Flames and Fame

Heaven's Plan

Admin CC: OKAY GUYS! This is gonna be a long chapter so be prepared! I’m so sorry it’s long, but writing for 8 characters is a lot, especially since we have to go in depth on their job. If we made a mistake, please let us know and we’ll fix it! Also, we will have a poll at the end as well.


Admin Strawberry Panda: Well.... It’s hard writing for 8 characters.... when you’re as lazy as myself //bricked// sorry guys orz...


(Oh Min Jee)


Just a little more to go, just a little more. After this, then we’re done. Min Jee couldn’t recollect how long since she’s worked so hard before. Being a soloist meant you only had to worry about yourself, but being in a group meant you had to work together in order to create a ‘flawless’ group. However, Min Jee was clearly challenged in being considerate of others. In the span of one week, she’s already had fights with all of the members at least twice. Sure some would be petty, such as the time she fought with Soo Jin to use the microwave first or when she fought with Hye Su for the last Vanilla Hello Panda. To be blunt, Min Jee was being a pain in the . She even knew it herself, but her behavior hadn’t improved the slightest. In fact, she gradually grew more annoying each passing day. Now where is the stylist? A button just popped off! Tch. How can I perform in such an outfit. The diva folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot impatiently against the floor, causing an audible tap tap noise.


Hye Su appeared beside Soo Jin, holding two water bottles. Myung Hee was chatting eagerly to Jooyun, who was inserting her own comments here and there. Hei Ryung was speaking quietly to Yun hee, who seemed to be quite into the conversation. It seems that everyone has found someone to talk with... except for Min Jee and Eun Mi. Now, if Min Jee were a kind, considerate girl, she would upfront go to Eun Mi and talk to her. Unfortunately, Min Jee was the opposite of that type of girl. Besides, Eun Mi wasn’t exactly... an approachable girl. She exhibited a perfectly emotionless face and her eyes, though beautiful, were haunting. She could merely give you a glance, and you would feel shivers.


“Alright! Listen up!” their manager, Min Jung, announced as she walked over to the group of 8. Instantly, everyone’s eyes were on hers. “Okay, everyone is in costume-” The second she said this, Min Jee cleared and Min Jung’s attention was on her.


“A button popped off when I was bending down to get something, but nobody came by to help me out,” Min Jee stated, acting rather annoyed. The kind of tone that went ‘how dare they forget about me.’ Min Jung, not wanting to deal with Min Jee’s sassiness on such an important day, just simply nodded and smiled.


“I’ll get someone right on that,” the manager replied, “in fact, someone is coming this way.” To their right, a stylist hurried over, a sewing kit and an extra button in hand. The poor stylist knelt down, instantly spewing apologies, as she nervously sews on the button with shaking, but quick hands. Min Jee was about to snap something, hissing that they should’ve come sooner, but Min Jung continued to speak, finding Min Jee’s current state the least of her problems. Tch! You forgot about me?! You need to make sure that I’m alright before you continue to say anything else.


“As you all know we will be working on the teaser video today for Guilty as Charged. I just spoke with the director and he has told me all about how he wants you to do it. You have memorized the dance and the lyrics yes?” Min Jung asked and they all replied in unison, ‘Yes.’ “Excellent. So here is the idea. Min Jee and Hei Ryung will be on the left side of the set and Myung Hee and Jooyun will be on the other side of the set. Eun Mi, Soo Jin, Hye Su, and Yun Hee will be in the middle of the set but farther back than the rest of the members. They will also have their backs turned to the camera.” Pause. Deep breath. “So while Min Jee, Hei Ryung, Myung Hee, and Jooyun will be closer to the camera, the rest of you will be farther in the back. This takes place inside a courtroom.”


“It starts with the front four to start dancing and singing part of the first verse, but when it nears the chorus, you four stop and look to the your respective sides. Then the ones in the back will be dancing, but their backs will still be turned to the camera. They will all sing, but when it is over, Soo Jin and Hye Su look to one side, while Eun Mi and Yun Hee will look to the other side,” Min Jung continued, “you will also have to use side profile only, to create curiosity since you are only showing part of your face. Understood?”


Myung Hee frowned slightly and rose her hand to form a complaint, but Jooyun had pulled it down quickly, rapidly speaking to Myung Hee, whose expression brightened immediately and she nodded. So slow. It’s hard to imagine that she’s well received in the idol world. Min Jee smiled, extremely confident in understanding the concept, but such confidence contains a hefty price.


(Seo Yun Hee)


“Good luck Yun Hee unnie! I know you are going to be stellar in dancing just like Joy is!” Myung Hee complemented and Yun Hee smiled sincerely albeit a little nervously. It was her first time being videotaped for anything and even for family videos, Yun Hee was hesitant. It was safe to say that is camera shy. There is no such thing as a camera shy idol! I have to be deal with this! My career is at stake. However, she felt her hands trembling and her knees becoming wobbly. She felt someone reach out to grab her hand, steadying her and she looked up, well head on really, at Hei Ryung.


“...” It was awkward silence between the two and neither knew what to say first before Hei Ryung cleared , speaking in a low voice. “Listen to Myung Hee. You are going to do fine. No need to be so nervous,” she spoke and Yun Hee was speechless, merely nodding. Hei Ryung let go of her hand to get into position with Min Jee.


“Starting in T minus 30 seconds everyone! Get into your places!” Yun Hee quickly rushed behind the door where she found Soo Jin, Hye Su, and Eun Mi to be staking out as well. All were nervous, but Eun Mi, like always, never showed such emotion. “Action!” Her heart dropped. Here it comes. The music started and the clacking of heels were heard from the four girls who entered from both sides. Myung Hee and Jooyun on the prosecution side and Hei Ryung and Min Jee on the defensive side. Hei Ryung and Jooyun both started off sitting on the desk then quickly pulling off smooth dance moves that required lots of leg movement whereas Myung Hee and Min Jee took the chairs and performed their dance moves. Then Hei Ryung began with her opening verse line. There were four lines total for the part of the first verse, one for each beginning member.


“You’ve been so sweet, everything a girl could ever dream of. Just so you know, I have no intentions of letting you go.” That was Hei Ryung. Her voice could easily be heard since she sang so clearly and so powerfully during the recording. Her voice was deeper than some of those in SoulM8s, but still her lip synching and timing was flawless.


“Do you think you can get away easily? Your phone has other girls names, not just mine. Sweetie, I am not as dumb as you think.” That was Jooyun. Easily heard but her voice was a bit softer than Hei Ryung, but it sort of looked like she was mumbling while lip synching. The director frowned, but continued on, not quite calling cut yet.


“I love you, I’ve said that many times and I’ve heard you say it as well. I honestly believe you, dear, since you said it so many times.” That voice was obviously Min Jee’s. Her voice was clear, but was also considered deep. She didn’t seem to be trying as hard as the other members though.


“I’m not dumb. I know you say those words to other girls. Give up, give up, cause I can win this case easily.” That high note belonged to Myung Hee who was well known for being able to hit high notes. The flow was easy, but however, she had been a little slow and was off on timing by one second.


Then there came the other members: Soo Jin, Hye Su, Eun Mi, and Yun Hee. I can’t mess up. I can’t mess up. Yun Hee chanted in her mind over and over again and she burst through the doors along with the other members. They walked down the aisle as the other members looked away, going to the other side. They began their dances moves, starting off smoothly and Yun Hee found herself becoming a little bit more confident. After all, Yun Hee’s dancing was her strong suit.


“You’re guilty, love. You’re guilty as charged. Going around and breaking my heart, you deserve to be sentenced. Guilty as charged my sweetheart, there is no one else more deserving of this than you,” the four sang together, almost flawlessly. Hye Su’s vocals were so powerful whereas Soo Jin countered that with her sweet angelic sounding one. Eun Mi surprisingly had a lot of emotion put into it and Yun Hee was excellent, the pitch perfect, but she forgot half of the lyrics. Her lips lip synching was really off and the manager caught onto this.


“Cut!” The members stopped and turned towards the director, focusing their attention on him. “It was alright, for a beginning. Hei Ryung, you're an expert on this stuff. Show them how it's done. Jooyun, stop mumbling. Min Jee isn’t even trying at all. Myung Hee’s timing was awful. One second off. And Yun Hee, do you know the lyrics? Do you need to read them again? Soo Jin, Hye Su, and Eun Mi, just continue working on what you were doing. you were fine for the most part.” Hei Ryung nodded, accepting the complement, while Min Jee’s jaw dropped, her face turning red with rage. Myung Hee was slightly upset and Jooyun patted her back, comforting her while biting her own lip, seeming to be nervous as well. Yun Hee’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. I-That was my carelessness. I was so busy caring for the other members and making sure it was alright for them that I forgot about myself.... Soo Jin gave a sympathetic glance to her, patting her arm.


“Don’t worry unnie. You’ll get it right next time,” she said optimistically, offering a smile to her, and Yun Hee returned it, but it wasn’t so sincere as the one she gave to Myung Hee earlier.


At this rate... if this continues, I can just go ahead and say goodbye to SoulM8s. But that was that. Yun Hee didn’t want to say goodbye to an opportunity that she waited so many years to have. Three years of training going down the drain, she can’t have that happen.


If I’m going to be an idol, I’ll have to deal with the disappointment. That’s what it is to be an idol... But still, doubt eclipsed what little confidence she had.


(Jeong Soo Jin)


Finally blessed with a break, Soo Jin instantly bounced over to Hye Su, who was downing her water bottle quickly. In just a few seconds, Hye Su tossed the bottle away into recycling before turning to her best friend. “Wasn’t that so intense?” Hye Su commented and Soo Jin nodded, biting her lip nervously. Of course, not because of how she was doing. The director had mentioned that she had done well for the beginning though that was probably just beginners luck. She was also worried about the other members... Hei Ryung was doing well, but she seemed to be stressed out since the group was her responsibility and that she should have made sure. Myung Hee and Jooyun were having an intense conversation and were those... tears in Myung Hee’s eyes? She was doing an excellent job of not letting the dam break, but she seemed to be upset.


“I didn’t ...would be... this,” Myung Hee whispered rapidly, seeming to be going a mile a minute. Soo Jin only managed to catch tidbits of the conversation, but instantly caught on to what Myung Hee was trying to say. She felt horrible that her unnie was so pained by her mistake. I’m sure I would have acted the same...


“Relax... record again... make sure... right,” Jooyun replied and Soo Jin couldn’t listen anymore. She felt like she was intruding on a private conversation. Everyone was so stressed. Even the Min Jung could sense the tense atmosphere. Clapping her hands, she called the group to circle around her. Flashing sympathetic looks to her girls, Min Jung prepared her pep talk.


“Listen you guys, I know it went terribly, but it’s just one recording... Don’t worry you’ll adapt to it. You’ll get better!” Min Jung assured them, but they seemed to be low in spirits... if it weren’t for their leader stepping up to the stand. Soo Jin watched as Hei Ryung walked gracefully to stand next to their manager, nodding.


“She’s right. It’s just one recording. For this, you just gotta do your part, make sure you do it well, and trust the others to do the same. Focus on your part then everything will be done smoothly,” Hei Ryung tried to cheer them up, but the diva of the group glared at their leader.


“Says the girl who got praised by the director. You were oh so happy that he had complimented you, but shot the rest of us down instead,” Min Jee sneered and Hei Ryung returned her sharp glare. Min Jung sighed and stepped in between them, speaking lowly.


“I know you two have a history, but let’s not bring it in this group. These girls will do their best. If you two continue to fight, it will just cause another package of stress to add onto their shoulders. They have enough already,” Min Jung whispered. The other girls looked at the two oldest members, who simply looked away from each other. “Now let’s just get into place. We’ll smooth over the rough edges and get this right. SoulM8s hwaiting!” Their manager tried to be hip and do a peace sign, but failed, since the business suit and v-sign wasn’t really working out for her image. Some of the members chuckled and the tension loosened. Soo Jin tried to smile, but the pretty smile instantly slipped and she was troubled once more. Can I handle this one more time? She took a step towards her place. Am I really fit for this? She reached her spot behind the door. She took a deep breath and the music started again.


I can only listen to what Hei Ryung unnie and Min Jung unnie said... Do my part and I’ll be set.


(Park Myung Hee)


“Good job SoulM8s! The last teaser recording went along much better!” The girls collapsed on the set, cheering weakly. Finally, it was over, after about ten takes they were done. Over the past three hours, Hye Su had ran into the door and hit her head, Myung Hee’s heel broke off, the desk had broken a leg, the chairs slid away while Hei Ryung tried to dance, and more mishaps and prop malfunctions. “The teaser will be up on SM’s YouTube account by tomorrow evening. You can check it out when it’s on there.” Thanking the director, they dragged themselves to get their bags to change into their normal clothing. The collar now seemed suffocating and the skirt too constricting.


“Thank you!” Min Jung bowed to the director, smiling as she turned to the group members who were downing the water bottle after water bottle.


“Soo Jin are you alive?” Hye Su asked, panting a little as she stared at the maknae, who laid on the floor, unmoving. Jooyun moved wordlessly over to the “baby” and kicked her side gently. Soo Jin groaned, proof that she was still alive, and turned over, her eyes staring at the ceiling.


“I think my legs are about snap off,” Soo Jin wheezed and Yun Hee, what a loving mother she was, rushed over to start massaging her “daughter’s” aching muscles. “Thank you so much umma.” She flashed a grateful smile to Yun Hee, who smiled and patted her hand as if to say ‘no problem sweetie.’ Myung Hee bounced excitedly, seeming to still have some energy left.


“I can’t wait to see how we did! I realllly want to see our teaser now.” She jumped around, tackling Jooyun to the ground, who scowled and shoved her away. Myung Hee pouted, puffing up her cheeks and gave Jooyun a puppy dog look, her large doe eyes widening slightly to perfect a perfect aegyo. However, Jooyun wasn’t the normal person and didn’t give in to aegyo.


“Tia stop, you know how I feel about aegyo.” Myung Hee pouted more, begging silently. “No.” Awww Joy! What a party pooper.


“Fine. Soo Jin! Try an aegyo on Jooyun!” Myung Hee called, begging her friend to stand up and pull off an aegyo. Soo Jin groaned, weakly getting up as she moved sluggishly to Jooyun. She imitated Myung Hee’s aegyo, but Jooyun looked blankly at her.


“Eh?! Is she immune to aegyo!? That’s not possible! Everyone loves aegyo!” Hye Su exclaimed, pushing Soo Jin over. “Let me try!” As the few members tried to break down Jooyun’s protective wall, Myung Hee smiled at the scene. From the beginning, she instantly loved the group, though it wasn’t hard for them to convince that she would never leave for anyone else. They were bubbly, exciting, and talented idols. They were easy going and Myung Hee enjoyed every moment with them, even the bad times such as today and whenever Min Jee and Hei Ryung fought. You guys are the best...


“Hey how about I try-” “NO!” Eun Mi was met with a forceful no and she puffed her cheeks a little. “Hey! I’m not that bad.” Min Jee snorted.


“Have you seen yourself? Please Eun Mi-ah do us all a favor and not do an aegyo.” Yun Hee winced a little at Min Jee’s harsh words, but knew that she was just voicing the opinions of all the people.


“Yah! Min Jee-sshi! You didn’t have to say it like that!” Hye Su jumped to defend Eun Mi while Yun Hee comforted the girl, who was looking forlornly at the floor. “What she was trying to say is that um- Your aegyo is too good for us! And um... she doesn’t want you to try it because it looks awf- awesome I mean!” Soo Jin whacked Hye Su on the arm.


“You aren’t making it any better for her!” Soo Jin joked and Hye Su pouted. “Now let’s just all go home. We had a long day... a very long day.” The girls all agreed and Myung Hee smiled, following them out the door. You guys... I love you so much. She tackled them all from behind, linking arms with Hye Su and Jooyun, who followed suit and linked arms with everyone else, besides Min Jee and Hei Ryung who just simply were too mature for these childish actions.

I won’t ever let you guys down.


(Seung Eun Mi)


"I call the computer!" Eun Mi declared as she raced the maknae to Hei's bedroom. They didn't really have a desktop, all they had was Hei's laptop which they all fought over occasionally because it had the fastest internet connection. Hei rolled her eyes at her bandmates' immature behaviour as she walked in the back with Yun Hee, who simply smiled. The band was walking back from a bubble tea place in the afternoon after they were told that they had a free day after the teaser shooting yesterday. The two girls jumped on Hei's bed and flipped open the laptop as they looked themselves up on Youtube. The "SoulM8s Guilty as Charged Teaser" already had over half a million views in less than 24 hours. Well, inevitable fame is what you get for being a part of SM Entertainment. Hye Su squeezed herself between Eun Mi and Soo Jin as the rest sat behind the three watching themselves. The video itself was a little more than a minute long, a bit longer than most teasers, but it didn't really matter because the drama version and the dance had to switch with each other often and both were just too awesome to cut.


“Waaaaah, did my hair really look that good when we shot that?” Soo Jin complemented herself as she brushed her long hair with her fingers. “My skin looks really good too!! Yay! My skincare routine is starting to pay off!”


“Hye Su, the lapel pin they put on you looks sorta like a bejeweled cockroach...” Eun Mi shamelessly pointed out. Leave it to her to be brutally honest about things.


“Eun Mi!” Yun Hee exclaimed. “That was mean. Apologize right now!”


“Sorry Hye Su,” She grumbled. “Geez, I was just pointing something out”


“Look what it says about us!” Tia squealed as she scrolled down the comments section. “‘SoulM8s is such a talented group!! Hei Unnie, Minnie Unnie, and AJ Unnies fighting!’”


“But what about us?”Soo Jin whined. So far, all the comments have been about the famous members. No one has bothered to mention the rookies.


“Hmm.... Oh! Here’s one! ‘The rookies aren’t on par with the others, but they have a lot of time to improve since they didn’t even debut yet. SoulM8s fighting~’ Well, that was nice of them,” Eun Mi smiled as Yun Hee read the comment. It felt nice to be complimented on her skills. Skimming down the page, she sees some not-so-encouraging comments. Some along the lines of ‘Stupid rookies’ and ‘Typical SM video. Basically girls dancing around to songs’ and stuff like that. However, most were directed towards AJ.


“They really don’t think I belong in this group?” Myung Hee asked in a broken voice as she looked like she was about to cry. “What did I do wrong!?!” She wailed. Apparently, most of the commenters shared the same opinion: Tia should've either stayed in AJ or just go solo.


"It's ok Unnie!" Soo Jin tried. "It's just a couple of stupid people that.... Um..."


"WHAT!?!?" Joy screeched. "WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT YOU!?!?" Another comment was just about how Tia was another pretty face that didn't know how to do anything. "Wait till I get my hands on you, you ing stupid wipe. How dare that damn er say about Myung Hee, they should go die in a ing pit- Ow!" Jooyun rubbed the back of her head where Hei just whacked her.


"Don't cuss. You're in the presence of children," Hei scolded. Joy wrinkled her nose and pouted just a little.


"The only person younger than me is Soo Jin and I'm still a minor too."


"Well then, act like it," Min Jee rolled her eyes. "She isn't the only one being criticised, there're more comments about you being.... Um... 'A useless emotionless robot who can't dance and sing for .' and that 'Both AJ and SoulM8s can do better without Joy.' Yeesh.... Harsh..." Min Jee cringed at how netizens criticized her band mate. She still has a heart, no matter how y she can be at times.


"Well..." Eun Mi started, trying miserably to lighten the dark atmosphere. There's a reason no one goes to me for comfort. "Let's just... Um... I think that's enough comment reading for today, don't you guys think?" She giggled nervously as she shut the laptop.


Just when I was beginning to think I could handle the rigor of idol life... Why does this start happening to us?


(Choi Hei Ryung)


It started off as a lazy day. The company gave them a day off as a gift for finishing the teaser. At first, the girls didn't know how to spend the day, since all they've been doing for the past couple weeks was work, work, work, and more work. Finally, Hye Su suggested the do what most of the trainees do, go out and get bubble tea. Of course, Hye Su would be the one to suggest eating and drinking, but since it beat doing nothing, they all agreed. Then, Yun Hee remembered about the teaser trailer and they all raced home to see the results of their hard work.


At first, the comments were really positive, looking forward to SoulM8’s debut. But then, things took a turn for the worst when some jerks decided to ruin it all with some nasty comments here and there. Even after Eun Mi shut the laptop, there was still a tense atmosphere lingering in the air.


“Guys...” Hei started. I’m the leader, I should comfort them at times like this... “Everyone has antis, there is not one idol I know of that doesn’t have one. It just comes with the idol life,”


“‘You’ve got the glory, you gotta take the little heartaches that go with it,’” Joy recited. Everyone looked at her with a ‘wtf’ face. “Singin’ in the Rain anybody?... No...? Ok, nevermind,” She hung her head in embarrassment.


“The heartaches aren’t so little,” Tia grumbled. “They really hurt my feelings,”


“Why? You think you’re ‘too perfect’ to be hated?” Min Jee sneered.


“Oh Min Jee, leave her alone,” Hei ordered sternly.


“Ummm...” Eun Mi, forever the peacemaker, attempted to break the ever increasing tense air. “Why don’t we just... um... visit our sunbaes? I’m sure not all of them are busy. And if they are, then we can go help the trainees. Or we can just go window shopping, or regular shopping if anyone has money. I just happen to be dirt poor at the moment-”


“Shopping seems like a good idea!” Myung Hee chirped, instantly turning from a sulking teenager to a bubbly person. “I can pay for all of you who are too poor to pay for yourselves!”


“Including Eun Mi, I would like to be included in your charity service,” Hye Su declared as she raised her hand for added effect.

“It’s settled then, let’s go!” Myung Hee shepherded SoulM8s out the door and to the nearest mall in Cheongdam-dong. “What do you guys want to buy? I always go for the clothes first, but you guys can pick!”


“SKIN CARE PRODUCTS!!” Soo Jin screeched as she ran towards the counter. “I have been running out of BB Cream and my sunblock is not doing its job. I swear, I get tanner everyday. Do you think I get tanner everyday?” She held her cheeks and looked to Hye Su for confirmation.


“Ummmm.... no?” Hye Su responded, not sure about what to say. “Soo Jinnie, you look fine. You don’t need to worry about-”


“IS THAT A PIMPLE?!?! NO, I DID MY BEST TO FEND OFF YOU GUYS, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” Soo Jin wailed as she looked herself in the mirror.


“I think it’s best to leave those two there, don’t you think?” Eun Mi suggested. “They have our numbers anyway, they’ll call when they want to,”


“Oh, if it’s ok with you girls, I have some recipes that I would like trying out, but I don’t have any of the pop up cake tins, so I need to get some of those. I also need to stock up on cupcake liners. Anyone care to come with?" Yun Hee offered. Min Jee grumbled an agreement, mumbling that there was nothing better to do. Min Jee always had some kind of insult for every member, but she couldn't really find any fault within SoulM8s "umma."


“I gotta.. go, to get some.... necessities,” Joy muttered before slipping away into the crowd.


“Ok then!” Myung Hee cheered. Then, she grabbed Eun Mi’s arm and started walking to the cosmetic shops. “I saw the perfect liquid eyeliner for you Unnie. You’ve got sharp eyes, why not use them to your advantage? And then,  we can go get you some BB cream! The one the cordi-unnies put on you was way too yellow for your skin tone...” The rest of the conversation faded away as the duo left Hei Ryung still standing by the entrance. She smiled a little, proud of her dongsaengs for getting together well on such a short period of time.


“Excuse me,” a young girl, probably Soo Jin’s age, asked. “Do you happen to be Hei, as in the Hei?”


“Umm... yes?” Hei Ryung answered, sort of confused at how she phrased her sentence.


“Oh my God!” the girl squealed. “Unnie, I love how you always sing with a fierce expression. On most people, they would look mad, but on you- gah, you just look so cool! Hey look everyone! It’s Hei!”


Uh oh, was the last thought on her mind before she broke out into a run before a hoard of people crowded around her. Unlike her sunbaes, Hei never really had moments like these where the general public would hound her down for an autograph or just to see her, nor did she have any problems with sasaeng fans. Mainly because she doesn’t go out that much, being far too busy with training and schedules, and whenever she did go out, she always put on a disguise. Well, I gotta start getting used to this.


(Park Hye Su)


“Unnieeeeee,” Soo Jin whined. “You’re not helping at all. How am I supposed to choose the right acne wash if you don’t give your opinion?” Hye Su sighed for the nth time. She really cares waaaay too much about this.


“Soo Jinnie, don’t worry, just take the one that you want,”


“BUT THAT’S THE PROBLEM! I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT AND YOU’RE CERTAINLY NOT HELPING ME!!” Soo Jin wailed as she threw the bottles of acne wash she was holding into the air.


“Fine then,” Hye Su hissed, not wanting to cause a scene. “Just get the... the one in the white bottle, ok? Now calm down, you’re being too loud,”


“Ok!” Soo Jin beamed as she picked up one of the bottles she recently threw. “Now that we got that covered, we need to go over the get more sunblock!”


“But Soo Jin, BB cream already has sunblock in it,” Hye Su grumbled, clearly not happy with having to shop for more skin products. This girl needs to CALM DOWN.


“It does, but not enough. There’s like, 30 SPF maximum from what I’ve seen, and I need at least 50 SPF so that I don’t have to apply it as frequently. Geez Unnie,” Soo Jin huffed. she recited that fact as if it was common knowledge, which it’s not, at least not to Hye Su.. “And after I find the right one, I need to get more makeup remover, moisturizer, and pore cleansers. After a long and tiring day of work and reapplying products, my skin needs to be as good as new when I go to sleep. You know what they say: clogged pores equal acne,”


“I have never heard that saying in my life,” Hye Su grumbled as she allowed herself to be dragged from shelf to shelf on the maknae’s quest to find the perfect products for her skin. "I'm hungry. Why don't we go to the food court instead?"


"Because skin is a lot more important than your stomach?" Soo Jin replied sarcastically as she paid for her items using the money Myung Hee gave to all of them. Hye Su just chuckled.


"You really need to lay off the 'American' attitude. Joy is really not a good role model. I'm your Unnie and as your Unnie, I say we go eat something!" Hye Su declared cheerfully as roles reversed and she dragged Soo Jin to the food court.


"I wonder what the others are doing right now," Hye Su thought out loud as she sipped her soda.


“Beats me,” Soo Jin answered, fidgeting in her seat, obviously not in the mood to eat anything. “After you’re done eating, can we go-”


“No,” Hye Su cut her off before Soo Jin could do attempt to do aegyo. “We- or... I am going to eat. And then, we’re going to find the rest of the members and then go home. You’ve done enough shopping for today, and bought way too many things,”


"Fine then... Look! There's Jooyun Unnie!" Soo Jin waved excitedly towards their fellow bandmate. "Unnie, over here!"


"Hi guys..." Joy greeted rather awkwardly. What did you do all this time?"


"Oh, well, first, I wanted to buy some BB cream, and then after a little while, I found the right one, and then we went to go buy some concealer, because you know how my skin is sometimes, right? Random breakouts every now and then. So on the subject of breakouts, I decided to go buy some acne wash, but that took forever because Hye Su Unnie was being a jerk and wouldn't help me pick one out! And then, she was hungry, so she came here. But honestly, when is she not hungry? Oh! You bought something! What is it Unnie?"

Soo Jin reached for the bag, only to have it snatched out of her reach.


"Just some stuff I need..." Joy laughed nervously.


"What kind of stuff?" Hye Su joined the interrogation as her curiosity rose at the scene.


"I just went to buy some snacks,"


"I don't believe you," Hye Su narrowed her eyes at her dongsaeng. Nobody could ever lie to her, which was how she got one of her nicknames, "Detective Su."


"Hye Su, Joy, Soo Jinnie!!" A cheerful voice called. All three heads turned to see Tia running towards them with Eun Mi in tow. "Oh my God, you just have to see the eyeshadow pallet I bought for Eun Mi Unnie. It has the prettiest pinks, greens, browns, just, ugh, perfect for her!"

“Run, run, RUN!!” a voice shouted.


“Doesn’t that sound... a little like Hei Ryung Unne?” Eun Mi said. Suddenly, a very sweaty and panting Hei ran up to the girls, pulled them all up, and started running.


“No time to explain, just run!” After Hei warned them, a hoard of fans were heard running towards the girls.


“Um, I think we should... run?” Jooyun said, getting ready to make a run for it.


“Good idea,” Hye Su agreed as she started running towards Hei’s general direction.


“Wait! Our bags!” Tia exclaimed, picking up the bag Soo Jin abandoned.


“Whoops, sorry, let me hold that for you,” Hye Su back peddled, picked up the bag, and made a run for it.


“Oh my God, is that SoulM8s?!?” a person shouted. Even though they were being chased down, Hye Su managed to smile a little. Well, at least people know about us... and love us... even though they don’t use the best methods of showing it.... crap, they’re catching up.


(Yeon Jooyun)


After Myung Hee announced that they would all be going to the mall, Joy internally cheered. Yes! Finally I can go buy some icy hot patches. Truthfully, her back was getting worse, and Tia jumping on her back after the completion of the teaser didn't help one bit. The last time she went to the physical therapist, he said,


“As long as it’s not broken, you can ease the pain by putting an icy hot patch on it. Here, I’ll give you some,” And then she ran out a few weeks after that appointment.


"Where's the goddamn store. Jesus, what does a person have to do to get some pain relief around here? Oh, there it is," Joy walked into the little pharmacy they had in the mall. Luckily, no one was in there except an ahjusshi looking at Korean medicine and a kind looking ahjumma behind the counter. Buying her items, she quickly walked out of the store in hopes of not getting noticed, only to be flagged down by Soo Jin and Hye Su. Soo Jin told her story of her quest for the perfect skin care products only to end it with a request to see what was in Joy's bag.


"Just some stuff I need..." Jooyun laughed nervously. Uh oh, what if they find out?


"What kind of stuff?" Dammit Unnie!


"I just went to buy some snacks," Joy tried to explain as casually as she could.


"I don't believe you," Hye Su said, narrowing her eyes. Joy started to panic a little. , what if they find out? Goddamn Hye Su Unnie and her lie detector ability.


"Hye Su, Joy, Soo Jinnie!" Myung Hee called from afar. Thank you Unnie!  Tia just kept on talking about what makeup she bought for Eun Mi, then suddenly, their leader ran up to them and told them to run away from a crowd of screaming fans. Dammit, not good for the back, not good for the back!  


"Unnie!" Tia called as they ran. “What about Yun Hee and Min Jee Unnie?"


"They'll be smart enough to run if fans start chasing them. Now just worry about yourself and get back to the dorms!" The little group ran all the way back to their dorm, with Joy in tow because that girl had little to no stamina, which is unfortunate for a dancer.


“Just saying,” Myung Hee panted. “That has never happened to me... ever... why would they start now?”


“Maybe because we’re gonna be in an SM girl group. SM fans are usually crazy... not to say that others aren’t, but still,” Hye Su sighed as she plopped herself on the couch, exhausted. A few seconds later, the door burst open and Yun Hee and Min Jee rushed in and slammed the door shut.


“Why didn’t you guys tell us there were gonna be some psycho fans at the mall?!?!” Yun Hee demanded, clutching her chest to slow her heart rate. “We almost died in there, you know,”


“Well, get used to it. It happened to me a bunch of times before. Soon enough, it will just be routine for you,” Min Jee said in a nonchalant manner, casually leaning against the door crossing her arms.


“I’m going to, um... go to my room right now. I’m kinda tired from all the running,” Joy muttered before retreating off to her room.


“Of course she’d be tired from all the running,” Joy heard Tia say. “She doesn’t have any stamina at all. She can barely last an entire performance!”


Once in the room, Joy took one of the icy hot patches out and slapped it on her back. She hissed at the slight burning sensation it caused her aching muscles. I really need more time to go to those therapy sessions. Well, as long as they don’t find out, I’m going to be good... right?


Admin Strawberry Panda: OMG GUYS SKDJF;SAIODGJ WE’RE SOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!!! SCHOOL STARTED ALREADY FOR ADMIN CC AND I’M GOING TO START SCHOOL SOON, BUT AFTER THAT, UPDATES ARE GOING TO BE COMING LATER THAN THEY ALREADY ARE!!!! //SOBS// Sorry for the crappy chapter, I have been soooo nervous about school starting, I can’t think of a decent storyline. Again, I’m so sorry //bows 90 degrees//

Admin CC: If you can't think of a decent storyline then what have I been doing all this time- IDK JUST WRITING ONE SHOTS EVERYWHERE AHAHAHA- Yeah school started for me so expect even LATER updates. I have almost no time for anything anymore. //cries// I'm doing my best though so hang on guys- Um.... Yeah. Anyways, I've recently realized that our chapters are SUPER long. Especially when I'm writing since //FULL OF IDEAS// So I wanted to ask for your guy's opinions...


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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^