Chapter 2 - Regret & Remission

How To Tame A Rebel

Chapter 2

Regret & Remission


It had been five days since Sehun had kicked Luhan out of the house. Five days since Sehun had last seen the sunlight or even opened a window to breathe some fresh air. He woke up at two in the afternoon, roaming through his lonely living room, switching on the TV just to hear voices. Not that he needed someone to talk to, he just couldn't stand the silence anymore. He went to the kitchen that was a mess by now, but he didn't bother to clean up. He searched for something edible in the almost empty fridge. Just then, his phone rang.
"Hey Sehun, it's me." he heard his mother say.
"And what do you want?" he asked.
"Just wanted to check on you. Is everything alright? Luhan told me his phone was broken..."
"So, he told you?" Sehun said, lowering his voice. He told them... Great.
"Yes. Have you two eaten already? How's Luhan doing?"
Sehun didn't know what to answer.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
He heard his mother laughing. "He's usually the one who cooks, right? Don't tell me he's been teaching you already! Is he? He's a really good cook, isn't he?" his mother said and laughed again.
Wait, he didn't tell them...? Sehun was confused.
"Y-yeah, he is, I guess..."
"Are you guys keeping everything clean?"
Sehun looked around the living room, clothes lying everywhere, dishes piling up on every table, the kitchen full of plastic bags, half-eaten foods and spilled drinks on the counters and the floor.
"V-very clean..." he said.
"That's good. Oh, your Dad needs help with the car. Alright, we'll talk again soon, honey. Take care!"
Sehun just hung up. He scratched his head. Why didn't Luhan tell them?
On the sixth day, Luhan decided it was time to talk to Sehun. His money was slowly but surely running out and he couldn't live in a hotel room forever. 
He left the hotel and made his way to Sehun's house. He stood at the door for about ten minutes, thinking if to go in, and finally decided to do so.
"Sehun?" he carefully asked as he stepped inside. No response. He noticed the living room being a mess, but no one was there. He walked up the stairs and into Sehuns room, but no Sehun here as well. 
Luhan searched for his phone, maybe the pieces were still lying around here somewhere. He found nothing on the floor and therefore starting searching the wardrobe and the nightstand.
"Playing detective again, are we?" Luhan suddenly heard a voice say and turned around, startled.
"A-Actually not. I was looking for my phone." Sehun walked closer to him and reached out a hand.
"Give me the keys." he said coldly.
"Sehun... please, let me stay here again. The hotel room's too expensive..." Luhan said. 
Sehun didn't respond. 
"I promise I won't treat you like a kid anymore." Again, Luhan waited for an answer. Sehun turned around and walked down the stairs.
"Fine." he said. Luhan smiled.
"Thank you! I'm just going to go back to the hotel to grab all my stuff."
"Whatever." Sehun said.
Sehun heard the door close. He didn't know why he had agreed to let Luhan stay with him again. Maybe it was better this way, though. His parents would have surely found out sooner or later and then they'd probably come back and annoy him to death. And he would've lost his money forever. No, he had to get Luhan under control somehow. Luhan had to tell his parents everything was fine and Sehun was improving, then Sehun would get his money back and Luhan would leave earlier.
He sat down in the living room and watched TV. The whole house was still a mess, but he didn't care. Luhan was back to clean everything up now anyway. Said person returned to the house after just twenty minutes. Sehun heard him walking up the stairs, gasping at the mess that was Sehun's room and walking back down again. In the meantime Sehun opened a can of coke and drank it in one go. He heard a gasp again.
"What did you do to the kitchen? And the living room?" Luhan said and shook his head. Sehun looked around, but didn't respond.
And then Sehun just sat on the couch for about two hours, watching Luhan clean and the rooms. Walking around with a basket in his hands, he collected all the dirty clothes from the floor. He watered the plants, took out the garbage and wiped the tables and the floor in the kitchen clean. Exhausted, he then sat down on the sofa beside Sehun.
"Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked.
"No." Sehun simply answered.
"There's no food here anyway, I need to go out and buy some first." Sehun nodded. He turned his head to look at Luhan.
"Listen." Luhan looked up at him, eyes wide. 
"We make a deal. You can stay here, but you have to tell my parents that everything's going smoothly and there's no need to worry and how I've become such a good person and . You can't say a single bad thing about me, or I won't care anymore whether you have to sleep on the street or not. Got it?"
Luhan looked at his own hands. "...No. That would be lying." he said.
"That's the point."
"...N-no! I won't do it!" Luhan said and got up. He took his jacket and left the house with a "I'm going to buy some food".
Sehun was pissed. Really pissed. You'll see what you get for refusing my offer.
He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.
"Yongguk? I need your help."
Luhan made his way down the streets to several grocery stores, just to notice they were all closed. Of course they would be, it was Sunday, Luhan remembered. He stopped by a petrol station to buy some milk, rice and other basic things so they at least had some food to cook with. Luhan noticed it was 6 pm already, so he decided to make his way back to the house. Sehun must be damn hungry, considering he hadn't eaten the whole day. Luhan was just walking down a small alley, humming one of his favourite songs, as he noticed two dark clothed figures approaching him. He stopped dead in his tracks.
"C-can I help you?" he asked. The taller of the two chuckled.
"Yes, actually." he said. He had a deep, hoarse voice. "Are you Luhan?" he asked.
"Y-yes. Why?"
"I'd like to have my money back." The guys were now standing in front of him and he stepped back a little.
"What?" Luhan didn't understand. "You must be mistaking me for someone else." he said and smiled a little, trying not to lose his courage. The tall guy smiled back, but it didn't look as friendly.
"Sehun owes me money. And I heard you're the one being in the way of Sehun repaying me."
"N-no, I'm just his..."  Luhan didn't know how to finish his sentence.
"His what?" he asked and smiled his gummy smile again. He stepped closer to Luhan, and Luhan didn't move. The guy's face only inches away from his own, he looked at the ground.
"I want my money back."
"I don't have your money. Would you please let me-"
"I said give me your money." the guy's intimidating voice cut him off. Luhan gulped. He wanted to escape, but as he tried to rush off the smaller guy quickly grabbed his arm. They dragged him into an even smaller space between two houses and pressed him against the wall. 
The taller guy leaned against it, putting his arm next to Luhan's head. It still wasn't dark outside and Luhan wondered why there weren't any other people around to help him.
"I-I don't have it." Luhan tried again. The guy grabbed him by the shoulders, slamming him against the wall.
"Give me your phone!" he commanded.
"I-I don't have it with me." Luhan said with a frightened voice. He really didn't bring his phone.
"He's lying." the smaller guy said calmly. They started searching his bags, letting everything inside fall onto the ground. They also found his wallet, but noticed there wasn't really much money left inside. The taller searched the pockets of Luhan's jeans.
"Where are you hiding it?" he asked angrily.
Luhan gathered all his remaining courage to answer him. "I told you, I don't have it with me." The taller pushed Luhan and he fell onto the ground. Tears started streaming down his face, tears he couldn't hold in any longer. He felt so helpless and mentally cursed himself for not being able to stand up to these guys. He was a grown man, after all.
"Stop crying like a little girl!" the smaller of the two said and laughed. They pulled Luhan up by his arms and smashed him against the wall again. This time, Luhan's head hit the wall hard. Luhan slipped down to the floor, dizzy, his head spinning and his vision blurred. Everything he could hear was a mess of words.
Sehun had been watching everything from a distance. As he saw Luhan falling to the floor, holding the back of his head, he heard his friends panicking.
", is he bleeding?"
"I told you not to overdo it!"
Sehun's eyes widened. No, he thought. Nononono. This wasn't what he had wanted. Not at all. 
He rushed over as fast as he could, pushing his friends out of the way and kneeling down beside Luhan. He grabbed Luhan's hands and saw blood. Suddenly, Sehun felt bad. He felt bad for hurting Luhan. He had never felt so damn bad in his whole life. In a matter of seconds, his thoughts and mindset changed direction.
"What are you doing?" he screamed at his friends, standing up to face them. They looked at him, a little shocked about his reaction.
"What do you mean? You're the one who told us to do this!" Yongguk yelled back.
"I told you to teach him a lesson, not to ing kill him!" Sehun yelled even louder. "Just leave. Just ing leave!"
"I said get lost!" Yongguk and Daehyun looked at him angrily. Yongguk pushed him out of the way, then they turned and walked away at a quick pace. 
Sehun kneeled down next to Luhan again.
"Luhan?" he asked and waited for a reaction.
"Luhan?" he asked again, louder. Luhan's eyes closed and he furrowed his brows.
, Sehun thought. He lifted Luhan up from the ground, carrying him. His head was still bleeding and Sehun didn't know what to do. Luhan seemed to be conscious, though he wasn't reacting. But he was holding onto Sehun's shirt and neck and he was also still breathing. Sehun carried him all the way to his house, unlocked the door with one hand and carefully placed Luhan on the sofa in the living room. He then went upstairs to get some towels and the first aid kit.
What did I do? Why am I so dumb? It's all my fault. Damn it, Oh Sehun, why are you such a ing ?
He returned to the living room, where he saw Luhan trying to sit up. He quickly placed the stuff on the table.
"No no no" he said, "Don't get up!" He sat next to Luhan.
"Here, press this against your head." he told him and gave him the wet towel.
"M-my head? What's with my head? It hurts." Luhan's voice sounded weak. It made Sehun feel a thousand times more guilty, if that was even possible.
"It's bleeding." he answered. He opened the first aid kit. "Lean over a bit." he said and Luhan did as he was told. Sehun dabbed the wound and Luhan whimpered a little at the pain. Sehun then put medical tape over it and put a bandage around Luhan's head. He didn't dare to look into Luhan's eyes, though. He felt too guilty. He went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water that he gave to Luhan. He still didn't seem to get everything that happened around him.
"How are you feeling?" Sehun carefully asked.
"Dizzy." Luhan muttered. 
Sehun walked upstairs and checked the guest room. The covers and pillows were still nicely arranged on the bed. He walked over and grabbed the pillow. It felt way too hard for someone with a wound like Luhan's to sleep on. So Sehun took the pillow from his own room and placed it on Luhan's bed. He then walked downstairs again. Luhan still sat there, shaking a little and sipping his water. Sehun walked over to him.
"You should go to bed." he said. Luhan wanted to nod, but it hurt so he just answered with a "Yes". Just as he wanted to stand up, Sehun wrapped his arms around Luhan's body and lifted him up from the couch. Luhan didn't know what to say, so he remained silent. Sehun carried him up the stairs and into the guest room, where Luhan would usually be sleeping, and put him down on the bed. Luhan lay down and his head sunk into a soft, fluffy pillow that smelled like Sehun. Luhan felt Sehun covering him with the blanket.
"Do you want anything else?" he asked.
"No." Luhan said quietly. Sehun turned to leave the room and switched off the lights.
"Thank you." Sehun heard Luhan say just before he closed the door. 
He's thanking me. I hurt him this bad and he is seriously thanking me.
Sehun went to his room and sat down on his own bed, burying his face in his hands. 
He knew he actually had to take Luhan to the hospital. But if he did so, they'd probably contact Sehun's parents and he would be as good as dead. 
Sehun's thoughts were a mess right now, so he decided it would be better to just go to bed. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He stopped and looked at his own features in the mirror. His tall nose, his small eyes and lips and his messy, rainbow coloured hair. He chuckled to himself.
So this is the face of a 20 year old who has achieved absolutely nothing in life besides hurting people and making them sad. He has no money, no friends and no one he loves. And no one loves him. Because he never gives. Because he always takes, but never gives. Because he tells himself it's best. He tells himself it's best to not be loved. Because no one wants to love him anyway.
Then the meets someone. This someone is nice to him. This someone always gives, but never takes. This someone gives him a chance. And he wastes it. He wastes it without even thinking about it.
And he hurts this someone. And now he realises. But it's too late.
Good job, Sehun. Good job.
Sehun woke up the next morning as rays of sunshine were tickling his face. Ah, right, he forgot to draw the curtains last night. He then remembered the events of yesterday and instantly got up. He rushed over to the guest room and carefully opened the door. But Luhan wasn't in his room anymore. Sehun walked down the stairs and checked the living room and the kitchen, but he couldn't seem to find Luhan. Sehun started panicking. 
He's gone. He can't be gone.
He searched every room in his house, but remained Luhan-less. 
He checked Luhan's room again. 
All his stuff is still here...
Sehun searched for his phone and wanted to call Luhan, but remembered he had broken the older's phone a while ago. After all, he didn't even have his number.
He sat down on Luhan's bed, unable to move for a few minutes. He remembered they still didn't have any food here. He wanted to go out and buy some, but he didn't have any money. And he didn't want to leave the house. He had to be here if Luhan came back. He let himself fall back on the bed, snuggling down into the pillow. It smelled like Luhan now. Sehun liked Luhan's smell. It was warm, welcoming and smelled like home. He closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep.
Luhan unlocked the door to Sehun's house, placing the bags with food on the floor next to the stairs. He made his way to Sehun's room, but Sehun wasn't in his bed anymore. Luhan wondered where he could have gone. He checked the other rooms and finally found Sehun in the guest room, sleeping on his bed. Luhan smiled as he saw this. He stared at Sehun's face. The younger probably had tons of girls admiring and chasing him. Luhan observed his features for a while. He felt the sudden urge to trail his fingers down Sehun's forehead, his nose, his lips...
What am I doing? 
He shook his head and then left the room to prepare breakfast.
Sehun woke up to the smell of food. He rubbed his eyes and realised he had fallen asleep on Luhan's bed. Luhan! he remembered, quickly got up and ran down the stairs. He froze as he saw Luhan standing in the kitchen. Luhan noticed him and smiled. 
How can he smile like that after what happened yesterday?
"Sorry, I've been out for a while." he said.
Sehun sighed. "Where? You shouldn't move too much-"
"It's fine. I went out to buy food." Luhan said and smiled again. Sehun eyed Luhan's head.
"Does it still hurt?" he asked. Luhan turned around to check on the rice.
"We need to get you to a hospital." Sehun said. Luhan turned around and looked at him again.
"I've already been there. They said the wound isn't too bad and that it has already been treated. And they told me to change the bandage regurlarly." Luhan smiled at him again. Sehun didn't know what to say. Though Luhan was hurt, he was the one doing all the housework again. He had even went to the hospital alone.
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I didn't want to. You looked so peaceful." Luhan said and laughed. Sehun sat down at the kitchen table.
"Breakfast is almost ready."
"Do you need help?"
Luhan turned to look at him again. "No, it's almost done anyway. But we can make dinner together, if you want to."
Sehun nodded. He looked down at his hands. He still felt bad for everything that happened and he knew he had to apologise to Luhan sooner or later.
Luhan started setting the table. He stood on his tiptoes, trying to reach for the plates in the cupboard. Sehun quickly walked over and pulled Luhan's arms down.
"I'll do it!" he said and grabbed the plates, placing them on the table. He didn't want Luhan to strain himself. He was afraid Luhan would be in pain again and then remember what Sehun had done to him. He was afraid Luhan would realise how much of an Sehun was.
"What did you tell them at the hospital? I mean, didn't they want to know how you got the wound?"
Just after this question had left Sehun's mouth, he could've slapped himself in the face so many times. This was surely not the kind of question he wanted to ask, since he didn't want Luhan to think about yesterday at all.
Luhan turned around again. "I just told them I bumped into a wall while walking backwards." he said. "Breakfast is ready now."
Luhan sat down opposite to Sehun and started eating quietly. Sehun though had absolutely no appetite and just poked his food with the chopsticks.
"What about school?" Luhan asked after a while. Sehun actually hadn't thought about school at all in the last few days.
"I guess I'll go there tomorrow..."
Luhan's eyes widened. "Really? You know, if you don't feel good you can stay at home."
Sehun thought about it. Then he shook his head. "No. It's okay. I'm going. I've already skipped today..." he said. Not only today.
"Is there anything you want to do?" Luhan asked as they were done eating. He took the dishes and started washing them.
"No, not really..." Sehun answered.
"Okay." Luhan had noticed Sehun wasn't in the best mood today. The reason why was quite clear, actually. Sehun was questioning his behaviour, no doubt. But Luhan wondered if he would actually change.
"I think I'm going to take a walk..." Sehun said, looking at Luhan. His eyes looked sad, apologetic, almost as if he wanted to ask Luhan for permission to leave. It was the first time Luhan had seen this kind of expression in Sehun's eyes.
"Of course." he said. Sehun got up from his chair and, without saying another word, left the house. There was one thing Luhan noticed; he didn't slam any doors this time.

A/N:     This took me hella long to write o_O
Thanks so much for the subs!
(and the upvotes and comments, of course!)


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Chapter 5: absolutely loved it

i loved it


CandyJar #3
Chapter 9: Well if you want any suggestions/ideas to continue .. ill be happy to help you ... i know how you feel .. (in fact i'm having it now) so i'll just put the last chap! Even if it still not that good but at least better than nothing! So don't be hopeless and just put an end to this fic cause to me its long enough to end it!

My idea is to make that friend is sehun! And they met again with free sehun and happy ending .. yay! Its kinda silly but i want you to cheer up! Cause i'm also get bored of not updating!
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 9: I totally understand baby don't worry Q.Q
I'll wait patiently for your updates ♥
Chapter 8: i hope its freaking kim jongin bcoz i dont mind a LITTLE kailu and a jealous sehun,i swear.but if not..nevrmind
Chapter 8: Please let Sehun and Luhan be together again! I think, I'll stop reading this if Sehun and Luhan will break apart. Just a pairing for short time is oke, but I hope Hunhan will be back soon.
CandyJar #7
Chapter 8: You took along time to update! now you have to Indemnity it! at least update sooner!
Chapter 8: Ugh omg please dont make lukai or xiuhan come in. I can tell kai is gonna be the old friend somehow n ugh
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 8: I Was WAiting For THese Update!!! Hope THey Find their way back to Each other Soon!!!

Chapter 8: Finally an update! Thanks author-nim♥ for the new year gift and happy new year to you too... ♥♥♥