

"My people! We have suffered long enough on this dry planet! It is our turn to live like Kings and Queens! No longer shall we be pushed aside and let those flea bags rule. It is our turn to live a comfortable life no longer hiding in the shadows. Let us vampires unite to bring down the King and Queens and their heirs!


Lets us bring terror to the planet earth! They are the reason we are here! They banished us from their planet.why must we suffer when we are by far the superior race!? Follow me to the capital and i’ll promise you a lifetime supply of food! Follow me and you will never starve! Follow me and you shall bask in all the riches the world can bring!

Now who's with me?!?!?" yelled the dark prince as he looked out to the crowed that had assembled.


"We fight with you my lord!!" yelled the vampires in agreement. 


No longer will they live on the dark side of the plant. Fighting each other off for a measly drop of blood. They deserved much better then this. If it wasn't for the alliance the flea bags and the humans created years ago they would have been the rulers.


The dark prince smiled wickedly as he looked out into the crowed. His people were finally going to start a war on the wolves and humans. He could care less what happened to his people or anyone else for the matter. All he wanted was power and here he is gaining it quickly with a few words and promises of "hope" how easy it is to make someone follow your orders if you promise them something in return. Greedy fools they were. But he didn't think he was greedy at all. It's his birthright to be a king after all.


"Let the war commence" he said.


 Every vampire in his presence heard. They let out a horrible screech and ran as fast as they could to the capital. They wanted their freedom now! They didn't want to be trapped on the dry deserted side of the planet anymore. Today they would make history! Today they will finish off the werewolves first.


The war had finally begun.






I know its short ahaha. I'll upload one more chapter for tonight :D



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Chapter 8: Please udpdate!!!!!!
Kelnj98 #2
Chapter 8: Update
Chapter 8: update plz
Jessika98 #4
Chapter 8: Yay!!!!!!!!
Jessika98 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Update soon :) this is so good really! Ahh cant wait fir more :D
Chapter 7: Wow this is pretty good so far
Can't wait for the next update ^o^
Bl0ndeBird #8
Chapter 7: I like it.. I really like it so far..
I'll subscribe :D
Upload soon!

PD: The "weeewoooo weeewooo" from the last chapter made me laugh so hard.. hahahahahaha
kayepop #9
Chapter 7: ok..she's free xD nice update
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 7: Hope You Update Soon!! It was so cool!! New Reader here~ :D