Losing someone you love hurts
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I was still pretty much fast asleep when I heard the soft thud. Thanks to my light-sleeping nature, I was able to jolt awake immediately. The sudden movements sent the room whirling for a few seconds but I force myself up into the sitting position and by the time the room righted itself, I could see Kyuhyun lying on the floor next to his bed.


“ Kyuhyun!” I cried out as I leap off my bed clumsily and hurried to his side.


“ Kyuhyun!” Pulling the man off the cold floor and  turning him face-up to support the limp head with the nook of my arm, I stare down anxiously at a face that is dead white and the body so devoid of body temperature that I fear the worst. Putting a shaky finger under his nose, my heart pounded with relief to detect a shallow breath. Doubting my own ability to lift the deadweight, I had to lay him back down again with much reluctance and rushed to press down the call button to summon help.


The nurses responded rather quickly, taking away the body I was still holding out of my arms then ordering me to return to my own bed and stay there.

What a strange word I just used …”taking away”? Kyuhyun doesn’t belong to me, does he?


I watched the shadows reflected on the curtain they had pulled around his bed. Doctors milling about, nurses rushing in and out, everytime they lifted the curtain to enter or leave the protective barrier, I caught sight of Kyuhyun’s still pale face lying against the pillow. He hasn’t shown any signs of consciousness but his hair is wet and matted messily to his forehead.


I was half asleep again when I heard the curtain being pulled aside. Choosing rather to wait, I felt myself getting testy as footsteps receded one by one as slow as deliberate. When at last the room is quiet again, I sat up again and went to take a look at Kyuhyun. To my surprise, his cheeks are flushed an angry shade of red and he is perspiring badly. His pouty lips look significantly red and swollen than usual.


“ He’s having a very high fever.” I mutter to myself feeling sorry for him.


His eyelids lifted slightly and I saw how glazed over and off kilter his pupils were. His eyes are bright and dewy with severe fever.


“ Water…please…” he pleaded hoarsely in a very weak whisper. “ Water…”


I reached for the water pitcher on his bedside table and pour with shaking hands. As I turned back to hand him a full glass, I realized that his eyes are closed again so expecting him to drink the water unaided will be out of the question. Scratching my head for a solution, I finally hit on one which just might do the trick.


Rummaging through my own drawers, I found a clean cotton ear stick and dip it into the glass of water. Once the cotton is saturated with water. I swiped Kyuhyun’s badly cracked lower lip with it. After a few tries it occurred to me that although his lips are well-moisturised now, it did nothing to help put water down his throat which is what he really needed. I watched in despair as his adam’s apple bobbed weakly in a desperate bid to get some fluid down his feverish throat.


Next try is with a spoon but after fiddling a few times I could not prevent much of the water from spilling out onto his cheeks. Wiping the soaking pillow surfaces on both sides of his mouth, I continue to rack my brains for a solution before he dies of thirst.


Childhood memories of an old Chinese drama I watched gushed abruptly at me reminding me of how the unconscious are fed water by their care-giver. I blushed at the thought of it but my discomfort became irregardless when I saw him once again his pleas for water.


Taking a deep breath to calm my wildly beating heart, I took a cautious sip, mindful that it is not a large one or else I may end up choking the person I am trying to save. As I slowly brought myself closer to him, my heart began beating faster and faster. I clenched my jaw to prevent losing the mouthful of water I’m holding nearly choking myself instead. As I found myself only an inch away from his face, I was sure my heart will stopped dead from all the stress it is going through.


Taking another swallow breath, I push closer, our lips touched. Parting his lips a crack with my tongue; I let a tiny stream of water dribble into his. Probably feeling the presence of fluid he so desperately needs, he began to on my lips hungrily. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn but I forced myself to maintain a slow and steady dribble. Even as I found my mouth empty, he was still fervently. Pulling back with a quick tug, I took another small sip and repeat the process. After 3 rather successful attempts my embarrassment seems to have faded completely and my cheeks no longer burn. As I pull away for the last time, I noticed that Kyuhyun’s lips are now rosy red and puffy. It sure looks attractively pliable and soft.


Without thinking I bent forward and press my lips to his.


“ OMO! What am I doing?!” I jumped back in true shock at what I just did. I know my eyes must resemble large grapes as I felt drops of nervous perspiration trickled down the side of my forehead. A moment of enjoyable pleasure washed over me but just as quickly I slapped myself hard across the cheek in an attempt to invoke some form of guilt for enjoying the moment.


“ I must be mad.” I mutter still in shock as I stagger towards my bed clutching my heaving chest. My heart is bea

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 12: Wow, those last two chapters.... so very emotional!!! I'm only able to comment now the tears have stopped, (sniff sniff ) but am left with a massive lump in my throat. Excellent work .
394 streak #2
Chapter 12: omaigosh I really cried so hard for the last 2 chapters T^T
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 12: Like epilogue #2...
Chapter 12: What is the update here... are you goin to do an epilogue? A new wonkyu?? Tell meeee......
TaiShanNiangNiang #6
All the KyuSung emotions! (Great character development) I read this from start to finish. So glad I found it and that you completed it! Awesome work!
Cenya14 #7
Chapter 12: Such a sad story but I really liked how you showed there relationship
As brothers.
Chapter 12: Omg usually I'll avoid angst this angsty!!! But your word and the emotions are so overwhelming!!!!
Chapter 12: Has he passed away? All my surrounding seems to be grey and cloudy and maybe a drizzle of rain..

I hope i can see your wonkyu next ^^