Chapter 1 - Green Tea & Harsh Conditions

How To Tame A Rebel
Chapter 1
Green Tea & Harsh Conditions
Luhan once again sat on the couch in the living room. He had just made himself hot green tea and grabbed a blanket to snuggle up in. The chinese language books placed on the table, he waited for Sehun to come home. He had been gone for about five hours now and it was already dark outside. Luhan started worrying a little. He decided to call the younger and searched for his list with data about Sehun. His eyes scanned the paper for a telephone number.
Name: Oh Sehun
Date of Birth: April 12, 1994
Blood Type:  O
Luhan wondered if he even needed all this information about Sehun. His parents had probably thought it would be helpful to him, but Luhan wanted to get an idea of Sehun's character himself. Also, judging people by things written on a list felt very awkward to him.
Things he likes:
- music (especially loud rock music)
- sports
- motorbikes
Luhan's eyes widened at this point. Does he really know how to drive a motorbike?
- video games
- spending money
- skipping classes
Luhan chuckled at this. Of course this point would've been on the list.
- staying in bed all day
- movies (especially violent action films, those seem to be his favourite)
-fast food
Things he doesn't like:
- doing laundry
- cooking
- cleaning
- studying
- cats, dogs and animals of all kinds
- christmas
Who doesn't like christmas? Luhan thought.
- any other festivities that involve the family
- neighbours
Luhan chuckled again. Finally, at the end of the list, he found a telephone number that he dialed immediately. He waited for Sehun to answer, but he didn't. Luhan sighed and tried another few times.
"What?" Sehun finally answered the call.
"When did you plan to come back home?" Luhan carefully asked.
"None of your business." the other said.
"Try to be home before 11, okay?"
He heard Sehun chuckle. "Why would I?"
"You should. Trust me." Luhan snuggled deeper into the blanket and made himself more comfortable again.
"Whatever." Sehun said and hung up. Luhan sighed and put his phone down on the table. He opened one of his favourite books that he had read about ten times already and started reading from the first page again. It just got better and better everytime he read it.
Sehun opened the door to his house at 1:14 in the morning. He threw his bag into a corner near the stairs and made his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out the milk, drinking directly from the package. He didn't bother to put it back and just placed it on the kitchen counter. He walked out of the kitchen as he noticed a dark figure in the corner of his eyes. His heart almost skipped a beat. He walked over to the couch and saw the older boy peacefully sleeping, wrapped up in one of Sehun's old blankets. He had almost forgotten that this boy would be staying here from now on. Relieved that the shadow he had seen wasn't a maniac who had broken into his house, he got up the stairs and went to his room. He stripped out of his jacket, which he let fall to the floor. Then he switched on his stereo and connected it to his phone. He pressed play and lay down on his bed, facing the ceiling and staring up at it.
Luhan was suddenly awakaned by loud rock music that made a deafening noise. Loud rock music.
Luhan then remembered. He quickly got up, walking up the stairs and barging into Sehun's room. He instantly found the button and switched off the music. Sehun stared at him angrily.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
Luhan sighed with relief. Then he looked back at Sehun. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked back.
"It's my room. I can do whatever the hell I want in here." Sehun said.
Luhan looked at his watch. "You should go to bed now. You have school tomorrow. I just hope the neighbours didn't hear that..."
Sehun made his way to the bathroom, slamming the door. Luhan shook his head before switching off the lights and going to his own room to sleep.
"Get up! It's 7:00 already." Sehun opened one eye to look at the person that was preventing him from sleeping in. Although he was almost completely sure of who it was. He saw Luhan parting the curtains and the bright sunlight hit Sehun's face cruelly. He buried his head into the pillow and growled. He heard Luhan laughing.
"Get up and get dressed. Breakfast is ready in a few minutes." he said before leaving Sehun's room, closing the door behind him. Sehun got out of bed painstakingly slow. He made his way to the bathroom, looking at the mirror. He had quite dark circles under his eyes. He quickly washed his face and went back to his room to get changed. Oh well, I'm just going to skip school. It's not like he's going to follow me everywhere I go, is it?
Luhan placed a plate on the table as he noticed a slender figure walking down the stairs. He turned around to greet him, but Sehun's angry face made him change his mind immediately.
"So, where exactly did my stereo go?" Sehun asked, annoyed as always.
Luhan turned around and went over to the fridge again. "It's gone. Just in case." he answered.
"Do you think you're funny? Where is it? Tell me!" Sehun shouted.
Luhan sighed. He went back to the table and sat down. "I made pancakes. Aren't you hungry?"
"I don't want your ing pancakes." Sehun said.
"Okay." Luhan said annoyed and started eating.
No one said anything for a while and Sehun didn't seem to move.  Then he went to the kitchen and Luhan could hear the sound of water pouring into a glass and Sehun gulping it down.
Silence again. Luhan continued munching his pancakes.
"I'm leaving." Sehun said coldly. Luhan then got up from his chair.
"I'll walk you to school."
"What? No. I'm not a kid." Sehun said. Luhan ignored him and grabbed his jacket. Sehun seemed to realise he couldn't get rid of Luhan this easily. He quickly grabbed his bag that still lay in the same place he'd thrown it yesterday and rushed out.
"Don't you dare follow me!" Luhan heard him yell before the door closed. Luhan chuckled to himself. ing little brat, he thought. He slipped into his jacket, grabbed his keys and also left the house. He locked the door and made his way to Sehun's school.
Sehun greeted his friends with a fist bump.
"Sehunnie, where have you been all weekend?"
Sehun absolutely hated this nickname. "Oh shut the up, Yongguk. I was busy."
Yongguk laughed while leaning against his motorbike. "We've been partying, pulling all-nighters and ."
"And ing girls, I guess." Sehun said. This time, Daehyun laughed.
"Too bad you weren't there. We already had one prepared for you." he said.
"She was perfect. What a waste." Yongguk added, shaking his head.
"I'm not into this ." Sehun said while looking at his phone.
"She liked me more anyway. I can't help it, they love my red hair." Yongguk said, smirking.
"Not going to school today?" Daehyun asked Sehun. He just chuckled.
"I have better stuff to do." he answered. "Let's go eat, I'm freaking hungry."
Luhan finally went back to Sehun's house after he was done with the grocery shopping. He was soaking wet. He placed the bags on the kitchen floor and quickly went to the bathroom to change into dry clothes. Then he stored away the groceries, washed all the dishes and quickly cleaned the kitchen and the living room before going upstairs to check Sehun's room. But he didn't seem to be back yet.
Idiot. And I've been waiting for him in the rain for almost two hours...
He had visited Sehun's school this morning. Sehun though couldn't seem to be found. So Luhan had just strolled around, taking a look at the rooms, the library and the school yard. He had even talked to a teacher of Sehun, who had mistaken Luhan for a younger student at first. Luhan shook his head at that. Do I really look that young?
Since there was time and Sehun still wasn't home, Luhan took a quick shower and prepared supper afterwards.
Sehun came home at 7 pm and slammed the door behind him, as always.
"Oh, you're home. And would you please stop slamming the doors?" Luhan greeted him.
Sehun walked over to the couch where Luhan was sitting, just like yesterday, and threw his credit card at him.
"Would you please explain this to me?" Sehun yelled at him. Luhan looked a little startled and confused.
"Wh-what?" he asked.
Sehun chuckled. "You know exactly what I mean!" Luhan picked up the credit card from the ground and placed it on the table. 
"Your credit card?" he asked.
"There's no money. Not even a little. I had money on my account. Where did it go? Answer me!" he yelled again.
Luhan inhaled deeply before answering. "It's a new rule. You get money for good behaviour, you loose money when you're... Well, when you're like you are right now. You're rude and you're yelling at me. Therefore, no money for you. I'm sorry."
Sehun chuckled again. "This-... Just-... What kind of game are you playing?" He walked up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door. Again.
"YAH!!!" Luhan shouted. I'm waiting for a door to break already.
He leaned back on the sofa again, sipping his tea and listening to Sehun shouting at his parents through the phone. After about ten minutes of yelling, he heard the door to Sehun's room open again.
Sehun slowly walked down the stairs and went to the living room. He sighed and let himself fall onto the armchair next to the couch. Luhan looked at him. He still looked grumpy, but not as angry as before. Luhan got up and returned with another cup that he placed on the table in front of Sehun. He poured some hot tea into it.
"Just in case you maybe want some." he said. Sehun hesitated, but then took the cup and drank.
"What are they paying you?" he then asked.
"Hm?" Luhan responded, looking at him.
"How much are my parents paying you for this job?"
Luhan smiled. "The pay is... not bad."
"Was that why you agreed?" Sehun asked.
Luhan shook his head. "No. Not only. I like this job." Sehun stared at his cup. He seemed to be thinking about something.
"I like your music, by the way. Aside from all the hard rock, you actually have quite good taste! I used to listen a lot to that kind of music, too. I listened to some of your CD's be-"
"I don't even need to ask if you searched my room without permission, do I?"
Luhan laughed. "I'm sorry. It's my job, you know." He laughed again. "I've always wanted to say that."
"What's your job originally? I mean, what did you do before accepting this job?"
"...I don't think you want to know. I'll better not tell you." Luhan said.
Sehun pulled an annoyed face again. "...Tell me."
Luhan chuckled again. "Better not."
"Just tell me already!"
"Don't yell at me again!" Luhan said, also raising his voice a little.
Sehun leaned back in the armchair.
"And, what did you do today?" Luhan asked him.
"I was at school."
Luhan looked at Sehun. And looked. And looked...
"Wh-what?" Sehun said.
"Don't lie to me. You're a bad liar."
"I-I was at school. I swear!"
"Oh, really? That's strange, because I was there too. And I didn't see you." 
Sehun rolled his eyes. 
"Tzz, I even waited for you at the school gates..." Luhan added quietly.
"No one asked you to..." Sehun said, looking down at the floor.
"Ah, I forgot. There's still some food left for you in the kitchen." Luhan said.
"When are you leaving?" Sehun suddenly asked. Luhan frowned a little at Sehun's question, he'd actually been glad that the younger now talked to him in a normal way.
"In August. When you're leaving for China." he answered. 
"Are you gay?" Sehun asked bluntly. Luhan's face went completely red.
"Wh-, Y-... There's absolutely no end to your rude behaviour, is there?" Luhan said and tried to not look into Sehun's direction.
"So, you are gay?" he asked again.
"You just don't ask people such things..." Luhan said and sipped his tea. Sehun went quiet. Luhan had always had quite feminine features, but he wasn't delicately build like a woman, neither did he wear any makeup.
"...Are you... disgusted now?" Luhan asked. "Don't worry, I'm not going to jump every male living being that happens to-"
"I'm not disgusted. I don't care if you're gay or straight or whatever actually." Sehun interrupted him.
Luhan nodded. "That's good, I guess..." Just then he suddenly remembered the chinese lessons.
"How about some chinese?" he asked Sehun.
Sehun chuckled and got up. "No, thanks." He stomped out of the living room, going towards his room and - much to Luhan's annoyance - slammed the door shut again. Luhan sighed.
The next morning Luhan already woke up at 6 am. He didn't know what to do, so he took a shower and cleaned the bathroom. He ate something at 6:30. He decided to let Sehun sleep a little longer this time. Luhan checked his phone for new messages. One of them especially captured Luhan's attention. It was from his chinese friend Yixing that he'd known for more than ten years now. They had went to middle and high school together. Luhan opened the text message.
Hey Lulu!
Luhan blushed a little at the nickname.
I'm going to visit Korea soon! I
can't tell you the exact date of
my stay right now, but I
thought we could spend some 
time together while I'm there? 
What do you say? I miss you!
Luhan blushed again. Back then, he hadn't really wanted to admit, but as he graduated he was pretty sure he felt more than only friendship for Yixing. But Yixing had never liked him that way, so Luhan never tried to make a move or anything like that. He'd kept it all a secret. It had only been a little crush anyway. But Luhan couldn't deny that he was sometimes still thinking about Yixing.
Sehun woke up and looked at his phone. It was 7:15 am. He heard someone talking in the living room downstairs and recognized it as Luhan's voice. Sehun lazily got out of bed and walked over to his door, opening it just a crack to hear what Luhan was talking about.
"No, there hasn't been any improvement yet... Yes... Yes, I told him about the thing with the money. He found out anyway."
He must be talking to my parents, Sehun guessed.
"Mh, I will try talking to him about that. ... I don't know if he eats, he's refusing everything I cook, so... Hm? ... Yes, okay, I'll check on that, too. ... Alright. Bye!"
Sehun quickly closed his door and went back to his bed. So that's how they keep track.
Luhan opened the door to Sehun's room at 7:35, but his bed was empty. Luhan noticed the door to the bathroom being locked and he could hear the sounds of water. Quite happy that the boy had gotten out of bed in time by himself, Luhan returned to the kitchen and once again made green tea. He decided to text Yixing back quickly.
Hey Xing Xing,
So, you're coming to visit? We
haven't seen eachother for nine
months now! Of course I want
to spend time with you! I have
a new job though, it's full-time,
but I'll try to get a day off!
Take care!
Luhan smiled, he had been using Yixing's nickname as a little revenge for being addressed with his own nickname. Luhan placed his phone back on the small kitchen table.
Ten minutes later, Sehun casually walked down the stairs.
"Good morning." Luhan said, but Sehun didn't respond. Luhan walked up to him and gave him a little package. Sehun looked at him questioningly.
"Your food." Luhan said and smiled.
"No, thanks." Sehun answered coldly while slipping into his jacket.
"You should take the bus, or else you'll be late. Here's some money."
"I don't want it." Sehun simply said with his usual grumpy voice and left the house, not without slamming the door again.
Sehun just had to wait for Luhan to leave the house. He decided to check his credit card once more, but still, no money. He took out his phone and dialed a number.
"Sehunnie, what's up?" a deep voice greeted him.
"Can you lend me some money?" Sehun asked.
Yongguk sighed. "Again? Is there still none?" he asked.
"No, nothing." Sehun sighed. "It's all because of this stupid..."
"Never mind."
"I'll give you some, but you have to pay me back."
"Good. See you." Sehun said and hung up. He made his way back to his house.
Carefully, he opened the door and checked if Luhan was still there. As he couldn't hear any noise, Sehun stepped inside and closed the door. Luckily, Luhan had left his phone lying on the kitchen table. Sehun smiled. He took Luhan's phone that luckily didn't have a pin, and quickly deleted his parents' telephone numbers. He placed it back on the table and then went out to get something to eat.
Luhan came back to the house after taking some time looking through shops and finally doing something for himself. He went to Sehun's room and picked up all the clothes lying on the floor. He found an old black pair of dirty, ripped jeans. He shook his head at them and threw them into the trash can straight away. He put all the other clothes in the washing machine.
He decided to check his phone and call Sehun's parents, but couldn't seem to find it. Then he remembered putting it on the kitchen table. He rushed over and grabbed it, searching for Mr. Oh's number.
"Huh? I was pretty sure I had the number saved..." Luhan quietly said to himself. Then an idea rushed into his mind and he smiled.
Too naive, Sehun. Way too naive...
Sehun went home early this time. He already opened the door to his house at four in the afternoon. Quickly taking off his shoes, he noticed the smell of freshly made food. Just then a smiling Luhan appeared in front of him.
"You're home early, that's good. I made food." he said and pointed towards the kitchen.
"You don't say." Sehun said sarcastically and walked up the stairs.
"Aren't you hungry?" Luhan called after him. Sehun didn't answer.
He went to his room, noticing it had been cleaned and tidied. There wasn't a single shirt lying around on the floor anymore. What is he doing? Playing the housemaid?
"Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" Sehun turned around as he heard Luhan's voice and saw him standing at the door, leaning against the doorframe.
"No. I'm not playing this game anymore. Call my parents now and tell them you're quitting!" Sehun yelled.
"What? No. I'm not doing that."
"Oh, yes you are! I'm sick of this bull! I'm not a little kid!"
"Is that why you deleted the number from my phone? Were you really thinking that I wouldn't be able to reach them any other way?" Luhan asked calmly.
"Why are you treating me like a kid? Urgh, you're ridiculous. Give me your phone!"
Luhan sighed. "No, why?"
"Give me your ing phone!" Sehun screamed, glaring at him angrily. Luhan took out his phone with a sigh and gave it to Sehun.
Sehun instantly dialed his parents' number.
"Luhan is quitting." he simply said after someone had picked up. He kept eye contact with Luhan while talking. "... I decided this. I'm not playing your ty games anymore. ... Dependent?! I'm not dependent on anyone...." 
Luhan's gaze dropped to the floor.
"... What do you mean 'no money'? ... Fine. you, then." he said and hung up. "Get out!" he yelled at Luhan. Luhan looked up at him.
"I have nowhere else to-"
"I said: Get out!" Sehun cut him off, throwing Luhan's phone against the wall where it shattered and fell to the floor. Luhan winced slightly before turning, walking down the stairs and leaving the house.


A/N:     I am not quite satisfied with this... But oh well.
Thank you for reading & subscribing, everyone!
(fluffy HunHan is gonna come soon orz)
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Chapter 5: absolutely loved it

i loved it


CandyJar #3
Chapter 9: Well if you want any suggestions/ideas to continue .. ill be happy to help you ... i know how you feel .. (in fact i'm having it now) so i'll just put the last chap! Even if it still not that good but at least better than nothing! So don't be hopeless and just put an end to this fic cause to me its long enough to end it!

My idea is to make that friend is sehun! And they met again with free sehun and happy ending .. yay! Its kinda silly but i want you to cheer up! Cause i'm also get bored of not updating!
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 9: I totally understand baby don't worry Q.Q
I'll wait patiently for your updates ♥
Chapter 8: i hope its freaking kim jongin bcoz i dont mind a LITTLE kailu and a jealous sehun,i swear.but if not..nevrmind
Chapter 8: Please let Sehun and Luhan be together again! I think, I'll stop reading this if Sehun and Luhan will break apart. Just a pairing for short time is oke, but I hope Hunhan will be back soon.
CandyJar #7
Chapter 8: You took along time to update! now you have to Indemnity it! at least update sooner!
Chapter 8: Ugh omg please dont make lukai or xiuhan come in. I can tell kai is gonna be the old friend somehow n ugh
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 8: I Was WAiting For THese Update!!! Hope THey Find their way back to Each other Soon!!!

Chapter 8: Finally an update! Thanks author-nim♥ for the new year gift and happy new year to you too... ♥♥♥