I Can Tell This Isn't Going to Go Well

Heaven's Plan

(Oh Min Jee)


It was an eventful week and she hasn’t even gotten past Wednesday yet. Min Jee groaned and tossed the blanket off of her, putting on her slippers as she walked to the mirror. She took one long stare at her reflection, before getting ready. Once she finished brushing her teeth, she opened her closet door, staring at her clothes. She had to choose something fitting for the occasion, she had to look her best. Min Jee wouldn’t settle for anything less. Nope. Nope. Oh god did I really buy that? She held up a horrible polka dotted shirt and wrinkled her nose in disgust, tossing it away.


Finally, she settled for hot pink skinny jeans and a black v-neck shirt with a cool design in the front colored in metallic silver. Opting for lace up boots with a two inch heel, she walked out the door and took a breather. Pacing back and forth, she had a tornado of thoughts swirling in her mind, but she couldn't possibly even try and figure out what to do with them. I don't think our group would even last. The rookies will break down too quickly and I'll get back to doing my solo activities.


Satisfied with this thought, she walked to the room where everyone is gathered. A smile graced her lips, obviously it was fake. Her smile was almost never genuine unless something happened to a famous idol and she would get bumped up a spot on the idol ladder. How cruel can she be? Very. Min Jee heard the clack clack of her heels against the fine, shining marble floor.


Upon reaching the room, she opened it without caution, knowing who would be in there already. Min Jee peered inside and was astonished at what she found. Yun Hee is in here?! And even Soo Jin and Eun Mi? Oh dear god this group is going to fall even faster than I thought!


"Hiiii guys! Is this where the people for SoulM8s meet?" Min Jee, and the rest of the people, turned around to see a petite girl with slightly chubby cheeks and Min Jee did all she could to keep herself from facepalming. We are SO going down.


(Seo Yun Hee)


The blonde girl introduced herself as Hye Su. Yun Hee thought she was adorable and gave her a soft smile. "Welcome to-" But she immediately cut off by Soo Jin's friendlier greeting.


"Hey hey! So you're part of SoulM8s too?" Soo Jin asked excitedly and Hye Su nodded. Yun Hee clamped shut and just smiled. I'll properly greet her later... But when is that? She knew she was a kind person, but she was more so a quiet one. How could she expect someone to notice her if she was quiet all the time?


"Ahem." Yun Hee looked up and saw Min Jee clearing , looking expectantly at each person to fall on the floor and bow down. Wow.... She's even prettier up close. Her hair is so nice. Yun Hee nodded at Min Jee, smiling.


"I-It's an honor to be working with you Min Jee," Yun Hee stammered softly and Min Jee smiled triumphantly.


"And it would also be an honor to work with all of you talented people who made it into SM," Min Jee said, her voice thick with sugary syrup. It was almost sickening, but no one seemed to notice. I can't wait to meet the rest of them! I wonder if they’re all as pretty in person as they are on tv... They probably are. Just look at Minnie for example, waaahhh~ she’s so pretty~


“I wonder when the others are coming,” Soo Jin said excitedly as she bounced in her seat.


“They’ll come when they come,” Min Jee said in a lazy tone, checking her nails. Yun Hee let herself get lost in her own thoughts for a while. I hope they’ll like me... and when they do come here, I hope I don’t freeze up like I normally do...


(Jeong Soo Jin)


She looked around, happy to be around people she knew, except for Min Jee and the other nameless girl, she didn’t get a chance to introduce herself yet. She knew of her, but not personally. As for Yun Hee and Eun Mi, she was excited to be working with them. They were her closest trainee friends, although they were years older than her. She was the youngest and was always treated so; she was like the baby.


“This is going to be exciting! When is Hei Ryung, Tia, and Joy coming?” Soo Jin asked, grinning so widely her cheeks hurt. Yun Hee shrugged and smiled back politely. Soo Jin could sense the older female’s nervousness by the way she plucked and fixed the hem of her skirt frequently. Eun Mi also put on a polite smile, but she seemed calm and serene. Min Jee just stared out the window with an expression that Soo Jin couldn’t read.


“We’re heeeerrree~” a cheerful voice cried out and the door swung open, revealing two stylish girls, who were Myung Hee and Jooyun, though Soo Jin (though she regretted thinking so) thought Myung Hee was more beautiful. Their make up was gorgeous and their outfits up to date with the pop culture of Southern Korea. “Oh hey Min Jee!” Jooyun just looked at them and gave a wave, though she seemed to stiffen and give Min Jee a slightly hostile glare. Her polar opposite just seemed to be bursting with sunshine and smiled at everyone, waving erratically. “I am sooo excited to be working with you all!”


“Yes, I think you elaborated on that on the meeting last week,” a voice answered nonchalantly, but it wasn’t mean, but rather amused. However, there was no lingering smile or any hint of amusement at all when Hei Ryung entered the scene.


“Oh hey Hei!” Myung Hee said and paused for a moment before bursting out with laughter. “Oh look at me! I’m so punny teehee~” Jooyun facepalmed, shaking her head and muttered something under her breath. Hei Ryung merely raised a delicate eyebrow before gracefully making her way to one of the chairs.


“We should probably get ready now. Intros first.” Well this is going to be one hell of a ride.


(Park Myung Hee)


Yes yes introductions are good!” Myung Hee clapped her hands cheerfully. “My name is Park Myung-”


“I think Hei Unnie is talking about the others,” Jooyun interjected, gesturing to Soo Jin, Eun Mi, and Yun Hee. “I think they know who we are already.” She nodded vigorously, the smile never disappearing from her face as she plopped down on the couch next to Soo Jin.


“Of course! Okay,” she said and turned to Soo Jin, but then she instantly cupped the girl’s cheeks with her hands, marveling at how smooth, pale, and silky they were. “Wooowww, you take really good care of her skin.”


“Of course she does. Skin’s like her main thing. She has like 24 different routines for each hour of the day,” Yun Hee commented, chuckling a little and Soo Jin gasped.


“Do not! I just think that if I have good skin, I might look even younger! I feel way too old right now!” Soo Jin said, shaking her head in some disgust before Myung Hee looked at the girl suspiciously. She couldn’t be that old. With cute “doe” eyes, healthy looking hair, and the impossibly plush skin, she couldn’t have been older than 18.


“How old are you Soo Jin-ah?” Myung Hee asked, “I don’t mean to be rude. Girl to girl talk, ya know?”


“Oh...well then. I’m 18.” Myung Hee’s eyes widened. So her guess was right! She couldn’t possibly be complaining about her skin right now.


“Soo Jin-ah! Don’t complain about being too old! Look at me-”


“OH MY GOSH! IS THAT ACTUALLY MYUNG HEE AND JOOYUN?!” a short, petite girl exclaimed as she put down her bag of pepero. “OH MY GOSH! YOU TWO ARE SOO MUCH PRETTIER IN PERSON!!” Then, she started babbling on and on about how they looked, how they were her favorite idols, etc.


“Umm... that’s very nice of you, but what’s your name?” Joy asked. The spazzing girl was really freaking her out.


“Oh! Where are my manners?” The girl dusted her outfit and stood up straight. “Hi, my name is Park Hye Su. I’m really new to the entertainment business, so please take care of me~” She completed her self introduction with a ninety degree bow. Once she straightened up, she gave all of them her signature eye smile.


“WAAAAHH!! WHY ARE YOU SOOO CUTE!?” Tia gushed on about how Hye Su was too cute with her chubby cheeks and her big eyes. Hye Su blushed, flustered that her idol would be complimenting her looks.


“Erm, no... You look much better....well, not just ‘much better,’ I mean-”


“Ok, back to introductions, people?” Hei Ryung suggested. Everyone agreed and took a seat around the table.



(Seung Eun Mi)


Well then, what should we say to introduce ourselves?” Yun Hee asked. Hei Ryung paused for a moment.


“Ummm... of course your name. How about age and what we’re good at?” Hei Ryung suggested.


“Ok then” Yun Hee started. “Hello everyone. My name is Seo Yun Hee. I’m 22. Internationally, I’m 20, and I guess I can sing and dance,” she explained shyly, clearly not comfortable talking about herself. “Anyone else? Eun Mi?” She looked Eun Mi’s direction.


“Hi. My name is Seung Eun Mi. I’m 23, 21 internationally, and I can sing pretty well, but I need a little help on dancing.” Min Jee scoffed at her explanation and the two girls glared at each other for a little bit until Soo Jin interrupted their glaring staring contest.


“Hey guys! My name is Jeong Soo Jin! I’m currently 18 in Korea, but I just turned 17 about two months ago internationally, and I can sing and dance! Since I think I’m the youngest, can I call you Unnie?” She directed to question towards Hye Su and the famous people in the room. They muttered a half hearted whatever, except for Hye Su and Tia. They both smiled and nodded enthusiastically.


“I already told you guys my name, so I don’t really have to repeat that, but I’m 21, 19 internationally, and I’m good at... singing and dancing at the same time? I dunno... that’s what Sajang-nim told me... Anyway, can we get an introduction from you four?” Hye Su requested, gesturing to the known idols in the group. “I’m sure we already know all of this, but I just want to hear it live, if that’s ok with you guys.” Min Jee smirked and flipped her hair behind her shoulders.


“Hello everyone,” She started, eying all of them in the room. “You already know who I am, but I might as well tell you. I’m Oh Min Jee, also known as Minnie. I’m 24, 22 anywhere else. I’m older than all of you, so I expect a level of respect towards me. And talent-wise? Well, I’m good at just about everything.” Hei Ryung furrowed her brows and shook her head.


“Hello. My name is Choi Hei Ryung, known as Hei onstage. I’m also 24 and internationally, turning 23 this month,” She glared at Min Jee, who pretended to have a sudden fascination with her cuticles. “And I can sing and dance, though I have been pushed towards rapping recently." She glanced over at Min Jee only to see her roll her eyes.


“Helloooo~” Tia said gleefully. “My real name is Park Myung Hee, but you guys can call me Tia! Or Unnie, or whatever. Anyway, I’m 20 in Korea, and I just turned 19 internationally last month! I’m so excited to be working with all of you! Ok, Joy, you can tell them about you now~”


“Well then... Um... hi, my name is Yeon Jooyun, but my stage name is Joy. You can call me by either name if you want. I’m 19 in Korea, 17 internationally, and talent-wise... I guess I’m on the same boat as Yun Hee-sshi."


“No need for formalities, just call me Unnie,” Yun Hee smiled at her.


“Ok, then, now that we know the basics about each other, what do we do now?” Eun Mi asked, getting uncomfortable by the silence in the room. I wonder if this whole band will actually work... I’m excited to debut, but will the four of us rookies be overlooked for the other four?


(Hei Ryung)


The silence was getting really awkward. “Ok, then, now that we know the basics about each other, what do we do now?” The auburn haired girl, Eun Mi asked. Everyone looked around the room and murmured incoherent words, unsure of what to do. Then, right on time, a person stepped through the door, none other than Lee Soo Man himself.


“Hello ladies. I presume you all got yourselves acquainted with one another, right?”A bunch of half-hearted ‘yeah’s and ‘yes sir’s filled the room. “Good. Now, let’s get on with business, shall we? As you girls know, most bands have a leader...” Everyone looked at each other, but Hei Ryung and Min Jee glared looked at each other. “...So I decided the leader should be none other than Hei,” Min Jee scowled, and Hei Ryung smirked a little. Heh, take that Min Jee. I was chosen and you’re not... wait... I have no experience leading... Oh well... I’ll learn as I go along...


Soo Man continued speaking. “And.... obviously, Soo Jin-sshi is the maknae...and that’s about it.” Min Jee’s jaw went slack.


“Sajang-nim,” She tried to speak as politely as she could. “Why isn’t there anything else? Lead vocal? Dancer? At least a visual?” Soo Man sighed.


“Sorry Min Jee, but the group you are now in is a unique group. Half of you are already famous. We felt that if we gave you roles in the band, the fans would see it as unfair. For example, if we made Jooyun the main dancer, the fans would think we are biased towards her, but if we made Yun Hee the main dancer, they might think we are trying to make the rookies outshine the members who already debut, so we thought that if we didn’t give anybody roles, there would be less complications that way. Soo Jin is the maknae only because of age, and Hei is the leader because we feel that this band needs one and she’s the oldest and most mature, from what we can see." Min Jee frowned at his explanation, but stopped pressing the matter all together.


“So basically, the rest of us just sing and dance?” Eun Mi asked.


“Basically. Unless you can rap, of course, but before we go into who can do what, we need to move all of you into a dorm. You will be spending a good amount of your career with each other, so might as well spend it without too many conflicts.”


(Park Hye Su)


A dorm! I’ve never lived with people I’m not related to... I wonder how this will go... Hye Su thought as Soo Man lead them to a building in the Cheongdam-dong area and they went up the elevator. Once they reached their desired floor, they looked out, and the hallway looked sort of like a hotel, with doors on either side of the walls.


“This is the floor where all the dorms for our idols are. You may visit with each other, if you like, but that’s for later on. Let me show you your room,” Soo Man lead the way until they stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. ‘’This is going to be one of the dorm room, and here are the keys. The rest of the dorms, there are three more of them, are next to one another. I’ll just show you one of them.’’ He passed out keys to the eight girls and then slipped one into the lock and opened it. The inside was very simple: there was basically a living room, a bedroom with two beds on opposite sides of the room and a bathroom.


“I call this room!” Eun Mi yelled and ran to the bedroom.


“I’m getting the next room, whoever is my roommate is lucky enough to be with me.,” Min Jee stated lazily as she walked to the room next door. Hye Su looked to her side and saw Yun Hee just standing there.


“Which room do you want, Yun Hee?” Yun Hee looked up at her in surprise, but then smiled a little and looked down at the floor.


“I’ll let the girls choose first, then I’ll take whatever’s leftover.” Hye Su admired her character. Wah~ She’s so nice.


“Well, we better get in there quickly because I want a nice room and a good roommate~” Hye Su and Yun Hee finally made it to their bedroom and now, all the girls were in the room. Jooyun and Myung Hee were obviously roommates. Yun Hee and Min Jee were roommates since Yun Hee was the only one that could stand Min Jee. Hei Ryung and Hye Su were in another room and Soo Jin and Eun Mi were in this room. Once they had settled in, they crowded back into Eun Mi’s and Soo Jin’s dorm.


“When do you think we’re actually going to start training for the group?” Jooyun asked no one in particular.


“I dunno, but I don’t wanna start working anytime soon,” Tia declared with determination. “Jeez Joy, why are you such a work-a-holic? Enjoy your time off! We won’t have this kind of break for a long while after we start working, you know.”


“Tia’s right,” Hei Ryung said as she flopped onto her bed. “Once we start working, we’re not going to stop, not for a long while. Unless there are problems with the group, but I doubt anyone wants that to happen,”


“Well, aren’t you the smart one?” Min Jee sneered. “I think we all know that already know that, Unnie.”


“Just saying,” Hei Ryung responded, blatantly ignoring her intended insult. “You heard Sajang-nim. I’m the leader, so that makes me responsible for all of you. Don’t go around getting yourselves checked into hospitals.”  


“HOSPITALS!?” Hye Su exclaimed. “Why would we even need to go there?”


“You know, it’s going to be inevitable that you need to go to a hospital. For injuries during dance practices, fatigue, all that kind of stuff. Krystal-sunbae once fainted on stage,” Min Jee explained in a matter-of-fact tone. Hye Su felt a bit queasy and climbed up to her bed. I don’t think I want to be an idol anymore.


(Yeon Jooyun)


Joy listened carefully to the other’s conversation. It was true that idols visit the hospital quite often. She shuddered at the thought of having to go to the hospital again. Right after debuting with AJ, she put too much strain on her back, so she can’t really dance how she normally would until it heals, which is not for a little while. Joy tried her best to make sure Tia never ended up in the hospital, though. She would always make sure she had enough sleep, ate enough, drank enough water, etc. Even though Tia was a little bit older, Joy thought she still needed a lot of taking care of.


“I don’t think I’m cut out for this,” Soo Jin groaned. Joy saw Min Jee smirk. Jerk. Trying to discourage them before they even started. Hmph.


“Don’t worry,” Hei Ryung said, lying on her bed looking straight up at the bottom of Hye Su’s bed. “When I’m your leader, I’m going to try my best to keep those hospital visits to a minimum." The girls lay there in comfortable silence until there was a knock on the door.


“I’ll get it,” Yun Hee volunteered. The rest of the girls followed her anyway. Once the door opened, there was a loud “SURPRISE!” and all of SoulM8s were forced farther back onto the dorm as the members of SNSD and f(x) barged into their dorm carrying a cake and party supplies.


          "What's going on?" Tia asked, surprised from the sudden intrusion.


          "We're throwing you guys a welcome party, of course!" Amber exclaimed, going into the kitchen to put the cake down. "You guys are the newest band in the company. We’re so excited! We live really close to each other! So we get to share chores visit one another!”


          "Who wants to put up streamers?" Tiffany asked as she held up a bag. After about a half an hour of decorating, the living room resembled a ten year old's birthday party.


          "Sorry about the boys not being here," Victoria said all of a sudden. "They didn't really want to come. If you ask me, I think they were shy," All of the girls in the dorm giggled except for Hei Ryung and Min Jee.


          "Don't worry Unnie. We didn't even notice their presence... Or, lack, thereof. I'm pretty sure we'll have a chance to meet them later on," Hei Ryung explained.


“We better!” Soo Jin whined. “I want to be able to meet all of our sunbaes! Not that I don’t appreciate you guys coming here, I do. I always seem to have the coolest Unnies~”


“Oh! That reminds me,” Yoona started. “Should we all exchange phone numbers, just incase we need to contact each other.” All the girls exchanged phone numbers and spend the rest of the afternoon eating, talking, joking and getting to know their sunbaes a bit better.


“Dang it, we gotta go,” Taeyeon sighed, looking at her watch. “We have practice soon and we have to go to bed early today, we have a busy schedule tomorrow.”


“Bye Unnies!” SoulM8s bid SNSD and f(x) farewell, as f(x) had to go to the practice rooms as well.


“It’s so nice to have sunbaes as nice as them,” Tia sighed dreamily and plopped down on the couch. Joy sighed looked around the room.


“So...,” She started. All seven pairs of eyes looked over at Joy. “Who’s going to clean this mess up?”


Admin Strawberry Panda: Welp, here's chapter three you guys! And to attempt to make ourselves clear, this story is currently set in early March in 2013. Here are SoulM8s' birthdates:


Hei Ryung (Hei): March 30, 1990

Min Jee (Minnie): June 5, 1990

Eun Mi: August 12, 1991

Yuh Hee: October 6, 1992

Hye Su: April 29, 1993

Myung Hee (Tia): February 14, 1994

Jooyun (Joy): November 28, 1995

Soo Jin: January 5, 1996


Sooooooo, that's about it. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment! We love you all~ //bows 180 degrees


Admin CC: Thank you for reading! And I love you a whole lot more! //pushes Admin SP to the side//




Admin CC: After doing some research, we found that some accounts of SM dorms were different. So we decided NOT to add bunk beds as we originally planned and that they would be grouped into twos to make it all evened out. (2 x 4 = 8 obviously LOL) and we decided to add just two beds, a bathroom, and a mini kitchen like room. We’re sorry if that’s not right, but we’re winging it with what we read and stuff. SNSD and f(x) live in the same area (Cheongdam-dong area) that we put SoulM8s in so we’ve decided to make them...dorm mates? Live near each other? I’m not sure how to describe this LOL. Hope you’ll still enjoy the story! We’ll probably move them somewhere else later to make it better with their environment.

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^