Breaking Point

BTS Club
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I woke up with a terrible headache. I got my phone as a text came in. 

Jimin: Can we meet up?

Me: I don't feel good.

Jimin: You always say that. This time I'm not letting it slide.

Me: I always say that because that's how I always feel.

Jimin: If you won't come to me then I'll come to you.

Me: I don't care.

Jimin: I'm coming over so you better not leave.

I didn't reply back. Why was I so angry with him again? My head was hurting so bad I don't even remember what happened. 

-----10 minutes later------

I sat down with aga around the table. She grabbed her head and I went to her side.

Me: "Aga are you ok?"

Aga: "I told you I didn't feel good!"

Me: "Can you really blame me!? I haven't seen you in a long time and when I do see you, you're upset with us! I get it! We kept the truth from you, but we tried to explain and you wouldn't let us! We made your life miserable but now we want to make it better! We all care about you! That's why we kept the truth away from you! If we hadn't kept it from you then you'd be on the news as the richest bachelors catch! Everyone would look at you as a toy and use you to get to use! We want to live a normal life like you aga! That's why we made the BTS club!" 

Aga just held onto her head and I looked at her worried. 

Me: "Are you ok?"

Aga: "My head. It hurts."

------At the hospital------

I watched as Aga slept and I sat down beside her. I grabbed her hand and looked at her. Then the doctor came in and I looked at him. 

Me: "Doctor what's wrong with her!? Why does she keep getting headaches!?"

Doctor: "I'm sorry but if you're not a relative then I can't tell you."

I thought quickly and remembered what Jungkook did last time. 

Me: "I'm her boyfriend!"

Doctor: "I thought that other fellow was her boyfriend?"

Me: "He was, but they broke up. Now we're dating."

Doctor: "Sounds complicated. Well Miss Yoon has been suffering some strong headaches. It's been affecting her vision and hearing. Soon it may e

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I love this fanfic <3
redhearts #2
Chapter 27: thee last chapter with jimin's too sudden for me :/ but its still a great fic!<3
azuraes #3
Chapter 27: i didn't expect jimin and bomi qould end up together hoho but good story <3
Chapter 27: Aww, I guess that's a good ending ^^ I liked the story, it was cute <3
Chapter 26: Okay... I misunderstood.. I thought Aga was the one who died.. >.<
Chapter 25: :O ......... WHAT?! How could this happen?! ;_;
Chapter 24: I swear, her parents are horrible...
Chapter 23: o.o so they're on the same plane?
Chapter 22: ;_; nuuuuuuu~
Chapter 21: Well, that escalated quickly...