Chapter 7 - Goodbyes & Good Friends

How To Tame A Rebel

Chapter 7

 Goodbyes & Good Friends


Luhan slowly opened his eyes the next morning. He shifted a little and snuggled deeper into his lover's warm embrace. Sehun's body warmth and scent were his personal Holy Grail. The world outside could wait.
Luhan softly traced a finger down Sehun's bare chest and snickered.
"Wow... You're scaring me." a sleepy voice said.
"Oops." Luhan said ironically and reached up to kiss him on the lips. Sehun kissed back.
"We should get up." Luhan said and turned to get out of the bed. Sehun tightened his arms around him and held him in place. He made a grumbling sound. Luhan laughed a little.
"What?" he asked amused. Sehun just grumbled again and threw himself onto the older, not letting him escape.
"Oppa, let me go!" Luhan imitated a girly voice.
"Oh god, please, never do that again." Sehun said.
Sehun smirked and leaned down, his mouth close to Luhan's ear.
"Maybe it turns me on?"
Luhan shoved him off. "Can you please keep your weird likings under control?" he said jokingly, pulling an overly dramatic face and got up, wrapping himself in the blanket before standing. He still wasn't wearing any clothes after all.
Sehun watched him from the bed, a smirk on his face.
"Where are you going?"
"To the bathroom. To take a shower." Luhan answered.
"You're limping." Sehun said and his amused face turned into a concerned one. "Why?"
Luhan chuckled. Sehun's facial expression remained worried.
"...Really? You didn't get it yet?"
Sehun's eyes widened, sudden realization written all over his face.
"Yeah. That's your fault." Luhan added and smirked. Sehun quickly got out of bed, wearing his own blanket like a long skirt around his lower body. He walked closer to Luhan and lifted him up bridal style.
"What are you doing?"
"You're already dressed in white..." Sehun said and smiled at him.
Luhan laughed. "But I'm still a man. Put me down."
Sehun obeyed. Luhan was carefully placed with his feet on the ground again. He hissed as he tried to walk. Sehun eyed him, but Luhan ignored it. He didn't want to be pitied right now. Not now, when he felt so peaceful and complete.
They decided to take a shower together which, frankly, resulted in more .
Luhan gulped a spoonful of his breakfast down.
"Sehun?" he called the younger, who was sitting on the sofa, leaning against the armrest.
Sehun wasn't wearing much, just a wife beater and some jeans. Luhan stole little glances at his arms and collarbones every now and then. He himself wasn't wearing too much either, only dressed in the long white shirt he'd ripped off the younger's body yesterday, and his own underwear.
"I have a question." he said.
Sehun looked curious. "What is it?"
Luhan took a sip of green tea. "Can you drive a motorbike?"
Sehun smiled. "Yeah, I can."
Luhan's eyes widened. "Really? Do you have a motorbike?"
Sehun seemed to be thinking for a second before he answered.
"My Dad has an old one in the garage I think..."
"Can we drive?"
Sehun looked at him dreamily for a while.
"W-what?" Luhan asked, another spoon of cereals entering his mouth.
"The way your eyes sparkled just now... So pretty." Sehun said and smiled sheepishly.
"...Did you drink?" Luhan looked at him, his expression amused.
"What? No! Why?"
Luhan laughed and stood up. He walked over to Sehun, leaned down and pecked him on the lips.
"Too slushy." he said and Sehun just smiled.
"Is it working?"
"Not yet." Sehun fumbled around the underside of the - more or less - old motorcycle as Luhan watched him. The older sighed.
"Is it ever going to work?"
"I don't know." Sehun shrugged him off.
"Have you tried adjusting this?" Luhan pointed somewhere on the exhaust pipe. Sehun furrowed his brows, concentrated on something else.
"Have you?" Luhan repeated.
"Luhan, please!" Sehun said, annoyed. The older rolled his eyes. He got up and walked over to the toolbox, taking out a few tools that looked familiar to him. He crouched down next to Sehun and the motorcycle again.
"Move." he said and did a little hand gesture. Startled, the younger did as he was told and moved aside.
He watched in awe as Luhan fixed several things Sehun hadn't even considered checking, and soon Luhan got up, threw the tools back into the box and started the engine. He turned around and beamed at Sehun.
The younger just looked at him, puzzled, but obviously fascinated.
"Where'd you learn that?"
"'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'." Luhan said, his tone ironic.
"What?" Sehun asked confused.
Luhan laughed. "It's a book. But I was just joking. One of my friends had a motorbike back then. I learned a lot from him."
Sehun squinted his eyes. "I hope fixing motorbikes is the only thing he teached you." he said.
"Freaking ert..." Luhan muttered and hit him playfully. "Are we going on a ride now, or what?"
Luhan felt the wind play with his hair, the smell of the warm streets and the exhaust gas mixing with the scent of summer, and Sehun's. Luhan restes his head against Sehun's back. He slowly breathed in and out, enjoying everything. He watched the city in not far distance, watched the many buildings and their windows reflecting the sunlight to create little sparkles, their shadows stretching as the sun was slowly setting. He loved it.
But all good things come to an end.
And so did their time together.
Luhan turned in bed to look at the little digital watch. Although he had a premonition of what it would be showing, he still looked.
9:21 am.
August the 28th.
The day of Sehun's departure.
Luhan stared at it. Our last day together.
Sehun's hold around him tightened and he felt a soft kiss being placed on the back of his neck.
"Already awake?"
Luhan didn't reply. Instead, he turned and looked into Sehun's eyes. The younger smiled.
"I just thought you'd need more sleep after a night like the previous." he said and smirked. Luhan smiled back, although weakly.
"It's our last day together." he said, sadness resonating in his words. He averted his gaze from Sehun's face and looked down instead.
Sehun looked at him for a long time. At his honey coloured hair, his big eyes, his pointy nose and his small hands that drew circles onto Sehun's bare chest. Then he leaned down and gave the older a long, soft kiss. Luhan's soft lips were something that Sehun knew he'd miss a lot in the time they would be apart. 
They kissed and snuggled for good twenty minutes before they finally let go of eachother.
Seven more hours.
Time seemed to pass extremely slowly, and Luhan was thankful for that. They cooked together, ate together, they cleaned the house together and there was barely a moment where they weren't holding hands, touching or exchanging kisses.
Luhan realised all these months hadn't been enough. Maybe years wouldn't be enough for him to love Sehun. He wanted to think it, wanted to think that they were forever. But of course they would never be. They barely had half a day left. Luhan didn't want to imagine how it'd feel waking up without Sehun, strolling the streets without Sehun, doing grocery shopping without Sehun, cooking without Sehun... altogether being without Sehun again. And so he didn't think of it, pushed the thought into the back of his head and he decided to be happy again for those last few hours. For Sehun's sake.
The house was completely silent. Only the sound of the zipper of Sehun's suitcase was heard. Luhan's own stood next to Sehun's near the stairs. If Luhan tried hard enough, he was able to imagine they where heading somewhere else. Together. Like a honeymoon. He smiled, but his smile faltered quickly. Because he knew it was just a dream, nothing more.
Luhan looked at the watch on his phone. Ten minutes. Ten minutes was all they had left.
Sehun stood facing him. He opened his arms.
"Come here." he said softly. Luhan choked back his tears. He didn't want the other to see him cry again. He wanted him to leave without regrets.
Sehun hugged him tight and kissed his hair repeatedly. Luhan freed himself from Sehun's embrace soon again, because he knew the longer he would hold onto him now, the harder it would be to let go of him later. He reached up to pull Sehun down by his white shirt and kissed him forcefully one last time, putting all of his sorrow and frustration into his actions. Sehun held him by the waist, pressing the slightly smaller body closer.
Sehun broke the kiss a little later.
"If we continue, I don't think I'll be able to make it on time." the younger said and smirked slightly, but Luhan felt that he was sad too.
The doorbell rang.
"The taxi's waiting..."
Luhan took a deep breath. Sehun opened the door, they grabbed their suitcases and stepped out into the warm midsummer air.
Sehun greeted the taxi driver, and his suitcase was quickly stuffed into the boot.
The younger stood opposite to Luhan on the sidewalk.
Luhan said nothing.
"It's goodbye then, I guess."
Don't go.
"You'll be okay on your own, right?"
Luhan smiled a sad smile and nodded.
I'll miss you.
"Take care."
I'll miss you so much.
Luhan watched as Sehun got into the taxi. He waved at him just before the car drove off. He stared at the vehicle until it was out of sight. All the unshed tears suddenly started rolling down his cheeks. He was unable to move and just stood there, quietly crying.
He missed him already. It took a while for Luhan to fully realise the fact that Sehun had left for good. He was going to get married, take over his father's business and never return to Luhan's side ever again. Luhan had known it the whole time, but it only really sunk in now. He felt empty, like he'd been left alone in the darkness.
He grabbed his suitcase, but remembered he had nowhere to go. 
He hadn't told Sehun he didn't have a job, didn't have a place to stay. He hadn't told him he wouldn't be okay on his own.
In a city as big as Seoul, with not many friends or people Luhan knew, there was only one place he could go to.
Sehun had made a plan in his head. He'd fly over, cancel the marriage, tell his parents he wouldn't be taking over and then fly back to Korea. He hadn't thought about the details yet though.
He texted Luhan before he boarded the plane. As he checked his phone half an hour later, there was no reply. He send another text, waited, wondered.
No reply.
He decided to call Luhan, but his phone told him the number wasn't available. Sehun started worrying a little. But he told himself everything would be fine. Maybe the other's phone ran out of battery? Sehun would wait.
His plane landed about two hours later. It was already dark outside and he was greeted by Beijing's brightly illuminated streets. His father was there to pick him up.
He opened his arms to greet his son, and Sehun was squeezed briefly before the man led him to the long black car.
"You've changed. I didn't recognise you at first."
Sehun smiled.
"When was the last time I saw you in a suit? You were five, I think."
Though his father was smiling and trying to make small talk, Sehun felt weird. His father seemed a bit off, like his thoughts were somewhere else. Sehun sensed it. But he kept quiet.
Luhan looked at the little crumpled paper he'd found inside his wallet. He didn't know if the address was still up to date, if he even lived there anymore. Luhan silently prayed that he did.
He got off the train at the station he deemed closest to the adress. His phone felt heavy in his pocket, and he thought about switching it on again. But he decided not to do so. He'd buy a new one, along with a new card. And he'd save all of his old numbers, except for one. One that he knew would never call him again.
Many steps later, he stood in front of a big apartment complex. Luckily, a woman entered at the same time as Luhan, and she unlocked the door for the both of them. Luhan thanked her and made his way to the elevator. He pressed the little button that would bring him up to the eighteenth floor.
After searching the long corridor for the right door, he found it. He looked at the little nameplate. The name hadn't changed since Luhan had last been here. But then again, there were about nine million people in South Korea sharing that same name. Luhan hesitated for a minute or two. Then he rang the doorbell.
No answer.
He rang it again.
About twenty seconds later, the door opened slowly and Luhan faced his old friend.



A/N:   I know what you're thinking...
And I'm sorry I was gone again for so long, but it was because of personal reasons.
I hope you all understand.

And I hope you liked this chapter.
I'll update more regularly from now on.

It wasn't really hard to guess who's answering the door, or was it?
maybe it just seems easy because i know already
I'm going to add a side pairing in the next chapters :)
So I hope you'll stay tuned and sheeeeet.

Thanks to everyone who subscribes, upvotes, comments or simply just reads. :)
You guys make my day.

If you feel like wasting time reading something I wrote, you can check out this hunhan oneshot.
Thank you if you do.


Merry (late) Christmas, everyone! :)
I hope you had a nice Christmas Eve and stuff.
And Happy (early) New Year, whenever you celebrate it.
I hope 2014 is gonna be great for you all and I hope you'll listen to "My Turn To Cry" daily because it's a freaking masterpiece.








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Chapter 5: absolutely loved it

i loved it


CandyJar #3
Chapter 9: Well if you want any suggestions/ideas to continue .. ill be happy to help you ... i know how you feel .. (in fact i'm having it now) so i'll just put the last chap! Even if it still not that good but at least better than nothing! So don't be hopeless and just put an end to this fic cause to me its long enough to end it!

My idea is to make that friend is sehun! And they met again with free sehun and happy ending .. yay! Its kinda silly but i want you to cheer up! Cause i'm also get bored of not updating!
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 9: I totally understand baby don't worry Q.Q
I'll wait patiently for your updates ♥
Chapter 8: i hope its freaking kim jongin bcoz i dont mind a LITTLE kailu and a jealous sehun,i swear.but if not..nevrmind
Chapter 8: Please let Sehun and Luhan be together again! I think, I'll stop reading this if Sehun and Luhan will break apart. Just a pairing for short time is oke, but I hope Hunhan will be back soon.
CandyJar #7
Chapter 8: You took along time to update! now you have to Indemnity it! at least update sooner!
Chapter 8: Ugh omg please dont make lukai or xiuhan come in. I can tell kai is gonna be the old friend somehow n ugh
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 8: I Was WAiting For THese Update!!! Hope THey Find their way back to Each other Soon!!!

Chapter 8: Finally an update! Thanks author-nim♥ for the new year gift and happy new year to you too... ♥♥♥