

“Leave her in my care, go do what you have to do my boy” an old woman's voice said.


“I’m sorry this is so sudden..but I know what I have to do now; I have to find them” another voice spoke.It sounded much like Suho.


I tried opening my eyes but they wont budge. My head is throbbing.


Wait... I’m not in the hospital anymore. The events that occurred came rushing back to me.The monster that killed my nurse and others.. is this real?


“She’s going to wake up soon, you better get going and be careful now that they know that you and your brothers are here” Said the woman’s voice again.


“Thank you so much auntie and please make sure she’s safe” Suho said “I’ll come back someday” all that was heard was the door shutting and then silence.


“You can open your eyes now sweetie” came the woman’s voice.


I do what she says and looking down to me is a woman in her late 40’s. She had graying hair and some wrinkles around he eyes and mouth. She had a welcoming smile and her eyes formed crescents. Overall she looked nice and caring.


“Where did Suho go?” I asked her right away


“He has a mission to complete now” she said as she went over to her small kitchen and started to grab some tea cups and a kettle “One that will involve you later when you are all better” She walked over to the couch I was laying on and put the tray with the cups down on the table besides me.


“Mission? Why am I involved” I asked as I accepted the cup of tea from her


“You, my dear are special.That monster that you saw attack the workers and Suho was a Vampire. They are vicious and they are planning to take over this world.They have already taken over EXOPlanet.” 


I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “Vampires? Thats what that thing was? And what is EXOPlanet? I don’t want to leave out how I saw Suho turn into a freaking wolf” Is she crazy too? 


“Child, you have seen these things and you still have the nerve to give me a look of disbelief” she gave me a stern stare. “EXOPlanet is your home planet as is mine. Years ago the Dark Prince ordered his people Vampires to take over EXO’s Kingdom. Exo is basically ruled by Werewolves. The vampires and Werewolves have have hated each other ever since the Werewolves took to protecting Humans and shunned the Vampires to the darkest parts of the planet.

Your mother a great Oracle foretold a prophecy about you and the 12 princes. I was there when the king sent his sons and you away to hide” she explained with a look of sadness on her face.


“I believe you” I said looking at her. She raised her head to meet my gaze. “Iv’e always been able to do a bit of weird things. Wait” I asked as something clicked in my head 


“yes?” She asked


“Am I a Werewolf?” I asked her out of curiosity. I mean If I’m from EXOPlanet shouldn’t I be one too?


“If you listened closely then you would have heard your mother was an Oracle” she said with a tiny hint of annoyance 


“Oh” I asked feeling dumb “So what is an Oracle?”


“An Oracle is a magical being that can see into the future and make predictions. They sometimes not always have other small special abilities”she answered “Your mother was a talented one”


“Was..?So that means she is no longer alive right?” I asked her


“You are correct, I’m sorry for your loss” she patted my back comfortingly 


“Two more questions then I’m done” I pulled away


“Go on, I’ll answer as best as I can” She gave me a small smile


“Why are you here?” was my first question


“Ah, I was wondering if you would ask that” she sat down on the chair opposite of the couch. “I was supposed to stay back at the kingdom but I couldn’t bear knowing that such little kids are going to be sent away by themselves. You see I was a nanny to the Exo princes. I took care of them when the queens and king couldn’t, I felt heartbroken when he gave the orders. I sneaked away a prepared a capsule for myself that would take me to earth. 

I knew that I would look like a coward when they noticed my disappearance but I couldn’t let the little ones go unprotected. I am also a wolf and I know I can protect them If a vampire were to come attack them, but luck was not on my side when the capsules got scattered. 

I landed close to Suho the eldest. I took care of him but soon he started to wander off and come back early in the morning.I finally got it out of him and he told me he met a young girl that could talk to him and he said she had his mark on her wrist. Thats when I remembered of the Oracles daughter and I figured it was you. 

Suho told me that you wanted to escape so he and I came up with a fool proof plan but what we didn’t expect was a vampire sniffing you out. Even though the plan was ruined we still got you out and he defeated the vampire” She finished as a couple of tears pooled around her eyes.


“You arn’t a coward, that was brave of you to do that” I gave her a smile


“what is your other question?” she patted her eyes dry with a small cloth


“What am I supposed to do? Does it have to do with Suho’s mission?” I sat up wanting to hear more clearly to what she would respond.


“You are supposed to look for the others, but you are too young right now. Suho is older so he decided to move to the city to see if he can sense any of his brothers near.He ofcourse will be disguised as well. Suho ordered me to put you into a school and train you until your old enough to join him. When all 13 of you are together then will you go back and fight to reclaim the kingdom. Until then you will live as normally as you can to blend in just in case any more vampires are sent. The more you mesh with humans the less you will smell like an exotic.” 


“So what you’re telling me is I have to go to school and then train with you until I’m old enough to go out by myself to look for 11 random guys I’ve never met?” I gave an incredulous stare.


“Yes” She simply said


“But thats going to be so weird!! What am I doing to do? Walk up to the person and say “ Hi I  you don’t know me but we are supposed to go train and then fight vampires?!?” I asked in disbelief


“That won’t happen, we will figure out what to do when the time comes” she took the cups and tray back into the kitchen “Rest up cause the next few years will be hell” she smiled


So much for my freedom. I just escaped and now I’m into a whole different world I never new existed.  

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Chapter 8: Please udpdate!!!!!!
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 8: Update
Chapter 8: update plz
Jessika98 #4
Chapter 8: Yay!!!!!!!!
Jessika98 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Update soon :) this is so good really! Ahh cant wait fir more :D
Chapter 7: Wow this is pretty good so far
Can't wait for the next update ^o^
Bl0ndeBird #8
Chapter 7: I like it.. I really like it so far..
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PD: The "weeewoooo weeewooo" from the last chapter made me laugh so hard.. hahahahahaha
kayepop #9
Chapter 7: ok..she's free xD nice update
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 7: Hope You Update Soon!! It was so cool!! New Reader here~ :D