Chapter 6 - Temporary & Tender

How To Tame A Rebel


Chapter 6

 Temporary & Tender


As Sehun opened his eyes, he was met with a pair of dark, soft-looking ones staring back at him. Luhan lay next to him on the bed, his head propped up on his arm. The older smiled at him.
Then the splitting headache hit Sehun like a plank. His face contorted and Luhan laughed.
"Good Morning." he said.
"Damn." Sehun mumbled, rubbing his temples. He sat up, which caused his headache to get worse, and cursed. He noticed he was still fully dressed. He looked over at Luhan, who seemed to be in his pyjamas. Or something like that.
"Don't look at me like that. Did you expect me to undress you?" Luhan asked.
Sehun chuckled. "No, no."
He slowly, very slowly, got up from the bed. He seriously didn't know when he'd last had a headache this bad. He groaned.
"I need some pills, aspirin, anything."
"I'll get it." Luhan said and left the room to go downstairs. Sehun went after him, but had to slow down because damn, every step felt like an earthquake. He slowly made it down the stairs, an "Ow" leaving his lips with every move. He finally reached the kitchen and sat down at the small table with another "Ouch".
A pill and water were placed before him. He quickly gulped both down. He whimpered at the sound the glass made as he placed it back on the table.
Luhan leaned against the kitchen counter and laughed. "You're such a wimp. Is this your first headache?"
Sehun smiled at him, but made sure it looked as ironic as possible. Luhan laughed again.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"Something that doesn't make it's way out again." Sehun answered.
"I'll think of something." Luhan said. "Just go lie down somewhere."
Sehun obeyed and soon, he fell asleep on the sofa.
He didn't sleep for long though, because a soft nudge woke him up again. He watched as Luhan placed a bowl on the table next to him.
"I thought soup would be a good choice."
"How's your head?" Luhan asked.
Sehun snorted. "A while ago, I was the one asking you that."
Luhan threw a warning look at him. Not this again, it meant. And Sehun didn't want to start a fight, so he said nothing more.
"Are the pills helping?"
"A little." Sehun answered.
"Do you need anything else?" Luhan asked.
"A kiss."
Luhan sighed and Sehun grinned. The older leaned down and gave Sehun a short, soft kiss on the lips.
"Another one."
"Oh god, I'm in love with a kid." Luhan said and turned to walk into the kitchen.
The younger just laughed. Then he noticed something.
"You said it."
Luhan turned around. "What?"
"You just said something..." He wanted Luhan to repeat it. He wanted to hear it again.
Luhan pulled a fake thinking-hard face before shrugging and walking away.
"I can't remember." he said. Sehun growled. He heard the other laughing.
The day passed quietly and without any special occurrences. At about 6 pm, Luhan joined Sehun on the sofa and watched TV quietly. Sehun woke up once to adjust his pillow and shift into another position. Sleeping on the sofa was uncomfortable, but now that Luhan sat by his side, he didn't want to leave.
Luhan watched a movie on low volume. After some time, he managed to find a partly comfortable position to lie on the sofa, Sehun's legs diagonally resting over his own.
As he watched the awfully romantic scene on screen, he really felt the urge to cuddle. But he didn't want to wake Sehun up. He felt like a lovestruck highschool girl and shook his head slightly at how ridiculous he was right now. He looked at Sehun's sleeping figure. His well-proportioned face looked so peaceful, despite the headache. Eventually, he couldn't resist, and slowly leaned against him. He placed the younger's arm around him and rested his head on his chest. It was warm, and Luhan felt like he didn't want to ever get up again.
"You could've just said something." a tired voice announced and Luhan's head shot up to see Sehun grinning at him, his eyes half closed and heavy-lidded. Luhan had to admit, the sight was quite something.
Sehun pulled him back down again. Luhan rested his head a little higher this time, at the crook of his neck. He slowly breathed in and out. He'd come to like Sehun's scent a lot. Luhan was pretty sure he could lie like this forever. Even if the world outside would crumble down, he wouldn't care.
As Luhan woke up, the movie was long finished. He quickly made dinner for the both of them and soon after, they both went to bed.
Sehun whined and complained until he received something that he liked to call a goodnight kiss, and with Luhan snuggled up to him, he soon fell asleep.
The days turned back to normal again. Luhan would clean the house, cook, do the grocery shopping. Sehun went to school regularly again and sometimes, Luhan would pick him up after the last lesson and they'd go into town. Sehun even looked forward to the chinese lessons every day. Mainly because he loved to stare at and listen to his teacher. He loved to fool around with him like they were little kids. He also loved hugging and kissing him. He loved the way the other reacted to everything he did and said, loved the smile that played around the corners of the other's lips. Simply put, he loved Luhan.
With that Sehun also remembered what it felt like to be in love. He'd been in love once or maybe even twice. But he'd never been in love with someone as much as he was in love with Luhan. He may be only 20, just barely grown up in some people's eyes, but with Luhan, he felt like he was at least the same age as him. Although his words or actions may seem childish, he did feel a lot more mature than before.
Luhan, on the other hand, felt at least five years younger when he was with Sehun. He almost felt as if he was sixteen again. Partly he liked how they harmonized, how they were on the same wavelength, partly he didn't like that the younger was able to make him feel that way. And it was by far not the only thing Sehun
did to him.
But Luhan didn't complain. It felt nice to be held by Sehun, it felt nice to be kissed by Sehun, it felt nice to be loved by Sehun. Even if time was limited, Luhan found himself lost in their relationship. He felt safe, and happy. But he'd asked himself more than once: Did they even have one? Could Luhan call him his boyfriend? He probably shouldn't. They had talked about this a total of zero times. Maybe for Sehun, it had been clear from the start. Luhan decided that this time, he wouldn't care. Just this once, he'd live for the present.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and all to fast, time ran out for them. Sehun's graduation was just around the corner. Of course, Luhan came to watch him.
He stayed at the back of the hall and watched from afar, surrounded by families of other students. He smiled as Sehun was called up on stage.
Soon it was over and they fell into eachother's arms. But they only hugged, nothing more. They didn't want to raise any suspicions. Silently, they'd decided that Sehun's whole school didn't need to know what was going on between them. 
Luhan even got to meet some of Sehun's schoolmates. Sehun introduced him as a good friend, and Luhan was fine with it. The only one of them that Luhan liked was a girl called Amber that looked a bit tomboyish, but Luhan thought it was cute. "I thought you weren't gay" was what he'd whispered into Sehun's ear jokingly after they had said goodbye to her. It earned Luhan a light punch to the shoulder and a "Wait until we get home" from the younger.
But they didn't get home early. At least Sehun didn't. His school had arranged a party for all their graduates, and Sehun had to be there.
They parted at the bus station, and Luhan took the number that brought him back to the house.
As Sehun opened the door to his house and stepped in, it was already dark outside.
"I'm home." he announced, tossing his bag in the corner near the door.
Luhan scurried down the stairs, freshly showered. Sehun could smell his own shower gel mixed with his favourite scent; the scent of the only person he loved so much.
Luhan tiptoed down the steps, stopping at the last one so he was a little taller than Sehun, and hugged him, his arms around Sehun's neck.
"Finally." he mumbled before leaning down and kissing the younger on the lips. Sehun kissed back and pulled the other closer by hugging his waist.
"How was it?" Luhan asked as they parted again.
"To say it was exciting would be an overstatement."
Luhan smiled at that. "Then it's good you're back here." He kissed him again.
Soon after, Sehun found himself pressed against the wooden surface of the bedroom door as the other slowly ed his shirt.
"Luhan.." he said, his breath shaky. The older let go of his lips and started kissing along his jawline, up to his ear.
"Luhan." Sehun grabbed his arms softly to push him away a little, just so their faces were merely inches apart. Luhan looked at him questioningly, his lips red and a little swollen.
"I..." Sehun drew a deep breath, "I really don't know how... I've never... with a man... I don't want to hurt y-"
Luhan hushed him with his lips, giving him another deep kiss.
"It's okay. I'll show you." he said. He grabbed Sehun's hands and, walking backwards, led him to the bed. He fell backwards, and Sehun on top of him, softly. And somewhow, Luhan's kisses, his hands, his words all assured Sehun everything would be fine. So he let himself go, and soon all he could hear, feel and taste was Luhan, all was Luhan, his world was only LuhanSehun realised he'd never loved so deeply.

A/N:     I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter...
I just thought that the last, umm, occurrence would be the perfect point to end it.
The next chapter will be longer again!
Thanks to everyone who takes his/her time to read and comment!
I love you guys.

(By the way, I did a bit of research and I think that the month of graduation in Korea is February,
not in summer, like Sehun's graduation in this story...
But it was too late to change that, so oh well who cares)







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Chapter 5: absolutely loved it

i loved it


CandyJar #3
Chapter 9: Well if you want any suggestions/ideas to continue .. ill be happy to help you ... i know how you feel .. (in fact i'm having it now) so i'll just put the last chap! Even if it still not that good but at least better than nothing! So don't be hopeless and just put an end to this fic cause to me its long enough to end it!

My idea is to make that friend is sehun! And they met again with free sehun and happy ending .. yay! Its kinda silly but i want you to cheer up! Cause i'm also get bored of not updating!
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 9: I totally understand baby don't worry Q.Q
I'll wait patiently for your updates ♥
Chapter 8: i hope its freaking kim jongin bcoz i dont mind a LITTLE kailu and a jealous sehun,i swear.but if not..nevrmind
Chapter 8: Please let Sehun and Luhan be together again! I think, I'll stop reading this if Sehun and Luhan will break apart. Just a pairing for short time is oke, but I hope Hunhan will be back soon.
CandyJar #7
Chapter 8: You took along time to update! now you have to Indemnity it! at least update sooner!
Chapter 8: Ugh omg please dont make lukai or xiuhan come in. I can tell kai is gonna be the old friend somehow n ugh
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 8: I Was WAiting For THese Update!!! Hope THey Find their way back to Each other Soon!!!

Chapter 8: Finally an update! Thanks author-nim♥ for the new year gift and happy new year to you too... ♥♥♥