Guilty As Charged

Heaven's Plan

Admin Strawberry Panda: Eh hehe... Um... Hey guys... Well, I'm going at this solo now... Yeah. I apologize in advance if it , I'm just not used to this OTL

 chapter 8;


Have you ever been on a roller coaster and your car gets all the way to the top of the hill and your stomach does backflips anticipating the drop? Well, that’s exactly how these girls are feeling, except 10000x worse, and they aren’t allowed to scream. Although Min Jee has been on the professional stage multiple times in the past, she still felt the teeniest bit nervous the moment before she stepped foot on stage. Why am I like this? All flustered and scared, I’m no better than an ametuer Min Jee scolded herself as she sat in her place on stage right along with Hei Ryung. Hei, glancing offstage to her dongsaengs, gave a small, encouraging smile in their direction. Poor them, she thought. They must be feeling 10x worse than we are Hei thought. Suddenly, the lights came on and the music started, signaling the start of their performance. Well, no turning back now.


“You’ve been so sweet, everything a girl could ever dream of. Just so you know, I have no intentions of letting you go.” Hei sang her lines as she had rehearsed several times before, her long legs moving smoothly across the floor.


“Do you think you can get away easily? Your phone has other girls names, not just mine. Sweetie, I am not as dumb as you think.” Jooyun took over the singing, kicking her leg up and swinging it back down to spread her legs apart, then bring them together to stand up. I kinda feel like a striper on that chair... well, at least it’s not a pole Joy thought as she mindlessly went through the movements Oh wait!!!! Passion!!! Uh, uh..... think of something sad!! Puppies dying, world ending, career lost... ok, I think I’m kind of sad now. Jooyun’s face became a little more solemn and serious rather than stoic and emotionless.


“I love you, I’ve said that many times and I’ve heard you say it as well. I honestly believed you, dear, since you said it so many times.” Min Jee sang her lines effortlessly. The crowd screamed as she had her little moment in the spotlights. Hmph, I know I’m famous.


“I’m not dumb. I know you say those words to other girls. Give up, give up, cause I can win this case easily.” Myung Hee hit her high note with ease, smiling a little as she did. It was never like her to be serious during a concert. If she ever took these types of things too seriously, she might have a panic attack. Not that the crowd minded, of course. Then, the other four members came on stage to join them. They had to ‘’strut their stuff’’’ as the choreographer put it, but they always had a little trouble with the level of confidence it took, especially Yun Hee, but nevertheless, they did everything in synch.


“You’re guilty, love. You’re guilty as charged. Going around and breaking my heart, you deserve to be sentenced. Guilty as charged my sweetheart, there is no one else more deserving of this than you,” The four harmonized. Eun Mi smirked a little. She had an ex before and when she confronted him about cheating on her, he just stared at her with his mouth gaping open and stuttering pathetic apologies. She internally scoffed at the memory as she did the move that she was always stuck on. Spin left, step open, close. Eun Mi recited. Well, at least I got it right this time.


Yun Hee made her way to the front of the ‘V’ formation along with Joy and did some "popping and locking" movements to bring out the bass in the music. That kind of choreography was usually seen in boy bands, but since SoulM8s was an experimental group already, why not experiment with their dance?


Soo Jin and Eun Mi were next to each other, trying not to flash nervous glances at the other, trying to keep their professionalism to the max. Key word: trying. Soo Jin started to break a sweat in the middle of the song. Ugh! I need to take a shower soon. My skin will be breaking out like crazy if I don’t! Distracted with her thoughts of skin care, Soo Jin tripped a little while turning in her heels. Luckily, Eun Mi was not so far from her and managed to worm her way towards the maknae so she could use her as a support to stay upright. Careful next time! Eun Mi’s glare seemed to say as she went on with the performance.

“Great job girls! I hope you see what a good job you all did today!” Min Jung congratulated the girls after they finished their nerve wrecking debut stage. There was a little interview specifically for them at the end of their performance, asking about their concept and some personal questions like dorm life and ideal types. After the awkward little interview, they sang a preview of one of their ballads, “Pause on Hello,” bowed and thanked the audience, and then walked backstage to be congratulated by the rest of the SM artists.


‘’Foooooooodd!!!!” Hye Su cheered as she made a beeline for the food table, completely ignoring her bandmates and her label mates who were trying to congratulate her. Once getting to the table, however, she stopped dead in her tracks to find the chicken all gone. ‘’Where.... Where did all the chicken go?” Hye Su whimpered, close to tears. Food is very important to this girl, ok? Yun Hee, forever the Umma, went over to her dongsaeng to see what was wrong. “THE CHICKEN’S ALL GONE!” Hye Su wailed into Yun Hee’s shirt as she mourned the loss of the cooked fowl. ‘’HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET MY DAILY DOSE OF PROTEIN WITHOUT IT?!?! SOO JIN STOLE MY PROTEIN BAR THIS MORNING, THAT BRAT-”


‘’Calm down Hye Su. I’m sure there’s bound to be more chicken somewhere,” Yun Hee tried her best to mollify her hyperventilating bandmate to no avail. A chewing/slurping sound caught Yun Hee’s attention and she turned her head to the right, only to find her sunbae, Onew from SHINee, enjoying 4 plates full of chicken along with his band members. Hye Su saw where Yun Hee was looking, and suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she marched over to the table. “Wait!” Yun Hee called, trying to drag Hye Su away from the SHINee table. “They’re our sunbaes! You can’t just go up to them like that! Just let him have the chicken and I promise you, I’ll cook you anything you want for a week-”


Her promises fell on deaf ears as Hye Su continued to pave her way of destruction towards the SHINee table, specifically towards their leader. “Excuse me,” She started, with an obviously fake sweet tone oozing with honey, but laced with hidden rage. “I was told you took the last of the chicken. Am I right or not?” Onew help up a finger as he swallowed his mouthful of food before he started talking.


“Oh! You’re Hye Su! Congrats on finally debuting! And you’re half right. But I didn’t just take the last of the chicken. I took all of the chicken!” Onew smiled a gummy smile as if he did something that he was proud of. Little did he know, his confession was going to lead him to an early grave.


“Why you little-” Hye Su’s threat was cut short as Eun Mi came up to them and shoved a piece of chicken into Hye Su’s mouth to shut her up.


“Excuse her. She was just under a lot of stress and pressure from performing and she has no idea what she’s talking about. I’ll take her off your hands,” Eun Mi offered, effectively dragging a fuming Hye Su away from her potential murder victim.


“Things at YG were really different, so I can’t really compare it to here. It just wouldn’t be fair,” Tia explained to her F(x) label mates. They asked if she was more comfortable at SM or YG, and Tia, being the sweet girl she is, just politely told them that comparing those two companies was unnecessary. Soo Jin was mingling in with the crowd, off to God-knows-where. She popped a champagne bottle to celebrate, and was later scolded for handling alcohol when she was a minor, but that was the only indication of her location. Other than that, she blended in with the crowd. Hei and Min Jee have been to many SM parties before, being solo artists prior to their debut with SoulM8s, so they just sophisticatedly sipped their alcoholic drinks and watched everybody with lazy eyes, not wanting to do anything due the the fatigue of training pretty much 24/7. Jooyun was just being... well...... Jooyun. She doesn’t do well in crowded places and would rather be a wallflower than a social butterfly.


“You did great!” Taeyeon came over to greet the maknae after she finally found her in the huge crowd. Tiffany slung her arm around the youngest’s shoulders and they swayed together with the music.


“How’s it like to be famous?” Fany asked, albeit, a little slurred. Taeyeon pulled Tiffany off of Soo Jin and shot her an apologetic look.


“Sorry, she’s a little drunk right now. I gotta get her back to the dorms. Welcome the SM Family! Yoona! Help me get Fany back to the dorms!” The leader called on the strongest member for help in lugging 51 kg of dead weight back to their dormitories.


“Well, this is kind of a dull party compared to the other ones we’ve been to,” Hei Ryung started, sliding into the seat next to Min Jee. Min Jee groaned, not appreciating the leader’s attempt at starting a conversation with her when she’d rather spend her time alone.


“What do you want?” Min Jee snapped as she drank more of her soju. She started to get a little buzzed from the alcohol, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.


“I just wanted to talk to you, that’s all. Seeing that we’ll be in a group together and all, I decided we might as well be on good terms. Look at poor Jooyun over that. Should I invite her over?” Hei asked, swirling her drink in her hands.


Since when did you care about my opinion? “Do as you wish,” Min Jee sighed. Hei just nodded and gestured for their dongsaeng to join them. Once Joy got there, however, the awkwardness seemed to increase tenfold. They all just... stared at each other hoping to alleviate the tension somehow. Min Jee rolled her eyes, glancing at the two awkward bandmates in front of her, to the two people in the corner trying to calm another down, to the maknae trying to worm her way through the crowd. I swear, if we’re going to be like this all the time, I need to turn in my resignation papers pronto.


“HEY GUYS!” Chanyeol, forever the moodmaker of Exo called to the three girls at the tables. “How does your new found fame feel?”


“They were already famous before, they just debut again under a group,”Baekhyun reminded his best friend and roommate.


“How could you forget about us? We only debut a half a year after you did,” Hei said a little defensively. Although he was her sunbae in the entertainment world, she was still his senior.


“I’m sorry, I just forgot. This kind of thing has never happened before. NOW WHO WANTS TO PARTY!?! I KNOW I DO. BAEKKIE, HAND ME ANOTHER SOJU-” Chanyeol shouted and Kris quickly slid next to the giant. “KREEEAASSSEEE. HOW’S IT GO-”


“I don’t think you should scare off the new girl group just yet, this is why you don’t have a girlfriend,” Kris said and Chanyeol just pouted, going off to annoy someone else from his band. Sehun, seeing Chanyeol, quickly moved off to another direction in order to avoid him. However, Chanyeol caught him and continued shouting, wanting to make peace with his “brothers.” Heiryung massaged her temples while Minjee scoffed, it was the usual with him. Well, they had to have some crazy member, right? The problem was that Chen, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol put together was... more than just chaotic. Finally though, a couple of sane members from EXO stopped by to congratulate the newly formed girl group.


“Congratulations on making a second debut Heiryung,” Suho stated, the same princely smile on his face and Heiryung nodded, becoming a little more formal with him. There was small talk between the leaders and D.O. spotted Minjee looking lonely. He was intimidated though. Even if he was her sunbae in the industry, Minjee was known for having a sharp tongue in SM. So he decided to move to another location, spotting... two girls trying to calm down one hysterical one, her eyes aiming daggers at SHINee’s leader, who was blissfully inhaling the entire plate of chicken while s looked on.


“Baozi, baozi, baozi, baozi,” Luhan whispered continuously and Xiumin puffed up his cheeks. The both of them were red in the face, obviously having some alcohol. Chen cheered on Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who were currently having some sort of drinking contest. Sunny gave them a weird look, whispering to Jessica who only shook her head. Kai, too young to have alcohol, made fun of his Chinese dancing counterpart, Lay, who was also red in the face and challenged him to a dance match. Yunhee, at the mention of dancing, lifted her head and Jooyun did as well. Right after the mentioning the the challenge, Lay laid his head on the table and started snoring. Kai, sort of embarrassed of his hyung’s behaviour, went over to Lay, slung one of his arms over his own shoulder, and excused himself from the scene.


“So.....” Hyoyeon started as she cautiously and awkwardly made her way to the table where to two eldest of SoulM8s sat. “How’s the party?”


“Been to better-” Hei and Minnie answered in unison as they looked at nothing in particular, finishing their drinks.

Admin Strawberry Panda: So..... yeah..... this is..... chapter 8 guys. I have no excuse for the crappy quality of this chapter, so yeah. I’m off to go die in a hole now //curls up and waits for my death// Please comment though... I like reading those.... if we had any OTL. OH! AND SORRY ABOUT MAKING SOME OF THE PEOPLE OOC SOMETIMES, I JUST DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM. AND ADMIN CC IS THE ONE WHO WRITES FOR EXO, NOT ME. I DON’T KNOW ABOUT THEM ASLDKGW THERE’S JUST TOO  MUCH- AND SORRY ABOUT THE SUDDEN ENDING ASLKDG I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE-

Admin CC: //WHACKS ADMIN STRAWBERRY PANDA ON THE HEAD// YOU NEED TO DO RESEARCH!! YOU NEED TO LEARN TO WRITE FOR EXO!! But yeah for now I will be covering her when it comes to writing about EXO~ Truth to be told, I’m not so good so if there’s something not right, then call me out! Thanks so much for reading you guys and I hope you enjoyed it~ Chapter 9 will be out... sometime next month- Expect it around sometime Halloween?

Admin Strawberry Panda: SORRY WE TAKE SO LONG- IT’S JUST- HIGH SCHOOL’S //WEEPS// I CAN’T DO THIS- CAN I JUST STAY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL ASLDKGJW MY WRITING IS - I HATE MY LIFE- I COMPLAIN TOO MUCH- Whoops, ok, didn’t mean to tell you guys all that *ordidicoughcoughcough* ok.... well, are we gonna end right here?

Admin CC: //locks Admin Strawberry Panda in the closet// Okay that’s enough out of you- THANKS SO MUCH GUYS AND GOODBYE! I LEAVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU<3

Admin Strawberry Panda: //SCREAMS FROM CLOSET//

Admin CC: Yeah forget about her- Have a gif of Jang Hae Byul of Minjee instead~ Isn't she so pretty- She's my favorite ulzzang because she's so different!

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Chapter 4: Wuah!!!! Just found this and im in love with it xD i dont really check fics with a lot of OCs cus i get confused but i took the time to keep checking and matching their name and faces xD

Please keep up the good work authors! Looking forward to thr next update ^^