

I woke up around 7:30 am like always with thoughts about last nights conversation with my dear friend. Would he really help me out? I guess there is only one way to find out.


I followed my usual routine like always. Wake up, go to bathroom, clean myself up, get dressed, then wait for one of the nurses to me to the cafeteria for breakfast; but as the time passed by the nurse never came.


I got off my bed and walked towards the door.


“Hello?! Anyone out there?” I pounded on the door. My hand reached for the door knob and surprisingly when I twisted it, it opened. They usually always lock the doors from the outside until the nurse comes and gets you.


I slowly made my way out of my room and noticed the hallway empty. The lights from the hallways were going on and off again. It looked eerie. 


“Hello?” I slowly called out as I made my way to the cafeteria.




The wall to my right exploded. I flew backwards and hit my head hard against the wall. 


“MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!” A soft but frantic voice called out to me. 


My head pounded really hard so It took a couple of seconds for the soft voice’s message to process through my mind. Apparently I took too long for when I was about to get up I was quickly swept to the side by a huge amount of water. 


The place I fell seconds ago was now being occupied by a crouching person. Their eyes were blood red and their face was twisted up into a snarl; the person had blood not only running down his mouth but it was also splattered all over his clothes and hands.This wasn’t a person at all, it was a monster. 


My eyes widened and I accidentally let out a small gasp. I prayed that whatever that thing was didn’t notice me a second time, but being the person I am I was never lucky. The monster’s eyes locked with mine and it slowly turned its body towards me.


“MOVE!” the soft voice yelled again and this time I listened. I quickly got up from where the water dragged me and ran down the hall I came from. I heard grunts and crashes but I didn’t stop and look back. I was too scared.

I opened a random door and quickly shut myself inside. The room was dark so I quickly decided to locate the light switch to see if at least it was functioning. I found it on the left side of the door and quickly flipped it up. At first the room didn’t light up but after a few seconds it slowly start to become brighter. Even though I still heard soft crashes and grunts outside I still let out a relieved sigh from being away from the danger. I decided to turn around and see which room saved me.


Wrong thing to do.


Upon turning around I was met with at least ten bodies lying on the ground. Eyes open staring at the ceiling without emotion. Some had missing body parts others were doused with their own blood. I recognized the nurse that was supposed to fetch me for breakfast in between two other patients. I was about to scream but I noticed It was too silent. The noises from outside weren’t audible anymore. 


I wasn’t going to stick around and see who won even if it was my savior; I quickly made my way towards the windows but I realized that there were bars on this one too! 


“How can I forget?” I reprimanded myself. My hands shook as I stupidly tried to bend the bars. It was a stupid attempt to save myself but I had to at least try!


*Badum Badum Badum* My heart was beating so fast as I saw the door knob slowly turn. The door opened so slow it was painful. I’m going to die, I know it. So much for being free? Did the wolf trick me? Was this his idea at setting me free?


“Ah, you’re safe. I’m glad” Said the soft voice. my gaze traveled up his blood soaked clothes to his handsome face. My savior was a boy looked no older then 12.He has messy hair that pointed in different directions no doubt thanks to his fight. His eyes held a soft tender gaze and become small when he smiled a sweet smile that made you feel welcomed.His skin looked soft, he was pale but not an unhealthy pale more like a doll pale that made him look even more perfect. My insides started to tingle. I don’t know why but this boy in front me made me think I’ve met him before.


“Are you hurt?” He cautiously asked as he slowly made his way towards me. 


Was I hurt? I quickly scanned my legs and started to make my way up to see if I had a serious injury but I suddenly stopped when I saw my wrist. The tear shaped mark was glowing brighter then ever. I hid my wrist behind my back as he approached closer. 


“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you” He gave me a calm smile that made me feel a bit more relaxed. “You’re bleeding alot from your head. It must have been from the nasty blast you took” he said as he ripped part of his shirt and started to wrap the scrap around my head. 

“Come on I promised you I would get you out, even though this isn’t how I wanted it to happen” He sadly smiled as he reached for my hand to get me up “The police should be here in a couple of min-” he never finished for when he touched my hand It felt like we were hit over the head. A bunch of memories that don’t belong to me (i think?) were playing inside of my head. 


It was going way to fast for my liking. A modest king, two beautiful queens,12 kids, an army, those monsters, and a crying woman that slightly looked like me. They were talking to each other but I couldn’t hear them. Suddenly the crying woman’s eyes rolled back till her eyes were just white let out a horrible scream. She started to speak and this time I could hear.



"The chosen one that will unite our races and help save the planet will be born on the day the blood of your kind will be spilled. The chosen one will flea along with the guardians. They will be separated but will reunite when it is time. They will get rid of all evil and help the races coexist once again."



The words she spoke sounded eerie. All too quick the memory switched into a heartbreaking one. It was the same woman covered in her own sweat. She held a small baby in her arms. She was silently crying as she caressed the babies cheek. 


“Stay safe my sweet Anya” she sweetly whispered into her daughters ear.


The woman then kissed the babies forehead and handed the baby over to a guard and she broke down in tears.




It couldn’t be me right? Just as fast as it happened we were thrown back into reality. Both clutching our heads.


“Who are you?” I whispered as I looked at the handsome boy in disbelif at what i’ve just seen.


“I don’t really know..All I know is that my name is Suho and I was sent here for something... I just can’t remember” He shakily said as he stood up. “I think you’re that something” He whispered.


*WheeeoooooweeeeoooooWeeeeoooooWeeeeooooo* The sound of police sirens interupted our conversation.


“Let’s go before they see us” He pulled me up and made his way toward the barred window.


“We can’t go thro--” I didn’t get to finished my sentence as I watched Suho pull the bars off easily. “H..Ho..How?” I stammered in shock.


“Not now, I’ll tell you everything later” He said as he climbed out the window “Hurry! I’ll help you” 


I peered over the window and saw that it wasn’t that high off the ground. I sat on the edge and jumped down easily.


“Come on” He once again grabbed my hand and led my towards the Forrest area.


“Dont freak out for what I’m about to do, this is the fastest way possible to get back to auntie” he said as he backed away from me.


I couldn’t believe it Suho just transformed into a familiar white wolf. My friend, the one I could talk to about anything was this boy,my savior.


The wolf...Suho lowered himself to the ground and nudged his head towards his back signaling me he wanted me on it..


“This isn’t possible” I whispered amazed. He let out a soft whine. I shut my mouth and quickly made my way towards him. I swung my leg over and sat on him.


“Hope I’m not too heavy” I tightened my hold on him. Suho funnily rolled his eyes and gave me an attempted snort...I think?


“AWOOOOOO” he cried out and dashed faster and further into the forest. 


I was finally free.Even if it wasn’t how I expected it to be.





A longer chap then the others ahah. ; w ;


Hope you guys like it aha ^ ^) /

Comments would be appreciated

Also thanks for those who commented

on my other chaps <3


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Chapter 8: Please udpdate!!!!!!
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 8: Update
Chapter 8: update plz
Jessika98 #4
Chapter 8: Yay!!!!!!!!
Jessika98 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Update soon :) this is so good really! Ahh cant wait fir more :D
Chapter 7: Wow this is pretty good so far
Can't wait for the next update ^o^
Bl0ndeBird #8
Chapter 7: I like it.. I really like it so far..
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PD: The "weeewoooo weeewooo" from the last chapter made me laugh so hard.. hahahahahaha
kayepop #9
Chapter 7: ok..she's free xD nice update
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 7: Hope You Update Soon!! It was so cool!! New Reader here~ :D