Chapter 08


Guess who's back? Back again?



Time passed by very slowly, especially since I had exactly one routine that Biwako (the nanny) never changed. Even though it was hard it was welcoming nevertheless, to have an actually person look at me like I'm normal. It was refreshing and I was eternally grateful for the escape. 

Two years had gone by, two years without seeing my savior, Suho. I couldn't even recall his features, all I had left as a reminder of him was the now faded out tear shaped mark on my wrist. Sometimes it would give a small shock when I yearned for my first friend but other wise it stayed the same. I liked to think the shock was a way of him telling me he's ok.
"Now that you aren't a complete fool at speaking and reading the languages of the exotic, it's time to teach you how to jump start little premonitions" Biwako said as we were eating lunch out in her back yard. 
"Excuse me for not being able to speak an alien language right off the bat. Some of those things looked like crazy two year old drawings!" I said as I munched on my yummy chicken sandwich. "And what exactly do you mean "jumpstart" this premonitions? I've never seen anything from the future or whatnot." 
"Of course you haven't you clueless girl! For an oracle to have her premonitions unlocked she must experience a feeling of helplessness she must be in between both the living and the dead" Biwako stated ominously.
"The what and the what? Look if you're one of those old ladies that invests her time to get me stuffed then kill me so you can eat me then no thanks!" I scooted away just to be on the safe side.
"Wow, you really are a genuine idiot. As if I would invest two whole years on the likes of you just so I can kill you is preposterous. But... I do need to something dangerous to start you on your path" she finished off lamely.
"Just do what you have to do, I just want to be useful. Even if it does sound crazy that I have to somehow fight off a crazed prince" I just wanted to hurry up and repay my debt to Suho so I can continue my life, well the life I had before everything went wrong. 
"I'll go get the stuff ready, meet me at the pond in thirty minutes, bring your bathing suit" Biwako cleared off our lunch and walked away, leaving me alone to question the craziness that I've gotten myself into.
The thirty minutes passed by quickly as I sorted through my room looking for something I can get wet in, apparently Biwako forgot I don't even own a swimsuit so I had to make do with her old shirt and shorts. I didn't want to get my stuff wet, that's just crazy.
"Took you long enough, now wh-  HEY ARE THOSE MY THINGS?" she cut herself off mid sentence and she spotted the items right away
"Shh..Let's not fight it, continue" I made a shooing motion with my hand. It was always funny getting the older women rattled.
"Whatever, now you're going to need to lie down inside and I'll be holding you down" she said as I made my way into the water. "Take a deep breath" she warned as I positioned myself under her.
With one quick inhale she used her palms to submerge me bellow the water. 
At first everything was fine, I kept my eyes closed, there was no noise everything was quiet, peaceful even. Then, my air supply was gone and I needed to head back on up, but biwako's palms were firm in place and wouldn't let me up. I tugged on her hands but it was useless, she was a strong werewolf and I a measly human. I had no chance. Thoughts of betrayal rushed through my head and I felt utterly alone again. 
"Open your mind" was what Biwako said from above me. She sounded strained, but I didn't know what that meant.
Open my mind? I let myself relax under her grip even though my lungs were burning. I tried to listen to everything around me and for once I heard a small noise. It felt as if I was no longer alone inside the water. I opened my eyes only to be rendered in horrible shock when the sight of a lifeless corpse was right at my face screaming for help. I let out the last air I had saved up when my mouth opened up to let out a shriek. All around me were dead bodies screaming for help, trying to reach me. 
"Snap out of it!!" Biwako's voice broke through and finally pulled me out of the water. 
"I...I... Saw dead p..pea people?" I stammered as the cold frigid air slammed into me.
"It's ok, those will go away. You're finally seeing what normal humans aren't meant to see. This is what oracles must go through, they carry the burden of being able to see the future and the tormented souls that can't lay to rest " she quickly wrapped me up into a towel and tugged me out of the water and onto the solid ground.
Suddenly my head snapped back with a giant force. My eyes started up into the white sky.
" School!" A women voice rang out as blurry images passed through my head. She was beautiful with her light brown hair and her friendly smile. She was waving off a boy a girl? I couldn't tell, but there were dark shadows in the trees around the bus that was waiting for the said person.
As soon as it happened it was over and I had a frantic Biwako at my side.
"Anya?!Anya! Are you ok? Your nose is bleeding, here hold this up to it! It's going to be ok, I didn't expect your first one to appear so quickly!" She said as she tried to get something into my hand and lead it to my nose. Everything felt fuzzy and weird.  I was completely tired and had a throbbing headache. 
The last thing I remember was Biwako yell out my name once more before I let the darkness consume me.
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Chapter 8: Please udpdate!!!!!!
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 8: Update
Chapter 8: update plz
Jessika98 #4
Chapter 8: Yay!!!!!!!!
Jessika98 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Update soon :) this is so good really! Ahh cant wait fir more :D
Chapter 7: Wow this is pretty good so far
Can't wait for the next update ^o^
Bl0ndeBird #8
Chapter 7: I like it.. I really like it so far..
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PD: The "weeewoooo weeewooo" from the last chapter made me laugh so hard.. hahahahahaha
kayepop #9
Chapter 7: ok..she's free xD nice update
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 7: Hope You Update Soon!! It was so cool!! New Reader here~ :D