

"I will get revenge!"

"I don't really see the point, you got yourself out of jail and paid off your debts, all you have to do is just start over"

"NO! It's more than that, Kim Sunggyu ruined me, it's a personal matter."

Woohyun yelped in surprise as a hand circled around the back of his t-shirt.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sunggyu asked with a scowl on his face.

"To get groceries" the bunny responded, "we're nearly out of food I can use to make dinner"

Sunggyu sighed, "give me the list, I'll go buy the groceries"

Woohyun tilted his head in confusion, "why can't I go? I have my collar on, my ID card with me, and the strange device that rings when you talk through it"

"The phone, Woohyun... It's a phone" Sunggyu dead panned, "besides, Kim Ag Don is still out there and I don't want you to get hurt" he didn't miss the way that his pet flinched at the man's name.

"But masteeeer~" Woohyun whined cutely,

"No" Sunggyu said, taking the list from his pet's hands and walking out the door,
"And if I hear complaints or arguments there will be a punishment later on"

Woohyun squeaked in fear before pouting,"just make sure you get lean cut meat, I don't want to have to touch it any more than I have to by stripping the fat off"

Sunggyu smiled, pecked the picky bunny on the forehead, and headed out the door.

Woohyun just sighed before going to clean his master's suite and start setting the kitchen up for dinner.

Sungyeol sighed as he emptied the mop bucket for the umpteenth time, you would think that having a multi-billionaire businessman of a master would mean a maid, you would be wrong.  The pets did all the cleaning, laundry, cooking, dishes, etc. for them.

He had seen Woohyun scrambling around with sheets and linens to make the beds earlier, but he hadn't seen any of Hoya.  He let out a grunt as he lifted the bucket of now clean water up and continued to mop the hallway.

The masters were out today, L and Dongwoo were at the office while Sunggyu was running errands since none of the pets were currently allowed out of the house.

"Look out!" Sungyeol let out a squawk of surprise as Hoya nearly ran into him, stumbling under the weight of three master bathrooms worth of towels.

"You can make more than one trip you know" Sungyeol informed the younger.

"Yeah but multiple trips are for the weak" Hoya replied with a cheeky smile as he continued on his way with the towels.

Sungyeol merely rolled his eyes before dipping his mop back in the bucket.

Dongwoo wanted to smack his head on the table, the same idiot that Sunggyu had turned away was back again.

"And really sirs I think with your donation of the 41k and some stocks in... That trading place, we will do wonderful business!"

Myungsoo raised an eyebrow "you do know that a 401k is a retirement plan... And I assume you were talking about foreign investment on Wall Street?"

The business owner blinked, before smiling "so you'll help me right?!"

"No" both business men answered at the same time before pointing the male out of the office.

Sunggyu grunted as he made his way back into the house with all the groceries.

Woohyun opened the door for him and his face split up into a grin as he saw that his master had returned, he quickly moved to grab some of the groceries to relieve his master's burden.

Sunggyu sighed, "did I buy the right things?"

"Oh yes master! Absolutely perfect!" Woohyun said sweetly as he immediately began cutting up vegetables and washing the rice.

Sunggyu smiled as he watched his pet scamper around the kitchen before blinking, "oi, Woohyun".

Woohyun paused in scrubbing the vegetables, "yes master?"

"Why are you still wearing your collar?"

Woohyun's hands immediately went down to his neck, feeling the red satin.

"Oops, must have forgotten when I went to do my chores" he said lightly.

Sunggyu growled, coming up behind his pet and grabbing his hips, forcing him against the counter.

"You should keep it on, I like seeing my possessions marked"

Woohyun opened his mouth to respond, but instead he was met with a mouthful of Sunggyu's tongue"

"Mmmmmmmh...." He he moaned into the kiss, cheeks already flushed.

Sunggyu smirked, the good thing about having a bunny was that you never had to worry about them not being into it.

Sunggyu pulled away and his pet whined, 

"Keep your collar on through dinner and then report immediately to my rooms, Sungyeol can do the dishes tonight" he ordered into his pet's ear.

Woohyun just gave a dazed nod, before squealing in surprise as his master smacked his bum, and told him to get back to work.

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Wow this is cute I want an owl too
Chapter 19: update soon!
Chapter 19: Why is his name wooyoung instead of woohyun
Chapter 18: Short update but it's okey!
Chapter 18: Can't wait for the next chapter!!! I hope you can update soon!!! :D
yeollichan #7
Chapter 17: Yay you are back
Chapter 16: Yay~ welcome back c: I loved the chapter btw c:
Chapter 16: I need it longer please~~