Now, Now, Let's Settle This Rationally

Heaven's Plan

Admin Strawberry Panda: Hey guys~ Here’s chapter 2!

Admin CC: WHAAATTT?! No comments yet?? Phooey. Meh. We'll continue posting chapters anyways since we love you all so much AHAHA onwards to chapter 2!


(Oh Min Jee)

"Min Jee-sshi. The idols have come in," one of the staff members said and she glanced up from her files. Sighing, she closed the portfolio which held profiles of each member. It wasn't long when she froze and narrowed her eyes at one particular name. Hei Ryung. Tch. Typical. No need to check out AJ's profile. It seems, thanks to the news and random tidbits she received, she knew more about them than she knew about herself. That was more than she wanted.

"I'll be right there," she replied, running a slender, smooth, feminine hand through her wavy, shoulder length locks. Tossing the folder to the side, she got up from her lounging chair and walked out the door, checking herself in the full body mirror. Her short shorts, custom made with white and black rhinestones at the hem and a delicious apple red color. Her shirt clung to her body neatly, a pretty simple pink cherry blossom pattern design on it. Satisfied, she felt no need to put on anymore make up and turned around. "Time to show them who's boss."

Those thoughts dropped right out of her mind when she saw AJ. ....You have got to be kidding. Myung Hee has always been pretty, but she's outstanding looking. She smiled at the girl, her teeth blinding and not a lipstick stain to be seen. Joy looked great as well, it seems that Myung Hee had also helped her with her outfit, it actually complimented her. Makeup was flawless for them, Myung Hee did the work. Awwww crap. Now she felt underdressed.

"EEEEEE IT'S MINNIE!" Myung Hee rushed up to the girl and squealed loudly. "You look sooo pretty! I love those shorts! So cute!" She marveled at them while Jooyun awkwardly bowed to her, smiling slightly. She seemed to be amused by the girls' meeting.

"Yes erm well... It's nice to meet you too Tia," Min Jee replied, bewildered, but pasted on a plastic smile, pulling up her guard. "I heard you are going to be part of the group SoulM8s as well." Myung Hee's eyes widened and she squealed once more, Joy winced at the high pitched voice.

"Yes well. Since Tia can't form any coherent noises, I'll speak. Yes we are. We also heard that you will be joining us in the new group." Min Jee nodded, smiling, but her inner diva came out and it ended up to be a slight smirk. Myung Hee was oblivious, but Jooyun, sharp as ever, noticed and narrowed her eyes her eyes slightly. However, she said nothing.

"I'm hoping she can form some when we begin work together. Or else, this project will tank." Jooyun was about to snap back at her for indirectly teasing Myung Hee, but she beat her too it.

"Oh don't worry Minnie-sshi! After being on top of the music charts for two months with our last album, I think I can do it!" Myung Hee gave the girl an innocent smile and Min Jee was surprised, not once having seen Myung Hee sass someone, even if it was subtle.

"That must be nice having YG promote you so much," Min Jee said, a vicious smile on her face.

"Oh? A fight happening already. Can't say I'm not surprised that you're the one starting it Min Jee-sshi." Min Jee looked over Myung Hee, since she was taller than her.

"Oh hello Hei Ryung-ah."


(Seo Yun Hee)

"You're what?!" Yun Hee was surprised to see that her manager had dropped the news so suddenly. "Y-you've moved me to SoulM8s?" She was stunned, speechless, opening and closing, unable to process any words. She tried to remain calm, but being able to work with her favorite idols, Angel's Joy, Hei Ryung, and even Minnie? It seemed too good to be true.

"Yes," her manager replied, nodding. She smiled at the rare glint she saw in the girl's eyes. "SoulM8s would need you and Eun Mi," Yun Hee cheered a little at hearing her trainee friend's name, "Soo Jin as well." Yun Hee was surprised to hear that Soo Jin was in there, but found it made sense. Soo Jin was incredibly pretty and her skin? Don't get her started on that. Her skin was smooth and creamy, partially due to her young age, mainly due to the massive amount of skin products she owns. Wouldn't it be a strain though? Soo Jin is only in college after all...and she's just started her first year as well. "You won't be meeting them today, but next week. Hei Ryung, Min Jee, Myung Hee, and Jooyun are gathering today only to get to know a little bit about each other."

"Okay," Yun Hee said, nodding.

"You are free for the day now." Yun Hee smiled and bowed, thanking her manager before running off to meet with Eun Mi. However, she unexpectedly ran into EXO.

"Ah! Mianhe Sunbae!" Yun Hee cried out apologetically, pausing only to give a polite bow to her seniors before dashing the opposite direction. It wasn't often she acted this way, she was usually the calm, level-headed one.

"It's alright!" One of the twelve (she wasn't sure who) called back to her and they continued to walk down the hallway to work on one of their many music videos. She was hardly paying attention before she found Eun Mi in the dance studio.

"Did you hear the news?"


(Jeong Soo Jin)

She could hardly contain her excitement as she shakely opened the box of sour candy she had bought at the store the other day. Soo Jin opened it and on it, getting straight to work on applying her afternoon skin products. Her cheeks were hollowed and she looked at her cheeks, turning her head both ways as she applied some kind of skin cream. Once she finished with that, she opened another bottle and applied that one as well. Soo Jin smiled, satisfied after she put on about six bottles of some kind of cream. After checking her outfit one more time, an oversized gray cardigan paired with a clingy, white, v-neck shirt and her favorite black layered skirt that hit mid thigh.

on a lemon flavored sour candy, she made her way to one of the many living rooms. I hope my future group members like me. Getting a chance to work with Tia, Joy, Minnie, and Hei Ryung! I can’t believe it! I’ve been working since I was 16 and it paid off! She was still in a daze, she just couldn’t believe they chose her out of all people. She was still in a daze, remember how she had gotten the information.

(Four hours ago)

“You have GOT to be kidding me! Don’t make fun of me manager!” Soo Jin said, but she wasn’t pissed at all. In fact, she was rather ecstatic. The manager grinned, chuckling.

“You know I wouldn’t do that to you Soo Jin-sshi. You will be a part of SoulM8s along with four idols that have already debut. I trust you know AJ very well?” Soo Jin paused, her eyebrows furrowed together.

“Aren’t they a part of YG....? But never mind that! I am so excited! I can’t believe I got this chance! Yaaayyyy!” She twirled around, her curls springing and flowing as she twirled, but before her manager could say anything else, she dashed out of the room in a hurry to make an abundance of phone calls to friends, family, and whoever the heck wanted to listen.

(Present time)

She laughed freely at how she had acted and smiled, before pushing the door open to one of the practice rooms. Hey, they said she was free and even though she could think of many other things she could do, she wouldn’t want to waste them. She wanted to make a good impression. But can I really impress such influential idols?


(Park Myung Hee)

No but I really think-” “Hold on now Jooyun-ah do you really think-” “But really this idea is-” “Settle down guys I think you’re giving Myung Hee-sshi a headache.” Myung Hee nodded vigorously, happy to finally have a chance to process this information. She took a deep breath. That...was some major ...brain ...workout. Min Jee sighed, irritated as she fell back onto the couch, rubbing her temples. Hei Ryung spoke up.

“Hold on guys this is supposed to be just a meet and greet session. We can work on albums, singles, and activities later,” Hei Ryung said coolly, tossing her silky hair over her shoulder.

“Yes please thank you,” Myung Hee said, liking the idea very much.

“We pretty much know each other already though...” Jooyun added, looking at each one of them. “Each of us are well-known... And I believe we’ve worked together once when SM and YG did a Christmas collaboration last year?” Hei Ryung shook her head, while Min Jee nodded.

“I’ve only been working half a year. I wasn’t here when you guys did that,” Hei Ryung corrected.

“I was there, but I don’t believe I saw you when I was there,” Min Jee said, still putting on a fake smile, however, Myung Hee didn’t notice whatsoever.

“Oh well then...” They got started on introductions. Wow, four influential idols all in one room and they haven’t started wringing each other’s necks yet.

“Well then, I shall all see you later,” Hei Ryung said once they finished the introductions and small talk. She smiled, gracefully getting up and taking her bag with her. Min Jee left as well, nodding to them and saying her farewell too.

“That...wasn’ bad,” Myung Hee said brightly. “Even though Hei Ryung and Min Jee were fighting a little in the beginning, but that was quickly solved!”

“....I’m not sure Tia... I don’t think Min Jee is the least bit interested in working with us,” Jooyun said, sighing.

“Awww don’t sigh Joy! They said every time you sigh you let a little bit of happiness slip away~! C’mon! Smile!” Jooyun chuckled a bit.

“I’m not like you Tia, I can’t smile 24/7.” Myung Hee gave her a toothy grin.

“It never hurts to try!”


(Seung Eun Mi)

          "What news?" Eun Mi asked suspiciously. Yun Hee looked like she was going to pass out due to excitement.

        "You're going to debut soon! Along with me and Soo Jinnie!" Eun Mi blanked out for a second, but then processed the whole thing. Then, she smiled.

          "Yeah, I've already been told. Now, I know two of the famous members are going to be from AJ, butwho are the other two?"

        Yun Hee grinned. "Minnie and Hei Ryung sunbae-nim!" Eun Mi's jaw dropped. Oh my God. We are going to be working with THE BEST of THE BEST.

          "Wait... That means the group has seven members... I remember Soo Man-sshi telling me that there are supposed to be eight... I wonder who the last member is..." Yun Hee shrugged.

          "I have no idea, but I'm so proud of you!" Eun Mi smiled.

          "I'm proud of you too, Unnie. I'm actually very happy for all of us. You deserve debuting, although your singing needs more work," Eun Mi smirked. Yun Hee hit her playfully.

          "Aigoo, is that how you talk to your elders? Just when I was about to treat you to lunch..."

        "Unnie~ You know I was only kidding," Eun Mi pouted and made her eyes water a little. Yun Hee cringed.

          "Now I see why everybody tells you not to do aegyo, it's atrocious," Eun Mi pouted even more. Why does everyone hate my aegyo? It's not that bad...  Yun Hee sighed and ruffled her hair. "Aish! Fine, Unnie will treat you, just wipe that god-awful pout off your face!"

          "Alright Unnie,"


(Choi Hei Ryung)

Ugh, why was I stuck working with a big jerk like Min Jee?!?! Hei Ryung messed up her hair in frustration and flopped onto her bed in her dorm. Well, since we’re going to be in a group now, I guess we’re going to have to share rooms... Just anybody but Min Jee... Hei Ryung scoffed at her own attitude.

“Great, now I’m as low as Min Jee,” She spoke to herself. “I have to be mature about the whole thing. As the manager said right before I walked out, I most likely have to be the leader since I’m the oldest. That means I have to care about everybody’s well being, including Min Jee’s. I can get through this, I can get through this...” Her pep talk was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in,” Her old manager peeked her head through the crack.

“Um... hi Hei Ryung. I just wanted to make sure you are ok with all the ‘group’ things, and stuff,” Hei Ryung sighed. Her manager was always on edge around her.

“You know, you can come in, I don’t bite,” Her manager cautiously slipped into her dorm and sat stiffly next to her on the bed.

“You’re ok with all the change, right? From what I’ve heard, you’ll get a new manager, and I’m not sure if you are ok with that. I mean, I totally understand if you’re relieved, I mean, I would-” Hei Ryung cut her off with a glare.

“I’ll be fine. I’m a grown woman now. Although, I will miss you, but I’ll see you around, right?” She leaned in to hug her old manager and she stiffened visibly, but then relaxed and hugged her back. “Thanks for everything, Unnie,” Her manager smiled and at her back. Then, her phone got a text.

“Whoops, gotta go, Hei Ryung,” She got out of her room and shut the door silently. What was I thinking about before she came in? Oh yeah... Min Jee... Hei Ryung groaned and fell back onto the bed.

“I gotta be mature about this... Well, I hope the maknae won’t be too young, or else there’ll be a lot of work to be done,”


(Park Hye Su)

Hah *pant* hah*pant* gosh*pant* darnit *pant* why *pant* is losing *pant* weight *pant* so *pant* DIFFICULT!?!?!” Hye Su exclaimed as she dropped to the dance room floor after she finished a dance routine. Sajang-nim said she might never debut if she didn’t lose weight. That thought scared her, but so did the thought of losing weight. Who can blame her? The girl loves her food. She crawled towards her gym bag, retrieved a bottle of water and started chugging it.

“Hey...” A voice said beside her. Hye Su started choking on her water. "Hey, hey, easy there," she said patting her back. Once Hye Su calmed down a bit, she looked at her surprise visitor.

            "S-Sooyoung-sshi?"Hye Su asked, not believing her eyes.

          "No need for formalities, you can just call me Unnie,"

          "Unnie, what are you doing here?" Hye Su found it hard to believe that an idol would choose her out of all the trainees to visit.

“Well, I’m just checking on all the trainees and I saw you in here practicing by yourself, so I just wanted to see what you were doing,” Sooyoung eyed her up and down. “Sajang-nim told you to lose weight, right?” Is it really that obvious?

“Yeah, been there, done that,” Sooyoung laughed. “The thing is, even if you’re super skinny, you’re always encouraged to lose weight somehow, so don’t worry about it if you don’t lose too much. From what I can see, you look totally fine,”

“Well, other people most certainly don’t think so,” Hye Su pouted

“Aigoo~ why are you so cute?” Sooyoung cooed while pinching her cheeks. “You seem like you’ve been practicing for hours already, so how about this. I take you out for bubble tea and maybe a little snack. You need to keep up your energy, you know. My treat~”

“Ummm.....” Hye Su really didn’t want to eat. Eating means gaining weight. But this is food and bubble tea they’re talking about. “Sure, why not?”

(A few hours later)

“Hye Su-sshi, Sajang-nim wants to see you in his office,” Some employee called.

“Coming,” She replied. Oh shoot. What if he’s going to check my weight? I didn’t lose that much weight yet... ohshootohshootohshootohshoot. She arrived in front of his office and tentatively knocked on his door.

“Come in,” A voice called from inside. She slowly pushed the door open and shuffled inside. “Hye Su-sshi, do you know why you’re here?”

“Um, well, I thought- you know..... it’s just.... um...” and more unintelligible things came out of .

“You know what? Never mind, I’ll just tell you. I’m sure you’re aware of the new group that the company is working on,” Hye Su nodded her head. “Well, we have one spot left... and I think it should go to you,” Her eyes widened.


“There, there, no need to be too dramatic,”

“But, I’m going to be working with the most famous people ever. They happen to be my role models,” Hye Su squealed at the thought of working alongside four of her idols. This is like, a dream come true!! I don’t mind having to lose weight anymore, as long as I get to work with them.


(Yeon Jooyun)

Well, I’m glad to be out of that room. Doesn't it seem like the other two had a history? A dark one, obviously?” Joy asked Tia, who was sitting beside her in their new dorm at SM. It was a bit smaller *coughalotcoughcough* than the one they had at YG, but it was only temporary, just until the company can finalize who’s in the band.

“Eh? I don’t think they’re too bad. Maybe they don’t know each other that well,” Tia suggested. Leave it to her to look at the peaceful side of things.

Or maybe, they knew each other a bit too well,” Joy guessed as she replayed the events that happened earlier in the day. Let’s see. Hei Ryung Unnie seemed pretty cool and mature about it, it was just Min Jee Unnie who seemed really bitter. About what though? Ugh, if only Min Jee Unnie was as nice offstage as she is onstage.

“Jooooy~” Tia called.

“What?” She snapped, sort of mad that her train of thought was ruined.

“I wanna go and meet the other idols. Come with?”

“Um..... I think we should save that for another day. I think a lot of them are busy now, and you don’t want to disturb them, right?” Tia sighed.

“Fine... but I still wanna visit them one day!” She had a determined pout on her face. Joy laughed a little.

“We will, someday soon,” she promised. “Right now, don’t you think we have to practice? We haven’t practiced anything for about a month now, and I’m worried we’re a little rusty,”

“But practice what? Sajang-nim didn’t give us anything to work on yet,” Tia whined. She obviously wanted this little ‘break’ to last as long as it can.

“C’mon Tia, we have to be ready for the new group thingie, you know? We can just practice some of our old songs and dances. Sounds simple enough, right?” Tia grumbled a few incoherent things before rolling off the bed and slowly standing up.

“Fine, but I only want to practice one song, and that’s it. And I don’t want to dance either. That’s your thing,”

“What if they want you to dance in SoulM8s? You know, it isn’t just the two of us anymore. There are other people in the band, and I am certain that SM would want all of their bands to dance well, ” Joy smiled a little as Tia let out a high pitched whine.

“But why is dancing so important? Isn’t it ok just to sing?”

“Well, all of SM groups are very visual groups, so they have to have pretty impressive dances... or provocative... I dunno...” Joy muttered the last part silently to herself. There was no way in hell that she would dance a y dance. She has issues with iness. That’s Tia’s thing, not that she’s always y, it’s just that she’s fairly comfortable pulling it off. Joy shook her head to get rid of the disturbing thoughts. Well, I don’t think the dancing will be that bad... “Well, Tia, let’s go to the dance room now." Tia sighed and followed Joy out, but while the older girl was grumbling and whining, Joy had her mind on other things. I'm a bit worried.... This group, so far, with just the idols could already be a problem.


Admin CC: Oooohhh drama already. You know a bit about the current relationship of Minnie and Hei Ryung~ AHAHAHA I assure you this isn't that last of their fights~ Read and comment! We'll throw in a free hug and kiss LOL

Admin Strawberry Panda:  I'll do the hugging, she'll do the kissing.

Admin CC: Yes yes everyone come to your dongsaeng or whatever you call me.

Admin Strawberry Panda: Well, I- or, we hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget the comment! Love you guyz~ //bows 180 degrees

Admin CC: //shoves Admin Strawberry Panda and runs//

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^