without him or the other guys in as well. My throat grew dry due to the nervousness that occupied my senses so; I opened the window and asked Wonshik if I could get something to drink. ‘Noona go ahead! Taekwoon hyung should be in the kitchen. Wait, you haven’t seen him?’ he yelled out from behind his fort. I shook my head and in reply he told me to just get comfortable and do whatever I want. ‘I know you and Taekwoon hyung won’t do anything that would break my house.’ He smiled sweetly before throwing three snow balls at Sanghyuk. I closed the window and wondered around the ground floor of the house, taking note where each room is. When I reached the kitchen which was at the other end of the house and the closest room to the backyard, I was greeted by a back. ‘Yah, do you think I could make tea since there isn’t coffee?’ I knew that tall, broad but not very muscular built. He turned around and slightly shocked that it was me instead of his friends. ‘Oh. Um… I came to get a drink.’ I mumbled quietly. ‘Did he mention which drink?’ I shook my head and told him that Wonshik said to just do whatever. Taekwoon nodded and turned his back to me once again, fiddling with things that I couldn’t see cause of his broadness. I peaked at what he was doing and accidentally met his gaze. ‘Do you want tea as well?’ ‘Ah- yeah.’ awkwardly rubbing my cold neck. Let’s try small talk, shall we? ‘What tea is that?’ ‘Sencha green tea.’ he replied without even looking, which made me feel more awkward. He unexpectedly looked and started to eye how I’m standing next to him. ‘I’ll bring them to the table just there.’ I quietly nodded and made my way to the high chairs for the kitchen working table. He probably thinks I’m such a freak for standing so close next to him.

I’m going crazy! This guy who I use to think was so scary is now right in front of me drinking his tea peacefully and I cannot help but stare at his somewhat fascinating face! What am I finding so interesting about his face? He’s not that bad looking, yes. He’s built’s pretty hot for a normal guy you see around, yes. He practically looks good while doing anything, YES! But, that’s not it… there’s something else. ‘Why?’ his eyes looked straight into mine. That’s too sudden, totally too sudden. That should be illegal! Taken back all I could say was; ‘I just..’ then an idea popped into my head. I took out a box wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper and pushed it with my fingertips across the table towards him. This way I could dodge his why question. He looked up with a puzzled yet delighted expression gesturing me to continue, ‘It’s for you. A Christmas present.’ He turned back to the box and blurted out ‘Can I open it?’ maybe a little bit too cheerful and anticipating for his style, but I doubt he noticed. ‘G-go ahead.’ I too stared at the box. Two big, gentle looking hands slowly undid every tape attached and slowly lifted the lid. I bought him a pair of cups that are meant to look like one big cup when put together (and of course with a small plate for the bottom of the cups as well). I lifted my attention to meet his reaction and to my delight, a soft smile appeared on his face. It looked like he was restraining himself from smiling too much, but it was more than enough of what I had expected. ‘For coffee?’ I returned the smile and he nodded while he kept his eyes on the cups, running his fingers on the surfaces. ‘Thank you.’ Once he said those two words and held the cups with both of his hands gently, I knew I found another side of Taekwoon and this Taekwoon is probably the real one. Carefully he placed the cups back on the box and stood up digging into his pockets. He looked down at what he just fished out, looking somewhat nervous.

He slowly lifted his head until his gaze met mine. Holding out an item that he clutched in his palm in front of me and moving closer against the table, he opened his hand to reveal small golden piano ( ‘I don’t know what kind of things you like… and I didn’t have much time since I only found out yesterday that you were coming as well…’ He took small pauses as he spoke, looking like he’s picking which words to use with much care. ‘And… I noticed that you have more ear piercings than me.’ he then stopped to touch his left ear, which had two piercings. That gesture made me touch mine as well, which had four. He noticed that? I smiled shyly and thought about how I would actually accept it from him when it’s on his hand. Should I just take it? Should I touch it first? My last option was; ‘Can I?’ I brought by hand closer to his and gently he placed the piano on mine. I rested my elbows on the table and took in the fine detail on the small instrument. His sudden shift of position got my attention. He was also on his elbows smiling at the specimen in my hands. He reached out to it and opened the lid, grazing my fingers with his, which made heat rush to my cheeks. A soft melody flowed out of the golden piano (Please play if you can while readingà Oh! It’s a jewellery music box.  I felt butterflies fill my mind and stomach which somehow clamed me. ‘You seem to know me enough though.’ His head snapped to mine, looking flustered as ever. ‘I-It’s not what you think.’ ‘I’m just saying… I love it. Thank you!’ I let a round of giggles and care freely smiled to him. I could see him lowering his head smiling and hiding most of his face behind his cup full of tea, while I placed the music box on our side. We quietly sipped out tea and let the music box continue playing it sweet notes. 


A/N: Alot longer than usual! and i hope you all like it!

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I shall not be lazy and an anymore


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Chapter 19: I'll be sure to read your next fic~
Good luck!
Chapter 18: "The excitement spread like ebola" hahahhahaha idek why I laughed at this
Chapter 16: What does tsundere means?
Chapter 13: Sooooooo sweet~ :3 Leo ^3^
Chapter 11: It's Haruma Miura~! Love him ^^ <3
Chapter 3: Reading this chapter while listening to Infinite's Still I Miss You is giving it this right feel ^^ PS you know, I've been to Milky Way encore in Germany... I still can't get myself together ^^"
Animde159 #7
Chapter 12: Love it so far :3 Even though it was confusing at first (don't ask why)
And OMG I love the Hobbit too. I didn't like Legolas as well, nor Tauriel [that (I'm in love with Kili ♡, don't blame me)]
And yeah, keep going with this story, it's great (Y)
Chapter 8: Lol, I want them to get a triple crown too!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh my God!!!! Really VIXX's pre-release!!!!! XD