What?! You're Moving Me?!

Heaven's Plan

Admin CC: Okay okay first chapter is now up! Let’s see. So you can distinguish our writing, I, Admin CC, will be writing for Min Jee, Yun Hee, Soo Jin, and Myung Hee.


Admin Strawberry Panda: And I’m writing for Eun Mi, Hei Ryung, Hye Su, and Jooyun. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter because we check over each other’s work anyway... so here’s the first chapter! Sorry if it’s bad, but I can sort of guarantee that everything will get better as the story progresses~


Admin CC: I think you mean we’ll have writers’ development. ANYWAYS MOVING ON. Sorry we like to talk a lot LOL


Admin Strawberry Panda: Enough of us arguing... enjoy the first chapter!


(Oh Min Jee)


Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. You have got to be kidding me! Famous, a great body, known for her beautiful voice, Min Jee would never dream of leaving her life as a solo artist in favor of teaming with rookies! Well, four rookies, the other three members were well-known artists, but still! Should she have a choice in this, she’d refuse, not wanting to share the spotlight with anyone else. Especially amateurs. Her manager sighed and gave her a weary look.


“I’m sorry Min Jee, but I didn’t have a choice. It was me against the rest of the faculty. As they all say in disagreements, majority rules,” she gave a half-hearted smile, but Min Jee only returned the look with a cold glare. “Look Min Jee, gather up your act, we have to meet three of the members who will join you as idols who have already debut as well. We worked hard to get Angel’s Joy from YG Entertainment since they are very famous. They are your seniors in the business since they’ve been at it longer than you. We don’t want to make a bad impression.”


Pause. “.....Fine.” Min Jee turned her heel and stalked out of the room. Ugh! Angel’s Joy. I’d say something nasty, but they’re too “perfect” and “popular.” Shaking her head, she went into the “kitchen,” which was really a room where the counters were already filled with food. She opted for a water bottle and grabbed it, opening it. She took a swig and swallowed it down, wiping with the back of her hand as she looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought.


Things could be worse. I could be stuck with all amateurs. All I know is that Angel’s Joy is in there. Who else? She took another swig of her water bottle and left it on the counter, 3/4 of the bottle full. How spoiled, she thinks she can do whatever she wants.


(Seo Yun Hee)


Her body moved across the dance floor, the movements quick and sharp with precision. Hands wringing about then tucked back with the body before springing out when the owner took a step and twirled. Her ending pose, her hands fluttering slowly down until they were side by side with her body. She raised her head up. The music ended. Yun Hee wiped her forehead, exhausted after practicing for four hours straight. She lunged for her water bottle, instantly opening it and drinking it down, finishing it in just two minutes.


She repeated it over and over in her mind, yet she felt as if she had even less time. She’d been practicing for ages when she had gotten into SM Entertainment and didn’t stop. She wanted to try her best and she didn’t want to get cut off. After all, she wanted so much to be a part of an idol group one day, or even go solo. It didn’t matter, she wanted her big break.


Her heart almost stopped when she realized that in the group Tia and Joy, better known as the famous idol duo Angel’s Joy, Minnie, and Hei would make half of SoulM8s, the official group name. It’s surprising to think that YG Entertainment would hand over such famous idols over to SM Ent. Still, she wasn’t complaining. When four famous idols get together, some magic is bound to happen. She smiled to herself, revealing her perfectly aligned, blindingly white teeth.


I’ll practice some more tomorrow. She understood her limit. Although she was hardworking, she was cautious not to overdo anything. If she did, it would result in some major pain and she wouldn’t be able to perform her best when evaluation time came. Yun Hee stuffed everything in her bag, except for her towel, for which she dabbed her sweating face with it. She walked out and ran down the stairs quickly, racing to reach the bus that would take her home. After all, her older sister had taken her car.


(Jeong Soo Jin)


A voice rang in the room, growing an octave higher every time before the owner could take no more and it would result into an atrocious voice crack. She coughed, clearing , before brightly looking into the mirror. Her long eyelashes were in no need of mascara, but her eyes were heavily outlined with eyeliner. After all, all KPOP stars wear so much of it. It wasn’t often you would find someone so confident of her skills, but she still practiced just to make sure.


Gotta keep working. Her reflection nodded and smiled back at her. Soo Jin turned around and the music player she had brought with her, her iTouch plugged into it. Her favorite song came on, obviously it was Twinkle. Coincidentally, the company the song belonged to was also the same company she is under.


“Sumgyeo do twinkle eojjeona?” she sang proudly, dancing in beat with the song. She had memorized the lyrics and dance. After all, what kind of fan wouldn’t memorize her favorite song? Soo Jin danced, catching glimpses of herself in the dance room mirror and displayed her dancing skills with pride.


Once the song had finished, she collapsed to the floor, sitting while her palms supported her weight. This is going to be so much fun. She knew that it would also be twice amount the work, but still. The fame, the money, the people I would meet, SNSD! It was obvious, she was a true Soshi. Judging by the amount of songs she owns from them along with covers and pictures. Her dreams of meeting them will be close to coming true, however, she didn’t know that.....Ack! I’m late for my afternoon skin routine!


(Park Myung Hee)


Opening her compact mirror, she stared intensely at her reflection, touching up her mascara, eyeliner, blush, eyeshadow, lipgloss, etc. Oh my god. OH MY GOD MY LIPGLOSS IS WEARING OFF. She was panicking slightly until her partner, sitting next to her in the car, sighed and handed her the lipgloss, which Myung Hee had forgotten was by her side.


“You really need to get another bag for your cosmetics,” Jooyun chided lightly, raising an eyebrow and Myung Hee squealed, throwing her arms around her and giving the girl a crushing bear hug, leaving her gasping for air. “Enough! Get your hands off of me!”


“You are such a lifesaver Joy,” Myung Hee gushed, using her partner’s stage name. She reapplied her lipgloss, puckering her lips and looking at herself from different angles before being satisfied with how she looked. She smiled, snapping her compact shut before grinning at Joy. “How do I look?”


“Awful.” Myung Hee gasped and lightly shoved her partner, pouting. Jooyun merely chuckled before shifting a little in her seat, staring straight ahead. “I can’t believe you dragged me into this. Going to SM Entertainment.” Myung Hee gave her a toothy smile. She wasn’t at all sorry. Besides, they’d still be idols. So why not? They were a package deal, one cannot leave without the other.


(Seung Eun Mi)


(3 years earlier)


I can do this, I can do this Eun Mi thought over and over again as her friend’s cousin’s other uncle’s girlfriend pushed her towards the front. It started off as a lazy Saturday afternoon hanging out with her friends, until one of her friend’s friend’s (She can’t count how many) friend, suggested that they try out the new karaoke bar down the street. Eun Mi was a bit reluctant to go but succumbed to peer pressure.


           “Umm.... well, what should I sing?” She asked.


           “Oh, we already chose one,” her brother’s friend’s brother’s friend replied. (Damn, she knows people with a lot of CONNECTIONSSSSS~) “Get ready to sing..... “I Need a Girl,” by Taeyang!!”


           “What?” Eun Mi asked, going pale. “Can you choose another song?” Don’t get her wrong, she didn’t really have stage fright, she just didn’t wanna sound lesbo -.- “There are a bunch of other people here! Can you please choose another one?”


           “Nope!” Her brother’s friend’s brother’s friend replied with a grin.


           Jerk. Time to take desperate measures “Oppa~” Eun Mi drawled sweetly. “Why are you so mean to me?” Eun Mi wasn’t exactly a fan of aegyo, and she was pretty bad at it, but, as mentioned before, desperate times call for desperate measures.


          “How many times do we have to tell you your aegyo is cringe-worthy?” some random friend’s friend’s cousin’s niece scoffed. Seriously, Eun Mi needs to know all the people her friends and relatives hang out with. “Now sing~”


           The song started and she pouted and took a huffy breath. Well, here goes nothing. The song was pretty simple, so it wasn’t that hard for her to sing. Once it was over, there was applause everywhere.


           “Not bad, Noona,” her younger brother complemented.


           “Yes, not bad indeed,” a deep voice agreed behind them. The two immediately turned around in defensive taekwondo stances that they learned from.... about two lessons. “No need to get so worked up, kids,” The older, possibly pedo man chuckled. “I just want to say, young miss, that your voice was very well trained and you seem to have it under control. Did you take vocal lessons some time when you were younger?”


           “Um, no, not really,” Eun Mi replied, not knowing where this conversation was heading.




           “Eun Mi. Seung Eun Mi.”


           “Eun Mi-sshi, I work for SM Entertainment. Perhaps you have heard of that place before?”




          “Yes,” The old man chuckled as he attempted to regain his hearing. “It is. So, as I was saying, I work for SM Entertainment, and I would like you to consider becoming a trainee for our company?”




           “Shut up!” Eun Mi yelled at her little brother. Then, she turned towards the man and smiled nicely. “Um... well.... why not? It seems pretty cool.”


           “Excellent,” He smiled and pulled out a business card. “You can call me later,” Then, possible pedo guy leaned in a little closer, sort of freaking Eun Mi out. “I don’t say this to many of the potential trainees, but with your level of skill, you will definitely debut someday. Just... never do your aegyo on camera,” with that, he walked off. Eun Mi crossed her arms and furrowed her brows.


           “Hmph. That guy just insulted my aegyo.”


           “He’d be a fool if he didn’t,” her little brother teased. “Mehrong~” he stuck his tongue out and ran away.


           “YAH! YOU BRAT! GET BACK HERE!”


(Present Time~)


          “Seung Eun Mi,” Lee Soo Man started as he looked at a crap load of papers on his desk O.O


           “Yes?” Eun Mi replied, fidgeting in her spot. The big boss called her into his office and she is freaking nervous. Dang it! I knew I should have worked harder on the dancing on last month’s evaluation! But he knows dancing isn’t really my forte... -.-”


          “You have improved on your singing compared to two months ago,” Lee Soo Man started. Eun Mi opened to say something, but Soo Man cut her off. “You’re dancing... I can’t really say the same about that.”


          “Well, you see..... um-”


          “It’s a good thing we have professionals in the group I’m going to put you in,” Soo Man sighed and rubbed his temple.



          “Wait, I’m actually going to be in the group that you guys are forming?” She asked excitedly.


          “Yes. We have decided on a name, SoulM8s, what do you think? Of course, there are going to be eight members: Four rookies, one of them including yourself, and four girls who have already debut. I believe two of them are going to be Myung Hee and Jooyun, better known as the duo called Angel’s Joy,”


           ‘WHAT?! THEY’RE GOING TO- I’m gonna be... I can see them live-” Eun Mi sputtered out a bunch of sentence fragments. She’s more than a bit scatter-brained, for she would be seeing her favorite idols of all time. “Wait...” She thought a bit more. “Aren’t they under YG?”


          “I knew you were going to ask that,” Soo Man smiled. “You see, we really need those two to fill in the ‘professional’ side of the group, but they’re still technically rookies... Really famous ones, I might add. They, as visuals, well, Myung Hee is a perfect visual while we included Jooyun because they were a....erm...package deal. We told YG about our plan for them, and we promised to split their earnings 50/50. It’s sort of a gamble, but there is pretty much guaranteed success.”




        "Your real training starts tomorrow. Today, you can just take the rest of the day off. Get some rest, you're going to need it."


        "Ye-Yes sir, " Eun Mi managed to stutter as she bowed several times before going out of his office. I can't believe I'm actually going to work with Tia and Joy... And two other pros!? This is gonna be great!


(Choi Hei Ryung)


          “Hei Ryungie,” Her manager started. Oh no. Whenever she starts a sentence like that, she wants something.


          “What is it, Unnie?” Hei Ryung put her phone down and looked up wearily to her manager.


          “Well, you know, you’ve had a very successful year, or, half year, technically. And you’re album has been a very big hit in Asia and worldwide. And you-”


           “Unnie,” Hei Ryung cut her off. “Just get the point please,”



littleexperimentofsoursinaboutthreemonths,” It took a little while for Hei Ryung to process all the information in her head. Then, she subtly nodded her head and went back to her phone. “H-huh? You aren’t mad about this?”


          “No. Not really. Although it would have been nice to get a warning a little earlier,” She replied nonchalantly, attention still on her phone.


          “So... you’re not mad?”


“No. I don’t mind the life of a soloist, nor do I mind the life of a group member. If you don’t have anything else to say, I would like to be left alone now,” Her manager nodded and left the room. Right after she heard the door shut, she threw her phone to the nearest couch, buried her face in a pillow and sighed. Great... I’m gonna be stuck with a bunch of people I don’t know... Well, I hope that they’re good...


(Park Hye Su)

(6 Months ago)

Park Hye Su, you’re up,” Some random announcer called as he scanned the room for her. A relatively short, golden blonde haired girl walked up to him. “Good luck in there,” He gave her a small smile and lead her to a door. Well, here goes nothing. She walked through the doors to see a kind looking old man.


        "Park Hye Su I presume?" he asked. She nodded her head, unable to form coherent words. He smiled. "My name is Lee Soo Man. Well then, let's see what you can do." Hye Su nodded her head again as music started blasting from the speakers. She swayed her body to the beat and started singing after the intro.


        "Hmm.... Not bad for a rookie. Your singing skills and dancing are mediocre." Hye Su's bright mood from before darkened a little. I knew it was stupid to audition for such a famous company... I should have aimed a little lower...


        "But your skills to combine the two are quite impressive. You see, dancing and singing at the same time is very hard, but you seem to have great breath control.  Singing and dancing lessons are a must, but I see potential in you. As far as I'm concerned. You can start your training tomorrow," Hye Su's mood skyrocketed.


        "YES! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! You won't regret it! I promise to make you proud! Ooh, is that chocolate? Can I have it?"


        Soo Man chuckled a little. "Go ahead," Hye Su grabbed the chocolate bar and gave him a bunch of ninety degree bows until she reached the door. Yes! I'm in! Now... I wonder how long I'll be in the trainee program? Dang, this is good chocolate...


(Yeon Jooyun)


(A few months before the announcement of SoulM8s)


           "Girls, Yang Hyun Suk-sushi want you two in his office," AJ's manager said.


          "Aye Aye, captain!" Myung Hee, or Tia saluted. Jooyun sighed.


          "Come on, let's just go," The two walked in comfortable silence until they reached the CEO's office. Jooyun, or Joy, knocked on the door.


          "Come in," a grandfatherly voice called. The two walked in and stood in front of his desk.


          "You wanted to see us?" Joy asked suspiciously.


          "Yes. So, how do you girls feel about joining SM Entertainment?" Tia's eyes sparkled whose Joy's eyes just widened to the size of saucers.


          "SM? Those are the people who always have really cool dances and really cool outfits!! All of them are soooo pretty and handsome~" Tia squealed dreamily.


          "Well, I for one, am not going," Joy huffed and crossed her arms. Tia pouted a little.


          "Why not? We'll still be idols either way, right?"


        "Correct. SM wants AJ, namely, Myung Hee, to join a group they are making. SoulM8s, I believe it is called. They stressed the need to add Tia, but if Jooyun agrees to it, then that's just a bonus," Jooyun scowled a little more.


          "I see. They don't need me. Fine then, Unnie, you can go. I'm staying here," Hyun Suk sighed and nodded.


          "Very well. I saw this coming. Jooyun, I already had solo activities planned out for you a few weeks ago. You may leave now. Myung Hee, you have to stay in order to sign all the exchange contracts," Jooyun stiffly nodded and walked out without sparing the other two another glance. She walked to a dance room she knew people never used and sat on the floor with her knees pulled in to her chest.


          "H-hey Noona," a shy voice spoke up. Jooyun looked up and saw a cute, 16 year old boy smiling shyly at her. Jooyun sighed.


          "Hey Chang Hyunnie," Jooyun weakly smiled back as he sat down next to her. Chang Hyun was a Jooyun's (favorite) trainee at YG. She made it her responsibility to make sure he has all the choreography down for his monthly exams, that he sings well, and that he doesn't get cut. (She begged Tia to beg Hyun Suk to let him stay about two times).


          "We know you don't like eavesdroppers, but we heard your whole conversation in his office," another person walked up in front of them. Ko Seung Mi is AJ's main cordi-unnie and she turned out to be a motherly figure to the girls. "You only call Myung Hee 'unnie' if there's something on your mind. What's wrong? I know you never want to be separated from her in the entertainment business," Jooyun sighed in defeat.


          "As much as I hate to admit, honestly, I really don't want to be separated from Myung Hee. As annoying and sometimes dim as she can be, she was actually the best unnie I could ever ask for. It's been fun being a part of AJ, but I think I'm weighing her down. She has a chance to be a part of a group that can complement her strong points. An SM girl group, though. You guys know SM's concept. They look for insanely attractive people. Unnie is incredibly gorgeous and can sing really well, though I still have to help her with dancing," Jooyun chuckled a little at the fond memory. "SM wouldn't want a girl like me. You heard Hyun Suk-sshi, they didn't really make me a priority. I'm average looking at best, and my skills aren't anything special,"


          "That's not true Noona! You're the best dancer I know!" Chang Hyun attempted to lift her spirits. Jooyun smiled weakly.


          "But it lacks passion. You always hear Hyun Suk-sshi scold me for not dancing with my heart. The entertainment business is getting really competitive now, and 'just dancing well' doesn't really cut it anymore. Myung Hee on the other hand, she doesn't really sing with emotion, but she has fun and you can see it, so the crowd has fun too. Of course, they always look at her anyway, she's the pretty one,"


          "I admit, Myung Hee Noona's beautiful, but you aren't too bad yourself! You.....you're ..... Um.... Cute! You know, in a girl-next-door type of way..." Chang Hyun scratched his head. "Sorry Noona, there's really just no way to describe how you look... Not in a bad way, of course, you're just unique! You know, not too pretty to be cute, but not too cute to be..." Chang Hyun kept on babbling. Seung Mi clicked her tongue.


          "I see the problem here," both teenagers looked up at her. "You,"she started, pointing an accusing finger to Jooyun, "have problems embracing you femininity. I know the company want you to be all tomboy-ish and stuff, making you act like the 'Amber of AJ,' but that's really getting to your head. From what I can see, you have potential to be pretty, prettier than you are, I mean. Just be confident. The reason Myung Hee is beautiful is because she knows what she's capable of and lets people see it. Now you need to do the same. About the 'adding passion the dance' part... Were you serious about keeping every pinky promise you make?"


          "Yeah, why?"


          "I want you to pinky promise to me and Chang Hyunnie that the next time we see you on tv, you will be confident and beautiful. Act like an arrogant jerk if you have to in order to be confident. There's your motivation to be passionate: to keep a promise to two of your best friends," Seung Mi stated. Jooyun sighed and they had a three way pinky swear. Chang Hyun grinned widely and jumped up and fist pumped the air.


          "YAY! My two favorite Noonas are still going to be together!" Joy smiled as she stood up and punched him with medium strength.


          "We damn well better be your favorite. We saved your twice."


          Seung Mi smacked her arm lightly. "Language," Joy pouted mockingly.


          "Yes, Umma," She looked at Chang Hyun and ruffled his hair. "Aigoo~ who's gonna take care of you when I'm gone?" He stopped his little victory dance and looked like he was going to cry for a moment, but smile brightly instead.


          "It's ok Noona. I'm pretty much a grown man now. I don't need you to take care of me anymore, I just want the best for my Noona. And don't worry about me getting cut, I'll work hard so you don't have to worry about me anymore!" he gave her one last hug. "Good luck Noona," he whispered in her hair. She pushed against his chest to look up at him.


          "Dammit, I hate being short," Seung Mi flicked her forehead.


          "No more cussing. Who knows, people at SM might not be as tolerant as me when it comes to cussing," Jooyun rubbed her forehead and smiled.


          "I'm going to tell Hyun Suk-sshi and Tia that I'm going to go to SM," She smiled at the two and started to walk out.


          "Noona, hwaiting~"


          "Knock 'em dead, kiddo,"


          Joy had a small smile on her face as she walked down the hallway to her bosses office. Maybe SM won't be so bad after all...


Admin CC: Why are your parts so much longer than mines! //PUFFS CHEEKS

Admin Strawberry Panda: Because I had a lot of explaining to do!!

Admin CC: //grumble grumble// Whatever. So anyways the first chapter is finished! Woot woot! We hope you enjoyed it LOL. Chapter 2 will be posted soon! Please support us! //bows 90 degrees//

Admin Strawberry Panda: Oh yeah? //BOWS 180 DEGREES//

Admin CC: ...You know what. //flips you over//  

Admin Strawberry Panda: We should stop... I don’t think the readers want to read about us arguing... So, comment please! I like reading comments~

Admin CC: Alright then! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter! We appreciate it~ We hope you stick with us to the end! Have any favorite characters yet? LOL JK!

EDIT: We found that Hye Su later one would be unrealistic and confusing we also forgot to mention she auditioned way back when and we put in that she had auditioned 6 months earlier. We also put no after math for hers like we did with Eun Mi's because we felt like you'd know what she's been up to. Same old trainee stuff basically<3

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^