

I quickly made my way towards my window. It was dark outside but for some reason I could perfectly see outside.Things didn’t surprise me anymore. I saw a blurry white figure move quickly across the parking lot. It maneuvered its way straight to my window, like every other night. 


I never questioned why it always came to my window. I just somehow went along with it. It was my friend, someone who would just sit there and listen to me talk without interrupting me or judging me. I wasn’t completely sure but I swear this wolf could understand me when I talk. It’s eyes show emotion and it nods or shakes it’s head when I ask him a question.I wouldn’t dare tell the doctors about this they wouldn’t listen they would just think i’m crazier then they originally thought i was.Not to mention the weird mark that appeared on my wrist after the wolf showed up the first night four years ago.


The mark itself was beautiful.It was shaped like a tear with some designs inside it. The mark would faintly glow when the wolf arrived. The wolf was also beautiful it had white fur with blue stripes running from its face down to its neck. 


“I wan’t to get out of here” I sighed as I spoke to the wolf.


It tilted its head and nudged it toward the building which held the entrance to the hospital.


“If only it was that easy” I lazily smiled at the thought of freely walking out of here.

The white wolf let out a small whine. I chuckled at how he gave me “puppy eyes” and slightly titled it head to the side.


“Are you hungry?” I asked even though I already knew the answer. I made my way to my desk and grabbed the small bundle of food I wrapped in my napkin during dinner.


“Here you go” I tossed the food out the window.The wolf let out a happy yelp before digging into the small amount of food that now covered the ground.


“Can you help me escape?” I suddenly asked the wolf. I know it was a ridiculous thing to ask but hey why not? I’m already stuck in a loony bin.


The wolfs white tipped ears perked up when he heard my question.It didn’t move, it looked as if it was thinking about it.After a few minutes passed in silence it met my gaze and slowly nodded its head two times.


“Really?” I couldn’t stop the small smile that was appearing on my face. “When?Tomorrow?” I eagerly grabbed onto the bars as I leaned forward.


“WOOF!” It let out a happy bark while wagging its tail. I took that as a yes.


“ANYA! WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE?!” I jumped as I heard one of the night guards knock on my door. I was too caught up in the moment to hear the guards steps getting closer.


“I’ll see you tomorrow!My things will be ready and packed so whenever you want to get me out of here I’ll be prepared” I quickly whispered to the wolf who nodded again. “Goodnight!” I said before closing the window.


“Who were you talking to?” The guard said as he opened the door to my room.


“I was praying” I answered.


“Just go to sleep Anya” He sighed as he closed the door.


I would finally be free.I couldn’t wait!

Sorry for the short chaps lol ;w; 3
ill try to make them longer from now on. D:
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Chapter 8: Please udpdate!!!!!!
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 8: Update
Chapter 8: update plz
Jessika98 #4
Chapter 8: Yay!!!!!!!!
Jessika98 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Update soon :) this is so good really! Ahh cant wait fir more :D
Chapter 7: Wow this is pretty good so far
Can't wait for the next update ^o^
Bl0ndeBird #8
Chapter 7: I like it.. I really like it so far..
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PD: The "weeewoooo weeewooo" from the last chapter made me laugh so hard.. hahahahahaha
kayepop #9
Chapter 7: ok..she's free xD nice update
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 7: Hope You Update Soon!! It was so cool!! New Reader here~ :D