
Deceptive Empathy -DISCONTINUED-

I smiled of the three boys, I came to walk with to their extra holiday classes. ‘What cruel fate is this?!’ Mino cupped his hands in front of him and shook them while he raged about their classes. After that day, Zico, Mino and Hae tried their best to focus on class but failed by a small piece. The teachers saw their small efforts and arranged some cram classes for them during the holidays. The teachers and the three agreed to have classes on weekdays for 4 hours and have 24th – 26th off for Christmas. ‘We need to pass…’ Hae gloomily answered Mino. Out of the three Zico was the quietest in class and the one that had the highest scores out of the small group. ‘How’s cram classes going, though?’ I started small talk. ‘It’s been helpful and I think we can catch up in no time. So, there’s no need to worry.’ Zico smiled at me and the other two nodded to him. When reaching the school gates, I left the three to Ms Im and left to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Finally, I can buy something for the boys. I sighed at the memories from the past few days of them constantly bugging me about going Christmas shopping together. Then I shivered at the thought of going Christmas shopping with them. Imagine how much noise they would make and how much nagging, pulling, and complaints there would be. I shrugged the bothered feeling away and hurried to the near shopping strip in the area.

I browsed the shops while writing down some things that I could possibly buy for them. ‘I have to buy; one, two, three, four, five... ten to eleven presents since I can always buy one for my parents!’ I talked to myself. I walked in a random door that was on my right side and when I looked up from my note, I was surprised to see a whole heap of random things on shelves. I felt intrigued by the strange things displayed and roamed around the shop, then was greeted by the salesman in the shop. [lets say he looked like this so that you guys can all have a better image and possibly drool over himàhttp://i310.photobucket.com/albums/kk414/forgotwhatslove/miura/71c7d13c.jpg]  ‘Hey, how are you?’ He gave a smile to swoon over and continued ‘Christmas shopping?’ I felt awkward talking so casually with a stranger but I didn’t want to waste my precious time with the pretty boy so I pushed on. ‘Yea~ I need to quickly do my shopping or else they’ll haunt for me.’ I chuckled, trying my best not to sound as awkward as I already am. He nodded and glanced around the shop when he welcomed me; ‘Feel free to look around as much as you want and just call out if you need anything.’ He gave me that heart melting smile before turning to go on with what he was doing before. I nodded even though I knew he wouldn’t see and carefully looked around the shop.

After a while I had the salesman help me with the things I wanted to buy for everybody. Both me and the salesman slowly made our way to the cashier, careful not to drop anything. ‘This is a lot.’ He let out a chuckle and started to scan the barcodes on the items. I just smiled to myself and digged for my wallet. When I took my wallet out of me bag an envelope slipped out with it, dropping on the floor. Christmas invitation?


I shall update later again guys~ Merry Christmas!!

oh! and i might not mention her presents so here they are~

Parents - puuzzle frames - http://www.incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/resized/2d903aade1c6ca771de9471176e06ecd_1_c_595x0.jpg

Three boys (Z&M&H) - Medical Drip Lights - http://toptanal.com/images/buyuk_2/2171_2.jpg

N - cotton container - http://www.incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bunny-tail-cotton-dispenser.jpg

Taekwoon - cups - http://www.incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Tea-for-Two-Teacup.jpg

Ken - phone case - http://www.incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Hana-iphone-nose-case.jpg

Ravi - notebook - http://www.incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Notebook-Beard-1.jpg

Hongbin - Tea infuser - http://radarplayer.hu/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/mr-tea-1024x1024.jpg

Hyuk - portable phone charger - http://coolmaterial.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/lifelink-plus-2.jpg

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I shall not be lazy and an anymore


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Chapter 19: I'll be sure to read your next fic~
Good luck!
Chapter 18: "The excitement spread like ebola" hahahhahaha idek why I laughed at this
Chapter 16: What does tsundere means?
Chapter 13: Sooooooo sweet~ :3 Leo ^3^
Chapter 11: It's Haruma Miura~! Love him ^^ <3
Chapter 3: Reading this chapter while listening to Infinite's Still I Miss You is giving it this right feel ^^ PS you know, I've been to Milky Way encore in Germany... I still can't get myself together ^^"
Animde159 #7
Chapter 12: Love it so far :3 Even though it was confusing at first (don't ask why)
And OMG I love the Hobbit too. I didn't like Legolas as well, nor Tauriel [that (I'm in love with Kili ♡, don't blame me)]
And yeah, keep going with this story, it's great (Y)
Chapter 8: Lol, I want them to get a triple crown too!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh my God!!!! Really VIXX's pre-release!!!!! XD