Chapter 3 - Pillows & Sheets

How To Tame A Rebel

Chapter 3

Pillows & Sheets


Luhan was way too immersed in the movie that was on TV, he didn't hear Sehun softly closing the door and making his way over to the sofa. He only noticed the other's presence as Sehun sat down beside him, and Luhan's head snapped around to look at him.
"Whoa, you startled me there!" he said and put a hand over his chest.
"Sorry." Sehun said. The long walk he'd taken hadn't really helped getting rid of his thoughts, it had just made him think about Luhan and all that had happened even more. He wanted to apologise, but he didn't know how and if his words would be good enough. So he just sat there awkwardly. And while Luhan watched TV, Sehun watched Luhan. He observed Luhan's head quietly, his messy light-brown hair and Sehun's eyes travelled between the bandage and Luhan's face that seemed way too pretty for a guy's. Suddenly, Luhan's head turned and his eyes met Sehun's.
"Why are you always staring at it? It doesn't hurt anymore, okay? Calm down already." he said and sighed. Sehun looked at his own feet. "I wasn't staring at it..." he replied sheepishly. Luhan payed attention to the TV again.
"I..." Sehun started and Luhan looked at him again. "Luhan, I... I am- I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay." Luhan cut him off.
"No! It's not okay, it's all my fault. You don't even know-"
"Stop overreacting already! I said it's fine, okay?"
Sehun gave up. He hadn't wanted his apology to be like that, but there was no point in arguing anymore. So he went quiet. And so did Luhan.
"...What movie are you watching?" Sehun asked after a while.
"I don't really now. It's some kind of crime thriller and the detective is trying to find the murderer, as always... But I think he's on the wrong track. There must be more than one culprit, considering someone is being killed every five seconds or so. And I think the tall man with the glasses is going to be the next victim." Luhan explained and pointed at said figure on the screen. Sehun leaned back on the sofa and continued watching the movie together with Luhan.
"I don't agree. I think the little girl is going to be next." Sehun declared after some time.
"Huh?" Luhan said, looking at Sehun.
"There. I mean her." Sehun pointed at the screen. "The... what is she again? His..."
"Niece." Luhan finished his sentence. "So, want to bet?"
Sehun chuckled. "What?"
"I bet the glasses-ahjussi is going to be killed next. If I win, we'll be starting with the chinese lessons from tomorrow on, okay?" Luhan smiled at him and held out his hand. Sehun took it for a quick handshake, but didn't let go.
"What if I win?" he asked.
"Hmm..." Luhan hummed while thinking.
"If I win... I can ask you anything I want and you will answer truthfully."
"...Okay." Luhan said and nodded. Sehun smirked and let go of Luhan's hand again.
"Did he kill them both? ...Wait..."
"Nooooo." Luhan whined. "What are we supposed to do now?"
"I don't know... I guess we both win the bet..."
"... likes to poison his victims. It's the only possibility." "If this is true, he must have poisoned the girl before he got to the car." "Detective, I think we have a clue on who..."
"Ha!" Sehun shouted. "I win!"
Luhan groaned. "Why did he need to kill the niece anyway? It's not like she would have spilled the beans!"
"But she saw it, and that's enough already." Sehun replied. "It was just logical he'd kill her sooner or later."
"...Let's just continue! I bet the little aunty is next!"
"But the previous bet is still on! And I won. So I can ask anything I want now."
Luhan sighed.
Sehun turned his head to look at Luhan. "...What was your job previously?"
Luhan squinted his eyes at him. "You're evil, coming up with that question again..."
"Go on, answer."
"I don't want to..." Luhan said and pouted.
"You have to. It was part of the bet!"
"Fine..." Luhan said.
"...So?" Sehun asked after a few seconds.
"I was... It was also a full-time job."
"What were you exactly?" Sehun asked impatiently.
"You're not going to like it."
"Just tell me already!"
"A babysitter." Luhan said, looking straight into Sehun's eyes. Sehun froze for a second.
"...A babysitter? My parents hired a freaking babysitter to take care of me?"
"Told you you wouldn't be pleased." Luhan looked at the TV again. Sehun snorted before leaning back in the sofa. "Another round." he commanded.
Luhan looked at him. "...Alright. Same conditions?"
Sehun nodded.
"The aunty is next. I just know it." Luhan said.
"Why would she? No, it's him, the butler."
"Okay. You're on."
Both of them continued watching quietly for a while.
"He's shot. I win again." Sehun exclaimed.
"Urgh." Luhan just growled.
"So... Why did you take the job of babysitting a 20-year-old?" Sehun asked him.
Luhan seemed to think for a moment. "I take whatever babysitting job I can get here. I need this kind of full-time job because..." He stopped there.
"Because... I don't have an apartment. So I need to find someone to take me in. It's better this way because I earn money and I don't have to pay for food and rent and stuff like that." he said.
"...Uh-huh." Sehun said, not sure what else to answer. "You're chinese, right?"
Luhan nodded. "Yes. How do you now?"
"Well, your name is kind of... not korean. Also, you're supposed to teach me mandarin..." Sehun said while scratching his head. Luhan laughed.
"And how long have you been living in Korea now?"
"It's been... two years, I think? Something like that." Luhan answered.
"Do you have family in China?"
"Of course I do."
"Do you miss them?"
Luhan chuckled again. "I don't know... Sometimes. But we've never really been close. It's all a little weird..."
"Will you go back to China?"
"You were supposed to ask only one question!" Luhan said and laughed. "And it's been, like, four already."
"Sorry." Sehun smirked. "You can ask me anything in return."
"Y-Yeah." Sehun wasn't so sure why he suggested that in the first place. He'd just spoken without thinking.
"Okay. So, you're getting married, huh?" Luhan asked him.
"That's what my parents want me to do, yeah. But I don't think I'm going to. I don't even really know the girl..."
"Really?" Luhan seemed shocked. "What are you going to do? Aren't you flying over to meet her in August?"
"Yeah but... I don't know. I don't want to marry someone I don't love. Actually, I don't want to marry at all."
Luhan nodded. "So you have a girlfriend?" he asked.
Sehun laughed a little. "How did you get that idea?"
"So you don't have one?"
"No." Sehun chuckled.
"But you must've had girlfriends before."
"Yes, I had one or two..."
"...And...?" Luhan asked curiously.
Sehun chuckled again. "Why do you want to know?"
"I'm just curious. So? Were they pretty? What were they like?"
"They were... okay."
'Okay' ?" Luhan asked. "What do you mean they were 'okay'? Is this how you talk about your once loved ones?"
"I don't know, alright? And anyway, what about you, huh?"
"You're older than me. You also must've had something going on with someone."
"Well..." Luhan looked at his hands.
"What? You never had a girl- I mean, boyfriend? Aren't you already... twenty-something?"
"Twenty-four. And I don't know how to explain..."
"Don't tell me you're still a ?"
"Aishhh!" Luhan said and hit Sehun's shoulder. "Of course not! But it's not like that... I never had a real boyfriend or anything. ...Also, you don't ask people that kind of question! It's rude."
Sehun chuckled. He noticed Luhan was still blushing a little.
"I'm guessing you're not a either?"
"Oh hell no." Sehun laughed.
"Oh, look. The ahjussi died." Luhan remarked.
They decided to watch the movie to the end, curious on who the actual murderer was.
"Oh. It's already past midnight." Luhan noticed and got up. "Well... I'm going to go to bed. I'll wake you up at 7 tomorrow?"
Sehun nodded. "Okay." he said and also got up. He made his way up the stairs while Luhan tidied the living room.
"Good night." he said to him.
"Yeah, you too." Sehun answered. He closed the door to his room and lay down on his bed. He replayed their conversation over and over again in his head. It was the first time he'd actually really learned something about the older. And there was this weird feeling he's never had before. The feeling of really wanting to get to know someone.
He wanted to know more about Luhan. All about Luhan.
Luhan folded the blanket neatly and placed it on the armrest of the sofa where it belonged. He carried his used cup into the kitchen and emptied his jeans of any shopping lists that he found. As he reached into his right pocket, he felt another sheet of paper and took it out to take a better look at it. Ah, right, the lists about Sehun. He observed them for a while.
His daily schedule, his school grades, the things Sehun likes, the things he hates, what he likes to eat, the things he never does, his habits, what the teachers say about him, what his classmates say about him, what the psychologists say about him... It was all written down.
Sehun's parents sure had done excellent research on their son. They even had the audacity to ask other people about their opinion on Sehun. Now that Luhan thought about it, it seemed very weird. Sick almost. All the things Sehun's parents had said about their son kept floating around in Luhan's head.
He had a strange feeling that the people that claimed to be close to Sehun actually didn't even know him that well. Didn't even know him at all. The side of Sehun that Luhan had discovered turned out to be the total opposite of what his parents had told him about their son.
He began to slightly shake his head. "Who cares what anyone says." he whispered. He crumpled up the lists and threw them into the bin. Then he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, into his room. He closed the door and sat down on his bed. Sehun's pillow was still there.
Sehun had almost drifted off into the world of dreams as a loud thud followed by a hissed 'Oh, !' had him up again. He quickly rushed out of his room and towards the guest room, the direction he assumed the noise had come from. As he opened the door he was met with a startled Luhan rubbing his back.
"Did I wake you up? Sorry." he said.
Sehun looked at him, blinking. "Eh, what happened?"
"Well, the bed is kind of... dead." Only then Sehun noticed the guest bed to his left broken into two. Or at least almost.
"O-Oh." he said. Luhan laughed at the situation and probably also at Sehun's late reaction.
"I'm sorry, I guess I'm too heavy. I don't know what happened, suddenly it just... died." Luhan laughed again and Sehun also chuckled a little.
"Are you okay?" he then asked.
"I'm fine. Just scratched up my back a little." Luhan answered.
"So... what are we going to do now?" Sehun asked.
"I'll just sleep on the sofa." Luhan said and picked up the pillows and blankets. Sehun's eyes widened. There was no way he'd let Luhan sleep on the sofa while his head was still wrapped in bandages.
"No. I'm going to sleep on the sofa. You can sleep in my bed."
"What? No, it's fine. Just sleep in your own bed."
"No. You're sleeping there."
"The sofa isn't too bad, I can-"
"I said no. Your head still hasn't healed, I am not letting you sleep there."
Luhan looked at the ground. "O-Okay." he said quietly.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."
Luhan shook his head. "It's alright."
Sehun walked back to his room, followed by Luhan. He removed his own blankets from his double bed and Luhan placed his on the bed, crawling under them and making himself comfortable.
"Thank you." he said before Sehun closed the door, slightly smiling at him. He walked down the stairs, pillow and blanket in his hand, only to find out that the sofa wasn't even large enough for a person to lie on. Sehun shifted around, turned left and right, but couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. Growling, he got up again. He didn't know what to do and just sat there for a few minutes, ruffling his hair.
A knock on the door made Luhan turn his head and sit up in bed. The door opened slowly and a tired looking Sehun with messy hair stood in the doorway.
"...Can I come in?" he asked.
Luhan had to suppress his laughter at the sight. "Of course." he said.
Sehun stood there awkwardly, scratching his head.
"The sofa is kind of... uh..." He sighed. "I-It's not made for sleeping, I guess. I can't fall asleep. I just..."
Luhan chuckled. He couldn't deny that he found the confused, stuttering Sehun kind of cute. Luhan moved over to the right side of the bed. "It's okay." he said.
Sehun didn't seem to get it, though. He still stood there.
"Huh?" he then asked sleepily.
"Just get into the bed already!" Luhan said and laughed slightly. Sehun slowly walked over and collapsed into bed next to Luhan. Luhan cuddled up in the blankets again and tried not to think too much about the fact that Sehun was sleeping not even an arm's length away from him. He turned around, not wanting to face him. Luhan wasn't so sure if he liked the tension the air was filled with. He tried to calm himself.
"Luhan-ssi..." a tired voice called him.
"Hm?" he answered.
"Thank you."
"It's your bed anyway. And please don't call me Luhan-ssi." 
"Hmmm" Sehun grumbled quietly. "Then what shall I call you?"
"...Whatever you want, I don't really care."
"...Good night, Luhan."
"You too."

A/N:    It's been so long!
I am so sorry dear readers, very sorry! I couldn't find any inspiration to write and I had personal stuff to deal with.
But finally, here's an update! I hope you like it.
And I can't believe the 90 subs. Freaking 90 people are reading this? Wow.
I love you guys.
Thank you for your comments & upvotes and all that, it's just really fcking awesome!
(Also, you can leave questions & suggestions anytime.)

Once again, thank you.




(PS: UltimateChicken u little . Here's your fcking update bahahaha. Where would I be without your nagging?  I love you.)



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Chapter 5: absolutely loved it

i loved it


CandyJar #3
Chapter 9: Well if you want any suggestions/ideas to continue .. ill be happy to help you ... i know how you feel .. (in fact i'm having it now) so i'll just put the last chap! Even if it still not that good but at least better than nothing! So don't be hopeless and just put an end to this fic cause to me its long enough to end it!

My idea is to make that friend is sehun! And they met again with free sehun and happy ending .. yay! Its kinda silly but i want you to cheer up! Cause i'm also get bored of not updating!
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 9: I totally understand baby don't worry Q.Q
I'll wait patiently for your updates ♥
Chapter 8: i hope its freaking kim jongin bcoz i dont mind a LITTLE kailu and a jealous sehun,i swear.but if not..nevrmind
Chapter 8: Please let Sehun and Luhan be together again! I think, I'll stop reading this if Sehun and Luhan will break apart. Just a pairing for short time is oke, but I hope Hunhan will be back soon.
CandyJar #7
Chapter 8: You took along time to update! now you have to Indemnity it! at least update sooner!
Chapter 8: Ugh omg please dont make lukai or xiuhan come in. I can tell kai is gonna be the old friend somehow n ugh
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 8: I Was WAiting For THese Update!!! Hope THey Find their way back to Each other Soon!!!

Chapter 8: Finally an update! Thanks author-nim♥ for the new year gift and happy new year to you too... ♥♥♥